コード例 #1
		// This is ported from the CDK and modified to not do so much uneccessary looping
		public static string GetString(IMolecularFormula formula)
			var carbon = new Element("C");
			var poossibleElements = MolecularFormulaManipulator.containsElement(formula, carbon) ? HillSystem.ElementsWithCarbons : HillSystem.ElementsWithoutCarbons;

			var elemCounts = new OrderedDictionary();
			foreach (var possibleElement in poossibleElements)
				elemCounts.Add(possibleElement, 0);

			foreach (var isotope in formula.isotopes().ToWindowsEnumerable<IIsotope>())
				var isotopeSymbol = isotope.getSymbol();
				var currentCount = (int)elemCounts[isotopeSymbol];
				elemCounts[isotopeSymbol] = currentCount + formula.getIsotopeCount(isotope);

			var parts = new List<string>();
			foreach (DictionaryEntry elemCount in elemCounts)
				var count = (int)elemCount.Value;
				var elem = (string)elemCount.Key;
				if (count == 1)
				else if (count > 1)
					parts.Add(string.Format("{0}{1}", elem, count));

			return string.Join("", parts);