コード例 #1
        public override IEnumerable Deserialize(ushort protocolVersion, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, IColumnInfo typeInfo)
            ColumnTypeCode?childTypeCode = null;
            IColumnInfo    childTypeInfo = null;
            var            listInfo      = typeInfo as ListColumnInfo;

            if (listInfo != null)
                childTypeCode = listInfo.ValueTypeCode;
                childTypeInfo = listInfo.ValueTypeInfo;
            var setInfo = typeInfo as SetColumnInfo;

            if (setInfo != null)
                childTypeCode = setInfo.KeyTypeCode;
                childTypeInfo = setInfo.KeyTypeInfo;
            if (childTypeCode == null)
                throw new DriverInternalError(string.Format("CollectionSerializer can not deserialize CQL values of type {0}",
                                                            typeInfo == null ? "null" : typeInfo.GetType().FullName));
            var count     = DecodeCollectionLength((ProtocolVersion)protocolVersion, buffer, ref offset);
            var childType = GetClrType(childTypeCode.Value, childTypeInfo);
            var result    = Array.CreateInstance(childType, count);

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var itemLength = DecodeCollectionLength((ProtocolVersion)protocolVersion, buffer, ref offset);
                result.SetValue(DeserializeChild(buffer, offset, itemLength, childTypeCode.Value, childTypeInfo), i);
                offset += itemLength;
コード例 #2
        public override IEnumerable Deserialize(ushort protocolVersion, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, IColumnInfo typeInfo)
            ColumnTypeCode?childTypeCode = null;
            IColumnInfo    childTypeInfo = null;
            var            listInfo      = typeInfo as ListColumnInfo;

            if (listInfo != null)
                childTypeCode = listInfo.ValueTypeCode;
                childTypeInfo = listInfo.ValueTypeInfo;
            var setInfo = typeInfo as SetColumnInfo;

            if (setInfo != null)
                childTypeCode = setInfo.KeyTypeCode;
                childTypeInfo = setInfo.KeyTypeInfo;
            if (childTypeCode == null)
                throw new DriverInternalError(string.Format("CollectionSerializer can not deserialize CQL values of type {0}",
                                                            typeInfo == null ? "null" : typeInfo.GetType().FullName));
            var  count      = DecodeCollectionLength((ProtocolVersion)protocolVersion, buffer, ref offset);
            var  childType  = GetClrType(childTypeCode.Value, childTypeInfo);
            var  result     = Array.CreateInstance(childType, count);
            bool?isNullable = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var itemLength = DecodeCollectionLength((ProtocolVersion)protocolVersion, buffer, ref offset);
                if (itemLength < 0)
                    if (isNullable == null)
                        isNullable = !childType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType;

                    if (!isNullable.Value)
                        var nullableType = typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(childType);
                        var newResult    = Array.CreateInstance(nullableType, count);
                        for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            newResult.SetValue(result.GetValue(j), j);
                        result     = newResult;
                        childType  = nullableType;
                        isNullable = true;

                    result.SetValue(null, i);
                    result.SetValue(DeserializeChild(protocolVersion, buffer, offset, itemLength, childTypeCode.Value, childTypeInfo), i);
                    offset += itemLength;