コード例 #1
        public override void Update <T>(IChangeTracker changeTracker, IEntityManager entityManager, T existing, T entity)
            var innerElementType = GetCollectionElementType();
            var updateValues     = GetValue <IEnumerable>(entity) ?? new List <object>();
            var dbCollection     = GetValue <IEnumerable>(existing) ?? CreateMissingCollection(existing, innerElementType);

            var dbHash = dbCollection.Cast <object>().ToDictionary(item => entityManager.CreateEntityKey(item));

            // Iterate through the elements from the updated graph and try to match them against the db graph
            var updateList = updateValues.OfType <object>().ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < updateList.Count; i++)
                var updateItem = updateList[i];
                var key        = entityManager.CreateEntityKey(updateItem);

                // try to find item with same key in db collection
                object dbItem;
                if (dbHash.TryGetValue(key, out dbItem))
                    UpdateElement(changeTracker, entityManager, existing, updateItem, dbItem);
                    updateList[i] = AddElement(changeTracker, entityManager, existing, updateItem, dbCollection);

            // remove obsolete items
            foreach (var dbItem in dbHash.Values)
                RemoveElement(changeTracker, dbItem, dbCollection);