コード例 #1
        public static T DrawPropertyEditor <T>(T obj, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            var label = GUIContent.none;

            IPropertyEditor editor = PropertyEditor.Get(typeof(T), null).FirstEditor;

            var  height = editor.GetElementHeight(label, obj, metadata.Enter("Root", metadata.Context));
            Rect rect   = new Rect(0, 0, 500, height);

            var serializedObj = obj as ISerializationCallbackReceiver;

            if (serializedObj != null)

            obj = editor.Edit(rect, label, obj, metadata.Enter("Root", metadata.Context));

            if (serializedObj != null)

コード例 #2
        public object Edit(Rect region, GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            metadata.Enter("AbstractTypeEditor").Metadata.GetPersistentMetadata <fiDropdownMetadata>().ForceDisable();

            try {
                fiEditorGUI.AnimatedBegin(ref region, metadata);


                // draw the popup
                    int popupHeight = (int)EditorStyles.popup.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 100);

                    Rect popupRegion = new Rect(region);
                    popupRegion.height = popupHeight;
                    region.y          += popupRegion.height;
                    region.height     -= popupRegion.height;

                    int selectedIndex = _options.GetDisplayOptionIndex(element);
                    int updatedIndex  = EditorGUI.Popup(popupRegion, label, selectedIndex, _options.GetDisplayOptions());

                    if (selectedIndex != updatedIndex)
                        metadata.GetMetadata <AbstractTypeAnimationMetadata>().ChangedTypes = true;

                    element = _options.UpdateObjectInstance(element, selectedIndex, updatedIndex);

                // no element; no editor
                if (element == null)

                // draw the instance specific property editor
                    Rect selectedRegion = new Rect(region);
                    selectedRegion = fiRectUtility.IndentedRect(selectedRegion);
                    region.y      += selectedRegion.height;
                    region.height -= selectedRegion.height;

                    // show custom editor
                    PropertyEditorChain chain  = PropertyEditor.Get(element.GetType(), null);
                    IPropertyEditor     editor = chain.SkipUntilNot(typeof(AbstractTypePropertyEditor));

                    return(editor.Edit(selectedRegion, GUIContent.none, element, metadata.Enter("AbstractTypeEditor")));
            finally {
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method makes it easy to use a typical property editor as a GUILayout style method,
        /// where the rect is taken care of.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="editor">The editor that is being used.</param>
        /// <param name="label">The label to edit the region with.</param>
        /// <param name="element">The element that is being edited.</param>
        public static T EditWithGUILayout <T>(this IPropertyEditor editor, GUIContent label,
                                              T element, fiGraphMetadataChild metadata)
            float height = editor.GetElementHeight(label, element, metadata);
            Rect  region = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, height);

            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout)
                return(editor.Edit(region, label, element, metadata));
コード例 #4
        public object Edit(Rect region, GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            // draw the nullable type toggle
                int labelHeight = (int)EditorStyles.label.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 100);

                Rect toggleRegion = new Rect(region);
                toggleRegion.height = labelHeight;
                region.y           += toggleRegion.height;
                region.height      -= toggleRegion.height;

                if (EditorGUI.Toggle(toggleRegion, label, element != null))
                    if (element == null)
                        element     = _elementType.CreateInstance();
                        GUI.changed = true;
                    element = null;

            // no element; no editor
            if (element == null)

            // we have a value for the nullable type; draw the property editor
                Rect selectedRegion = new Rect(region);
                selectedRegion = fiRectUtility.IndentedRect(selectedRegion);
                region.y      += selectedRegion.height;
                region.height -= selectedRegion.height;

                // show custom editor
                PropertyEditorChain chain  = PropertyEditor.Get(element.GetType(), null);
                IPropertyEditor     editor = chain.SkipUntilNot(typeof(NullablePropertyEditor));

                return(editor.Edit(selectedRegion, GUIContent.none, element, metadata.Enter("NullableEditor", metadata.Context)));
コード例 #5
        protected override void OnEdit(Rect rect, UnityObject behavior, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            fiGraphMetadataChild childMetadata = metadata.Enter("DefaultBehaviorEditor");

            childMetadata.Metadata.GetPersistentMetadata <fiDropdownMetadata>().ForceDisable();

            // We don't want to get the IObjectPropertyEditor for the given target, which extends
            // UnityObject, so that we can actually edit the property instead of getting a Unity
            // reference field. We also don't want the AbstractTypePropertyEditor, which we will get
            // if the behavior has any derived types.
            PropertyEditorChain editorChain = PropertyEditor.Get(behavior.GetType(), null);
            IPropertyEditor     editor      = editorChain.SkipUntilNot(

            // Run the editor
            editor.Edit(rect, GUIContent.none, behavior, childMetadata);
コード例 #6
ファイル: fiEditorGUI.cs プロジェクト: smbss1/fullinspector
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a GUI for editing the given property and returns the updated
        /// value. This does
        /// *not* write the updated value to a container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// An optional context that the property value came from. If this is not
        /// given, then a prefab context menu will not be displayable.
        /// </param>
        public static object EditPropertyDirect(Rect region, InspectedProperty property, object propertyValue, fiGraphMetadataChild metadataChild, object context)
            fiGraphMetadata metadata = metadataChild.Metadata;

            // Show a "revert to prefab" value context-menu if possible
            if (context != null)
                RevertPrefabContextMenu(region, context, property);

            // get the label / tooltip
            GUIContent label = new GUIContent(property.DisplayName,

            var             editorChain = PropertyEditor.Get(property.StorageType, property.MemberInfo);
            IPropertyEditor editor      = editorChain.FirstEditor;

            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(property.CanWrite == false);
            propertyValue = editor.Edit(region, label, propertyValue, metadata.Enter("EditProperty", metadata.Context));
