public async Task <string> BuildAsync(IImageFromDockerfileConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken ct = default) { var image = configuration.Image; ITarArchive dockerFileArchive = new DockerfileArchive(configuration.DockerfileDirectory, configuration.Dockerfile, image, this.logger); var imageExists = await this.ExistsWithNameAsync(image.FullName, ct) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (imageExists && configuration.DeleteIfExists) { await this.DeleteAsync(image, ct) .ConfigureAwait(false); } var buildParameters = new ImageBuildParameters { Dockerfile = configuration.Dockerfile, Tags = new[] { image.FullName }, Labels = configuration.Labels.ToDictionary(item => item.Key, item => item.Value), }; using (var dockerFileStream = new FileStream(dockerFileArchive.Tar(), FileMode.Open)) { await this.Docker.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(buildParameters, dockerFileStream, Array.Empty <AuthConfig>(), new Dictionary <string, string>(), this.traceProgress, ct) .ConfigureAwait(false); } this.logger.DockerImageBuilt(image); return(image.FullName); }
private async Task <string> BuildImageAsync(string imageName, string buildContext) { var archivePath = Path.Combine(buildContext, "context.tar.gz"); await CreateTarGz(archivePath, buildContext); using var archStream = File.OpenRead(archivePath); var buildParameters = new ImageBuildParameters { Dockerfile = "DockerFile", Tags = new[] { imageName } }; if (startOptions.PrivateDockerRegistry != null) { buildParameters.AuthConfigs = new Dictionary <string, AuthConfig> { { startOptions.PrivateDockerRegistry.Address, new AuthConfig { Username = startOptions.PrivateDockerRegistry.Login, Password = startOptions.PrivateDockerRegistry.Password, } } }; } var outStream = await dockerClient.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(archStream, buildParameters); using var streamReader = new StreamReader(outStream); return(await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync()); }
public async Task <string> BuildImage(string contextRoot, string repository, string image, string tag) { var tarFileName = "build.tar.gz"; var tarFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), tarFileName); if (File.Exists(tarFilePath)) { File.Delete(tarFilePath); } TarFolder(tarFilePath, contextRoot); var parameters = new ImageBuildParameters { Tags = new List <string> { $"{repository}/{image}:{tag}" } }; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(tarFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { var res = await _client.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(fs, parameters); TextReader reader = new StreamReader(res); return(reader.ReadToEnd()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Build([FromBody] BuildRequest req) { //figure out so var auth = new AuthConfig() { Username = "******", Password = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("dockerpassword") }; var authdict = new Dictionary <string, AuthConfig> { { "", auth } }; _log.LogInformation($"fetching manifest for {req.VSTSDropUri}"); var drop = new DropDownloadCore.VSTSDropProxy(req.VSTSDropUri, "/", req.Pat); string tempDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()); var imageparams = new ImageBuildParameters(); imageparams.Tags = new List <string> { req.tag }; imageparams.AuthConfigs = authdict; try { _log.LogInformation($"Putting {req.VSTSDropUri} in {tempDirectory}"); await drop.Materialize(tempDirectory); using (var tar = CreateTar(tempDirectory)) { //since apparently we use a tarball for context we don't really need to be in the same pod. _log.LogInformation($"Building t{req.tag}"); var image = await _client.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(tar, imageparams); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(image)) { _log.LogInformation(await reader.ReadToEndAsync()); } _log.LogInformation($"Pushing image"); await _client.Images.PushImageAsync(req.tag, new ImagePushParameters(), auth, new ProgressDumper(_log)); } _log.LogInformation($"Putting {req.VSTSDropUri} in {tempDirectory}"); return(Ok(tempDirectory)); } finally { Directory.Delete(tempDirectory, true); } }
public async Task <ImageInfo> CreateImage(Language language, string code) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code)) { throw new ArgumentException("Код пользователя пустой.", nameof(code)); } var buildId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var solutionPath = await this.codeSaver.Save(code, language, buildId); var archive = this.codeArchiver.CreateArchive(solutionPath, buildId); var imageTag = string.Format(ImageTagFormat, buildId, language.Id.ToLower()); try { using (var archiveStream = File.OpenRead(archive)) { var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(this.maxBuildTime); var buildParams = new ImageBuildParameters { Tags = new List <string> { imageTag }, Remove = true, ForceRemove = true }; var stream = await this.dockerClient.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(archiveStream, buildParams, cts.Token); await Task.WhenAny(this.ReadToEnd(stream, imageTag, cts.Token), Task.Delay(this.maxBuildTime)); if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new BuildImageException($"Не удалось создать образ с именем {imageTag} за выделенное время"); } return(new ImageInfo { Tag = imageTag }); } } finally { File.Delete(archive); Directory.Delete(solutionPath, true); } }
public Task <Stream> BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(Stream contents, ImageBuildParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (contents == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contents)); } if (parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameters)); } var data = new BinaryRequestContent(contents, "application/tar"); IQueryString queryParameters = new QueryString <ImageBuildParameters>(parameters); return(this._client.MakeRequestForStreamAsync(this._client.NoErrorHandlers, HttpMethod.Post, "build", queryParameters, data, cancellationToken)); }
public Task <Stream> BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(Stream contents, ImageBuildParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (contents == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contents"); } if (parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters"); } BinaryRequestContent data = new BinaryRequestContent(contents, "application/tar"); const string path = "build"; IQueryString queryParameters = new QueryString <ImageBuildParameters>(parameters); return(this.Client.MakeRequestForStreamAsync(this.Client.NoErrorHandlers, HttpMethod.Post, path, queryParameters, data, cancellationToken)); }
/// <summary> /// Builds an image from a Dockerfile. If possible don't use this approach as it can be brittle. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockerFile">Dockerfile to build</param> /// <param name="contextRelativeToDockerfile">Directory to build the docker file from (normally "." or "..")</param> /// <param name="buildParameters">Optional parameters</param> public DockerfileImageProvider(FileInfo dockerFile, string contextRelativeToDockerfile, ImageBuildParameters buildParameters = null) { this.buildParameters = buildParameters ?? new ImageBuildParameters { Remove = true }; this.dockerfilePath = dockerFile.FullName; if (!File.Exists(this.dockerfilePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find Dockerfile", this.dockerfilePath); } this.dockerContextPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.dockerfilePath), contextRelativeToDockerfile)); if (!Directory.Exists(this.dockerContextPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find docker context", this.dockerContextPath); } }
public Task BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(ImageBuildParameters parameters, Stream contents, IEnumerable <AuthConfig> authConfigs, IDictionary <string, string> headers, IProgress <JSONMessage> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (contents == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contents)); } if (parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameters)); } HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.Post; var data = new BinaryRequestContent(contents, TarContentType); IQueryString queryParameters = new QueryString <ImageBuildParameters>(parameters); Dictionary <string, string> customHeaders = RegistryConfigHeaders(authConfigs); if (headers != null) { foreach (string key in headers.Keys) { customHeaders[key] = headers[key]; } } return(StreamUtil.MonitorResponseForMessagesAsync( this._client.MakeRequestForRawResponseAsync( httpMethod, "build", queryParameters, data, customHeaders, cancellationToken), this._client, cancellationToken, progress )); }
public async Task Build() { var tag = "1"; var parameters = new ImageBuildParameters(); parameters.Tags = new List <string> { ImageName + ":" + tag }; using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { var response = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""); File.WriteAllText("../../Dockerfile", response); } tarHelper.CreateTarFile("../../Dockerfile", "../../Dockerfile.tar"); var tarStream = new FileStream("../../Dockerfile.tar", FileMode.Open); var log = await NSwagDockerClientCreate.BuildImageAsync( tarStream, ImageName + ":" + tag, "", true, false ); await dockerWrapper.DeleteDanglingImages(); /* Broken pipe problem with Docker.DotNet * using (var client = dockerWrapper.GetClient()) * { * parameters.RemoteContext = ""; * * var stream = await client.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(tarStream, parameters); * Console.WriteLine("coucou"); * } */ }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); using (var reader = new AnonymousPipeServerStream(PipeDirection.In, HandleInheritability.None, 65536)) { var tarTask = Task.Run(async() => { using (var writer = new AnonymousPipeClientStream(PipeDirection.Out, reader.ClientSafePipeHandle)) { var tar = new TarWriter(writer); await tar.CreateEntriesFromDirectoryAsync(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) ? "." : Path, "."); await tar.CloseAsync(); writer.Close(); } }); var parameters = new ImageBuildParameters { NoCache = SkipCache.ToBool(), ForceRemove = ForceRemoveIntermediateContainers.ToBool(), Remove = !PreserveIntermediateContainers.ToBool(), }; string repoTag = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Repository)) { repoTag = Repository; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { repoTag += ":"; repoTag += Tag; } parameters.Tags.Add(repoTag); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { throw new Exception("tag without a repo???"); } string imageId = null; bool failed = false; var buildTask = DkrClient.Miscellaneous.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(reader, parameters, CancelSignal.Token); using (var progress = buildTask.AwaitResult()) using (var progressReader = new StreamReader(progress, new UTF8Encoding(false))) { string line; while ((line = progressReader.ReadLine()) != null) { var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonMessage>(line); if (message.Stream != null) { if (message.Stream.StartsWith(_successfullyBuilt)) { // This is probably the image ID. imageId = message.Stream.Substring(_successfullyBuilt.Length).Trim(); } var infoRecord = new HostInformationMessage(); infoRecord.Message = message.Stream; WriteInformation(infoRecord, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); } if (message.Error != null) { var error = new ErrorRecord(new Exception(message.Error.Message), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null); WriteError(error); failed = true; } } } tarTask.WaitUnwrap(); if (imageId == null && !failed) { throw new Exception("Could not find image, but no error was returned"); } WriteObject(ContainerOperations.GetImageById(imageId, DkrClient)); } }
protected override async Task ProcessRecordAsync() { var directory = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path ?? ""); // Ensure the path is a directory. if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(directory); } WriteVerbose(string.Format("Archiving the contents of {0}", directory)); using (var reader = Archiver.CreateTarStream(new List<string> { directory }, CmdletCancellationToken)) { var parameters = new ImageBuildParameters { NoCache = SkipCache.ToBool(), ForceRemove = ForceRemoveIntermediateContainers.ToBool(), Remove = !PreserveIntermediateContainers.ToBool(), }; string repoTag = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Repository)) { repoTag = Repository; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { repoTag += ":"; repoTag += Tag; } parameters.Tags = new List<string> { repoTag }; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { throw new Exception("You must specify a repository name in order to specify a tag."); } string imageId = null; bool failed = false; var progress = new Progress<ProgressReader.Status>(); var progressRecord = new ProgressRecord(0, "Dockerfile context", "Uploading"); progress.ProgressChanged += (o, status) => { if (status.Complete) { progressRecord.CurrentOperation = null; progressRecord.StatusDescription = "Processing"; } else { progressRecord.StatusDescription = string.Format("Uploaded {0} bytes", status.TotalBytesRead); } WriteProgress(progressRecord); }; var progressReader = new ProgressReader(reader, progress, 512 * 1024); var buildTask = DkrClient.Miscellaneous.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(progressReader, parameters, CmdletCancellationToken); var messageWriter = new JsonMessageWriter(this); using (var buildStream = await buildTask) { // Complete the upload progress bar. progressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed; WriteProgress(progressRecord); // ReadLineAsync is not cancellable without closing the whole stream, so register a callback to do just that. using (CmdletCancellationToken.Register(() => buildStream.Close())) using (var buildReader = new StreamReader(buildStream, new UTF8Encoding(false))) { string line; while ((line = await buildReader.ReadLineAsync()) != null) { var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonMessage>(line); if (message.Stream != null && message.Stream.StartsWith(_successfullyBuilt)) { // This is probably the image ID. imageId = message.Stream.Substring(_successfullyBuilt.Length).Trim(); } if (message.Error != null) { failed = true; } messageWriter.WriteJsonMessage(message); } } } messageWriter.ClearProgress(); if (imageId != null) { WriteObject(await ContainerOperations.GetImageById(imageId, DkrClient)); } else if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Could not find image, but no error was returned"); } } }
protected override async Task ProcessRecordAsync() { var directory = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path ?? ""); // Ensure the path is a directory. if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(directory); } WriteVerbose(string.Format("Archiving the contents of {0}", directory)); using (var reader = Archiver.CreateTarStream(new List <string> { directory }, CmdletCancellationToken)) { var parameters = new ImageBuildParameters { NoCache = SkipCache, ForceRemove = ForceRemoveIntermediateContainers, Remove = !PreserveIntermediateContainers, }; if (this.Isolation != IsolationType.Default) { parameters.Isolation = this.Isolation.ToString(); } string repoTag = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Repository)) { repoTag = Repository; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { repoTag += ":"; repoTag += Tag; } parameters.Tags = new List <string> { repoTag }; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { throw new Exception("You must specify a repository name in order to specify a tag."); } string imageId = null; bool failed = false; var progress = new Progress <ProgressReader.Status>(); var progressRecord = new ProgressRecord(0, "Dockerfile context", "Uploading"); progress.ProgressChanged += (o, status) => { if (status.Complete) { progressRecord.CurrentOperation = null; progressRecord.StatusDescription = "Processing"; } else { progressRecord.StatusDescription = string.Format("Uploaded {0} bytes", status.TotalBytesRead); } WriteProgress(progressRecord); }; var progressReader = new ProgressReader(reader, progress, 512 * 1024); var buildTask = DkrClient.Miscellaneous.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(progressReader, parameters, CmdletCancellationToken); var messageWriter = new JsonMessageWriter(this); using (var buildStream = await buildTask) { // Complete the upload progress bar. progressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed; WriteProgress(progressRecord); // ReadLineAsync is not cancellable without closing the whole stream, so register a callback to do just that. using (CmdletCancellationToken.Register(() => buildStream.Dispose())) using (var buildReader = new StreamReader(buildStream, new UTF8Encoding(false))) { string line; while ((line = await buildReader.ReadLineAsync()) != null) { var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonMessage>(line); if (message.Stream != null && message.Stream.StartsWith(SuccessfullyBuilt)) { // This is probably the image ID. imageId = message.Stream.Substring(SuccessfullyBuilt.Length).Trim(); } if (message.Error != null) { failed = true; } messageWriter.WriteJsonMessage(message); } } } messageWriter.ClearProgress(); if (imageId != null) { WriteObject(await ContainerOperations.GetImageById(imageId, DkrClient)); } else if (!failed) { throw new Exception("Could not find image, but no error was returned"); } } }
public async Task <Result> Run() { var templates = _configurationExplorer.Explore(_options.SourcePath, _options.ConfigurationFiles); if (templates.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var buildGraphResult = _buildGraphFactory.Create(templates.Value); if (buildGraphResult.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var buildGraphsResult = _buildGraphsFactory.Create(buildGraphResult.Value); if (buildGraphsResult.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var buildGraphs = buildGraphsResult.Value.ToList(); if (!buildGraphs.Any()) { _logger.Log("Nothing to build.", Result.Error); return(Result.Error); } var dockerFilesRootPath = _fileSystem.UniqueName; var contextStreamResult = await _contextFactory.Create(dockerFilesRootPath, buildGraphResult.Value.Nodes.Select(i => i.Value).OfType <Image>().Select(i => i.File)); if (contextStreamResult.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var contextStream = contextStreamResult.Value; using (contextStream) using (_logger.CreateBlock("Build")) { foreach (var buildGraph in buildGraphs) { var nameResult = _nodesDescriptionFactory.Create(buildGraph.Nodes); var name = nameResult.State != Result.Error ? nameResult.Value.Name : "Unnamed graph"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.FilterRegex) && !new Regex(_options.FilterRegex).IsMatch(name)) { _logger.Log($"\"{name}\" was skipped according to filter \"{_options.FilterRegex}\".", Result.Warning); continue; } using (_logger.CreateBlock(name)) { var buildPath = _buildPathProvider.GetPath(buildGraph).ToList(); foreach (var buildNode in buildPath) { switch (buildNode.Value) { case Image image: var dockerFile = image.File; using (_logger.CreateBlock(dockerFile.ToString())) { var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var labels = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "InternalImageId", id } }; var tags = ( from tag in dockerFile.Tags select $"{dockerFile.ImageId}:{tag}") .Distinct() .ToList(); contextStream.Position = 0; var dockerFilePathInContext = _pathService.Normalize(Path.Combine(dockerFilesRootPath, dockerFile.Path)); var buildParameters = new ImageBuildParameters { Dockerfile = dockerFilePathInContext, Tags = tags, PullParent = true, Labels = labels }; using (var buildEventStream = await _dockerClient.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync( contextStream, buildParameters, _cancellationTokenSource.Token)) { _streamService.ProcessLines(buildEventStream, line => { _messageLogger.Log(line); }); } var filter = new Dictionary <string, IDictionary <string, bool> > { { "label", labels.ToDictionary(i => $"{i.Key}={i.Value}", _ => true) } }; var images = await _dockerClient.Images.ListImagesAsync(new ImagesListParameters { Filters = filter }); if (images.Count == 0) { _logger.Log($"Error while building the image {dockerFile}", Result.Error); return(Result.Error); } } break; } } } } } return(Result.Success); }
public async Task <Result> Run() { var templates = _configurationExplorer.Explore(_options.SourcePath, _options.ConfigurationFiles); if (templates.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var buildGraphResult = _buildGraphFactory.Create(templates.Value); if (buildGraphResult.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var buildGraphsResult = _buildGraphsFactory.Create(buildGraphResult.Value); if (buildGraphsResult.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var buildGraphs = buildGraphsResult.Value.ToList(); if (!buildGraphs.Any()) { _logger.Log("Nothing to build.", Result.Error); return(Result.Error); } var dockerFilesRootPath = _fileSystem.UniqueName; var contextStreamResult = await _contextFactory.Create(dockerFilesRootPath, buildGraphResult.Value.Nodes.Select(i => i.Value).OfType <Image>().Select(i => i.File)); if (contextStreamResult.State == Result.Error) { return(Result.Error); } var contextStream = contextStreamResult.Value; using (contextStream) using (_logger.CreateBlock("Build")) { var labels = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var buildGraph in buildGraphs) { var name = _graphNameFactory.Create(buildGraph).Value ?? "Unnamed graph"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.FilterRegex) && !new Regex(_options.FilterRegex).IsMatch(name)) { _logger.Log($"\"{name}\" was skipped according to filter \"{_options.FilterRegex}\".", Result.Warning); continue; } using (_logger.CreateBlock(name)) { var buildPath = _buildPathProvider.GetPath(buildGraph).ToList(); foreach (var buildNode in buildPath) { switch (buildNode.Value) { case Image image: var dockerFile = image.File; using (_logger.CreateBlock(dockerFile.ToString())) { contextStream.Position = 0; var dockerFilePathInContext = _pathService.Normalize(Path.Combine(dockerFilesRootPath, dockerFile.Path)); var buildParameters = new ImageBuildParameters { Dockerfile = dockerFilePathInContext, Tags = dockerFile.Tags.Distinct().ToList(), Labels = labels }; using (var buildEventStream = await _dockerClient.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync( contextStream, buildParameters, _cancellationTokenSource.Token)) { _streamService.ProcessLines(buildEventStream, line => { _messageLogger.Log(line); }); } } break; } } } } } return(Result.Success); }
public async Task <bool> RunScriptAsync(UserConfiguration config) { var hs = new HomeControllerService(); // // // Upload License if provided this.UploadFile(config); // Upload model input data if provided this.UploadModelInputData(config); // Generate Dockerfile var programDockerfilePath = hs.CreateGamsDockerfile(config); var fullpat = Path.GetFullPath(programDockerfilePath); // ------- CREATE IMAGE FROM DOCKERFILE try { //// var path = fullpat; const string tarFile = "Dockerfile.tar"; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(tarFile)) { System.IO.File.Delete(tarFile); } hs.CreateTarGz(tarFile, path); Logger.Log("\n\n\n\n======== DOCKERFILE START ======================================="); using (var sr = new StreamReader(path)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Logger.Log(line); } } Logger.Log("========= DOCKERFILE END ======================================\n\n\n\n\n"); //hs.DownloadZipDataToFolder("http://geonode_geonode_1/documents/3/download/", @"./OutputZip/"); var networks = await Client.Networks.ListNetworksAsync(); var network = networks.First(x => x.Name.Contains("webinterface_default")); //networks.First(x => x.Name.Contains("geonode")); var imageName = "gams/iiasa"; var tag = "latest"; // // var imageBuildParameters = new ImageBuildParameters() { Remove = true, ForceRemove = true, Tags = new List <string> { imageName + ":" + tag }, NetworkMode = network.Name, NoCache = true }; var errorDetected = false; using (var fs = new FileStream(tarFile, FileMode.Open)) { // var statusUpdate = await Client.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync( fs, imageBuildParameters, CancellationToken.None); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(statusUpdate)) { string line; while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null) { Logger.Log(line); if (line.ToLower().Contains("error")) { errorDetected = true; } } } fs.Dispose(); } if (errorDetected) { Logger.Log("!!! ERRORS DETECTED!!!\nContainer Creation Aborted!"); return(false); } var containerName = imageName.Replace("/", "_") + "_container"; var containers = await Client.Containers.ListContainersAsync(new ContainersListParameters { All = true, }, CancellationToken.None); var containerList = containers.ToList(); foreach (var container in containerList) { foreach (var name in container.Names) { if (name.Contains(containerName)) { await Client.Containers.RemoveContainerAsync(container.ID, new ContainerRemoveParameters { Force = true }); } } } var containerResponse = await Client.Containers.CreateContainerAsync(new CreateContainerParameters { AttachStderr = true, AttachStdin = true, AttachStdout = true, Image = imageName, Name = containerName, }, CancellationToken.None); var res = await Client.Containers.StartContainerAsync(containerResponse.ID, new ContainerStartParameters(), CancellationToken.None); if (res) { Logger.Log("=== Container Created and Started ==="); var outputResponse = await Client.Containers.GetArchiveFromContainerAsync(containerResponse.ID, new GetArchiveFromContainerParameters { Path = "/output" }, false, CancellationToken.None); using (Stream s = System.IO.File.Create("./Result/result.tar")) { outputResponse.Stream.CopyTo(s); } Logger.Log("output finished!"); return(true); } Logger.Log("ERROR\n=== Container Could Not Be Created! ==="); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log( "=================== ERROR ==========================================================================="); Logger.Log(ex.Message); //ex.FullMessage()); if (ex.InnerException != null) { Logger.Log(ex.InnerException.Message); } Logger.Log( "====================================================================================================="); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Builds an image from a Dockerfile in the solution's folder with a matching label. /// </summary> /// <param name="label">Label to match</param> /// <param name="contextRelativeToDockerfile">Directory to build the docker file from (normally "." or "..")</param> /// <param name="buildParameters">Optional parameters</param> /// <param name="locator">Locates Dockerfile</param> public DockerfileImageProvider(KeyValuePair <string, string> label, string contextRelativeToDockerfile, ImageBuildParameters buildParameters = null, IDockerfileLocator locator = null) : this((locator ?? new DockerfileLocator()).GetDockerfile(label), contextRelativeToDockerfile, buildParameters) { }
/// <summary> /// Builds an image from a Dockerfile in the solution's folder with a matching "project" label. /// </summary> /// <param name="projectName">Value of the project label</param> /// <param name="contextRelativeToDockerfile">Directory to build the docker file from (normally "." or "..")</param> /// <param name="buildParameters">Optional parameters</param> /// <param name="locator">Locates Dockerfile</param> public DockerfileImageProvider(string projectName, string contextRelativeToDockerfile, ImageBuildParameters buildParameters = null, IDockerfileLocator locator = null) : this(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("project", projectName), contextRelativeToDockerfile, buildParameters, locator) { }
protected override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync(CommandContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name)) { Console.WriteLine("No name was specified."); return(1); } var tag = $"{DeviceType.ToLower()}-agent-{Name.Trim().ToLower()}"; using (var temporaryFile = new TemporaryFile()) { //Create the tar in a temporary place TarUtil.CreateTarGZ(temporaryFile.Path, Source); //Create the docker client using (var dockerClient = CreateDockerClient()) { //Open up the temp file using (var tarStream = File.OpenRead(temporaryFile.Path)) { //Set up the build var imageBuildParmeters = new ImageBuildParameters { Tags = new List <string> { tag }, Dockerfile = $"{DeviceType}.Agent.Dockerfile" }; BuildResult result; //Build it!!!!! using (var resultStream = await dockerClient.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(tarStream, imageBuildParmeters, cancellationToken)) { //Deal with the result result = await resultStream.ProcessBuildStreamAsync(); } //Check to see if we have any errors if (result.Errors.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"Build completed with {result.Errors.Count} errors."); return(1); } //Let us deploy if (Deploy) { return(await DeployAsync(context, dockerClient, result, tag, cancellationToken)); } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), cancellationToken); return(0); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the docker image build command to build this image /// </summary> /// <inheritdoc /> public override async Task <string> Resolve(CancellationToken ct = default) { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) { return(null); } if (DeleteOnExit) { ResourceReaper.RegisterImageForCleanup(ImageName, DockerClient); } _logger.LogDebug("Begin building image: {}", ImageName); var tempTarPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ImageName.Replace('/', '_') + ".tar"); try { using (var tempFile = new FileStream(tempTarPath, FileMode.Create)) using (var tarArchive = TarArchive.CreateOutputTarArchive(tempFile)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BasePath)) { // the algorithm here is carefully crafted to minimise the use of // Path.GetFullPath. Path.GetFullPath is used very sparingly and // completely avoided in loops. The reason is because Path.GetFullPath // is a very expensive call and can reduce CPU time by at least 1 order // of magnitude if avoided var fullBasePath = Path.GetFullPath(OS.NormalizePath(BasePath)); var ignoreFullPaths = GetIgnores(fullBasePath); // sending a full path will result in entries with full path var allFullPaths = GetAllFilesInDirectory(fullBasePath); // a thread pool that is starved can decrease the performance of // this method dramatically. Using `AsParallel()` will circumvent such issues. // as a result, methods and classes used by this needs to be thread safe. var validFullPaths = allFullPaths .AsParallel() .Where(f => !IsFileIgnored(ignoreFullPaths, f)); foreach (var fullPath in validFullPaths) { // we can safely perform a substring without expanding the paths // using Path.GetFullPath because we know fullBasePath has already been // expanded and the paths in validFullPaths are derived from fullBasePath var relativePath = fullPath.Substring(fullBasePath.Length); // if fullBasePath does not end with directory separator, // relativePath will start with directory separator and that should not be the case if (relativePath.StartsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { relativePath = relativePath.Substring(1); } await new MountableFile(fullPath) .TransferTo(tarArchive, relativePath, ct) .ConfigureAwait(false); } _logger.LogDebug("Transferred base path [{}] into tar archive", BasePath); } foreach (var entry in Transferables) { var destinationPath = entry.Key; var transferable = entry.Value; await transferable .TransferTo(tarArchive, destinationPath, ct) .ConfigureAwait(false); _logger.LogDebug("Transferred [{}] into tar archive", destinationPath); } tarArchive.Close(); } if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) { return(null); } var buildImageParameters = new ImageBuildParameters { Dockerfile = DockerfilePath, Labels = DeleteOnExit ? ResourceReaper.Labels : null, Tags = new List <string> { ImageName } }; using (var tempFile = new FileStream(tempTarPath, FileMode.Open)) { var output = await DockerClient.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(tempFile, buildImageParameters, ct); using (var reader = new StreamReader(output)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { _logger.LogTrace(reader.ReadLine()); } } } } finally { File.Delete(tempTarPath); } _logger.LogInformation("Dockerfile image built: {}", ImageName); // we should not catch exceptions thrown by inspect because the image is // expected to be available since we've just built it var image = await DockerClient.Images.InspectImageAsync(ImageName, ct); ImageId = image.ID; return(ImageId); }