コード例 #1
    protected void DeleteAppointment(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (GmailAuthenticator.CheckAuthenticated(hf_uri.Value, hf_user_id.Value))
            ImageButton  imbtn_del     = (ImageButton)sender;
            GridDataItem gdi           = (GridDataItem)imbtn_del.Parent.Parent;
            String       AppointmentID = gdi["AppointmentID"].Text;
            String       GoogleEventID = gdi["GoogleEventID"].Text;

            String dqry = "DELETE FROM dbl_appointments WHERE AppointmentID=@AppointmentID";
            SQL.Delete(dqry, "@AppointmentID", AppointmentID);


            // Delete from Google calendar
            CalendarService service = LeadsUtil.GetCalendarService(hf_uri.Value, hf_user_id.Value);
            if (service != null)
                try  // appears to be no way to do a check to see if calendar item exists by a given ID..
                    service.Events.Delete(LeadsUtil.GoogleCalendarID, GoogleEventID).Execute();

                    // Log
                    LeadsUtil.AddLeadHistoryEntry(hf_lead_id.Value, "Deleting Google appointment.");
                    Util.PageMessageAlertify(this, "This appointment wasn't found in your Outlook calendar, probably because it was deleted from Outlook earlier.<br/><br/>Please try to add/remove all Leads appointments through DataGeek to avoid any discrepancies in the future.");
                Util.PageMessageAlertify(this, "Error getting calendar service from Google, please try again.");

            Util.SetRebindOnWindowClose(this, true);
            Util.PageMessageSuccess(this, "Appointment deleted (also removed from your Outlook calendar)");
コード例 #2
    protected void CreateOrUpdateAppointment(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (GmailAuthenticator.CheckAuthenticated(hf_uri.Value, hf_user_id.Value))
            RadButton btn = (RadButton)sender;
            bool      CreatingAppointment = btn.Text.Contains("Create");

            DateTime AppointmentStart = new DateTime();
            DateTime AppointmentEnd   = new DateTime();

            if (rdp_app_start.SelectedDate != null && rdp_app_end.SelectedDate != null &&
                DateTime.TryParse(rdp_app_start.SelectedDate.ToString(), out AppointmentStart) && DateTime.TryParse(rdp_app_end.SelectedDate.ToString(), out AppointmentEnd) &&
                AppointmentStart <= AppointmentEnd)
                String tz = "America/Los_Angeles";
                if (Util.GetOfficeRegion(Util.GetUserTerritory()) == "UK")
                    tz = "Europe/London";

                // Craft appointment (event)
                Event Appointment = new Event();
                Appointment.Created = DateTime.Now;
                Appointment.Start   = new EventDateTime()
                    DateTime = AppointmentStart, TimeZone = tz
                Appointment.End = new EventDateTime()
                    DateTime = AppointmentEnd, TimeZone = tz
                Appointment.Status      = dd_app_status.SelectedItem.Value; // confirmed / tentative / cancelled
                Appointment.Location    = tb_app_location.Text.Trim();
                Appointment.Summary     = rcb_app_subject.Text.Trim();
                Appointment.Description = tb_app_body.Text.Trim();

                // Add Lead information to the appointment by default
                String    qry          = "SELECT * FROM dbl_lead, db_contact, db_company WHERE dbl_lead.ContactID=db_contact.ContactID AND db_contact.CompanyID = db_company.CompanyID AND LeadID=@LeadID";
                DataTable dt_lead_info = SQL.SelectDataTable(qry, "@LeadID", hf_lead_id.Value);
                if (dt_lead_info.Rows.Count > 0)
                    String LeadAppend = String.Empty;

                    String CompanyName      = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["CompanyName"].ToString().Trim();
                    String ContactName      = (dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["FirstName"] + " " + dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["LastName"]).Trim();
                    String Country          = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["Country"].ToString().Trim();
                    String Industry         = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["Industry"].ToString().Trim();
                    String CompanyPhone     = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString().Trim();
                    String CompanyPhoneCode = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["PhoneCode"].ToString().Trim();
                    String Website          = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["Website"].ToString().Trim();
                    String JobTitle         = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["JobTitle"].ToString().Trim();
                    String Email            = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString().Trim();
                    String PersonalEmail    = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["PersonalEmail"].ToString().Trim();
                    String Phone            = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString().Trim();
                    String Mobile           = dt_lead_info.Rows[0]["Mobile"].ToString().Trim();

                    String CpyPhone = CompanyPhone;
                    if (CompanyPhone != String.Empty)
                        CpyPhone = "(" + CompanyPhoneCode + ")" + CompanyPhone;

                    if (CompanyName == String.Empty)
                        CompanyName = "None";
                    if (ContactName == String.Empty)
                        ContactName = "None";
                    if (Country == String.Empty)
                        Country = "None";
                    if (Industry == String.Empty)
                        Industry = "None";
                    if (Website == String.Empty)
                        Website = "None";
                    if (JobTitle == String.Empty)
                        JobTitle = "None";
                    if (Email == String.Empty)
                        Email = "None";
                    if (PersonalEmail == String.Empty)
                        PersonalEmail = "None";
                    if (Phone == String.Empty)
                        Phone = "None";
                    if (Mobile == String.Empty)
                        Mobile = "None";
                    if (CpyPhone == String.Empty)
                        CpyPhone = "None";

                    String br = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (Appointment.Description == String.Empty)
                        br = String.Empty;

                    LeadAppend = br +
                                 "Company: " + CompanyName + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Country: " + Country + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Industry: " + Industry + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Company Phone: " + CpyPhone + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Website: " + Website + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Contact: " + ContactName + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Job Title: " + JobTitle + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "E-mail: " + Email + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Personal E-mail: " + PersonalEmail + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Phone: " + Phone + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Mobile: " + Mobile;
                    if (Appointment.Summary == String.Empty)
                        Appointment.Summary += "App. w/ " + ContactName;
                    else if (!Appointment.Summary.Contains(ContactName))
                        Appointment.Summary += " w/ " + ContactName;

                    // Attendees
                    if (btn_include_attendees.SelectedToggleState.Value == "True" && Util.IsValidEmail(tb_app_attendees.Text))
                        String[] AttendeesArray = tb_app_attendees.Text.Trim().Split(';');
                        Appointment.Attendees = new List <EventAttendee>();
                        foreach (String ae in AttendeesArray)
                            String AttendeeEmail = ae.Trim().Replace(";", String.Empty);
                            if (AttendeeEmail != String.Empty)
                                EventAttendee Attendee = new EventAttendee()
                                    Email = AttendeeEmail
                        Appointment.Description += LeadAppend;

                // Get Calendar service
                CalendarService service = LeadsUtil.GetCalendarService(hf_uri.Value, hf_user_id.Value);
                if (service != null)
                    if (CreatingAppointment) // creating appointment
                        Appointment = service.Events.Insert(Appointment, LeadsUtil.GoogleCalendarID).Execute();
                        if (Appointment != null)
                            // insert into db
                            String iqry = "INSERT INTO dbl_appointments (LeadID, GoogleEventID, AppointmentStart, AppointmentEnd, Summary, Description, Location) VALUES (@LeadID, @GoogleEventID, @AppointmentStart, @AppointmentEnd, @Summary, @Description, @Location)";
                                       new String[] { "@LeadID", "@GoogleEventID", "@AppointmentStart", "@AppointmentEnd", "@Summary", "@Description", "@Location" },
                                       new Object[] { hf_lead_id.Value, Appointment.Id, AppointmentStart, AppointmentEnd, Appointment.Summary, Appointment.Description, Appointment.Location });

                            // Log
                            LeadsUtil.AddLeadHistoryEntry(hf_lead_id.Value, "Adding Google appointment: " + Appointment.Summary);

                            Util.PageMessageSuccess(this, "Appointment Created!");
                            Util.PageMessageError(this, "Something went wrong!", "bottom-right");
                    else // updating existing appointment
                        String AppointmentID = hf_bound_appointment_id.Value;
                        String GoogleEventID = hf_bound_appointment_google_event_id.Value;

                        // Update
                        service.Events.Update(Appointment, LeadsUtil.GoogleCalendarID, GoogleEventID).Execute();

                        String uqry = "UPDATE dbl_appointments SET AppointmentStart=@AppointmentStart, AppointmentEnd=@AppointmentEnd, Summary=@Summary, Description=@Description, Location=@Location, DateUpdated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AppointmentID=@AppointmentID";
                                   new String[] { "@AppointmentID", "@AppointmentStart", "@AppointmentEnd", "@Summary", "@Description", "@Location" },
                                   new Object[] { AppointmentID, AppointmentStart, AppointmentEnd, Appointment.Summary, Appointment.Description, Appointment.Location });

                        // Log
                        LeadsUtil.AddLeadHistoryEntry(hf_lead_id.Value, "Updating Google appointment: " + Appointment.Summary);


                        Util.PageMessageSuccess(this, "Appointment Updated!");

                        CancelUpdateAppointment(null, null);
                    Util.SetRebindOnWindowClose(this, true);
                    Util.PageMessageAlertify(this, "Error getting calendar service from Google, please try again.");
                Util.PageMessageAlertify(this, "Please pick a valid datespan!", "Dates Aren't Right");