コード例 #1
        public void UpdateWall(WallUpdateModel wall, string userId)
            var theWall = _wallRepository.Get(wall.WallId);

            if (theWall != null)
                if (theWall.SiteId != wall.SiteId)
                    throw new LynexException(string.Format("Wall {0} does not belong to Site {1}", wall.WallId, wall.SiteId));

                if (theWall.Site.UserId != userId)
                    throw new LynexException(string.Format("User {0} does not have permission on Wall {1}", userId, wall.WallId));

                theWall.X      = wall.X;
                theWall.Y      = wall.Y;
                theWall.Length = wall.Length;
                theWall.Angle  = wall.Angle;
                theWall.Type   = wall.Type;
                throw new LynexException(string.Format("Wall {0} does not exist", wall.WallId));
コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateWall([FromBody] WallForUpdateDto updatedWall)
                if (updatedWall == null)
                    return(BadRequest("Wall object is null"));

                if (!ModelState.IsValid) // check to see if request was bound correctly
                    //_logger.LogError("Invalid retaining wall object sent from client request.");
                    return(BadRequest("Invalid retaining wall object."));

                // retrieve wall from the db
                var wall = await _repo.GetWallByIdAsync(updatedWall.Id);

                // map changes to wall
                _mapper.Map(updatedWall, wall);

                // if a change was made to db
                if (await _repo.UpdateWall(wall))

                return(BadRequest("Failed to update wall"));

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(StatusCode(500, "Internal server error" + ": " + ex.Message));