コード例 #1
        public async static Task <int> GetFieldArtifactID(string fieldName, IEHHelper helper, IAPILog logger)
            int fieldArtifactId = 0;

            using (IObjectManager objectManager = helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.System))
                var queryRequest = new QueryRequest()
                    ObjectType = new ObjectTypeRef()
                        Name = "Field"
                    Condition = $"'Name' == '{fieldName}' AND 'Object Type' == 'Document'"

                var queryResult = await objectManager.QuerySlimAsync(helper.GetActiveCaseID(), queryRequest, 0, 1);

                if (queryResult.TotalCount > 0)
                    fieldArtifactId = queryResult.Objects.Select(x => x.ArtifactID).FirstOrDefault();
                    logger.LogVerbose("Alert field artifactID: {fieldArtifactID}", fieldArtifactId);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Agent logic goes here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Execute()
            IAPILog logger = Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();

                //Get a dbContext for the workspace database
                int workspaceArtifactId = Helpers.Constants.WORKSPACE_ID;

                //Setting up an RSAPI Client
                using (IRSAPIClient rsapiClient = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                    //Set the proxy to use the current workspace
                    rsapiClient.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = workspaceArtifactId;

                    var counter = 0;
                    while (counter < 10)
                        var imageRDO = new RDO();
                        imageRDO.Fields.Add(new FieldValue(Helpers.Constants.IMAGE_NAME_FIELD_GUID, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " " + counter.ToString()));

                logger.LogVerbose("Log information throughout execution.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Your Agent caught an exception
                logger.LogError(ex, "There was an exception.");
                RaiseError(ex.Message, ex.Message);
コード例 #3
        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult Index()
            IAPILog logger = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();

                //Gets the user ID.
                int userArtifactId = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.ArtifactID;
                //Gets the user ID to use for auditing purposes.
                int userAuditArtifactId = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.AuditArtifactID;
                //Gets the user workspace artifact ID to use for auditing purposes.
                int userAuditWorkspaceUserArtifactId = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.AuditWorkspaceUserArtifactID;
                //Gets the email address of the current user.
                string userEmailAddress = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.EmailAddress;
                //Gets the first name of the current user.
                string firstName = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.FirstName;
                //Gets the last name of the current user.
                string lastName = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.LastName;
                //Gets the full name of the current user.
                string fullName = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.FullName;
                //Gets the current user workspace artifact ID.
                int currentUserWorkspaceArtifactId = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.WorkspaceUserArtifactID;

                //Get GUID for an artifact
                int  testArtifactId        = 1234567;
                Guid guidForTestArtifactId = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetGuid(currentUserWorkspaceArtifactId, testArtifactId);

                //Get a dbContext for the EDDS database
                IDBContext eddsDbContext = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetDBContext(-1);

                //Get a dbContext for the workspace database
                IDBContext workspaceDbContext = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetDBContext(currentUserWorkspaceArtifactId);

                //The Object Manager is the newest and preferred way to interact with Relativity instead of the Relativity Services API(RSAPI).
                //The RSAPI will be scheduled for depreciation after the Object Manager reaches feature party with it.
                using (IObjectManager objectManager = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))

                //Setting up an RSAPI Client
                using (IRSAPIClient rsapiClient = Relativity.CustomPages.ConnectionHelper.Helper().GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                    //Set the proxy to use the current workspace
                    rsapiClient.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = currentUserWorkspaceArtifactId;

                    //Add code for working with RSAPIClient

                logger.LogVerbose("Log information throughout execution.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Your custom page caught an exception
                logger.LogError(ex, "There was an exception.");

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Agent logic goes here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Execute()
            IAPILog logger = Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();

                // Update Security Protocol
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

                //Get the current Agent artifactID
                int agentArtifactId = AgentID;

                //Get a dbContext for the EDDS database
                IDBContext eddsDbContext = Helper.GetDBContext(-1);

                //Get a dbContext for the workspace database
                //int workspaceArtifactId = 01010101; // Update it with the real
                //IDBContext workspaceDbContext = Helper.GetDBContext(workspaceArtifactId);

                //Get GUID for an artifact
                //int testArtifactId = 10101010;
                //Guid guidForTestArtifactId = Helper.GetGuid(workspaceArtifactId, testArtifactId);

                //Display a message in Agents Tab and Windows Event Viewer
                RaiseMessage("The current time is: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), 1);

                //The Object Manager is the newest and preferred way to interact with Relativity instead of the Relativity Services API(RSAPI).
                //The RSAPI will be scheduled for depreciation after the Object Manager reaches feature party with it.
                using (IWorkspaceName workspaceName = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IWorkspaceName>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                    String name = workspaceName.GetWorkspaceNameAsync(1017759).Result.Name;
                    RaiseMessage("The worksapce name is" + name, 1);

                //Setting up an RSAPI Client
                using (IRSAPIClient rsapiClient = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                    //Set the proxy to use the current workspace
                    //rsapiClient.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = workspaceArtifactId;

                    //Add code for working with RSAPIClient

                logger.LogVerbose("Log information throughout execution.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Your Agent caught an exception
                logger.LogError(ex, "There was an exception.");
                RaiseError(ex.Message, ex.Message);
コード例 #5
        public override Response Execute()
            //Construct a response object with default values.
            kCura.EventHandler.Response retVal = new kCura.EventHandler.Response();
            retVal.Success = true;
            retVal.Message = string.Empty;
                Int32 currentWorkspaceArtifactID = Helper.GetActiveCaseID();

                //The Object Manager is the newest and preferred way to interact with Relativity instead of the Relativity Services API(RSAPI).
                //The RSAPI will be scheduled for depreciation after the Object Manager reaches feature party with it.
                using (IObjectManager objectManager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.System))
                    retVal.Success = false;
                    retVal.Message = "FirstTime";

                //Setting up an RSAPI Client
                using (IRSAPIClient proxy =
                           Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.System))
                    //Set the proxy to use the current workspace
                    proxy.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = currentWorkspaceArtifactID;
                    //Add code for working with RSAPIClient

                Relativity.API.IDBContext workspaceContext = Helper.GetDBContext(currentWorkspaceArtifactID);

                //Get a dbContext for the EDDS database
                Relativity.API.IDBContext eddsDBContext = Helper.GetDBContext(-1);

                IAPILog logger = Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();
                logger.LogVerbose("Log information throughout execution.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Change the response Success property to false to let the user know an error occurred
                retVal.Success = false;
                retVal.Message = ex.ToString();

コード例 #6
        public override Response Execute()
            IAPILog logger = Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();

            logger.LogVerbose("Log information throughout execution.");

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

            Response retVal = new Response();

            retVal.Success = true;
            retVal.Message = string.Empty;
                Int32 currentWorkspaceArtifactID = this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID();

                using (IRSAPIClient proxy = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.System))
                    proxy.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = currentWorkspaceArtifactID;
                    //Add code for working with RSAPIClient
                    int fieldMatchCount = QueryForArticleTitleField(proxy, currentWorkspaceArtifactID);
                    if (fieldMatchCount < 1)
                        int createSuccess = CreateDocumentFieldArticleTitle(proxy, currentWorkspaceArtifactID);
                        if (createSuccess <= 0)
                            retVal.Success = false;
                            retVal.Message = "Failed to create the field!";
                            logger.LogInformation("Failed to create");
            catch (Exception ex)
                retVal.Success = false;
                retVal.Message = ex.ToString();

コード例 #7
        public override Response Execute()
            //Construct a response object with default values.
            Response retVal = new Response();

            retVal.Success = true;
            retVal.Message = String.Empty;

            //Get the logger from the helper
            IAPILog logger = Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();

            logger.LogVerbose("Log information throughout execution.");

                IRSAPIClient proxy = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.System);

                //Set the proxy to use the current workspace
                proxy.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = -1;

                //Get a dbContext for the EDDS database
                IDBContext dbContext      = Helper.GetDBContext(-1);
                Boolean    isValidSandbox = false;

                //Check to see if its an R1 instance
                logger.LogDebug($"DAPI - {nameof(DynamicApiPreInstallEventHandler)} - {nameof(Execute)} - Checking to see if the relativity instance is a cloud instance.");

                int doesCloudInstanceSettingExist = DoesInstanceSettingExists(dbContext, RELATIVITY_URL_SECTION_NAME, RELATIVITY_CLOUD_INSTANCE_SETTING);

                string cloudInstanceSetting = GetInstanceSetting(dbContext, RELATIVITY_URL_SECTION_NAME, RELATIVITY_CLOUD_INSTANCE_SETTING);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudInstanceSetting))
                    if (cloudInstanceSetting.ToLower().Equals("true"))
                        logger.LogDebug($"DAPI - {nameof(DynamicApiPreInstallEventHandler)} - {nameof(Execute)} - Relativity instance is a cloud instance.");

                        //Get the URL for the Relativity Instance URL
                        string relativityInstance = GetInstanceSetting(dbContext, RELATIVITY_URL_SECTION_NAME, RELATIVITY_URL_NAME);

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relativityInstance))
                            isValidSandbox = false;
                            //If Relativity instance ends with sandbox.relativity.one then install the application
                            if (relativityInstance.ToLower().EndsWith(SandboxString1.ToLower()) || relativityInstance.ToLower().EndsWith(SandboxString2.ToLower()))
                                isValidSandbox = true;
                        isValidSandbox = true;

                // If on-prem or sandbox RelOne
                if (doesCloudInstanceSettingExist == 0 || isValidSandbox)
                    logger.LogDebug($"DAPI - {nameof(DynamicApiPreInstallEventHandler)} - {nameof(Execute)} - Application installation was successful.");
                    retVal.Success = true;
                    retVal.Message = String.Empty;
                    logger.LogDebug($"DAPI - {nameof(DynamicApiPreInstallEventHandler)} - {nameof(Execute)} - Relativity instance is not an RelOne Developer Sandbox or On-Prem, installation has been stopped.");
                    retVal.Success = false;
                    retVal.Message = "Application is only allowed to be installed in an RelOne Developer Sandbox or On-Prem Instance.";
            //If its an On-prem instance do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Change the response Success property to false to let the user know an error occurred
                retVal.Success = false;
                retVal.Message = ex.ToString();

コード例 #8
        public override Response PopulateScriptBlocks()
            Response retVal = new Response()
                Success = true,
                Message = string.Empty

            int currentWorkspaceArtifactID = Helper.GetActiveCaseID();
            int currentLayoutArtifactID    = this.ActiveLayout.ArtifactID;
            int currentDocumentArtifactID  = this.ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID;

            IAPILog logger = Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();

            int fieldArtifactID = RelativityAlertPIEH.Helper.GetFieldArtifactID(_fieldName, Helper, logger).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            if (fieldArtifactID < 1)
                logger.LogDebug("Alert field {fieldName} not found in workspace {caseArtifactID}",
                                _fieldName, currentWorkspaceArtifactID);

            IDBContext workspaceDbContext = this.Helper.GetDBContext(currentWorkspaceArtifactID);
            bool       fieldExists        = RelativityAlertPIEH.Helper.FindFieldOnLayout(workspaceDbContext, fieldArtifactID, currentLayoutArtifactID, logger);

            if (!fieldExists)
                logger.LogVerbose("Alert NOT fired because {fieldName} field not present on workspace {caseArtifactID}, layout {layoutArtifactID}",
                                  _fieldName, currentWorkspaceArtifactID, currentLayoutArtifactID);

            string alertFieldText = "";

            if (!this.ActiveArtifact.Fields[_fieldName].Value.IsNull)
                alertFieldText = RelativityAlertPIEH.Helper.SanitizeAlertText(this.ActiveArtifact.Fields[_fieldName].Value.Value.ToString());

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertFieldText))
                string alert = $"<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert(\"{ alertFieldText }\"); </script>";
                this.RegisterClientScriptBlock(new ScriptBlock()
                    Key = "alertKey", Script = alert
                logger.LogDebug("Alert fired on workspace {caseArtifactID}, layout {layoutArtifactID}, and document {documentArtifactID}",
                                currentWorkspaceArtifactID, currentLayoutArtifactID, currentDocumentArtifactID);
                logger.LogVerbose("Alert NOT fired on workspace {caseArtifactID}, layout {layoutArtifactID}, and document {documentArtifactID}",
                                  currentWorkspaceArtifactID, currentLayoutArtifactID, currentDocumentArtifactID);

            logger.LogVerbose("Alert text detected: {alertFieldText}",

コード例 #9
        public override void Execute()
            IAPILog logger = Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger();

                /* Adding message so time of last check-in updates */
                RaiseMessage("Managing the agents.", 10);

                /* Resource Pool ArtifactID is hard coded for now (Default pool)
                 * Will eventually make this accessible in the UI */
                int poolId = 1015040;

                /* Agent Server Adjustment factor.
                 * Will eventually make this accessible in the UI */
                int adjFactor = 10;

                /* This switch tells Agent Agent to not create any agents on a server containing the dtSearch search agent.
                 * Will eventually make this accessible in the UI*/
                bool ignoreSearchServer = true;

                /*Use API to create/delete agents instead of manually creating in SQL*/
                bool useApiCreate = true;
                bool useApiDelete = true;

                /* Making stuff */
                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "Agent Helper");
                IAgentHelper agentHelper = Helper;

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "EDDS DB Context");
                IDBContext eddsDbContext = agentHelper.GetDBContext(-1);

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "Environment Helper");
                EnvironmentHelper environment = new EnvironmentHelper(eddsDbContext);

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "Desired Agents List");
                List <AgentsDesired> desiredAgentsList = new GetAgentsDesiredList(agentHelper, environment, poolId, IsOffHours()).AgentsPerServerObjectList;

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "Compared List");
                List <AgentsDesired> comparedList = new CompareDesiredAgentsToExisting(desiredAgentsList, poolId, environment, logger).Compare();

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "List Helper");
                AgentsDesiredListHelper listHelper = new AgentsDesiredListHelper(comparedList);

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "Create List");
                List <AgentsDesired> createList = listHelper.GetAgentCreateList();

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "Delete List");
                List <AgentsDesired> deleteList = listHelper.GetAgentDeleteList();

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating new {objectName}", "Spots Per Server List");
                List <SpotsPerServer> spotsPerServerList = new GetSpotsPerServerList(eddsDbContext, environment, adjFactor, poolId, ignoreSearchServer).SpotsPerServerList;

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating {objectName}", "Agent Create");
                ICreateAgent createAgent = new CreateAgentSql(eddsDbContext, environment);
                if (useApiCreate)
                    createAgent = new CreateAgentApi(eddsDbContext, environment, agentHelper);

                logger.LogVerbose("Creating {objectName}", "Agent Delete");
                IDeleteAgent deleteAgent = new DeleteAgent(eddsDbContext);
                if (useApiDelete)
                    deleteAgent = new DeleteAgentApi(eddsDbContext, agentHelper);

                /* Log createList, deleteList, and spotsPerServerList contents */
                string createListString         = "";
                string deleteListString         = "";
                string spotsPerServerListString = "";

                foreach (AgentsDesired cL in createList)
                    createListString += string.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}\r\n", cL.Guid, cL.Count, cL.RespectsResourcePool);

                foreach (AgentsDesired dL in deleteList)
                    deleteListString += string.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}\r\n", dL.Guid, dL.Count, dL.RespectsResourcePool);

                foreach (SpotsPerServer sP in spotsPerServerList)
                    spotsPerServerListString += string.Format("{0} - {1}\r\n", sP.AgentServerArtifactId, sP.Spots);

                logger.LogDebug("Delete List : {deleteList}", deleteListString);
                logger.LogDebug("Create List: {createList}", createListString);
                logger.LogDebug("Spots Per Server List = {spotsPerServerList}", spotsPerServerListString);

                /* Create */
                RunAgentCreate agentCreate = new RunAgentCreate(eddsDbContext, environment, createAgent, createList, spotsPerServerList, logger);
                logger.LogVerbose("Running {objectName}", "Agent Create");
                logger.LogVerbose("Completed {objectName}", "Agent Create");

                /* Delete */
                RunAgentDelete agentDelete = new RunAgentDelete(eddsDbContext, environment, deleteAgent, poolId, deleteList, logger);
                logger.LogVerbose("Running {objectName}", "Agent Delete");
                logger.LogVerbose("Completed {objectName}", "Agent Delete");
            catch (Exception ex)
                RaiseError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                logger.LogError("Exception during agent Execute(): {ex}", ex);
                RaiseMessage("There has been an error. See log for more details", 1);