コード例 #1
        protected ControllerBase(ActionInvoker actionInvoker, WebSocketServerBase server,
                                 DataContext dataContext, JsonMapperManager jsonMapperManager) :
            base(actionInvoker, server)
            _dataContext = dataContext;

            _commandMapper      = jsonMapperManager.GetMapper <DeviceCommand>();
            _notificationMapper = jsonMapperManager.GetMapper <DeviceNotification>();
コード例 #2
        public DeviceController(ActionInvoker actionInvoker, WebSocketServerBase server,
                                DataContext dataContext, JsonMapperManager jsonMapperManager,
                                [Named("DeviceCommand")] DeviceSubscriptionManager subscriptionManager,
                                MessageBus messageBus, IMessageManager messageManager,
                                DeviceService deviceService) :
            base(actionInvoker, server, dataContext, jsonMapperManager)
            _subscriptionManager = subscriptionManager;
            _messageBus          = messageBus;
            _messageManager      = messageManager;
            _deviceService       = deviceService;

            _deviceMapper = jsonMapperManager.GetMapper <Device>();
コード例 #3
        public DeviceController(ActionInvoker actionInvoker, WebSocketServerBase server,
            DataContext dataContext, JsonMapperManager jsonMapperManager,
            [Named("DeviceCommand")] DeviceSubscriptionManager subscriptionManager,
            MessageBus messageBus, IMessageManager messageManager,
            DeviceService deviceService) :
            base(actionInvoker, server, dataContext, jsonMapperManager)
            _subscriptionManager = subscriptionManager;
            _messageBus = messageBus;
            _messageManager = messageManager;
            _deviceService = deviceService;

            _deviceMapper = jsonMapperManager.GetMapper<Device>();
コード例 #4
        public MetadataParameter[] GetTypeParameters(Type type, JsonMapperEntryMode?mode = null, bool patch = false, string prefix = null)
            // get JSON mapping manager
            var mapper = _jsonMapperManager.GetMapper(type);

            if (mapper == null)
                return new MetadataParameter[] { }

            // create parameters from mapping entries
            var parameters = new List <MetadataParameter>();

            foreach (var parameter in mapper.Entries.Where(e => mode == null || (mode.Value & e.Mode) == mode.Value))
                // add parameter that corresponds to the mapped property
                var propertyType = parameter.EntityProperty.PropertyType;

                var isJsonObject = parameter.EntityProperty.IsDefined(typeof(JsonFieldAttribute), false);
                var param        = new MetadataParameter
                    Name          = prefix + parameter.JsonProperty,
                    Type          = isJsonObject ? "object" : ToJsonType(propertyType),
                    IsRequred     = !patch && IsRequired(parameter.EntityProperty),
                    Documentation = _xmlCommentReader.GetPropertyElement(parameter.EntityProperty).ElementContents("summary"),

                // add child object parameters
                if (param.Type == "object" && !isJsonObject)
                    parameters.AddRange(GetTypeParameters(propertyType, mode, false, param.Name + "."));
                else if (param.Type == "array")
                    var elementType = propertyType.GetInterfaces().First(i => i.IsGenericType &&
                                                                         i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable <>)).GetGenericArguments().First();
                    if (ToJsonType(elementType) == "object")
                        parameters.AddRange(GetTypeParameters(elementType, mode, false, param.Name + "[]."));
コード例 #5
        private MetadataParameter[] GetTypeParameters(Type type, JsonMapperEntryMode?exclude = null, string prefix = null)
            // get JSON mapping manager
            var mapper = JsonMapperManager.GetMapper(type);

            if (mapper == null)
                return new MetadataParameter[] { }

            // create parameters from mapping entries
            var parameters = new List <MetadataParameter>();

            foreach (var parameter in mapper.Entries.Where(e => exclude == null || e.Mode != exclude.Value))
                // add parameter that corresponds to the mapped property
                var isJsonObject = parameter.EntityProperty.IsDefined(typeof(JsonFieldAttribute), false);

                var param = new MetadataParameter
                    Name          = (prefix == null ? null : prefix + ".") + parameter.JsonProperty,
                    Type          = isJsonObject ? "object" : ToJsonType(parameter.EntityProperty.PropertyType),
                    IsRequred     = IsRequired(parameter.EntityProperty),
                    Documentation = DataXmlCommentReader.GetPropertyElement(parameter.EntityProperty).ElementContents("summary"),

                // add child object parameters
                if (param.Type == "object" && !isJsonObject)
                    parameters.AddRange(GetTypeParameters(parameter.EntityProperty.PropertyType, exclude, param.Name));
コード例 #6
 protected IJsonMapper <T> GetMapper <T>()
     return(_jsonMapperManager.GetMapper <T>());