コード例 #1
ファイル: GimxRemote.cs プロジェクト: Nefylem/consoleXstream
        public void CheckControllerInput()
            //Update gamepad status
            _controls = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);

            // TODO Generate different message buffer based on target controller
            // Right now only PS3 controller target is supported

            gimxSocket.SendTo(gimxMap.buffer, controllerEndPoint);

            // Check for reconnect cmd
            if (_controls.Buttons.Back && _controls.Buttons.X)
                gimxSocket.SendTo(keepAlivePacket, wakeEndPoint);
コード例 #2
ファイル: GimxRemote.cs プロジェクト: Nefylem/consoleXstream
        public void CheckControllerInput()
            //Update gamepad status
            _controls = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);

            // TODO Generate different message buffer based on target controller
            // Right now only PS3 controller target is supported

            gimxSocket.SendTo(gimxMap.buffer, controllerEndPoint);

            // Check for reconnect cmd
            if (_controls.Buttons.Back && _controls.Buttons.X)
                gimxSocket.SendTo(keepAlivePacket, wakeEndPoint);
コード例 #3
        public void CheckControllerInput()
            if (!_boolGCAPILoaded)

            var boolOverride = _class.Home.boolIDE;

            if ((_gcapi_IsConnected() == 1) || boolOverride)
                //Update gamepad status
                _controls = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);

                if (_intXboxCount == 0) { _intXboxCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Xbox)).Length; }
                byte[] output = new byte[_intXboxCount];

                if (_controls.DPad.Left) { output[(int)Xbox.Left] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.DPad.Right) { output[(int)Xbox.Right] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.DPad.Up) { output[(int)Xbox.Up] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.DPad.Down) { output[(int)Xbox.Down] = Convert.ToByte(100); }

                if (_controls.Buttons.A) { output[(int)Xbox.A] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.B) { output[(int)Xbox.B] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.X) { output[(int)Xbox.X] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.Y) { output[(int)Xbox.Y] = Convert.ToByte(100); }

                if (_controls.Buttons.Start) { output[(int)Xbox.Start] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.Guide) { output[(int)Xbox.Home] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.Back)
                    if (_class.System.boolBlockMenuButton == false)
                        if (_class.System.boolMenu == false)
                            if (_intMenuWait >= _intMenuShow + 20)

                    //Remap back buton to touchpad
                    if (_class.System.IsPs4ControllerMode)
                        output[(int)Xbox.Touch] = Convert.ToByte(100);
                        output[(int)Xbox.Back] = Convert.ToByte(100);

                if (_controls.Buttons.LeftShoulder) { output[(int)Xbox.LeftShoulder] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.RightShoulder) { output[(int)Xbox.RightShoulder] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.LeftStick) { output[(int)Xbox.LeftStick] = Convert.ToByte(100); }
                if (_controls.Buttons.RightStick) { output[(int)Xbox.RightStick] = Convert.ToByte(100); }

                if (_controls.Triggers.Left > 0) { output[(int)Xbox.LeftTrigger] = Convert.ToByte(_controls.Triggers.Left * 100); }
                if (_controls.Triggers.Right > 0) { output[(int)Xbox.RightTrigger] = Convert.ToByte(_controls.Triggers.Right * 100); }

                double dblLX = _controls.ThumbSticks.Left.X * 100;
                double dblLY = _controls.ThumbSticks.Left.Y * 100;
                double dblRX = _controls.ThumbSticks.Right.X * 100;
                double dblRY = _controls.ThumbSticks.Right.Y * 100;

                if (_class.System.IsNormalizeControls == true)
                    normalGamepad(ref dblLX, ref dblLY);
                    normalGamepad(ref dblRX, ref dblRY);
                    dblLY = -dblLY;
                    dblRY = -dblRY;

                if (dblLX != 0) { output[(int)Xbox.LeftX] = (byte)Convert.ToSByte((int)(dblLX)); }
                if (dblLY != 0) { output[(int)Xbox.LeftY] = (byte)Convert.ToSByte((int)(dblLY)); }
                if (dblRX != 0) { output[(int)Xbox.RightX] = (byte)Convert.ToSByte((int)(dblRX)); }
                if (dblRY != 0) { output[(int)Xbox.RightY] = (byte)Convert.ToSByte((int)(dblRY)); }

                if (intCMHomeCount > 0)
                    output[(int)Xbox.Home] = Convert.ToByte(100);

                if (boolPs4Touchpad == true)
                    output[(int)Xbox.Touch] = Convert.ToByte(100);

                if (_boolLoadShortcuts)
                    output = checkKeys(output);

                int intTarget = -1;
                if (_class.System.IsPs4ControllerMode == false) { intTarget = (int)Xbox.Back; } else { intTarget = (int)Xbox.Touch; }

                //Back button. Wait until released as its also the menu button
                if (intTarget > -1)
                    if (_class.System.boolBlockMenuButton)
                        if (output[intTarget] == 100)
                            _boolHoldBack = true;
                            output[intTarget] = Convert.ToByte(0);
                            if (!_class.System.boolMenu)
                                if (_intMenuWait >= _intMenuShow)
                                    _boolHoldBack = false;
                            if (_boolHoldBack)
                                _boolHoldBack = false;
                                output[intTarget] = Convert.ToByte(100);
                                _intMenuWait = 0;
                                _intMenuWait = 0;

                if (_class.KeyboardInterface != null)
                    for (var intCount = 0; intCount < _intXboxCount; intCount++)
                        if (_class.KeyboardInterface.output[intCount] != 0)
                            output[intCount] = _class.KeyboardInterface.output[intCount];


                if (_class.System.UseRumble != true) return;
                var report = new GCAPI_REPORT_CONTROLLERMAX();
                if (_gcapi_Read_CM(ref report) != IntPtr.Zero)
                    GamePad.SetState(PlayerIndex.One, report.rumble[0], report.rumble[1]);
                //If device just disconnected open up notice to tell user
                if (_boolNoticeCMDisconnected == false)
                    _class.System.Debug("ControllerMax.log", "[NOTE] " + _strCMDevice + " is disconnected");
                    _boolNoticeCMDisconnected = true;

                //Keep alive for opening the menu
                _controls = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
                if (_controls.Buttons.Back)
                    if (_class.System.boolBlockMenuButton== false)
                        if (!_class.System.boolMenu)
                            if (_intMenuWait >= _intMenuShow + 20)
コード例 #4
ファイル: GimxMaps.cs プロジェクト: Nefylem/consoleXstream
        public void mapToPS3(Input.GamePadState state)
            ps3Map = default(PS3);

            ps3Map.leftStickX  = state.RawSate.Gamepad.sThumbLX >> 8;
            ps3Map.leftStickY  = (state.RawSate.Gamepad.sThumbLY >> 8) * -1;
            ps3Map.rightStickX = state.RawSate.Gamepad.sThumbRX >> 8;
            ps3Map.rightStickY = (state.RawSate.Gamepad.sThumbRY >> 8) * -1;

            if (state.Buttons.Back)
                if (state.Buttons.B)
                    ps3Map.ps = 1;
                    ps3Map.select = 1;
            if (state.Buttons.Start)
                ps3Map.start = 1;
            if (state.Buttons.Guide)
                ps3Map.ps = 1;

            if (state.DPad.Up)
                ps3Map.up = 255;
            if (state.DPad.Right)
                ps3Map.right = 255;
            if (state.DPad.Down)
                ps3Map.down = 255;
            if (state.DPad.Left)
                ps3Map.left = 255;

            if (state.Buttons.Y)
                ps3Map.triangle = 255;
            if (state.Buttons.B)
                ps3Map.circle = 255;
            if (state.Buttons.A)
                ps3Map.cross = 255;
            if (state.Buttons.X)
                ps3Map.square = 255;

            if (state.Buttons.LeftShoulder)
                ps3Map.l1 = 255;
            if (state.Buttons.RightShoulder)
                ps3Map.r1 = 255;
            ps3Map.r2 = state.RawSate.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger;
            ps3Map.l2 = state.RawSate.Gamepad.bRightTrigger;

            if (state.Buttons.LeftStick)
                ps3Map.l3 = 1;
            if (state.Buttons.RightStick)
                ps3Map.r3 = 1;

            // Convert to byte array
            IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(mapSize);

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ps3Map, ptr, true);
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, buffer, 2, mapSize);