コード例 #1
        public void dealRound(int gameId)
            Game       g  = listOfGames.ElementAt(gameId - 1);
            Subscriber sb = GetMe();

            Trace.WriteLine("SEVICE: dealRound called by " + sb.nickname);
            if (sb.Id == g.Players[0].Id)
                for (int i = 0; i < g.Count; i++)
                    List <ServiceCard> cards = new List <ServiceCard>();
                    int         index        = (g.Count - g.MovesIndex - i) % g.Count;
                    ServiceUser u            = g.Players[index];
                    while (u.CardsInHand < 6 && g.TopCardIndex >= 0)
                        g.TopCardIndex -= 1;
                        u.CardsInHand  += 1;
                    Subscriber       s  = getSubscriberById(u.Id);
                    IServiceCallback cb = s.callback;
                    Trace.WriteLine("SEVICE: calling onDeal after dealRound ");
                    Trace.WriteLine("SEVICE: calling to " + s.nickname + " with id " + g.Players[index].Id);
                    Trace.WriteLine("SEVICE: sending " + cards.Count + " cards");
                    cb.OnDeal(cards.ToArray(), g.Deck[0], g.Players[index].Id, gameId);
コード例 #2
        public void dealCards(int gameid)
            Subscriber me = GetMe();

            Trace.WriteLine("SERVICE: Dealing card !!!");
            Game g         = listOfGames.ElementAt(gameid - 1);
            int  deckIndex = g.Deck.Length - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < g.Count; i++)
                ServiceCard[] cards = new ServiceCard[6];
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    cards[j]  = g.Deck[deckIndex];
                    deckIndex = deckIndex - 1;
                ServiceUser p = g.Players[i];
                p.CardsInHand = 6;
                Subscriber       s  = getSubscriberById(p.Id);
                IServiceCallback cb = s.callback;
                Trace.WriteLine("SERVICE: Calling callback ");
                Trace.WriteLine("SERVICE: Calling player " + s.nickname);
                Trace.WriteLine("SERVICE: Subscribers " + subscrbers.Count);
                cb.OnDeal(cards, g.Deck[0], g.Players[i].Id, g.Id);
                Trace.WriteLine("SERVICE: Calling back done!");
            g.TopCardIndex = deckIndex;
            Trace.WriteLine("SERVICE: deal done!");