コード例 #1
        public async Task AddReview(ReviewDTO newReview)
            using (var context = getContext())
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateException ex)
                    //If exception was caused by Foriegn Key Constraints or Unique Constraints
                    // throw validation exception that will be proccessed to an HTTPResponse with clear failure reason in Abstract Controller
                    if (!await context.Users.AnyAsync(u => u.Id == newReview.UserId))
                        throw new ValidationException(String.Format("User with id {0} does not exist", newReview.UserId), ex);
                    if (!await context.Restaurants.AnyAsync(r => r.Id == newReview.RestaurantId))
                        throw new ValidationException(String.Format("Restaurant with id {0} does not exist", newReview.RestaurantId), ex);
                    if (await context.Reviews.AnyAsync(r => r.RestaurantId == newReview.RestaurantId && r.UserId == newReview.UserId))
                        throw new ValidationException(String.Format("User already wrote a review for this resturaunt.  Delete it before adding new review."));

コード例 #2
        public async Task AddRestaruantAsync(RestaurantDTO newRestaurant)
            using (var context = getContext())
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateException ex)
                    //If exception was caused by Foriegn Key Constraints or Unique Constraints
                    // throw validation exception that will be proccessed to an HTTPResponse with clear failure reason in Abstract Controller
                    if (!await context.Cities.AnyAsync(c => c.Id == newRestaurant.CityId))
                        throw new ValidationException(String.Format("City with id {0} does not exists", newRestaurant.CityId), ex);
                    if (await context.Restaurants.AnyAsync(r => r.Name == newRestaurant.Name && r.Address == newRestaurant.Address))
                        throw new ValidationException(String.Format("Restaurant with name, {0}, and address, {1}, already exists", newRestaurant.Name, newRestaurant.Address), ex);
