コード例 #1
ファイル: AlphaMask.cs プロジェクト: tmstar/fork-typography
        public byte pixel(int x, int y)
            int bufferIndex = m_rbuf.GetBufferOffsetXY(x, y);

            byte[] buffer = m_rbuf.GetBuffer();
コード例 #2
            byte[] GetPixels(out int bufferByteOffset)
                int x = m_x;
                int y = m_y;

                    if ((uint)x >= (uint)m_src_width)
                        if (x < 0)
                            x = 0;
                            x = (int)m_src_width - 1;

                    if ((uint)y >= (uint)m_src_height)
                        if (y < 0)
                            y = 0;
                            y = (int)m_src_height - 1;

                bufferByteOffset = imgRW.GetBufferOffsetXY(x, y);
コード例 #3
ファイル: AlphaMask.cs プロジェクト: tmstar/fork-typography
        public byte pixel(int x, int y)
                if ((uint)x < (uint)m_rbuf.Width &&
                    (uint)y < (uint)m_rbuf.Height)
                    int    bufferIndex = m_rbuf.GetBufferOffsetXY(x, y);
                    byte[] buffer      = m_rbuf.GetBuffer();

コード例 #4
ファイル: ImageHelper.cs プロジェクト: prepare/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// This will create a new ImageBuffer that references the same memory as the image that you took the sub image from.
        /// It will modify the original main image when you draw to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentImage"></param>
        /// <param name="childImageBounds"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ChildImage CreateChildImage(IImageReaderWriter parentImage, RectInt childImageBounds)
            if (childImageBounds.Left < 0 || childImageBounds.Bottom < 0 || childImageBounds.Right > parentImage.Width || childImageBounds.Top > parentImage.Height
                || childImageBounds.Left >= childImageBounds.Right || childImageBounds.Bottom >= childImageBounds.Top)
                throw new ArgumentException("The subImageBounds must be on the image and valid.");

            int left = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Left);
            int bottom = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Bottom);
            int width = Math.Min(parentImage.Width - left, childImageBounds.Width);
            int height = Math.Min(parentImage.Height - bottom, childImageBounds.Height);
            int bufferOffsetToFirstPixel = parentImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(left, bottom);
            return new ChildImage(parentImage, bufferOffsetToFirstPixel, width, height);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ImageHelper.cs プロジェクト: asmboom/PixelFarm
        /// <summary>
        /// This will create a new ImageBuffer that references the same memory as the image that you took the sub image from.
        /// It will modify the original main image when you draw to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentImage"></param>
        /// <param name="childImageBounds"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ChildImage CreateChildImage(IImageReaderWriter parentImage, RectInt childImageBounds)
            if (childImageBounds.Left < 0 || childImageBounds.Bottom < 0 || childImageBounds.Right > parentImage.Width || childImageBounds.Top > parentImage.Height ||
                childImageBounds.Left >= childImageBounds.Right || childImageBounds.Bottom >= childImageBounds.Top)
                throw new ArgumentException("The subImageBounds must be on the image and valid.");

            int left   = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Left);
            int bottom = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Bottom);
            int width  = Math.Min(parentImage.Width - left, childImageBounds.Width);
            int height = Math.Min(parentImage.Height - bottom, childImageBounds.Height);
            int bufferOffsetToFirstPixel = parentImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(left, bottom);

            return(new ChildImage(parentImage, bufferOffsetToFirstPixel, width, height));
コード例 #6
        void Attach(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
                    IPixelBlender recieveBlender,
                    int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
                    int bufferOffset,
                    int bitsPerPixel)
            int offset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, 0);

            byte[] buffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
            SetBuffer(buffer, offset + bufferOffset);
コード例 #7
        bool Attach(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
            m_ByteBuffer = null;
            if (x1 > x2 || y1 > y2)
                throw new Exception("You need to have your x1 and y1 be the lower left corner of your sub image.");
            RectInt boundsRect = new RectInt(x1, y1, x2, y2);

            if (boundsRect.Clip(new RectInt(0, 0, (int)sourceImage.Width - 1, (int)sourceImage.Height - 1)))
                SetDimmensionAndFormat(boundsRect.Width, boundsRect.Height, sourceImage.Stride, sourceImage.BitDepth, sourceImage.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive);
                int    bufferOffset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(boundsRect.Left, boundsRect.Bottom);
                byte[] buffer       = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
                SetBuffer(buffer, bufferOffset);

コード例 #8
        // Create
        public void Create(IImageReaderWriter src)
            // we are going to create a dialated image for filtering
            // we add m_dilation pixels to every side of the image and then copy the image in the x
            // dirrection into each end so that we can sample into this image to get filtering on x repeating
            // if the original image look like this
            // 123456
            // the new image would look like this
            // 0000000000
            // 0000000000
            // 5612345612
            // 0000000000
            // 0000000000

            m_height          = (int)AggBasics.uceil(src.Height);
            m_width           = (int)AggBasics.uceil(src.Width);
            m_width_hr        = (int)AggBasics.uround(src.Width * LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE);
            m_half_height_hr  = (int)AggBasics.uround(src.Height * LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2);
            m_offset_y_hr     = m_dilation_hr + m_half_height_hr - LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2;
            m_half_height_hr += LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2;

            int bufferWidth    = m_width + m_dilation * 2;
            int bufferHeight   = m_height + m_dilation * 2;
            int bytesPerPixel  = src.BitDepth / 8;
            int newSizeInBytes = bufferWidth * bufferHeight * bytesPerPixel;

            if (m_DataSizeInBytes < newSizeInBytes)
                m_DataSizeInBytes = newSizeInBytes;
                m_data            = new byte[m_DataSizeInBytes];

            m_buf = new ChildImage(m_data, 0, bufferWidth, bufferHeight, bufferWidth * bytesPerPixel, src.BitDepth, bytesPerPixel);

            byte[] destBuffer = m_buf.GetBuffer();
            byte[] srcBuffer  = src.GetBuffer();

            // copy the image into the middle of the dest
            for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
                    int sourceOffset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(x, y);
                    int destOffset   = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_dilation, y + m_dilation);
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < bytesPerPixel; channel++)
                        destBuffer[destOffset++] = srcBuffer[sourceOffset++];

            // copy the first two pixels form the end into the begining and from the begining into the end
            for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
                int s1Offset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, y);
                int d1Offset = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_dilation + m_width, y);

                int s2Offset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_width - m_dilation, y);
                int d2Offset = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, y);

                for (int x = 0; x < m_dilation; x++)
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < bytesPerPixel; channel++)
                        destBuffer[d1Offset++] = srcBuffer[s1Offset++];
                        destBuffer[d2Offset++] = srcBuffer[s2Offset++];
コード例 #9
        void CopyFromNoClipping(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage, RectInt clippedSourceImageRect, int destXOffset, int destYOffset)
            if (BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive != BitDepth / 8 ||
                sourceImage.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive != sourceImage.BitDepth / 8)
                throw new Exception("WIP we only support packed pixel formats at this time.");

            if (BitDepth == sourceImage.BitDepth)
                int    lengthInBytes = clippedSourceImageRect.Width * BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive;
                int    sourceOffset  = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left, clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom);
                byte[] sourceBuffer  = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
                byte[] destBuffer    = GetBuffer();
                int    destOffset    = GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left + destXOffset, clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom + destYOffset);
                for (int i = 0; i < clippedSourceImageRect.Height; i++)
                    AggMemMx.memmove(destBuffer, destOffset, sourceBuffer, sourceOffset, lengthInBytes);
                    sourceOffset += sourceImage.Stride;
                    destOffset   += Stride;
                bool haveConversion = true;
                switch (sourceImage.BitDepth)
                case 24:
                    switch (BitDepth)
                    case 32:
                        int numPixelsToCopy = clippedSourceImageRect.Width;
                        for (int i = clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom; i < clippedSourceImageRect.Top; i++)
                            int    sourceOffset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left, clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom + i);
                            byte[] sourceBuffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
                            byte[] destBuffer   = GetBuffer();
                            int    destOffset   = GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left + destXOffset,
                                                                    clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom + i + destYOffset);
                            for (int x = 0; x < numPixelsToCopy; x++)
                                destBuffer[destOffset++] = sourceBuffer[sourceOffset++];
                                destBuffer[destOffset++] = sourceBuffer[sourceOffset++];
                                destBuffer[destOffset++] = sourceBuffer[sourceOffset++];
                                destBuffer[destOffset++] = 255;

                        haveConversion = false;

                    haveConversion = false;

                if (!haveConversion)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("You need to write the " + sourceImage.BitDepth.ToString() + " to " + BitDepth.ToString() + " conversion");
コード例 #10
 public int GetBufferOffsetXY(int x, int y)
     return(linkedImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(x, y));
コード例 #11
        void SubPixRender(IImageReaderWriter dest, Scanline scanline, Color color)
            byte[] covers = scanline.GetCovers();
            int num_spans = scanline.SpanCount;
            int y = scanline.Y;
            byte[] buffer = dest.GetBuffer();
            IPixelBlender blender = dest.GetRecieveBlender();
            int last_x = int.MinValue;
            int bufferOffset = 0;
            Color bgColor = Color.White;
            float cb_R = bgColor.R / 255f;
            float cb_G = bgColor.G / 255f;
            float cb_B = bgColor.B / 255f;
            float cf_R = color.R / 255f;
            float cf_G = color.G / 255f;
            float cf_B = color.B / 255f;
            int prevCover = -1;
            for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                //render span by span  
                ScanlineSpan span = scanline.GetSpan(i);
                if (span.x != last_x + 1)
                    bufferOffset = dest.GetBufferOffsetXY(span.x, y);

                last_x = span.x;
                int num_pix = span.len;
                if (num_pix < 0)
                    //special encode***
                    num_pix = -num_pix; //make it positive value
                    last_x += (num_pix - 1);
                    //long span with coverage
                    int coverageValue = covers[span.cover_index];
                    if (coverageValue >= 255)
                        //100% cover
                        int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                        Color todrawColor = Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(color.R, color.G, color.B));
                        while (num_pix > 0)
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, todrawColor);
                            bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bytes
                        int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                        Color newc = Color.FromArgb(color.R, color.G, color.B);
                        Color todrawColor = Color.FromArgb(a, newc);
                        while (num_pix > 0)
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, todrawColor);
                            bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bytes
                    prevCover = coverageValue;
                    int coverIndex = span.cover_index;
                    last_x += (num_pix - 1);
                    while (num_pix > 0)
                        int coverageValue = covers[coverIndex++];
                        if (coverageValue >= 255)
                            //100% cover
                            Color newc = Color.FromArgb(color.R, color.G, color.B);
                            int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, newc));
                            prevCover = coverageValue;
                            //check direction : 

                            bool isUpHill = coverageValue >= prevCover;
                            //if (isUpHill != ((coverageValue % 2) > 0))
                            byte c_r = 0, c_g = 0, c_b = 0;
                            //assume lcd screen is RGB
                            float subpix_percent = ((float)(coverageValue) / 256f);
                            if (coverageValue < cover_1_3)
                                //assume LCD color arrangement is BGR                            
                                if (isUpHill)
                                    c_r = bgColor.R;
                                    c_g = bgColor.G;
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_g = bgColor.G;
                                    c_b = bgColor.B;

                                int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(c_r, c_g, c_b)));
                            else if (coverageValue < cover_2_3)
                                if (isUpHill)
                                    c_r = bgColor.R;
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, 1) * 255);
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, 1) * 255);
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_b = bgColor.B;

                                int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(c_r, c_g, c_b)));
                                //cover > 2/3 but not full 
                                if (isUpHill)
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, 1) * 255);
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, 1) * 255);
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, 1) * 255);
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, 1) * 255);
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, subpix_percent) * 255);

                                int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(c_r, c_g, c_b)));
                        bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bits 
                        prevCover = coverageValue;
コード例 #12
        void SubPixRender(IImageReaderWriter dest, Scanline scanline, ColorRGBA color)
            byte[] covers    = scanline.GetCovers();
            int    num_spans = scanline.SpanCount;
            int    y         = scanline.Y;

            byte[]        buffer       = dest.GetBuffer();
            IPixelBlender blender      = dest.GetRecieveBlender();
            int           last_x       = int.MinValue;
            int           prev_cover   = 0;
            int           bufferOffset = 0;
            ColorRGBA     prevColor    = ColorRGBA.White;

            for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                //render span by span

                ScanlineSpan span = scanline.GetSpan(i);
                if (span.x != last_x + 1)
                    bufferOffset = dest.GetBufferOffsetXY(span.x, y);
                    //when skip  then reset
                    prev_cover = 0;
                    prevColor  = ColorRGBA.White;

                last_x = span.x;
                int num_pix = span.len;
                if (num_pix < 0)
                    //special encode***
                    num_pix = -num_pix; //make it positive value
                    last_x += (num_pix - 1);
                    //long span with coverage
                    int coverageValue = covers[span.cover_index];
                    if (coverageValue >= 255)
                        //100% cover
                        int       a           = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                        ColorRGBA newc        = prevColor = new ColorRGBA(color.red, color.green, color.blue);
                        ColorRGBA todrawColor = new ColorRGBA(newc, a);
                        prev_cover = 255;//full
                        while (num_pix > 0)
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, todrawColor);
                            bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bytes
                        prev_cover = coverageValue;
                        int       a           = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                        ColorRGBA newc        = prevColor = new ColorRGBA(color.red, color.green, color.blue);
                        ColorRGBA todrawColor = new ColorRGBA(newc, a);
                        while (num_pix > 0)
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, todrawColor);
                            bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bytes
                    int coverIndex = span.cover_index;
                    last_x += (num_pix - 1);
                    while (num_pix > 0)
                        int coverageValue = covers[coverIndex++];
                        if (coverageValue >= 255)
                            //100% cover
                            ColorRGBA newc = new ColorRGBA(color.red, color.green, color.blue);
                            prevColor = newc;
                            int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, new ColorRGBA(newc, a));
                            prev_cover = 255;//full
                            //check direction :

                            bool isLeftToRight = coverageValue >= prev_cover;
                            prev_cover = coverageValue;
                            byte  c_r, c_g, c_b;
                            float subpix_percent = ((float)(coverageValue) / 256f);
                            if (coverageValue < cover_1_3)
                                if (isLeftToRight)
                                    c_r = 255;
                                    c_g = 255;
                                    c_b = (byte)(255 - (255f * (subpix_percent)));
                                    c_r = (byte)(255 - (255f * (subpix_percent)));
                                    c_g = 255;
                                    c_b = 255;

                                ColorRGBA newc = prevColor = new ColorRGBA(c_r, c_g, c_b);
                                int       a    = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, new ColorRGBA(newc, a));
                            else if (coverageValue < cover_2_3)
                                if (isLeftToRight)
                                    c_r = prevColor.blue;
                                    c_g = (byte)(255 - (255f * (subpix_percent)));
                                    c_b = color.blue;
                                    c_r = color.blue;
                                    c_g = (byte)(255 - (255f * (subpix_percent)));
                                    c_b = 255;
                                ColorRGBA newc = prevColor = new ColorRGBA(c_r, c_g, c_b);
                                int       a    = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, new ColorRGBA(newc, a));
                                //cover > 2/3 but not full
                                if (isLeftToRight)
                                    c_r = (byte)(255 - (255f * (subpix_percent)));
                                    c_g = color.green;
                                    c_b = color.blue;
                                    c_r = prevColor.green;
                                    c_g = prevColor.blue;
                                    c_b = (byte)(255 - (255f * (subpix_percent)));

                                ColorRGBA newc = prevColor = new ColorRGBA(c_r, c_g, c_b);
                                int       a    = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, new ColorRGBA(newc, a));
                        bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bits
コード例 #13
ファイル: ChildImage.cs プロジェクト: prepare/HTML-Renderer
 void Attach(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
   IPixelBlender recieveBlender,
   int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
   int bufferOffset,
   int bitsPerPixel)
     int offset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, 0);
     byte[] buffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
     SetBuffer(buffer, offset + bufferOffset);
コード例 #14
ファイル: ChildImage.cs プロジェクト: prepare/HTML-Renderer
        bool Attach(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
            m_ByteBuffer = null;
            if (x1 > x2 || y1 > y2)
                throw new Exception("You need to have your x1 and y1 be the lower left corner of your sub image.");
            RectInt boundsRect = new RectInt(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            if (boundsRect.Clip(new RectInt(0, 0, (int)sourceImage.Width - 1, (int)sourceImage.Height - 1)))
                SetDimmensionAndFormat(boundsRect.Width, boundsRect.Height, sourceImage.Stride, sourceImage.BitDepth, sourceImage.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive);
                int bufferOffset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(boundsRect.Left, boundsRect.Bottom);
                byte[] buffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
                SetBuffer(buffer, bufferOffset);
                return true;

            return false;
コード例 #15
        void CopyFromNoClipping(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage, RectInt clippedSourceImageRect, int destXOffset, int destYOffset)
            if (BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive != BitDepth / 8
                || sourceImage.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive != sourceImage.BitDepth / 8)
                throw new Exception("WIP we only support packed pixel formats at this time.");

            if (BitDepth == sourceImage.BitDepth)
                int lengthInBytes = clippedSourceImageRect.Width * BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive;
                int sourceOffset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left, clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom);
                byte[] sourceBuffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
                byte[] destBuffer = GetBuffer();
                int destOffset = GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left + destXOffset, clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom + destYOffset);
                for (int i = 0; i < clippedSourceImageRect.Height; i++)
                    AggMemMx.memmove(destBuffer, destOffset, sourceBuffer, sourceOffset, lengthInBytes);
                    sourceOffset += sourceImage.Stride;
                    destOffset += Stride;
                bool haveConversion = true;
                switch (sourceImage.BitDepth)
                    case 24:
                        switch (BitDepth)
                            case 32:
                                    int numPixelsToCopy = clippedSourceImageRect.Width;
                                    for (int i = clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom; i < clippedSourceImageRect.Top; i++)
                                        int sourceOffset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left, clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom + i);
                                        byte[] sourceBuffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
                                        byte[] destBuffer = GetBuffer();
                                        int destOffset = GetBufferOffsetXY(clippedSourceImageRect.Left + destXOffset,
                                            clippedSourceImageRect.Bottom + i + destYOffset);
                                        for (int x = 0; x < numPixelsToCopy; x++)
                                            destBuffer[destOffset++] = sourceBuffer[sourceOffset++];
                                            destBuffer[destOffset++] = sourceBuffer[sourceOffset++];
                                            destBuffer[destOffset++] = sourceBuffer[sourceOffset++];
                                            destBuffer[destOffset++] = 255;
                                haveConversion = false;
                        haveConversion = false;

                if (!haveConversion)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("You need to write the " + sourceImage.BitDepth.ToString() + " to " + BitDepth.ToString() + " conversion");
コード例 #16
        // Create
        public void Create(IImageReaderWriter src)
            // we are going to create a dialated image for filtering
            // we add m_dilation pixels to every side of the image and then copy the image in the x
            // dirrection into each end so that we can sample into this image to get filtering on x repeating
            // if the original image look like this
            // 123456 
            // the new image would look like this
            // 0000000000
            // 0000000000
            // 5612345612
            // 0000000000
            // 0000000000

            m_height = (int)AggBasics.uceil(src.Height);
            m_width = (int)AggBasics.uceil(src.Width);
            m_width_hr = (int)AggBasics.uround(src.Width * LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE);
            m_half_height_hr = (int)AggBasics.uround(src.Height * LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2);
            m_offset_y_hr = m_dilation_hr + m_half_height_hr - LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2;
            m_half_height_hr += LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2;
            int bufferWidth = m_width + m_dilation * 2;
            int bufferHeight = m_height + m_dilation * 2;
            int bytesPerPixel = src.BitDepth / 8;
            int newSizeInBytes = bufferWidth * bufferHeight * bytesPerPixel;
            if (m_DataSizeInBytes < newSizeInBytes)
                m_DataSizeInBytes = newSizeInBytes;
                m_data = new byte[m_DataSizeInBytes];

            m_buf = new ChildImage(m_data, 0, bufferWidth, bufferHeight, bufferWidth * bytesPerPixel, src.BitDepth, bytesPerPixel);
            byte[] destBuffer = m_buf.GetBuffer();
            byte[] srcBuffer = src.GetBuffer();
            // copy the image into the middle of the dest
            for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
                    int sourceOffset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(x, y);
                    int destOffset = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_dilation, y + m_dilation);
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < bytesPerPixel; channel++)
                        destBuffer[destOffset++] = srcBuffer[sourceOffset++];

            // copy the first two pixels form the end into the begining and from the begining into the end
            for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
                int s1Offset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, y);
                int d1Offset = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_dilation + m_width, y);
                int s2Offset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_width - m_dilation, y);
                int d2Offset = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, y);
                for (int x = 0; x < m_dilation; x++)
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < bytesPerPixel; channel++)
                        destBuffer[d1Offset++] = srcBuffer[s1Offset++];
                        destBuffer[d2Offset++] = srcBuffer[s2Offset++];