コード例 #1
        public void Spread(Excel.Worksheet sheet)
            _sheet = sheet;
            sheet.Cells[_titleRow, 1].Value2 = "Value";

            if (_token.Empty())
                sheet.Cells[_titleRow + 1, 1].Value2 = "<<empty>>";
                _cellDatas = MakeCellData(_sheet, _token).ToList();

                //_cellDatas.ForEach(x => x.Value.Spread(x.Cell));
                Excel.Range minCell      = _sheet.Cells[_cellDatas.Min(x => x.Cell.Row), _cellDatas.Min(x => x.Cell.Column)];
                Excel.Range maxCell      = _sheet.Cells[_cellDatas.Max(x => x.Cell.Row), _cellDatas.Max(x => x.Cell.Column)];
                var         rowsCount    = maxCell.Row - minCell.Row + 1;
                var         columnsCount = maxCell.Column - minCell.Column + 1;
                var         data         = new object[rowsCount, columnsCount];

                _cellDatas.ForEach(cellData =>
                    var row           = cellData.Cell.Row - minCell.Row;
                    var column        = cellData.Cell.Column - minCell.Column;
                    data[row, column] = cellData.Value.ToValue();

                var range = _sheet.get_Range(minCell.Address, maxCell.Address);
                range.Value2 = data;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ActionFile.cs プロジェクト: wadtech/EDDiscovery
        public string Read(JObject jo, out bool readenable)             // KEEP JSON reader for backwards compatibility.
            string errlist = "";

            readenable = false;

                JArray ivarja = (JArray)jo["Install"];

                if (!ivarja.Empty())

                JObject jcond = (JObject)jo["Conditions"];

                if (jcond != null)

                JObject jprog = (JObject)jo["Programs"];

                if (jprog != null)
                    JArray jf = (JArray)jprog["ProgramSet"];

                    foreach (JObject j in jf)
                        ActionProgram ap   = new ActionProgram();
                        string        lerr = ap.Read(j);

                        if (lerr.Length == 0)         // if can't load, we can't trust the pack, so indicate error so we can let the user manually sort it out
                            errlist += lerr;

                if (jo["Enabled"] != null)
                    enabled    = (bool)jo["Enabled"];
                    readenable = true;

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("JSON read enable " + enabled);

                return(errlist + " Also Missing JSON fields");
コード例 #3
ファイル: JsonArray.cs プロジェクト: devbv/ExcelJsonEditor
        public void Spread(Excel.Worksheet sheet)
            _sheet = sheet;
            sheet.Cells[_titleRow, 1].Value2 = "Value";

            if (_token.Empty())
                sheet.Cells[_titleRow + 1, 1].Value2 = "<<empty>>";
                _cellDatas = MakeCellData(_sheet, _token).ToList();

                _cellDatas.ForEach(x => x.Value.Spread(x.Cell));
コード例 #4
ファイル: JsonArray.cs プロジェクト: devbv/ExcelJsonEditor
 private IEnumerable <CellData> MakeCellData(Excel.Worksheet sheet, JArray token)
     if (token.Empty())
         return(new List <CellData>());
         return(_token.Select((x, i) => new
             Index = i,
             Cell = (Excel.Range)sheet?.Cells[_titleRow + i + 1, 1],
             JToken = x.CreateJsonToken(),
                .Select(x => new CellData
             Type = DataType.Value,
             Index = x.Index,
             Cell = x.Cell,
             Key = null,
             Value = x.JToken,
コード例 #5
        private static JObject ConvertFromEDSMBodies(JObject jo)        // protect yourself against bad JSON
            JObject jout = new JObject
                ["timestamp"]        = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                ["event"]            = "Scan",
                ["EDDFromEDSMBodie"] = true,
                ["BodyName"]         = jo["name"],

            if (jo["discovery"] != null && jo["discovery"].HasValues)       // much more defense around this.. EDSM gives discovery=null back
                jout["discovery"] = jo["discovery"];

            if (jo["orbitalInclination"] != null)
                jout["OrbitalInclination"] = jo["orbitalInclination"];
            if (jo["orbitalEccentricity"] != null)
                jout["Eccentricity"] = jo["orbitalEccentricity"];
            if (jo["argOfPeriapsis"] != null)
                jout["Periapsis"] = jo["argOfPeriapsis"];
            if (jo["semiMajorAxis"].Double() != 0)
                jout["SemiMajorAxis"] = jo["semiMajorAxis"].Double() * JournalScan.oneAU_m;                                    // AU -> metres
            if (jo["orbitalPeriod"].Double() != 0)
                jout["OrbitalPeriod"] = jo["orbitalPeriod"].Double() * JournalScan.oneDay_s;                                    // days -> seconds
            if (jo["rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked"] != null)
                jout["TidalLock"] = jo["rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked"];
            if (jo["axialTilt"] != null)
                jout["AxialTilt"] = jo["axialTilt"].Double() * Math.PI / 180.0;                          // degrees -> radians
            if (jo["rotationalPeriod"].Double() != 0)
                jout["RotationalPeriod"] = jo["rotationalPeriod"].Double() * JournalScan.oneDay_s;                                       // days -> seconds
            if (jo["surfaceTemperature"] != null)
                jout["SurfaceTemperature"] = jo["surfaceTemperature"];
            if (jo["distanceToArrival"] != null)
                jout["DistanceFromArrivalLS"] = jo["distanceToArrival"];
            if (jo["parents"] != null)
                jout["Parents"] = jo["parents"];
            if (jo["id64"] != null)
                jout["BodyID"] = jo["id64"].Long() >> 55;

            if (!jo["type"].Empty())
                if (jo["type"].Value <string>().Equals("Star"))
                    jout["StarType"]    = EDSMStar2JournalName(jo["subType"].StrNull());        // pass thru null to code, it will cope with it
                    jout["Age_MY"]      = jo["age"];
                    jout["StellarMass"] = jo["solarMasses"];
                    jout["Radius"]      = jo["solarRadius"].Double() * JournalScan.solarRadius_m; // solar-rad -> metres
                else if (jo["type"].Value <string>().Equals("Planet"))
                    jout["Landable"]  = jo["isLandable"];
                    jout["MassEM"]    = jo["earthMasses"];
                    jout["Volcanism"] = jo["volcanismType"];
                    string atmos = jo["atmosphereType"].StrNull();
                    if (atmos != null && atmos.IndexOf("atmosphere", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                        atmos += " atmosphere";
                    jout["Atmosphere"]  = atmos;
                    jout["Radius"]      = jo["radius"].Double() * 1000.0; // km -> metres
                    jout["PlanetClass"] = EDSMPlanet2JournalName(jo["subType"].Str());
                    if (jo["terraformingState"] != null)
                        jout["TerraformState"] = jo["terraformingState"];
                    if (jo["surfacePressure"] != null)
                        jout["SurfacePressure"] = jo["surfacePressure"].Double() * JournalScan.oneAtmosphere_Pa;                                // atmospheres -> pascals
                    if (jout["TerraformState"].Str() == "Candidate for terraforming")
                        jout["TerraformState"] = "Terraformable";

            JArray rings = (jo["belts"] ?? jo["rings"]) as JArray;

            if (!rings.Empty())
                JArray jring = new JArray();

                foreach (JObject ring in rings)
                    jring.Add(new JObject
                        ["InnerRad"]  = ring["innerRadius"].Double() * 1000,
                        ["OuterRad"]  = ring["outerRadius"].Double() * 1000,
                        ["MassMT"]    = ring["mass"],
                        ["RingClass"] = ring["type"],
                        ["Name"]      = ring["name"]

                jout["Rings"] = jring;

            if (!jo["materials"].Empty())  // Check if materials has null
                Dictionary <string, double?> mats;
                Dictionary <string, double>  mats2;
                mats  = jo["materials"]?.ToObjectProtected <Dictionary <string, double?> >();
                mats2 = new Dictionary <string, double>();

                foreach (string key in mats.Keys)
                    if (mats[key] == null)
                        mats2[key.ToLowerInvariant()] = 0.0;
                        mats2[key.ToLowerInvariant()] = mats[key].Value;

                jout["Materials"] = JObject.FromObject(mats2);

コード例 #6
ファイル: EDSMClass.cs プロジェクト: gjpc/EDDiscovery
        public static JObject ConvertFromEDSMBodies(JObject jo)
            JObject jout = new JObject
                ["timestamp"]        = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                ["event"]            = "Scan",
                ["EDDFromEDSMBodie"] = true,
                ["BodyName"]         = jo["name"],

            if (jo["orbitalInclination"] != null)
                jout["OrbitalInclination"] = jo["orbitalInclination"];
            if (jo["orbitalEccentricity"] != null)
                jout["Eccentricity"] = jo["orbitalEccentricity"];
            if (jo["argOfPeriapsis"] != null)
                jout["Periapsis"] = jo["argOfPeriapsis"];
            if (jo["semiMajorAxis"].Double() != 0)
                jout["SemiMajorAxis"] = jo["semiMajorAxis"].Double() * JournalScan.oneAU_m;                                    // AU -> metres
            if (jo["orbitalPeriod"].Double() != 0)
                jout["OrbitalPeriod"] = jo["orbitalPeriod"].Double() * JournalScan.oneDay_s;                                    // days -> seconds
            if (jo["rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked"] != null)
                jout["TidalLock"] = jo["rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked"];
            if (jo["axialTilt"] != null)
                jout["AxialTilt"] = jo["axialTilt"].Double() * Math.PI / 180.0;                          // degrees -> radians
            if (jo["rotationalPeriod"].Double() != 0)
                jout["RotationalPeriod"] = jo["rotationalPeriod"].Double() * JournalScan.oneDay_s;                                       // days -> seconds
            if (jo["surfaceTemperature"] != null)
                jout["SurfaceTemperature"] = jo["surfaceTemperature"];

            if (!jo["type"].Empty())
                if (jo["type"].Value <string>().Equals("Star"))
                    jout["StarType"]    = EDSMStar2JournalName(jo["subType"].Str());
                    jout["Age_MY"]      = jo["age"];
                    jout["StellarMass"] = jo["solarMasses"];
                    jout["Radius"]      = jo["solarRadius"].Double() * JournalScan.solarRadius_m; // solar-rad -> metres
                else if (jo["type"].Value <string>().Equals("Planet"))
                    jout["Landable"]    = jo["isLandable"];
                    jout["MassEM"]      = jo["earthMasses"];
                    jout["Volcanism"]   = jo["volcanismType"];
                    jout["Atmosphere"]  = jo["atmosphereType"];
                    jout["Radius"]      = jo["radius"].Double() * 1000.0; // km -> metres
                    jout["PlanetClass"] = EDSMPlanet2JournalName(jo["subType"].Str());
                    if (jo["terraformingState"] != null)
                        jout["TerraformState"] = jo["terraformingState"];
                    if (jo["surfacePressure"] != null)
                        jout["SurfacePressure"] = jo["surfacePressure"].Double() * 101325;                                // atmospheres -> pascals
                    if (jout["TerraformState"].Str() == "Candidate for terraforming")
                        jout["TerraformState"] = "Terraformable";

            JArray rings = (jo["belts"] ?? jo["rings"]) as JArray;

            if (!rings.Empty())
                JArray jring = new JArray();

                foreach (JObject ring in rings)
                    jring.Add(new JObject
                        ["InnerRad"]  = ring["innerRadius"].Double() * 1000,
                        ["OuterRad"]  = ring["outerRadius"].Double() * 1000,
                        ["MassMT"]    = ring["mass"],
                        ["RingClass"] = ring["type"],
                        ["Name"]      = ring["name"]

                jout["Rings"] = jring;

            if (!jo["Materials"].Empty())  // Check if matieals has null
                Dictionary <string, double?> mats;
                Dictionary <string, double>  mats2;
                mats  = jo["Materials"]?.ToObject <Dictionary <string, double?> >();
                mats2 = new Dictionary <string, double>();

                foreach (string key in mats.Keys)
                    if (mats[key] == null)
                        mats2[key.ToLower()] = 0.0;
                        mats2[key.ToLower()] = mats[key].Value;

                jout["Materials"] = JObject.FromObject(mats2);
