コード例 #1
    // Moved from dialog UI. Needs to be done after a topic is selected, and it's text filtered before it is displayed.
    // Will eventually need to change teh color for detected topics, and somehow add clickable hyperlinks
    private string CheckForTopicsInText(string text)
        // Loops through every available topic to see if it is contained in the text.
        foreach (var topic in topics)
            // Add new topics to the journal and the list of available topics for this dialog. (Should trigger some kind of callback)
            // This currently does not remove the text from the string, but should so that other topics do not detect it.
            var index = text.IndexOf(topic.name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            if (index == -1)

            // Should also make the text blue here
            // Make text blue()
            var hyperlinkText = "<color=#707ecfff>";
            text = text.Insert(index, hyperlinkText);
            text = text.Insert(index + hyperlinkText.Length + topic.name.Length, "</color>");

            // If the player already knows this topic, it will already be included, so we wouldn't need to check for it.
            // However we do need to check for it for hyperlinks sadly, so evenetually skip this check.
            // Maybe we could check for available topics for hyperlinks instead?
            if (player.Journal.Topics.ContainsKey(topic.name))

            // Add the topic to the journal
            player.Journal.AddTopic(topic.name, topic);

        // The text may have had it's color modified, so return this