コード例 #1
        public async Task <dynamic> InstantiateApp(StartServiceModel startServiceModel)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            bool startService = true;
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Get the service context containing metadata about the service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, Guid.Empty);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            // Populate the reportee information
            requestContext.UserContext.Party = await _register.GetParty(startServiceModel.PartyId);

            requestContext.Party = requestContext.UserContext.Party;

            // Checks if the reportee is allowed to initiate the application
            Application application = _repository.GetApplication(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service);

            if (application != null && !InstantiationHelper.IsPartyAllowedToInstantiate(requestContext.UserContext.Party, application.PartyTypesAllowed))
                return(new StatusCodeResult(403));

            // Create platform service and assign to service implementation making it possible for the service implementation
            // to use plattform services. Also make it available in ViewBag so it can be used from Views

            // Assign the different context information to the service implementation making it possible for
            // the service developer to take use of this information
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            object serviceModel = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startServiceModel.PrefillKey))

            if (serviceModel == null)
                // If the service model was not loaded from prefill.
                serviceModel = serviceImplementation.CreateNewServiceModel();

            // Assign service model to the implementation

            // Run Instansiation event
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Instantiation);

            // Run validate Instansiation event where
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.ValidateInstantiation);

            // If ValidateInstansiation event has not added any errors the new form is saved and user is redirercted to the correct
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (serviceContext.WorkFlow.Any() && serviceContext.WorkFlow[0].StepType.Equals(StepType.Lookup))
                        org = startServiceModel.Org,
                        service = startServiceModel.Service

                int instanceOwnerId = requestContext.UserContext.PartyId;

                // Create a new instance document
                Instance instance = await _instance.InstantiateInstance(startServiceModel, serviceModel, serviceImplementation);

                // Create and store the instance created event
                InstanceEvent instanceEvent = new InstanceEvent
                    AuthenticationLevel = requestContext.UserContext.AuthenticationLevel,
                    EventType           = InstanceEventType.Created.ToString(),
                    InstanceId          = instance.Id,
                    InstanceOwnerId     = instanceOwnerId.ToString(),
                    UserId       = requestContext.UserContext.UserId,
                    WorkflowStep = instance.Process.CurrentTask

                await _event.SaveInstanceEvent(instanceEvent, startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service);

                Enum.TryParse <WorkflowStep>(instance.Process.CurrentTask, out WorkflowStep currentStep);

                    instanceId = instance.Id,

            startServiceModel.PartyList = _authorization.GetPartyList(requestContext.UserContext.UserId)
                                          .Select(x => new SelectListItem
                Text  = (x.PartyTypeName == PartyType.Person) ? x.SSN + " " + x.Name : x.OrgNumber + " " + x.Name,
                Value = x.PartyId.ToString(),

            HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append(_generalSettings.GetAltinnPartyCookieName, startServiceModel.PartyId.ToString());

                redirectUrl = View(startServiceModel),
コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> StartService(StartServiceModel startServiceModel)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            bool startService = true;
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Get the service context containing metadata about the service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, Guid.Empty);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            // Populate the reportee information
            requestContext.UserContext.Reportee = await _register.GetParty(startServiceModel.ReporteeID);

            requestContext.Reportee = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;

            // Create platform service and assign to service implementation making it possible for the service implementation
            // to use plattform services. Also make it available in ViewBag so it can be used from Views

            // Assign the different context information to the service implementation making it possible for
            // the service developer to take use of this information
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            object serviceModel = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startServiceModel.PrefillKey))

            if (serviceModel == null)
                // If the service model was not loaded from prefill.
                serviceModel = serviceImplementation.CreateNewServiceModel();

            // Assign service model to the implementation

            // Run Instansiation event
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Instantiation);

            // Run validate Instansiation event where
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.ValidateInstantiation);

            // If ValidateInstansiation event has not added any errors the new form is saved and user is redirercted to the correct
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (serviceContext.WorkFlow.Any() && serviceContext.WorkFlow[0].StepType.Equals(StepType.Lookup))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Lookup", new { org = startServiceModel.Org, service = startServiceModel.Service }));

                int instanceOwnerId = requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId;

                // Create a new instance document
                Instance instance = await _instance.InstantiateInstance(startServiceModel, serviceModel, serviceImplementation);

                // Create and store the instance created event
                InstanceEvent instanceEvent = new InstanceEvent
                    AuthenticationLevel = requestContext.UserContext.AuthenticationLevel,
                    EventType           = InstanceEventType.Created.ToString(),
                    InstanceId          = instance.Id,
                    InstanceOwnerId     = instanceOwnerId.ToString(),
                    UserId       = requestContext.UserContext.UserId,
                    WorkflowStep = instance.CurrentWorkflowStep

                await _event.SaveInstanceEvent(instanceEvent, startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service);

                Enum.TryParse <WorkflowStep>(instance.CurrentWorkflowStep, out WorkflowStep currentStep);

                string redirectUrl = _workflowSI.GetUrlForCurrentState(Guid.Parse(instance.Id), startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, currentStep);

            startServiceModel.ReporteeList = _authorization.GetReporteeList(requestContext.UserContext.UserId)
                                             .Select(x => new SelectListItem
                Text  = x.ReporteeNumber + " " + x.ReporteeName,
                Value = x.PartyID.ToString(),

            HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("altinncorereportee", startServiceModel.ReporteeID.ToString());