コード例 #1
        public static LapCollection CreateLapsFromElapsedTimes(DateTime startTime, List<double> elapsedTimes, List<RouteSegment> routeSegments)
            LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
              if (routeSegments.Count == 0) return laps;

              // justify lap times with regard to paused times during the race
              int currentRouteSegmentIndex = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < elapsedTimes.Count; i++)
            while (startTime.AddSeconds(elapsedTimes[i]) > routeSegments[currentRouteSegmentIndex].LastWaypoint.Time && currentRouteSegmentIndex < routeSegments.Count - 1)
              double stoppedTime = (routeSegments[currentRouteSegmentIndex + 1].FirstWaypoint.Time.Ticks - routeSegments[currentRouteSegmentIndex].LastWaypoint.Time.Ticks) / (double)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
              for (int j = i; j < elapsedTimes.Count; j++)
            elapsedTimes[j] += stoppedTime;

              // add each lap
              foreach (double et in elapsedTimes)
            if (et > 0) laps.Add(new Lap(startTime.AddSeconds(et), LapType.Lap));

              // add start and end of each route segment as a lap
              foreach (RouteSegment rs in routeSegments)
            laps.Add(new Lap(rs.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
            laps.Add(new Lap(rs.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));

              return laps;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RouteImporterUtil.cs プロジェクト: gabbe/quickroute
        public static LapCollection CreateLapsFromElapsedTimes(DateTime startTime, List <double> elapsedTimes, List <RouteSegment> routeSegments)
            LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();

            if (routeSegments.Count == 0)

            // justify lap times with regard to paused times during the race
            int currentRouteSegmentIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < elapsedTimes.Count; i++)
                while (startTime.AddSeconds(elapsedTimes[i]) > routeSegments[currentRouteSegmentIndex].LastWaypoint.Time && currentRouteSegmentIndex < routeSegments.Count - 1)
                    double stoppedTime = (routeSegments[currentRouteSegmentIndex + 1].FirstWaypoint.Time.Ticks - routeSegments[currentRouteSegmentIndex].LastWaypoint.Time.Ticks) / (double)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                    for (int j = i; j < elapsedTimes.Count; j++)
                        elapsedTimes[j] += stoppedTime;

            // add each lap
            foreach (double et in elapsedTimes)
                if (et > 0)
                    laps.Add(new Lap(startTime.AddSeconds(et), LapType.Lap));

            // add start and end of each route segment as a lap
            foreach (RouteSegment rs in routeSegments)
                laps.Add(new Lap(rs.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
                laps.Add(new Lap(rs.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));

コード例 #3
    private void ImportGPX10()
      if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

      NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();
      nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
      XmlTextReader sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
      XmlSerializer xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx10Type));
      gpx10Type gpx = (gpx10Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
      XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
      nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");

      importResult = new ImportResult();

      // route
      List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
      foreach (gpxTrk trk in gpx.trk)
        for (int i = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(0); i <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
          RouteSegment routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          for (int j = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(1); j <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
            gpxTrkTrksegTrkpt wpt = trk.trkseg[i][j];
            double lat = (double)wpt.lat;
            double lon = (double)wpt.lon;
            DateTime time = wpt.time;
            double? heartRate = null;
            double? altitude = null;
            routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate));
      importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

      // laps
      LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
      importResult.Laps = laps;

      if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());

    private void ImportGPX11()
      ImportResult = new ImportResult();
      var isGPX10 = (GPXUtil.GetGPXVersion(fileName) == GPXVersion.GPX10);
      string gpx10convertedFileName = null;
      string polarConvertedFileName = null;
      var originalFileName = fileName;
      if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

      // check if the file is in gpx 1.0 format and convert it to gpx 1.1 if necessary
      if (isGPX10)
        gpx10convertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
        GPXUtil.ConvertGPX10ToGPX11(fileName, gpx10convertedFileName);
        fileName = gpx10convertedFileName;

      // check if the file is an invalid Polar ProTrainer file and correct if necessary
      if (PolarProTrainerUtil.IsPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName))
        polarConvertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
        PolarProTrainerUtil.CorrectPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName, polarConvertedFileName);
        fileName = polarConvertedFileName;

      var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = "." };
      var sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
      var xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx11Type));
      var gpx11 = (gpx11Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
      var nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
      // add namespace for split times and heart rates (from SportsTracks software)
      nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");
      // add namespace for map reading information (QuickRoute native)
      nsManager.AddNamespace("mr", "http://www.matstroeng.se/quickroute/map-reading");

      // pre-store heart rates in dictionary (if present)
      var heartRates = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
      // pre-store map-readings in map reading collection (if present)
      var mapReadings = new List<DateTime>();
      if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
        foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
          if (element.Name == "st:activity")
            var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:heartRateTrack/st:heartRate[@time and @bpm]", nsManager);
            if (nodes != null)
              foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                DateTime time;
                double bpm;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, out time) &&
                    double.TryParse(node.Attributes["bpm"].Value, NumberStyles.Any, nfi, out bpm))
                  time = time.ToUniversalTime();
                  if(!heartRates.ContainsKey(time)) heartRates.Add(time, bpm);
          if(element.Name == "mr:map-reading")
            DateTime start, end;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["start"].Value, out start) &&
                DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["end"].Value, out end))
      mapReadings = FilterMapReadings(mapReadings);

      // QuickRoute route
      var noOfWaypoints = 0;
      var noOfWaypointsWithTimes = 0;
      var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();

      // first use GPX track
      if (gpx11.trk != null)
        foreach (var trk in gpx11.trk)
          foreach (var trkseg in trk.trkseg)
            var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
            wptType lastWpt = null;
            if (trkseg.trkpt != null)
              foreach (var wpt in trkseg.trkpt)
                if (lastWpt == null || wpt.time != lastWpt.time)
                  if (wpt.extensions != null && wpt.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
                    // new route segment ahead
                    if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
                    routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
                    var lat = (double)wpt.lat;
                    var lon = (double)wpt.lon;
                    double? heartRate = null;
                    double? altitude = null;
                    if (heartRates.ContainsKey(wpt.time)) heartRate = heartRates[wpt.time];
                    if (wpt.eleSpecified)
                      altitude = (double?)wpt.ele;
                    if (wpt.timeSpecified)
                      routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(wpt.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
                      lastWpt = wpt;
            if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

      // if no GPX track - use GPX route
      if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0 && gpx11.rte != null)
        foreach (var route in gpx11.rte)
          var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          foreach (var rtept in route.rtept)
            if (rtept.extensions != null && rtept.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
              // new route segment ahead
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
              routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              var lat = (double) rtept.lat;
              var lon = (double) rtept.lon;
              double? heartRate = null;
              double? altitude = null;
              if (heartRates.ContainsKey(rtept.time)) heartRate = heartRates[rtept.time];
              if (rtept.eleSpecified)
                altitude = (double?) rtept.ele;
              if (rtept.timeSpecified)
                routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(rtept.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
          if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

      // add map reading waypoints
      routeSegments = Route.AddMapReadingWaypoints(routeSegments, mapReadings);

      importResult.Succeeded = (noOfWaypointsWithTimes > 0);

      if (ImportResult.Succeeded)
        importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

        // laps
        var laps = new LapCollection();
        var startTime = ImportResult.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time;

        // from GPX st:split
        if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
          foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
            if (element.Name == "st:activity")
              var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:splits/st:split[@time]", nsManager);
              if (nodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                  var elapsedTime = double.Parse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, nfi);
                  var lap = new Lap(startTime.AddSeconds(elapsedTime), LapType.Lap);

        // from GPX waypoints
        if (gpx11.wpt != null && laps.Count == 0)
          foreach (var waypoint in gpx11.wpt)
            if (waypoint.timeSpecified)
              laps.Add(new Lap(waypoint.time, LapType.Lap));

        foreach (var rs in routeSegments)
          laps.Add(new Lap(rs.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
          laps.Add(new Lap(rs.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));
        importResult.Laps = laps;
        if (noOfWaypoints == 0)
          importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;
        else if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0)
          importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypointTimes;

      if (gpx10convertedFileName != null)
        fileName = originalFileName;

      if (polarConvertedFileName != null)
        fileName = originalFileName;

      // import Polar HRM file with same base file name as the gpx file, if existing
      string hrmFileName = new FileInfo(fileName).FullName.Replace(new FileInfo(fileName).Extension, ".hrm");
        new PolarHRMImporter().AddLapsAndHRData(hrmFileName, importResult);

      if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
コード例 #4
        private static Session ReadSession(BinaryReader reader, int length)
            List<DateTime> mapReadingList = null;
              Route route = null;
              HandleCollection handles = null;
              LongLat projectionOrigin = null;
              LapCollection laps = null;
              var startPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
              SessionInfo sessionInfo = null;
              DateTime lastTime;
              while (reader.BaseStream.Position < startPos + length)
            var tag = (Tags)reader.ReadByte();
            var tagLength = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadUInt32());
            switch (tag)
              case Tags.Route:
            var attributes = reader.ReadUInt16();
            var extraWaypointAttributesLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
            var segmentCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
            lastTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            for (var i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++)
              var rs = new RouteSegment();
              var waypointCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
              for (var j = 0; j < waypointCount; j++)
                var w = new Waypoint();
                w.LongLat = ReadLongLat(reader);
                w.Time = ReadTime(lastTime, reader);
                lastTime = w.Time;
                if ((attributes & (UInt16)WaypointAttribute.HeartRate) == (UInt16)WaypointAttribute.HeartRate)
                  w.HeartRate = reader.ReadByte();
                if ((attributes & (UInt16)WaypointAttribute.Altitude) == (UInt16)WaypointAttribute.Altitude)
                  w.Altitude = reader.ReadInt16();
                reader.BaseStream.Position += extraWaypointAttributesLength; // for forward compatibility
            route = new Route(routeSegments);

              case Tags.Handles:
            handles = new HandleCollection();
            var handleCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
            var handleMarkerDrawer = SessionSettings.CreateDefaultMarkerDrawers()[MarkerType.Handle];
            for (var i = 0; i < handleCount; i++)
              var handle = new Handle();
              // transformation matrix
              handle.TransformationMatrix = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
              for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                handle.TransformationMatrix.SetElement(j / 3, j % 3, reader.ReadDouble());
              // parameterized location
              var segmentIndex = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadUInt32());
              var value = reader.ReadDouble();
              handle.ParameterizedLocation = new ParameterizedLocation(segmentIndex, value);

              // pixel location
              handle.Location = new PointD(reader.ReadDouble(), reader.ReadDouble());
              // type
              handle.Type = (Handle.HandleType)reader.ReadInt16();
              // use default marker drawer
              handle.MarkerDrawer = handleMarkerDrawer;


              case Tags.ProjectionOrigin:
            projectionOrigin = ReadLongLat(reader);

              case Tags.Laps:
            laps = new LapCollection();
            var lapCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
            for (var i = 0; i < lapCount; i++)
              var lap = new Lap();
              lap.Time = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64());
              lap.LapType = (LapType)reader.ReadByte();

              case Tags.SessionInfo:
            sessionInfo = new SessionInfo();
            sessionInfo.Person = new SessionPerson();
            sessionInfo.Person.Name = ReadString(reader);
            sessionInfo.Person.Club = ReadString(reader);
            sessionInfo.Person.Id = reader.ReadUInt32();
            sessionInfo.Description = ReadString(reader);
            // when more fields are added, check so that tagLength is not passed

              case Tags.MapReadingInfo:
            mapReadingList = new List<DateTime>();
            lastTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            var startPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;
            while (reader.BaseStream.Position - startPosition < tagLength)
              var time = ReadTime(lastTime, reader);
              lastTime = time;

            reader.BaseStream.Position += tagLength;

              if(mapReadingList != null && route != null) route = new Route(Route.AddMapReadingWaypoints(route.Segments, mapReadingList));
              var session = new Session(
            new Size(0, 0),
            handles != null && handles.Count > 0 ? handles[0].TransformationMatrix : null,
            new SessionSettings());
              if (handles != null)
            foreach (var h in handles)
              if (sessionInfo != null) session.SessionInfo = sessionInfo;

              return session;
コード例 #5
        private void ImportGPX10()
          if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

          NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();
          nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
          XmlTextReader sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
          XmlSerializer xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx10Type));
          gpx10Type gpx = (gpx10Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
          XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
          nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");

          importResult = new ImportResult();

          // route
          List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
          foreach (gpxTrk trk in gpx.trk)
        for (int i = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(0); i <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
          RouteSegment routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          for (int j = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(1); j <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
            gpxTrkTrksegTrkpt wpt = trk.trkseg[i][j];
            double lat = (double)wpt.lat;
            double lon = (double)wpt.lon;
            DateTime time = wpt.time;
            double? heartRate = null;
            double? altitude = null;
            routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate));
          importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

          // laps
          LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
          importResult.Laps = laps;

          if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
        private void ImportGPX11()
            ImportResult = new ImportResult();
              var isGPX10 = (GPXUtil.GetGPXVersion(fileName) == GPXVersion.GPX10);
              string gpx10convertedFileName = null;
              string polarConvertedFileName = null;
              var originalFileName = fileName;
              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

              // check if the file is in gpx 1.0 format and convert it to gpx 1.1 if necessary
              if (isGPX10)
            gpx10convertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
            GPXUtil.ConvertGPX10ToGPX11(fileName, gpx10convertedFileName);
            fileName = gpx10convertedFileName;

              // check if the file is an invalid Polar ProTrainer file and correct if necessary
              if (PolarProTrainerUtil.IsPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName))
            polarConvertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
            PolarProTrainerUtil.CorrectPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName, polarConvertedFileName);
            fileName = polarConvertedFileName;

              var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = "." };
              var sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
              var xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx11Type));
              var gpx11 = (gpx11Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
              var nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
              // add namespace for split times and heart rates (from SportsTracks software)
              nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");
              // add namespace for map reading information (QuickRoute native)
              nsManager.AddNamespace("mr", "http://www.matstroeng.se/quickroute/map-reading");

              // pre-store heart rates in dictionary (if present)
              var heartRates = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
              // pre-store map-readings in map reading collection (if present)
              var mapReadings = new List<DateTime>();
              if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
            foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
              if (element.Name == "st:activity")
            var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:heartRateTrack/st:heartRate[@time and @bpm]", nsManager);
            if (nodes != null)
              foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                DateTime time;
                double bpm;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, out time) &&
                    double.TryParse(node.Attributes["bpm"].Value, NumberStyles.Any, nfi, out bpm))
                  time = time.ToUniversalTime();
                  if(!heartRates.ContainsKey(time)) heartRates.Add(time, bpm);
              if(element.Name == "mr:map-reading")
            DateTime start, end;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["start"].Value, out start) &&
                DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["end"].Value, out end))
              mapReadings = FilterMapReadings(mapReadings);

              // QuickRoute route
              var noOfWaypoints = 0;
              var noOfWaypointsWithTimes = 0;
              var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();

              // first use GPX track
              if (gpx11.trk != null)
            foreach (var trk in gpx11.trk)
              // Garmin Training Center exports each lap as a separate trkseg with end time of trkseg n equal to start time of trkseg n+1
              // handle this issue

              foreach (var trkseg in trk.trkseg)
            var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
            wptType lastWpt = null;
            if (trkseg.trkpt != null)
              foreach (var wpt in trkseg.trkpt)
                if (lastWpt == null || wpt.time != lastWpt.time)
                  if (wpt.extensions != null && wpt.extensions.Any != null && wpt.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
                    // new route segment ahead
                    if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
                    routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
                    var lat = (double)wpt.lat;
                    var lon = (double)wpt.lon;
                    double? heartRate = null;
                    double? altitude = null;
                    // check for heartrate in SportsTracks extensions
                    if (heartRates.ContainsKey(wpt.time)) heartRate = heartRates[wpt.time];
                    // check for heartrate in Garmin Trackpoint Extensions
                    heartRate = GetGarminHeartRateFromWaypoint(wpt) ?? heartRate;

                    if (wpt.eleSpecified)
                      altitude = (double?)wpt.ele;
                    if (wpt.timeSpecified)
                      routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(wpt.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
                      lastWpt = wpt;
            if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

              // if no GPX track - use GPX route
              if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0 && gpx11.rte != null)
            foreach (var route in gpx11.rte)
              var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              foreach (var rtept in route.rtept)
            if (rtept.extensions != null && rtept.extensions.Any != null && rtept.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
              // new route segment ahead
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
              routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              var lat = (double) rtept.lat;
              var lon = (double) rtept.lon;
              double? heartRate = null;
              double? altitude = null;
              if (heartRates.ContainsKey(rtept.time)) heartRate = heartRates[rtept.time];
              if (rtept.eleSpecified)
                altitude = (double?) rtept.ele;
              if (rtept.timeSpecified)
                routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(rtept.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

              // add map reading waypoints
              routeSegments = Route.AddMapReadingWaypoints(routeSegments, mapReadings);

              // concat route segments if they are close enough (oddly enough, Garmin Training Center v2 seems to create a trkseg for each lap)
              var lapsFromConcatenatedRouteSegments = new List<Lap>();
              if (routeSegments.Count > 0)
            var concatenatedRouteSegments = new List<RouteSegment>() { routeSegments[0] };
            for (var i = 1; i < routeSegments.Count; i++)
              if (concatenatedRouteSegments[concatenatedRouteSegments.Count - 1].LastWaypoint.Time.AddSeconds(10) > routeSegments[i].FirstWaypoint.Time)
            lapsFromConcatenatedRouteSegments.Add(new Lap(concatenatedRouteSegments[concatenatedRouteSegments.Count - 1].LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Lap));
            concatenatedRouteSegments[concatenatedRouteSegments.Count - 1].Waypoints.AddRange(routeSegments[i].Waypoints);
            routeSegments = concatenatedRouteSegments;

              importResult.Succeeded = (noOfWaypointsWithTimes > 0);

              if (ImportResult.Succeeded)
            importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

            // laps
            var laps = new LapCollection();
            var startTime = ImportResult.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time;

            // from GPX st:split
            if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
              foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
            if (element.Name == "st:activity")
              var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:splits/st:split[@time]", nsManager);
              if (nodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                  var elapsedTime = double.Parse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, nfi);
                  var lap = new Lap(startTime.AddSeconds(elapsedTime), LapType.Lap);

            // from GPX waypoints
            if (gpx11.wpt != null && laps.Count == 0)
              foreach (var waypoint in gpx11.wpt)
            if (waypoint.timeSpecified)
              laps.Add(new Lap(waypoint.time, LapType.Lap));


            foreach (var rs in routeSegments)
              laps.Add(new Lap(rs.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
              laps.Add(new Lap(rs.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));
            importResult.Laps = laps;
            if (noOfWaypoints == 0)
              importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;
            else if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0)
              importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypointTimes;

              if (gpx10convertedFileName != null)
            fileName = originalFileName;

              if (polarConvertedFileName != null)
            fileName = originalFileName;

              // import Polar HRM file with same base file name as the gpx file, if existing
              var extension = new FileInfo(fileName).Extension;
              if(extension != "")
            string hrmFileName = new FileInfo(fileName).FullName.Replace(extension, ".hrm");
              new PolarHRMImporter().AddLapsAndHRData(hrmFileName, importResult);

              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
コード例 #6
ファイル: FRWDImporter.cs プロジェクト: gabbe/quickroute
        public void Import()
            importResult = new ImportResult();
            if (BeginWork != null)
                BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());
            StreamReader  reader = new StreamReader(FileName);
            RouteSegment  rs     = new RouteSegment();
            LapCollection laps   = new LapCollection();
            int           i;

            string[] atoms;
            string   line;

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            // start time
            atoms = reader.ReadLine().Split("\t".ToCharArray());
            DateTime startTime          = DateTime.MinValue;
            int      firstColonPosition = atoms[1].IndexOf(":");
            int      lastColonPosition  = atoms[1].LastIndexOf(":");
            int      length             = lastColonPosition + 2 - firstColonPosition + 2 + 1;

            if (length > 0)
                if (DateTime.TryParse(atoms[1].Substring(firstColonPosition - 2, lastColonPosition + 2 - firstColonPosition + 2 + 1), out startTime))
                    startTime = startTime.ToUniversalTime();

            // go to start of coordinates
            i = 0;
            while (i < 5 && !reader.EndOfStream)
                line = reader.ReadLine();
                if (line == "")

            // read all coordinates
            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                line = reader.ReadLine();
                if (line == "")
                atoms = line.Split("\t".ToCharArray());
                Waypoint w = new Waypoint();
                w.Time    = startTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(atoms[0]));
                w.LongLat = new LongLat(ParseFRWDLongLatString(atoms[5]), ParseFRWDLongLatString(atoms[4]));
                double altitude;
                double.TryParse(LocalizeDecimalString(atoms[6]), out altitude);
                w.Altitude = altitude;
                double heartRate;
                double.TryParse(LocalizeDecimalString(atoms[9]), out heartRate);
                w.HeartRate = heartRate;

                if (atoms[1] != "")
                    // lap
                    Lap lap = new Lap();
                    lap.LapType = LapType.Lap;
                    lap.Time    = w.Time;

            if (laps.Count > 0)
                laps[0].LapType = LapType.Start;
            if (laps.Count > 1)
                laps[laps.Count - 1].LapType = LapType.Stop;

            importResult.Laps = laps;
            List <RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List <RouteSegment>();

            if (rs.Waypoints.Count > 0)
                importResult.Route     = new Route(routeSegments);
                importResult.Succeeded = true;
                importResult.Succeeded = false;
                importResult.Error     = ImportError.NoWaypoints;

            if (EndWork != null)
                EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
コード例 #7
        public void Import()
            importResult = new ImportResult();
              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());
              StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName);
              RouteSegment rs = new RouteSegment();
              LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
              int i;
              string[] atoms;
              string line;

              for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) reader.ReadLine();

              // start time
              atoms = reader.ReadLine().Split("\t".ToCharArray());
              DateTime startTime = DateTime.MinValue;
              int firstColonPosition = atoms[1].IndexOf(":");
              int lastColonPosition = atoms[1].LastIndexOf(":");
              int length = lastColonPosition + 2 - firstColonPosition + 2 + 1;
              if (length > 0)
            if(DateTime.TryParse(atoms[1].Substring(firstColonPosition - 2, lastColonPosition + 2 - firstColonPosition + 2 + 1), out startTime))
              startTime = startTime.ToUniversalTime();

              // go to start of coordinates
              i = 0;
              while (i < 5 && !reader.EndOfStream)
            line = reader.ReadLine();
            if (line == "") i++;

              // read all coordinates
              while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            line = reader.ReadLine();
            if (line == "") break;
            atoms = line.Split("\t".ToCharArray());
            Waypoint w = new Waypoint();
            w.Time = startTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(atoms[0]));
            w.LongLat = new LongLat(ParseFRWDLongLatString(atoms[5]), ParseFRWDLongLatString(atoms[4]));
            double altitude;
            double.TryParse(LocalizeDecimalString(atoms[6]), out altitude);
            w.Altitude = altitude;
            double heartRate;
            double.TryParse(LocalizeDecimalString(atoms[9]), out heartRate);
            w.HeartRate = heartRate;

            if (atoms[1] != "")
              // lap
              Lap lap = new Lap();
              lap.LapType = LapType.Lap;
              lap.Time = w.Time;

              if (laps.Count > 0) laps[0].LapType = LapType.Start;
              if (laps.Count > 1) laps[laps.Count - 1].LapType = LapType.Stop;

              importResult.Laps = laps;
              List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
              if(rs.Waypoints.Count > 0)
            importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);
            importResult.Succeeded = true;
            importResult.Succeeded = false;
            importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;

              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());