public IntvBaseVm(AdminLevel a, IntvDetails d, ICalcIndicators c) { r = new IntvRepository(); this.model = r.GetById(d.Id); adminLevel = a; calc = c; }
public IntvBaseVm(AdminLevel a, int typeId, ICalcIndicators c) { adminLevel = a; r = new IntvRepository(); model = r.CreateIntv(typeId); model.AdminLevelId = adminLevel.Id; calc = c; }
protected void AddIntvIndicators(ReportOptions options, int typeId, IntvRepository iRepo) { IntvType iType = iRepo.GetIntvType(typeId); if (typeId == 10) dropdownValues = iType.IndicatorDropdownValues; foreach (var indicator in iType.Indicators.Where(i => i.Value.DataTypeId != (int)IndicatorDataType.Calculated)) options.SelectedIndicators.Add(ReportRepository.CreateReportIndicator(iType.Id, indicator)); }
private void FundersControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DesignMode) { r = new IntvRepository(); funders = r.GetPartners(); partnerBindingSource.DataSource = funders; } }
private void DistributionMethodList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DesignMode) { Localizer.TranslateControl(this); repo = new IntvRepository(); partners = repo.GetPartners(); lvDistros.SetObjects(partners); } }
private void lnkIntv_ClickOverride() { ReportRepository repo = new ReportRepository(); opts.EntityType = Model.IndicatorEntityType.Intervention; opts.AvailableIndicators = repo.GetIntvIndicators(); IntvRepository intv = new IntvRepository(); var types = intv.GetAllTypes(); opts.FormTypes = types.Select(t => t.IntvTypeName).OrderBy(t => t).ToList(); OnSwitchStep(new IndStepIndicators(opts)); }
public void LoadRelatedLists() { SettingsRepository settings = new SettingsRepository(); ezs = settings.GetEcologicalZones(); eus = settings.GetEvaluationUnits(); subdistricts = settings.GetEvalSubDistricts(); evalsites = settings.GetEvalSites(); IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); partners = repo.GetPartners(); }
private void IntvTypeView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DesignMode) { Localizer.TranslateControl(this); repo = new IntvRepository(); bsIntvType.DataSource = model; lvIndicators.SetObjects(model.Indicators.Values.Where(i => i.IsEditable)); if (model.Id == 0) pnlName.Visible = true; } }
private void btnSave_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!model.IsValid()) { errorProvider1.DataSource = bsDistributionMethod; MessageBox.Show(Translations.ValidationError, Translations.ValidationErrorTitle); return; } if (existing.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DisplayName.ToLower() == model.DisplayName.ToLower() && model != i) != null) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Translations.ValidationMustBeUnique, Translations.Name), Translations.ValidationErrorTitle); return; } bsDistributionMethod.EndEdit(); IntvRepository r = new IntvRepository(); int userid = ApplicationData.Instance.GetUserId(); r.Save(model, userid); OnSave(model); this.Close(); }
private List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> GetFormTypes(DataRow dr) { var result = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["Type ID"].ToString())) { var entityType = (IndicatorEntityType)Convert.ToInt32(dr["Type ID"]); switch (entityType) { case IndicatorEntityType.DiseaseDistribution: DiseaseRepository typeRepo = new DiseaseRepository(); result = typeRepo.GetSelectedDiseases().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.DisplayName, d.Id)).ToList(); break; case IndicatorEntityType.Intervention: IntvRepository intv = new IntvRepository(); result = intv.GetAllTypes().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.IntvTypeName, d.Id)).ToList(); break; case IndicatorEntityType.Survey: SurveyRepository sRepo = new SurveyRepository(); result = sRepo.GetSurveyTypes().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.SurveyTypeName, d.Id)).ToList(); break; case IndicatorEntityType.Process: ProcessRepository pRepo = new ProcessRepository(); result = pRepo.GetProcessTypes().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.TypeName, d.Id)).ToList(); break; } } return result; }
//Worksheet 6: IVM Intervention //aggregated to the reporting level //all IVM intervention indicators private void Add6(excel.Worksheet xlsWorksheet, excel.Range rng, List<AdminLevel> districts, DateTime start, DateTime end, int month) { ReportOptions options = new ReportOptions { MonthYearStarts = month, StartDate = start, EndDate = end, IsCountryAggregation = false, IsByLevelAggregation = true, IsAllLocations = false, IsNoAggregation = false }; options.SelectedAdminLevels = districts; IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); IntvType intv = repo.GetIntvType((int)StaticIntvType.Ivm); IntvReportGenerator gen = new IntvReportGenerator(); AddReportToSheet(xlsWorksheet, intv.Indicators, options, gen, (int)StaticIntvType.Ivm, intv.IntvTypeName, rng); }
private void StepOptions_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DesignMode) { // Set up the report inputs SetupReportTypeInput(); SetupYearListBox(); // Diseases DiseaseRepository diseaseRepo = new DiseaseRepository(); var diseases = diseaseRepo.GetSelectedDiseases().Where(d => d.DiseaseType == Translations.PC).ToList(); diseaseBindingSource.DataSource = diseases; // Add the diseases to the collection of available ones options.AvailableDiseases = diseases; // Interventions IntvRepository intvRepo = new IntvRepository(); // The interventions we want to use to popualte the list List<int> interventionTypeIds = new List<int> { (int)StaticIntvType.Alb, (int)StaticIntvType.Alb2, (int)StaticIntvType.DecAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.Ivm, (int)StaticIntvType.IvmAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.IvmPzq, (int)StaticIntvType.IvmPzqAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.Mbd, (int)StaticIntvType.Pzq, (int)StaticIntvType.PzqAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.PzqMbd, (int)StaticIntvType.ZithroTeo }; List<IntvType> intvTypes = intvRepo.GetAllTypes().Where(i => interventionTypeIds.Contains(i.Id)).OrderBy(i => i.IntvTypeName).ToList(); intvTypeBindingSource.DataSource = intvTypes; // Add the interventions to the collection of available ones options.AvailableDrugPackages = intvTypes; // Admin level types SettingsRepository settingsRepo = new SettingsRepository(); var allLevelTypes = settingsRepo.GetAllAdminLevels(); adminLevelTypeBindingSource.DataSource = allLevelTypes; // Repopulate the previous report options if (options != null) RepopulateOptions(); } }
public static List<Partner> GetAndLoadPartners(ListBox cntrl) { IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); cntrl.Items.Clear(); var partners = repo.GetPartners(); foreach (var v in partners) { cntrl.Items.Add(v); } return partners; }
private void AddPartners(ListBox cntrl, List<IndicatorDropdownValue> values) { IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); cntrl.Items.Clear(); var partners = repo.GetPartners(); foreach (var v in partners) { cntrl.Items.Add(v); } }
private PickerControl CreateIndicatorControl(Indicator indicator, IndicatorEntityType entityType, List<IndicatorDropdownValue> dropdownKeys) { if (indicator.DataTypeId == (int)IndicatorDataType.Multiselect) return CreatePickerBox(indicator, entityType, dropdownKeys.Where(k => k.IndicatorId == indicator.Id).OrderBy(i => i.SortOrder).Cast<object>().ToList()); if (indicator.DataTypeId == (int)IndicatorDataType.Partners) { IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); return CreatePickerBox(indicator, entityType, repo.GetPartners().Cast<object>().ToList()); } return null; }
protected Dictionary<int, DataRow> GetEligibleInSubdistricts(DateTime start, DateTime end) { IntvRepository iRepo = new IntvRepository(); ReportOptions options = new ReportOptions { MonthYearStarts = start.Month, StartDate = start, EndDate = end, IsCountryAggregation = false, IsByLevelAggregation = true, IsAllLocations = false, IsNoAggregation = false, IsGroupByRange = true, }; var childType = settings.GetAllAdminLevels().Where(a => a.LevelNumber > AdminLevelType.LevelNumber).OrderBy(l => l.LevelNumber).FirstOrDefault(); if (childType == null) return new Dictionary<int, DataRow>(); options.SelectedAdminLevels = demo.GetAdminLevelByLevel(childType.LevelNumber); IntvReportGenerator gen = new IntvReportGenerator(); IntvType iType = iRepo.GetIntvType(23); var eligible = iType.Indicators.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value.DisplayName == "PcIntvNumEligibleIndividualsTargeted"); options.SelectedIndicators.Add(ReportRepository.CreateReportIndicator(iType.Id, eligible.Value)); ReportResult ddResult = gen.Run(new SavedReport { ReportOptions = options }); Dictionary<int, DataRow> intvData = new Dictionary<int, DataRow>(); foreach (DataRow dr in ddResult.DataTableResults.Rows) { int id = 0; if (int.TryParse(dr["ID"].ToString(), out id)) { if (intvData.ContainsKey(id)) intvData[id] = dr; else intvData.Add(id, dr); } } return intvData; }
protected void LoadRelatedLists() { IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); partners = repo.GetPartners(); months = GlobalizationUtil.GetAllMonths(); SettingsRepository settings = new SettingsRepository(); ezs = settings.GetEcologicalZones(); eus = settings.GetEvaluationUnits(); subdistricts = settings.GetEvalSubDistricts(); ess = settings.GetEvalSites(); DiseaseRepository diseases = new DiseaseRepository(); selectedDiseases = diseases.GetSelectedDiseases().Select(d => d.DisplayName).ToList(); valueParser.LoadRelatedLists(); }
public List<ReportIndicator> GetIntvIndicators() { List<ReportIndicator> indicators = new List<ReportIndicator>(); IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); var types = repo.GetAllTypes(); var pc = new ReportIndicator { Name = TranslationLookup.GetValue("PcNtds"), IsCategory = true }; var cm = new ReportIndicator { Name = TranslationLookup.GetValue("OtherNtds"), IsCategory = true }; indicators.Add(pc); indicators.Add(cm); foreach (var t in types.Where(i => i.DiseaseType == TranslationLookup.GetValue("PC")).OrderBy(t => t.IntvTypeName)) { var cat = new ReportIndicator { Name = t.IntvTypeName, IsCategory = true }; var instance = repo.CreateIntv(t.Id); foreach (var i in instance.IntvType.Indicators) cat.Children.Add(CreateReportIndicator(t.Id, i, t.IntvTypeName, t.DisplayNameKey)); cat.Children = cat.Children.OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList(); pc.Children.Add(cat); } foreach (var t in types.Where(i => i.DiseaseType == TranslationLookup.GetValue("CM")).OrderBy(t => t.IntvTypeName)) { var cat = new ReportIndicator { Name = t.IntvTypeName, IsCategory = true }; var instance = repo.CreateIntv(t.Id); foreach (var i in instance.IntvType.Indicators) cat.Children.Add(CreateReportIndicator(t.Id, i, t.IntvTypeName, t.DisplayNameKey)); cat.Children = cat.Children.OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList(); cm.Children.Add(cat); } return indicators; }
protected Dictionary<int, DataRow> GetIntvsAggregatedToReportingLevel(DateTime start, DateTime end, List<AdminLevel> units) { IntvRepository iRepo = new IntvRepository(); ReportOptions options = new ReportOptions { MonthYearStarts = start.Month, StartDate = start, EndDate = end, IsCountryAggregation = false, IsByLevelAggregation = true, IsAllLocations = false, IsNoAggregation = false, IsGroupByRange = true, }; options.SelectedAdminLevels = units; IntvReportGenerator gen = new IntvReportGenerator(); var intvIds = new List<int> { 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 }; foreach (int id in intvIds) AddIntvIndicators(options, id, iRepo); ReportResult ddResult = gen.Run(new SavedReport { ReportOptions = options }); Dictionary<int, DataRow> intvData = new Dictionary<int, DataRow>(); foreach (DataRow dr in ddResult.DataTableResults.Rows) { int id = 0; if (int.TryParse(dr["ID"].ToString(), out id)) { if (intvData.ContainsKey(id)) intvData[id] = dr; else intvData.Add(id, dr); } } return intvData; }
void importerWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { int userId = ApplicationData.Instance.GetUserId(); Nada.UI.View.Wizard.SplitDistro.WorkerPayload payload = (Nada.UI.View.Wizard.SplitDistro.WorkerPayload)e.Argument; ImportResult result = payload.Importer.UpdateData(payload.FileName, userId, payload.Forms); if (result.WasSuccess) { IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); repo.Save(result.Forms.Cast<IntvBase>().ToList(), userId); } e.Result = result; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger log = new Logger(); log.Error("Error updating forms during split. SplitIntvs:importerWorker_DoWork. ", ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds the LF sheet /// </summary> /// <param name="xlsWorksheet"></param> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> private void AddLfMm(excel.Worksheet xlsWorksheet, DateTime start, DateTime end) { ReportOptions options = new ReportOptions { MonthYearStarts = 1, StartDate = start, EndDate = end, IsCountryAggregation = true, IsByLevelAggregation = false, IsAllLocations = false, IsNoAggregation = false }; IntvReportGenerator gen = new IntvReportGenerator(); IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); SurveyRepository surveys = new SurveyRepository(); // Indicator parser IndicatorParser indicatorParser = new IndicatorParser(); indicatorParser.LoadRelatedLists(); int rowCount = 0; IntvType type = repo.GetIntvType((int)StaticIntvType.LfMorbidityManagement); foreach (var indicator in type.Indicators) if (!indicator.Value.IsCalculated) options.SelectedIndicators.Add(ReportRepository.CreateReportIndicator(type.Id, indicator)); ReportResult result = gen.Run(new SavedReport { ReportOptions = options }); // Top horizontal columns foreach (DataRow dr in result.DataTableResults.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in result.DataTableResults.Columns) { if (col.ColumnName.Contains(TranslationLookup.GetValue("LFMMDPNumLymphoedemaPatients", "LFMMDPNumLymphoedemaPatients") + " -")) xlsWorksheet.Cells[5, 10] = dr[col]; if (col.ColumnName.Contains(TranslationLookup.GetValue("LFMMDPNumLymphoedemaPatientsTreated", "LFMMDPNumLymphoedemaPatientsTreated") + " -")) xlsWorksheet.Cells[7, 10] = dr[col]; if (col.ColumnName.Contains(TranslationLookup.GetValue("LFMMDPNumHydroceleCases", "LFMMDPNumHydroceleCases") + " -")) xlsWorksheet.Cells[8, 10] = dr[col]; if (col.ColumnName.Contains(TranslationLookup.GetValue("LFMMDPNumHydroceleCasesTreated", "LFMMDPNumHydroceleCasesTreated") + " -")) xlsWorksheet.Cells[9, 10] = dr[col]; } } // Last half of year (J6) options.StartDate = start.AddMonths(6); result = gen.Run(new SavedReport { ReportOptions = options }); foreach (DataRow dr in result.DataTableResults.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in result.DataTableResults.Columns) { if (col.ColumnName.Contains(TranslationLookup.GetValue("LFMMDPNumLymphoedemaPatients", "LFMMDPNumLymphoedemaPatients") + " -")) xlsWorksheet.Cells[6, 10] = dr[col]; } } // Get surveys for rows var lfSurveys = surveys.GetByTypeForDistrictsInDateRange(new List<int> { (int)StaticSurveyType.LfMapping, (int)StaticSurveyType.LfSentinel, (int)StaticSurveyType.LfTas }, start, end); int rowNumber = 15; foreach (SurveyBase survey in lfSurveys.OrderBy(s => s.SortOrder)) { foreach (var adminLevel in survey.AdminLevels) { bool isMfTestType = false; // Static indicators xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.B] = adminLevel.Name; if (survey.TypeOfSurvey.Id == (int)StaticSurveyType.LfMapping) { var testTypeVal = survey.IndicatorValues.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurTestType"); if (testTypeVal != null && testTypeVal.DynamicValue == "Mf") isMfTestType = true; xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.D] = TranslationLookup.GetValue("Mapping", "Mapping"); } else if (survey.TypeOfSurvey.Id == (int)StaticSurveyType.LfSentinel) { var testTypeVal = survey.IndicatorValues.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurTestType"); if (testTypeVal != null && testTypeVal.DynamicValue == "Mf") isMfTestType = true; xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.D] = survey.SiteType; if (survey.SentinelSiteId.HasValue) { var site = surveys.GetSiteById(survey.SentinelSiteId.Value); if (site.Lat.HasValue) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.F] = Math.Round(site.Lat.Value, 2); if (site.Lng.HasValue) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.G] = Math.Round(site.Lng.Value, 2); // Name of survey site xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.C] = site.SiteName; } else { if (survey.Lat.HasValue) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.F] = Math.Round(survey.Lat.Value, 2); if (survey.Lng.HasValue) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.G] = Math.Round(survey.Lng.Value, 2); // Name of survey site xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.C] = survey.SpotCheckName; } } else if (survey.TypeOfSurvey.Id == (int)StaticSurveyType.LfTas) { // Year of Start date of MDA of earliest Intervention List<IntvBase> interventions = repo.GetAll(new List<int> { (int)StaticIntvType.Alb, (int)StaticIntvType.Alb2, (int)StaticIntvType.DecAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.Ivm, (int)StaticIntvType.IvmAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.IvmPzq, (int)StaticIntvType.IvmPzqAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.Mbd, (int)StaticIntvType.Pzq, (int)StaticIntvType.PzqAlb, (int)StaticIntvType.PzqMbd, (int)StaticIntvType.ZithroTeo }, new List<int> {adminLevel.Id}); if (interventions.Count > 0) { // Get all the MDA Start date indicators List<string> mdaStarts = interventions.SelectMany(x => x.IndicatorValues).Where(v => v.Indicator.DisplayName == "PcIntvStartDateOfMda") .Select(x => x.DynamicValue).ToList(); if (mdaStarts.Count > 0) { // Get the earliest one DateTime earliestMda = Convert.ToDateTime(mdaStarts.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToDateTime(x)).FirstOrDefault()); // Add it to the worksheet xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.H] = earliestMda.Year; } } } // Dynamic indicators foreach (IndicatorValue val in survey.IndicatorValues) { // Eval name if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "EuName") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.A] = indicatorParser.Parse(val.Indicator.DataTypeId, val.IndicatorId, val.DynamicValue); // Name of survey site else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurSiteNames") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.C] = val.DynamicValue; // TAS objective else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASTasObjective") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.D] = TranslationLookup.GetValue(val.DynamicValue, val.DynamicValue); else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurStartDateOfSurvey" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurStartDateOfSurvey" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASStartDateOfSurvey") { DateTime date; if (DateTime.TryParse(val.DynamicValue, out date)) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.E] = date.ToString("MMMM"); } else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurLatitude" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(val.DynamicValue)) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.F] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(val.DynamicValue), 2); else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurLongitude" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(val.DynamicValue)) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.G] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(val.DynamicValue), 2); else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurDateOfTheFirstRoundOfPc") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.H] = val.DynamicValue; else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurNumberOfRoundsOfPcCompletedPriorToS" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "4190984d-f272-4359-8414-6e7ef06fc4bc") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.I] = val.DynamicValue; //else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurTestType" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurTestType") // xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, 9] = TranslationLookup.GetValue(val.DynamicValue, val.DynamicValue); // MF: Number of people examined else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurNumberOfIndividualsExamined" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurNumberOfIndividualsExamined") { if (isMfTestType) // MF: Number of people examined xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.J] = val.DynamicValue; else // Ag/Ab: Number of people examined xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.S] = val.DynamicValue; } // MF: Number of people positive else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurNumberOfIndividualsPositive" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurNumberOfIndividualsPositive") { if (isMfTestType) // MF: Number of people positive xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.K] = val.DynamicValue; else // Ag/Ab: Number of people positive xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.T] = val.DynamicValue; } // mean dens //else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurMeanDensity" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurMeanDensity") // xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, 13] = val.DynamicValue; // count //else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurCount" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurCount") // xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, 14] = val.DynamicValue; // community load //else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurCommunityMfLoad" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurCommunityMfLoad") // xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, 15] = val.DynamicValue; // MF: % Positive else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurPositive" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurPositive") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.L] = val.DynamicValue; // Test Type else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurTestType" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurTestType" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASDiagnosticTest") { if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASDiagnosticTest") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.M] = val.DynamicValue; else { if (!isMfTestType) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.M] = val.DynamicValue; } } // Age range else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurAgeRange" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurAgeRange" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASAgeRange") { if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASAgeRange") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.N] = val.DynamicValue; else { if (!isMfTestType) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.N] = val.DynamicValue; } } // Survey site else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurMappingSiteLocation" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "eab663f6-1eb8-4efc-85da-2844ee720020" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASLocationType") { if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASLocationType") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.O] = val.DynamicValue; else { if (!isMfTestType) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.O] = val.DynamicValue; } } // Ag/Ab: Survey type else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASSurveyType") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.P] = val.DynamicValue; // Ag/Ab: # schools or EA targeted else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASTargetNumberOfSchoolsOrEas") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.Q] = val.DynamicValue; // Ag/Ab: Target sample size else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurTargetSampleSize" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurTargetSampleSize" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASTargetSampleSize") { if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASTargetSampleSize") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.R] = val.DynamicValue; else { if (!isMfTestType) xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.R] = val.DynamicValue; } } // Ag/Ab: Number of people examined else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "d807913f-b3a1-4948-a2b3-54eb0800a3bc") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.S] = val.DynamicValue; // Ag/Ab: Number of people positive else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASActualSampleSizePositive") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.T] = val.DynamicValue; // Ag/Ab: Critical cut-off else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASCriticalCutoffValue") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.V] = val.DynamicValue; // Ag/Ab: Decision else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "TASCriticalCutoff") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.W] = TranslationLookup.GetValue(val.DynamicValue, val.DynamicValue); // Lymphoedema: Number of people examined else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurExaminedLympho" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurExaminedLympho") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.X] = val.DynamicValue; // Lymphoedema: Number of people positive else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurNumberOfCasesOfLymphoedema" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurPosLympho") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.Y] = val.DynamicValue; // Hydrocele: Number of people examined else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurExaminedHydro" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurExaminedHydro1") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.AA] = val.DynamicValue; // Hydrocele: Number of people positive else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFMapSurNumberOfCasesOfHydrocele" || val.Indicator.DisplayName == "LFSurPosHydro") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.AB] = val.DynamicValue; // Notes else if (val.Indicator.DisplayName == "Notes") xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowNumber, (int)ExcelCol.AD] = val.DynamicValue; } rowNumber++; rowCount++; } } // run formula xlsWorksheet.Cells[3, 5] = rowCount; }
public void LoadRelatedLists() { IntvRepository repo = new IntvRepository(); partners = repo.GetPartners(); months = GlobalizationUtil.GetAllMonths(); SettingsRepository settings = new SettingsRepository(); ezs = settings.GetEcologicalZones(); eus = settings.GetEvaluationUnits(); subdistricts = settings.GetEvalSubDistricts(); ess = settings.GetEvalSites(); }