コード例 #1
ファイル: main_tpgl_wytp.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    public string GetItemproportion(string pis_xxid, Boolean bl)
        string rValue;
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();

        double ls_tpall;
        string ls_sql1 = " Select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx where hy_tpztid ='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' ";
        DataTable dt1 = db.GetDataTable(ls_sql1);
        ls_tpall = dt1.Rows.Count;

        double ls_tpxx;
        string ls_sql2 = " Select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx where hy_tpztid ='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_tpxxid ='" + pis_xxid + "' ";
        DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(ls_sql2);
        ls_tpxx = dt2.Rows.Count;

        double ls_num = 0.0;
        if (ls_tpxx != 0)
            ls_num = (ls_tpxx / ls_tpall) * 100;
        if (bl)
            rValue = ls_num.ToString("#0.#0") + "%";
            rValue = ls_num.ToString("#0.#0");
        return rValue;
コード例 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() =="")

        if (!IsPostBack)

            string lstr = "";
            HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            string lssql = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid = 'clgl' and hy_tableid='0b5c53fe-114b-4fa3-8b59-4163b3053504'";
            if (this.Request.QueryString["startdate"] != null)
                if (this.Request.QueryString["startdate"].ToString() != "")
                    lssql += " and hy_field31>='" + this.Request.QueryString["startdate"].ToString() + "'";
            if (this.Request.QueryString["enddate"] != null)
                if (this.Request.QueryString["enddate"].ToString() != "")
                    lssql += " and hy_field31<='" + this.Request.QueryString["enddate"].ToString() + "'";
            if (this.Request.QueryString["hy_field1"] != null)
                if (this.Request.QueryString["hy_field1"].ToString() != "")
                    lssql += " and hy_field1 like '%" + this.Request.QueryString["hy_field1"].ToString() + "%'";
            lssql += " order by hy_field31 desc";
            DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                lstr += "<TR >";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field1"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field2"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field3"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field4"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field5"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field6"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field7"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field8"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field9"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field10"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field11"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "<td >" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_field12"].ToString() + "</td>";
                lstr += "</tr>";

            this.lbltr.Text = lstr;
コード例 #3
    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        string ls_tip = "保存成功!";

        string lscolunid = "", sql = "";
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();

        if (this.txtselcolid.Value =="")
            Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择查询的字段!');window.location.href = window.location.href;</script>");

        if (this.txtop.Value == "add")
            string sql1 = "select * from hyt_searchconfig where hy_mudelid='" + this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue + "' and hy_tableid='" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + "'";
            DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql1);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Response.Write("<script>alert('该模块已添加,请修改!');window.location.href = window.location.href;</script>");

            lscolunid = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
            sql = "insert into hyt_searchconfig (ID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_sort,hy_columnshowid,hy_columnshow,hy_ifsearch,hy_xszdid,hy_xszd,hy_kckry,hy_kckryid) values (";
            sql += "'" + lscolunid + "','" + this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue + "','" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + "'," + float.Parse(this.txtsort.Text) + "";
            sql += ",'" + this.txtselcolid.Value + "','" + this.txtselcol.Value + "','" + this.ddlifsearch.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += ",'" + this.txtselsearchid.Value + "','" + this.txtselsearch.Value + "','" + this.hy_field41_1.Value + "','" + this.hy_field43_1.Value + "')";
            sql = "update hyt_searchconfig  set hy_mudelid='" + this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue + "', hy_tableid='" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + "',";
            sql += "hy_sort=" + float.Parse(this.txtsort.Text) + ",hy_columnshowid='" + this.txtselcolid.Value + "',hy_columnshow='" + this.txtselcol.Value + "',";
            sql += " hy_ifsearch='" + this.ddlifsearch.SelectedValue + "',hy_xszdid='" + this.txtselsearchid.Value + "',hy_xszd='" + this.txtselsearch.Value + "', ";
            sql += " hy_kckry='" + this.hy_field41_1.Value + "',hy_kckryid='" + this.hy_field43_1.Value + "' where ID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
        if (this.txtifpop.Value == "")
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>");
コード例 #4
    protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();

        String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
        for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
            if (v_uids[i] != "")
                string sql = "delete from hyt_searchconfig where ID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";
        this.txtuids.Value = "";
コード例 #5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string ls_mudelid="";
        string ls_tableid = "";
        string ls_value = "";

        if (this.Request.QueryString["mudelid"] != null)
            ls_mudelid = this.Request.QueryString["mudelid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["tableid"] != null)
            ls_tableid = this.Request.QueryString["tableid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["lsvalue"] != null)
            ls_value = this.Request.QueryString["lsvalue"].ToString();  //物品名称

        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        //string lssql = "select b.hy_deptname,a.hy_officetel,a.hy_mobile,a.hy_virtualnumber,a.hy_userid,a.hy_post,a.hy_hometel  from hyt_user as a ,hyt_dept as b where a.hy_username='******' and a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid";
        string lssql = "select * from hyt_user as a ,hyt_dept as b where a.hy_username='******' and a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid";
        DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            string lssql2 = "select * from hyt_user_detail where hy_userid='" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "'";
            DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(lssql2);
            if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.Response.Write(dt.Rows[0]["hy_deptname"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_officetel"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_mobile"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_virtualnumber"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_post"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_hometel"].ToString() + "#" + dt2.Rows[0]["hy_xb"].ToString() + "#" + dt2.Rows[0]["hy_zzmm"].ToString() + "#" + dt2.Rows[0]["hy_xl"].ToString());
                this.Response.Write(dt.Rows[0]["hy_deptname"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_officetel"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_mobile"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_virtualnumber"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_post"].ToString() + "#" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_hometel"].ToString() + "###");
        //return ;
コード例 #6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string ls_value = "";
        if (this.Request.QueryString["lsvalue"] != null)
            ls_value = this.Request.QueryString["lsvalue"].ToString();

        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        string lssql = "select * from hyt_user as a ,hyt_dept as b where a.hy_username='******' and a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid";
        DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
        string ls_str = "";
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            ls_str = dt.Rows[0]["hy_deptname"].ToString() + "," + dt.Rows[0]["hy_deptid"].ToString();
コード例 #7
ファイル: list_qjzl.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
 protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //HyoaClass.Hyoa_iplimit Hyoa_iplimit = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_iplimit();
     HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
     String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
     for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
         if (v_uids[i] != "")
             //Hyoa_iplimit.ID = v_uids[i];
             string lssql = "delete from hyp_flowmain where  hy_mudelid ='moduleqjzl' and hy_tableid='ac5e8ddd-d74c-4c9d-b0bf-5c23fc77b589' and DOCID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";
     this.txtuids.Value = "";
コード例 #8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string ls_key = "";
            ls_key = Request.QueryString["key"].ToString();
            DataTable dt;
            string sql = "select * from hyt_user where hy_userid like '%" + ls_key + "%'";
            HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);

            string ls_name = "";
            this.Response.Write("<div align=left id=sampleLayer style=\"position:absolute; top:130px; left:240px; width:250px; height:100px; background:#EEEEEE; overflow:scroll; border: 1px solid #919191; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt\">");
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                ls_name = ls_name + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                this.Response.Write("<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"if(document.forms[0].txthy_jsrname.value==''){document.forms[0].txthy_jsrname.value='" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString() + "';document.forms[0].txthy_jsrid.value='" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "';}else{document.forms[0].txthy_jsrname.value=document.forms[0].txthy_jsrname.value+'+" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString() + "';document.forms[0].txthy_jsrid.value=document.forms[0].txthy_jsrid.value+'+" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "';} document.all('sampleLayer').style.visibility='hidden'; \">" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString() + "</a></li>");
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    //得到某一个字段的HTML  Written by xf 20110515
    //pi_flag 0:不赋值  1:需赋值
    //ifsearch:是否查询时使用 0:非查询时使用 1:查询时使用
    //ifhavarole:是否有权限  0:lable输出 1:input输出
    public string GetFieldHtml(string hy_mudelid, string hy_fieldid, string pi_flag, string hy_tableid, string ifsearch, string docid, string ifhavarole)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield();
        DataTable dtfield = Hyoa_flowfield.GetSQLfieldBymudelidAndFieldidAndTableid(hy_mudelid, hy_fieldid, hy_tableid);
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        string lsField = "";
        string field_css = "";
        string field_value = "";
        string field_functionhy_onclick = "";
        string field_functionhy_ondblclick = "";
        string field_functionhy_onchange = "";
        string field_functionhy_onkeydown = "";
        string field_functionhy_onkeyup = "";
        string field_wordlimit = "";

        if (dtfield.Rows.Count > 0)
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_ifreadonly"].ToString() == "是")
                if (ifsearch == "0")
                    field_css += " readonly ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_class"].ToString() != "")
                field_css += " class='" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_class"].ToString() + "' ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_width"].ToString() != "")
                field_css += " style='width:" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_width"].ToString() + ";";
                field_css += " style='";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_height"].ToString() != "")
                field_css += " height:" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_height"].ToString() + "'";
                field_css += "'";

            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_wordlimit"].ToString() != "")
                field_wordlimit += " maxlength='" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_wordlimit"].ToString() + "' ";


            if (ifsearch == "0")
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() != "")
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "0")
                        field_value += dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString();

                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "1")
                        DataTable dtdefault = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString());
                        if (dtdefault.Rows.Count > 0)
                            field_value += dtdefault.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "2")
                        field_value += Session[dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString()].ToString();
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "3")
                        if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString() == "yyyy-mm-dd")
                            field_value += System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                            field_value += System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    //自动生成值的情况 Added by xf 20110719
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "4")
                        if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldtype"].ToString() == "数值")
                            HyoaClass.DAO db_autovalue = new HyoaClass.DAO();

                            DataTable dt_autovalue = db_autovalue.GetDataTable("select max(hy_field36) as maxint from hyp_flowmain where hy_tableid='" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_tableid"].ToString() + "'");
                            if (dt_autovalue.Rows[0]["maxint"].ToString() == null || dt_autovalue.Rows[0]["maxint"].ToString() == "")
                                field_value += "1";
                                field_value += (System.Int32.Parse(dt_autovalue.Rows[0]["maxint"].ToString()) + 1).ToString();
                            field_value += System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onclick"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onclick += " onclick=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onclick"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_ondblclick"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_ondblclick += " ondblclick=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_ondblclick"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onchange"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onchange += " onchange=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onchange"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeydown"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onkeydown += " onkeydown=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeydown"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeyup"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onkeyup += " onkeyup=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeyup"].ToString() + "\" ";
            string field_type = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldtype"].ToString();

            string field_docvalue = "";
            //this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + pi_flag + "');</script>");
            if (pi_flag == "1")
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain();
                DataTable dt_flowmain = Hyoa_flowmain.Getflowmain(docid);
                if (dt_flowmain.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString() == "yyyy-mm-dd")
                        field_docvalue = System.DateTime.Parse(dt_flowmain.Rows[0][dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString()].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
                        if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldtype"].ToString() == "数值")
                            if (dt_flowmain.Rows[0][dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString()].ToString().Contains(".") == true)
                                field_docvalue = float.Parse(dt_flowmain.Rows[0][dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString()].ToString()).ToString("F2");
                                field_docvalue = dt_flowmain.Rows[0][dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString()].ToString();
                            field_docvalue = dt_flowmain.Rows[0][dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString()].ToString();
            //this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ifhavarole + "');</script>");
            if (ifhavarole == "0")
                if (field_type == "痕迹保留")
                    lsField += "<input type=button id=\"btn_zwxg\" value='正  文' class=btn3 onclick=\"window.open('ntko/readoffice.aspx?newofficetype=1&fatherid=" + docid + "&tacheByhj=1&jsxd=1','newwindow','height=768,width=1024,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes,location=no, status=no');\" ";
                    if (field_type == "附件组件")
                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt Hyoa_fileatt = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt();
                        DataTable dt_fileatt = Hyoa_fileatt.GetfileattByFatherid(docid);
                        if (dt_fileatt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (var ii = 0; ii < dt_fileatt.Rows.Count; ii++)
                                string ls_name = "";
                                DataTable dt_user = Hyoa_user.Getuser(dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_userid"].ToString());
                                if (dt_user.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    ls_name = dt_user.Rows[0]["hy_username"].ToString();
                                lsField += (ii + 1).ToString() + "、<a href=\"" + dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_filepath"].ToString() + "\" target=_blank>" + dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_filename"].ToString() + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + ls_name + "&nbsp;&nbsp;[" + dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_djsj"].ToString() + "]" + "</a><br />";
                            lsField += "&nbsp;";
                        if (field_docvalue.Length > 8)
                            if (field_docvalue.Substring(0, 8) == "1900-1-1")
                                field_docvalue = "&nbsp;";
                        lsField = field_docvalue + "&nbsp;";
                if (field_type == "文本")
                    if (pi_flag == "0")
                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_docvalue + "\">";
                if (field_type == "多行文本")
                    if (field_docvalue.Contains("<br>"))
                        field_docvalue = field_docvalue.Replace("<br>", "\n");

                    if (pi_flag == "0")
                        lsField = "<textarea name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_css + field_wordlimit + " >" + field_value + "</textarea>";
                        lsField = "<textarea name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_css + field_wordlimit + " >" + field_docvalue + "</textarea>";
                if (field_type == "日期")
                    //this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + pi_flag + "');</script>");

                    if (ifsearch == "0")
                        if (pi_flag == "0")
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";

                            //add ztm3 start
                            if (field_docvalue.Length > 7)
                                if (field_docvalue.Substring(0, 8) == "1900-1-1")
                                    field_docvalue = "";
                            //add ztm3 end
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_docvalue + "\">";

                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">至";
                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
                if (field_type == "文本加按钮")
                    if (pi_flag == "0")
                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">&nbsp;<input type=button id=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" name=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" value=" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldname"].ToString() + " class=btn3 " + field_functionhy_onclick + " >";
                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_docvalue + "\">&nbsp;<input type=button id=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" name=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" value=" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldname"].ToString() + " class=btn3 " + field_functionhy_onclick + " >";
                if (field_type == "多行文本加按钮")
                    if (field_docvalue.Contains("<br>"))
                        field_docvalue = field_docvalue.Replace("<br>", "\n");

                    if (pi_flag == "0")
                        lsField = "<textarea name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_wordlimit + " " + field_css + " >" + field_value + "</textarea>&nbsp;<input type=button id=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" name=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" value=" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldname"].ToString() + " class=btn3 " + field_functionhy_onclick + " >";
                        lsField = "<textarea name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_wordlimit + " " + field_css + " >" + field_docvalue + "</textarea>&nbsp;<input type=button id=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" name=\"btn_" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "\" value=" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldname"].ToString() + " class=btn3 " + field_functionhy_onclick + " >";
                if (field_type == "数值")
                    if (ifsearch == "0")
                        if (pi_flag == "0")
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_docvalue + "\">";
                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">到";
                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
                if (field_type == "对话框列表")
                    lsField = "<select name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onchange + field_css + "> ";
                    lsField += "<option value=''>--请选择--</option>";
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "0")
                        string[] lv_options = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString().Split('#');
                        for (var ii = 0; ii < lv_options.Length; ii++)
                            if (pi_flag == "0")
                                lsField += "<option value='" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "'>" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "</option>";
                                if (field_docvalue == lv_options[ii].ToString())
                                    lsField += "<option value='" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "' selected>" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "</option>";
                                    lsField += "<option value='" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "'>" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "</option>";
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "1")
                        DataTable dtoptions = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString());
                        if (dtoptions.Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (var ii = 0; ii < dtoptions.Rows.Count; ii++)
                                if (pi_flag == "0")
                                    lsField += "<option value='" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "'>" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "</option>";
                                    if (field_docvalue == dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString())
                                        lsField += "<option value='" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "' selected>" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "</option>";
                                        lsField += "<option value='" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "'>" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "</option>";
                    lsField += "</select>";
                if (field_type == "复选框")
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "0")
                        string[] lv_options = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString().Split('#');
                        for (var ii = 0; ii < lv_options.Length; ii++)
                            if (pi_flag == "0")
                                if (field_value == lv_options[ii].ToString())
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                                if (field_docvalue.Contains(lv_options[ii].ToString()))
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "1")
                        DataTable dtoptions = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString());
                        if (dtoptions.Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (var ii = 0; ii < dtoptions.Rows.Count; ii++)
                                if (pi_flag == "0")
                                    if (field_value == dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString())
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                    if (field_docvalue.Contains(dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString()))
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=checkbox id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();

                if (field_type == "单选框")
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "0")
                        string[] lv_options = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString().Split('#');
                        for (var ii = 0; ii < lv_options.Length; ii++)
                            if (pi_flag == "0")
                                if (field_value == lv_options[ii].ToString())
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                                if (field_docvalue == lv_options[ii].ToString())
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "1")
                        DataTable dtoptions = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString());
                        if (dtoptions.Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (var ii = 0; ii < dtoptions.Rows.Count; ii++)
                                if (pi_flag == "0")
                                    if (field_value == dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString())
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                    if (field_docvalue == dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString())
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                        lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=radio id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1_" + ii.ToString() + "\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                if (field_type == "口令")
                    if (pi_flag == "0")
                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=password id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
                        lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=password id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + field_wordlimit + " value=\"" + field_docvalue + "\">";
                if (field_type == "附件组件")
                    lsField = "";
                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt Hyoa_fileatt = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt();
                    DataTable dt_fileatt = Hyoa_fileatt.GetfileattByFatherid(docid);
                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();

                    if (dt_fileatt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (var ii = 0; ii < dt_fileatt.Rows.Count; ii++)
                            string ls_name = "";
                            DataTable dt_user = Hyoa_user.Getuser(dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_userid"].ToString());
                            if (dt_user.Rows.Count > 0)
                                ls_name = dt_user.Rows[0]["hy_username"].ToString();
                            lsField += (ii + 1).ToString() + "、<a href=\"" + dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_filepath"].ToString() + "\" target=_blank>" + dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_filename"].ToString() + "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + ls_name + "&nbsp;&nbsp;[" + dt_fileatt.Rows[ii]["hy_djsj"].ToString() + "]" + "<br />";
                    lsField += "<input type=button id=\"uploadfile1\" value='附件管理' class=btn3 onclick=\"window.open('/ggdy/main_fileatt.aspx?fatherid=" + docid + "','newwindow','height=350,width=600,top=100,left=200,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes, resizable=no,location=no, status=no');\" ";
                if (field_type == "说明文字")
                    lsField = "<span id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\">" + field_value + "</span>";
                if (field_type == "编辑器")
                    //lsField = "<textarea name=\"hy_content1_1\" id=\"hy_content1_1\" style=\"display:none\" runat="server">" + field_docvalue + "</textarea>";
                    lsField += "<iframe ID=\"eWebEditor1\" src=\"system/eWebEditor/ewebeditor.htm?id=" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "&style=Portal\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" width=\"100%\" height=\"350\"></iframe>";
                //this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + field_type + "');</script>");
                if (field_type == "痕迹保留")
                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowwork Hyoa_flowwork = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowwork();
                    DataTable dtflowwork = Hyoa_flowwork.Getflowworkbyflowidtacheid(this.hy_flowid.Text, "*");

                    if (dtflowwork.Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (dtflowwork.Rows[0]["hy_nexttacheid"].ToString() == this.hy_curtacheid.Text)
                            lsField += "<input type=button id=\"btn_zwxg\" value='正  文' class=btn3 onclick=\"window.open('ntko/editoffice.aspx?newofficetype=1&fatherid=" + docid + "&tacheByhj=1&jsxd=0','newwindow','height=768,width=1024,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes,location=no, status=no');\" ";
                            dtflowwork = Hyoa_flowwork.Getflowworkbyflowidtacheid(this.hy_flowid.Text, this.hy_curtacheid.Text);
                            if (dtflowwork.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (dtflowwork.Rows[0]["hy_nexttacheid"].ToString() == "**")
                                    lsField += "<input type=button id=\"btn_zwxg\" value='正  文' class=btn3 onclick=\"window.open('ntko/editoffice.aspx?newofficetype=1&fatherid=" + docid + "&tacheByhj=0&jsxd=1','newwindow','height=768,width=1024,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes,location=no, status=no');\" ";
                                    lsField += "<input type=button id=\"btn_zwxg\" value='正  文' class=btn3 onclick=\"window.open('ntko/editoffice.aspx?newofficetype=1&fatherid=" + docid + "&tacheByhj=0&jsxd=0','newwindow','height=768,width=1024,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes,location=no, status=no');\" ";



        return lsField;
コード例 #10
ファイル: main.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    private void hywebopen_olddoc()
        //办公系统效能分析添加   add by wjs at 20150604
        hyXnxtSaveLogs("", "阅读一篇文章", "阅读");
        // hyXnxtFlowLogs("从" + this.hy_curtachename.Text + "环节提交到环节" + this.txtnexttachename.Value + "", "提交");
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl")
            this.td_print_clsq.Visible = true;
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0006")
            string lssqlclgl = " select * from hyp_flowmain  where not(docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "') and hy_mudelid = 'clgl' and hy_tableid='8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb' and hy_field5='" + this.hy_field5.Text + "'  and hy_curtacheid='**' order by hy_field31,hy_field33 desc";
            HyoaClass.DAO dbclgl = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            DataTable dtclgl = dbclgl.GetDataTable(lssqlclgl);
            if (dtclgl.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.hy_field11.Text = dtclgl.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString();
                this.hy_field11.Text = "0";

        //if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduletpgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd")
        //    HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        //    if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Rolefbtp", Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
        //    {
        //        //未核对时显示发布投票按钮
        //        if (this.hy_field100.Text == "0")
        //        {
        //            this.td_pub.Visible = true; //发布投票
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        this.td_pub.Visible = false; //发布投票
        //    }

        ////////群教评论s  只要是旧文档且是群教评论填写评论
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleqjpl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "7e41913d-c365-4edb-bb42-b0a8a50738cb")
            this.tb_qjpltitle.Visible = true;
            this.tb_qjplbody.Visible = true;
            this.tr_qjpl.Visible = true;

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_bcyj Hyoa_qjpl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_bcyj();
            DataTable dt_qjpl = Hyoa_qjpl.GetdocsByfatherid(this.txtdocid.Value);
            if (dt_qjpl.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.lblbody_qjpl.Text = "";
                for (var i = 0; i < dt_qjpl.Rows.Count; i++)
                    this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bcbody"].ToString() + "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += "(评论人:" + dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bcusername"].ToString() + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;所在部门:" + dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bcdeptname"].ToString();
                    this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;评论时间:" + dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bctime"].ToString();
                    //+ "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IP:" + dt_bcyj.Rows[i]["hy_bcip"].ToString();
                    this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += ")<br><hr height=1 color=#DEEEFE></hr>";

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "xxgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "1a564b74-3d94-4cef-bb94-f0c0342ae8dd")
            this.td_returnmail.Visible = true;

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleggps" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "bb523c42-d9ae-40cd-9bba-c3a99c2e1d54")
            this.td_returnmail_ggps.Visible = true;

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleqjzl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "ac5e8ddd-d74c-4c9d-b0bf-5c23fc77b589")
            this.td_returnmail_qjzl.Visible = true;

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "gzyhbsh" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "7d03c313-186d-4859-9efa-acde27f4eff2")
            this.td_returnmail_zyclsb.Visible = true;

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleiso" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "c8246158-511f-4ce9-b7b9-3b7edf136a87")
            this.td_returnmail_iso.Visible = true;

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "zsgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "3b5a9b5a-d1a3-4f85-b560-ef8c38a031cf")
            HyoaClass.DAO db_djs = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            db_djs.Execute("update hyp_flowmain set hy_field36=hy_field36+1 where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'");

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "gzyhb" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "b04d9f4a-e5af-4813-888b-c46f58cc3ad3")
            this.td_inputword.Visible = true;
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "djgz" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "0e5efe98-49a5-4ccd-9532-8cac74ab328d")
            this.td_inputword_dj.Visible = true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    private void hywebopen_newdoc()
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        DataTable dt;
        string lsyear = System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
        string lssql = "";

        //物品采购自动读取流水号 格式:CG2014000001
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "bgypcg" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "26e9b719-3ded-4fd2-a43b-6a45e30ccd1e")
            int ls_lsh = 1;
            string ls_year = "", ls_lb = "";
            lssql = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='Mudellsh' and hy_field1='物品采购' and hy_field4='启用'  ";
            dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ls_lsh = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field37"].ToString());
                ls_lb = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field2"].ToString();
                ls_year = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field3"].ToString();
                this.hy_field16.Text = ls_lb + ls_year + bzero(ls_lsh);    //打开时显示

        //维修管理自动读取流水号 格式:WX2014000001
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "modulewxgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "b6938f55-5042-4c22-bd26-78fcded8cfbf")
            int ls_lsh = 1;
            string ls_year = "", ls_lb = "";
            lssql = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='Mudellsh' and hy_field1='维修管理' and hy_field4='启用'  ";
            dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ls_lsh = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field37"].ToString());
                ls_lb = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field2"].ToString();
                ls_year = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field3"].ToString();
                this.hy_field16.Text = ls_lb + ls_year + bzero(ls_lsh);    //打开时显示

        //if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "qjsq" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "d4af25f1-c7c0-4df9-a3b4-2c968ec3f2bc")
        //    if (this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0001")
        //    {
        //        //得到180天内加班天数
        //        string lsdate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();//今天日期
        //        DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
        //        DateTime newDate = today.AddDays(-2001);
        //        string lsdatefor60day = newDate.ToShortDateString(); //180天前

        //        lssql = "select sum(convert(float,hy_field16) ) from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='jbsq' and hy_tableid='c980c86b-da0c-4758-b3d8-7236240c77da' and hy_curtacheid='**' and hy_djrid='" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "' and hy_field31>'" + lsdatefor60day + "' and hy_field31<'" + lsdate + "'";
        //        dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
        //        this.hy_field11.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

        //        //得到180天内调休天数
        //        dt.Clear();
        //        lssql = "select sum(convert(float,hy_field2) ) from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='qjsq' and hy_tableid='d4af25f1-c7c0-4df9-a3b4-2c968ec3f2bc' and hy_curtacheid='**' and hy_field1='调休' and hy_djrid='" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "' and hy_field31>'" + lsdatefor60day + "'";
        //        dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
        //        this.hy_field12.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        //        //得到今年年休假天数
        //        //dt.Clear();
        //        //lssql = "select sum(convert(float,hy_field2) ) from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='qjsq' and hy_tableid='d4af25f1-c7c0-4df9-a3b4-2c968ec3f2bc' and hy_curtacheid='**' and hy_field1='年休假' and hy_djrid='" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "' and hy_field31>'" + lsyear + "-1-1" + "' and hy_field31<'" + lsyear + "-12-31" + "'";
        //        //dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
        //        //this.hy_field13.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        //        //得到年休天数
        //        //lssql = "select hy_field36 from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='modulenxjwh' and hy_tableid='ed3f3e1b-1c2c-49b4-91de-5bcc35b83ffa' and hy_field1='" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "'";
        //        //dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
        //        //if(dt.Rows.Count>0)
        //        //    this.hy_field14.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        //    }
コード例 #12
ファイル: main_tpgl_wytp.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();

        string ls_ids = this.hy_xztpxx.Value;
        //Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('选项ID:" + ls_ids + "');</script>");
        if (this.txtop.Value == "add")
            if (this.hy_tpfs.Value == "多选")
                string[] lv_id = ls_ids.Split('+');
                for (int i = 0; i < lv_id.Length; i++)
                    string ls_sql = "insert into hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx (id,hy_tpztid,hy_tpxxid,hy_tpr,hy_tprid,hy_tpip,hy_tpsj) values (";
                    ls_sql += "'" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "','" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + lv_id[i] + "'";
                    ls_sql += ",'" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + IPAddress() + "',getdate()";
                    ls_sql += ")";
                string sql = "insert into hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx (id,hy_tpztid,hy_tpxxid,hy_tpr,hy_tprid,hy_tpip,hy_tpsj) values (";
                sql += "'" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "','" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + ls_ids + "'";
                sql += ",'" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + IPAddress() + "',getdate()";
                sql += ")";

        //InsertScoresLogs(this.txtmudelid.Value, this.txtdocid.Value, Session["hyuname"].ToString(), Session["hyuid"].ToString(),
        //       Session["hydeptname"].ToString(), Session["hydeptid"].ToString(), "投票积分", System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_cssz2.Value), "参与投票", "0");

        string ls_sqlAA = "update hyt_dbsy set hy_ifyb='1' where hy_mudelid ='" + this.txtmudelid.Value + "' and docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_dbrid='" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "'";


        string ls_tip = "投票成功!";
        if (this.txtifpop.Value == "")
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>");
コード例 #13
ファイル: main_tpgl_wytp.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    private void DataPlay()
        if (this.Request.QueryString["op"] != null)
            HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            this.txtop.Value = this.Request.QueryString["op"].ToString();           //我要投票还是查看投票
            this.txtdocid.Value = this.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();        //文档ID

            if (this.Request.QueryString["op"] == "add")
                string issql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx where hy_tpztid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_tprid ='" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable isdt = db.GetDataTable(issql);
                if (isdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.btn_submit.Visible = true;

            string sql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl where id='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
            DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                #region 根据id得到信息
                this.txtdjr.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_djr"].ToString();
                this.txtdjrid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_djrid"].ToString();
                this.hy_lbl1.Text = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_djsj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                this.hy_lbl2.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_tplb"].ToString();
                this.hy_lbl3.Text = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpkssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                this.hy_lbl4.Text = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpjssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                this.hy_lbl5.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_xxsm"].ToString();
                this.hy_lbl6.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_bt"].ToString();

                if (Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) > Convert.ToDateTime(this.hy_lbl4.Text))
                    string ls_sql = "update hyk_whzx_tpgl set hy_jssj=getdate(),hy_gjzt='结束投票' where id='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";


                this.hy_tpfs.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_ktxx"].ToString();     //单选还是多选
                string lssql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx where hy_tpztid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
                DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
                if (this.hy_tpfs.Value == "多选")
                    this.GridView1.Visible = false;
                    GridView2.DataSource = dt2;
                    this.GridView2.Visible = false;
                    GridView1.DataSource = dt2;
コード例 #14
ファイル: importKQ.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void btntbbz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        string lssql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field3='已备注'  where hy_mudelid = 'kqgl' and hy_tableid = '74e7e280-4fc5-4ccb-be3d-0f995ac2c934' and hy_field4!='' and hy_field3='是'";
        this.lblReturnInformation.Text = "同步成功!";

コード例 #15
ファイル: list_qjzl.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    private void DataPlay(int PageNo)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Role9999", this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()) || Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Roleqjzl", this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
            this.isrole.Value = "1";
            this.tdnewdoc.Visible = true; //新建
            this.tddeldoc.Visible = true; //删除

            this.isrole.Value = "0";
            this.tdnewdoc.Visible = false; //新建
            this.tddeldoc.Visible = false; //删除

        this.curpage.Text = PageNo.ToString();
        //HyoaClass.Hyoa_iplimit Hyoa_iplimit = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_iplimit();

        DataTable dt;
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();

        string lssql = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid ='moduleqjzl' and hy_tableid='ac5e8ddd-d74c-4c9d-b0bf-5c23fc77b589'";
        //dt = Hyoa_iplimit.Getiplimits();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["keyword"] != null)
            lssql += " and hy_field1='" + this.Request.QueryString["keyword"].ToString() + "'";
        lssql += " order by hy_field32 desc ";
        dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);

        DataTable tempTable = dt.Clone();
        for (int i = (PageNo - 1) * System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text); i < PageNo * System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text); i++)
            if (i > dt.Rows.Count - 1)

            DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                dr[dt.Columns[j].ColumnName] = dt.Rows[i][j];

        int TotalRecord = dt.Rows.Count;
        this.sumts.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        this.sumts2.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        this.ShowTotalRecord.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        int TotalPage;
        if (TotalRecord < System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text))
            TotalPage = 1;
            if (TotalRecord % System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text) != 0)
                TotalPage = TotalRecord / System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text) + 1;

                TotalPage = TotalRecord / System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text);

        this.ShowTotalPage.Text = TotalPage.ToString();
        this.rptlist.DataSource = tempTable;

        //HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Role9999", this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
            this.tddeldoc.Visible = false;
            //this.delcontrol_my.Visible = false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: list_lcjsdc.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void btndcinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
        for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
            if (v_uids[i] != "")
                string ls_sql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field59='已导出' where DOCID = '" + v_uids[i] + "'  ";
        this.txtuids.Value = "";


コード例 #17
ファイル: wstp.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        string[] lvrow;
        string[] lvcol;
        lvrow = this.txtsubmit.Text.Split('*');
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        DataTable dt;
        string lssql = "";
        string lssqlupdata = "";
        string lssqlupdatapeo = "";
        int lsvalue = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < lvrow.Length; i++)
            lvcol = lvrow[i].Split('+');
            lssql = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
            dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
            //this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + lvcol[1] + "');</script>");
            if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field1"].ToString() == lvcol[1])
                if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field11"].ToString() == "")
                    lsvalue = 1;
                    lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field11"].ToString()) + 1;
                lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field11=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
                lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field7=hy_field7+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
            if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field2"].ToString() == lvcol[1])
                if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString() == "")
                    lsvalue = 1;
                    lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString()) + 1;
                lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field12=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
                lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field8=hy_field8+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
            if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field3"].ToString() == lvcol[1])
                if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field13"].ToString() == "")
                    lsvalue = 1;
                    lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field13"].ToString()) + 1;
                lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field13=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
                lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field9=hy_field9+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
            if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field4"].ToString() == lvcol[1])
                if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field14"].ToString() == "")
                    lsvalue = 1;
                    lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field14"].ToString()) + 1;
                lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field14=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
                lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field17=hy_field17+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
            if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field5"].ToString() == lvcol[1])
                if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field15"].ToString() == "")
                    lsvalue = 1;
                    lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field15"].ToString()) + 1;
                lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field15=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
                lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field18=hy_field18+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
            if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field6"].ToString() == lvcol[1])
                if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field16"].ToString() == "")
                    lsvalue = 1;
                    lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field16"].ToString()) + 1;
                lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field16=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
                lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field19=hy_field19+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";

            string lsupmain = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field42=hy_field42+'+"+this.Session["hyuname"].ToString()+"' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'";
            //this.txttest.Text = lsupmain;

コード例 #18
ファイル: list_tpgl.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void btnpubinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain();
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        string ls_tplb = "", ls_cyr = "";
        String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');

        DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowmain.Getflowmain(v_uids[0]);
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            ls_tplb = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field20"].ToString();
            ls_cyr = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field41"].ToString();
            if (ls_cyr != "" && ls_cyr.IndexOf('+') < 0)
                Response.Write("<script>alert('多个可投票人员需要用加号分割,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>");

        string ls_sql22 = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_field20='" + ls_tplb + "' and hy_field100=1 ";
        DataTable dtlb = db.GetDataTable(ls_sql22);
        if (dtlb.Rows.Count > 0)
            Response.Write("<script>alert('该投票类别已发布,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>");
        //for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
        //    //通过ID得到信息
        //    DataTable dt1 = Hyoa_flowmain.Getflowmain(v_uids[i]);
        //    if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        if (ls_tpxm != dt1.Rows[0]["hy_field10"].ToString())
        //        {
        //            Response.Write("<script>alert('选择的投票项目不一致,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>");
        //            return;
        //        }
        //        if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field100"].ToString() == "1")
        //        {
        //            Response.Write("<script>alert('选择的投票项目已发布,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>");
        //            return;
        //        }
        //    }
        //Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tpxm + "');</script>");

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();

        string ls_yqmlists = "";

        if (ls_cyr == "")
            string sql2 = "select * from hyt_user order by hy_sort";
            DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(sql2);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string ls_jsrid = dt2.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                    string ls_jsrname = dt2.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                    string ls_yqm = "";
                    string ls_yqms = GetRandom3();
                    if (ls_jsrid == "admin")
                        ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms;
                        ls_yqm = ls_jsrid.Substring(ls_jsrid.Length - 3) + ls_yqms;  //获得6位数字的随机数
                    //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_title = "[投票管理]-请参与" + ls_tplb + "的投票";
                    string ls_body = "您投票的邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入投票页面!</a>";
                    String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values ";
                    ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','admin','管理员','" + ls_jsrid + "','','" + ls_jsrname + "','" + ls_title + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') ";


                    if (ls_yqmlists == "")
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm;
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm;

            string ls_jsrname = ls_cyr;
            string[] lv_jsrname = ls_jsrname.Split('+');
            for (var i = 0; i < lv_jsrname.Length; i++)
                if (lv_jsrname[i] != "")
                    string ls_jsrid = "";
                    string sqluser = "******" + lv_jsrname[i] + "'";
                    DataTable dtuser = db.GetDataTable(sqluser);
                    if (dtuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                        ls_jsrid = dtuser.Rows[0]["hy_userid"].ToString();

                    string ls_yqm = "";
                    string ls_yqms = GetRandom3();
                    if (lv_jsrname[i] == "管理员")
                        ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms;
                        //Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_jsrid + "')</script>");
                        if (ls_jsrid != "" && ls_jsrid.Length - 3 > 0)
                            ls_yqm = ls_jsrid.Substring(ls_jsrid.Length - 3) + ls_yqms;  //获得6位数字的随机数

                    //string ls_dburl = "wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    //string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,请您参与";
                    //Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_jsrid[i].ToString(), lv_jsrname[i].ToString(),
                    //    this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), ls_dburl, "待办", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", ls_body, "请参与", 0, "", "");
                    //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_title = "[投票管理]-请参与" + ls_tplb + "的投票";
                    string ls_body = "您投票的邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入投票页面!</a>";
                    String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values ";
                    ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','admin','管理员','" + ls_jsrid + "','','" + lv_jsrname[i].ToString() + "','" + ls_title + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') ";


                    if (ls_yqmlists == "")
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm;
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm;

        string sql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field30='" + ls_yqmlists + "',hy_field100=1 where hy_field20='" + ls_tplb + "'";

        this.txtuids.Value = "";
        Response.Write("<script>alert('发布投票成功!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>");
コード例 #19
ファイル: mainwstp.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    private void hywebopen_olddoc()
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl")
            this.td_print_clsq.Visible = true;
        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0006")
            string lssqlclgl = " select * from hyp_flowmain  where not(docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "') and hy_mudelid = 'clgl' and hy_tableid='8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb' and hy_field5='" + this.hy_field5.Text + "'  and hy_curtacheid='**' order by hy_field31,hy_field33 desc";
            HyoaClass.DAO dbclgl = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            DataTable dtclgl = dbclgl.GetDataTable(lssqlclgl);
            if (dtclgl.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.hy_field11.Text = dtclgl.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString();
                this.hy_field11.Text = "0";

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "xxgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text=="1a564b74-3d94-4cef-bb94-f0c0342ae8dd")
            this.td_returnmail.Visible = true;

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "zsgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "3b5a9b5a-d1a3-4f85-b560-ef8c38a031cf")
            HyoaClass.DAO db_djs = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            db_djs.Execute("update hyp_flowmain set hy_field36=hy_field36+1 where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'");

        if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "gzyhb" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "b04d9f4a-e5af-4813-888b-c46f58cc3ad3")
            this.td_inputword.Visible = true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: main_flowinfor.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        string ls_tip = "保存成功!";

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor Hyoa_flowinfor = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor();
        if (this.txtop.Value == "add")
            DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowinfor.Getflowinfor(this.txtid.Text);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowid = this.txtid.Text;
                Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowname = this.txtname.Value;
                Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtsort.Value);
                Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_mudelid = this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue;
            Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowid = this.txtid.Text;
            Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowname = this.txtname.Value;
            Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtsort.Value);
            Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_mudelid = this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue;

        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        string sql;
        sql = "select a.id from hyt_flowfield a,hyt_tableconfig b where a.hy_tableid=b.ID  and b.hy_ifflowdoc='是' and a.hy_mudelid='"+this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue+"'";
        DataTable dt_update = db.GetDataTable(sql);
        if (dt_update.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (var i = 0; i < dt_update.Rows.Count; i++)
                sql = "update hyt_flowfield set hy_flowid='" + this.txtid.Text + "' where id='" + dt_update.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()+"'";

        if (this.txtifpop.Value == "")
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>");
コード例 #21
ファイル: main.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
 protected void Button_Del_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
     string lssql = "delete from hyp_flowmain where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
     string lssqldbsy = "delete from hyt_dbsy where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
     string ls_tip = "删除成功!";
     if (this.txtifpop.Value == "")
         Response.Write("<script>window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
     hyXnxtSaveLogs("", "删除一条记录", "删除");
コード例 #22
ファイル: list.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    private void DataPlay(int PageNo)
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        ////string sqltype = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='cxzl' and hy_tableid='08e3fb12-65d4-4752-9503-5b414882c9ad' order by hy_field36";
        ////DataTable dttype = db.GetDataTable(sqltype);

        ////if (dttype.Rows.Count > 0)
        ////    this.hy_field1_1.DataSource = dttype;
        ////    this.hy_field1_1.DataTextField = "hy_field1";
        ////    this.hy_field1_1.DataValueField = "hy_field1";
        ////    this.hy_field1_1.DataBind();
        ////    this.hy_field1_1.Items.Insert(0, "");

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_mudel Hyoa_mudel = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mudel();
        DataTable dt_mudel = Hyoa_mudel.Getmudel(this.txtmudelid.Value);
        string ls_role = "Role9999";
        if (dt_mudel.Rows.Count > 0)
            ls_role = dt_mudel.Rows[0]["hy_roleid"].ToString();

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole(ls_role, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
            this.isrole.Value = "1";
            this.tddeldoc.Visible = true; //删除
            this.isrole.Value = "0";
            this.tddeldoc.Visible = false; //删除
        string lstype="";
        if (this.Request.QueryString["type"] != null)
            lstype = Request.QueryString["type"].ToString();
        this.curpage.Text = PageNo.ToString();

        string sql = "";
        sql = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='" + this.txtmudelid.Value + "'  and (hy_field5='' or hy_field5 like '%" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "%')  and hy_tableid='" + this.txttableid.Value + "' and ((charindex('" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "',hy_field5)>0) or (hy_field4='') or (hy_djrid='" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "') ) ";

        if (this.hy_djsj_start_1.Value != "")
            sql += " and hy_djsj>='" + this.hy_djsj_start_1.Value + "' ";

        if (this.hy_djsj_end_1.Value != "")
            sql += " and hy_djsj<='" + this.hy_djsj_end_1.Value + "' ";

        if (this.hy_djrname_1.Value != "")
            sql += " and hy_djrname like '%" + this.hy_djrname_1.Value + "%' ";

        if (this.hy_djrbmname_1.Value != "")
            sql += " and hy_djrbmname like '%" + this.hy_djrbmname_1.Value + "%' ";

        if (this.hy_field10_1.Value != "")
            sql += " and hy_field10 like '%" + this.hy_field10_1.Value + "%' ";

        if (this.hy_field2_1.Value != "")
            sql += " and hy_field2 like '%" + this.hy_field2_1.Value + "%' ";

        if (lstype != "")
            sql += " and hy_field1 ='" + lstype + "' ";

        sql += " order by hy_djsj desc ";

        DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);
        DataTable tempTable = dt.Clone();
        for (int i = (PageNo - 1) * System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text); i < PageNo * System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text); i++)
            if (i > dt.Rows.Count - 1)

            DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                dr[dt.Columns[j].ColumnName] = dt.Rows[i][j];

        int TotalRecord = dt.Rows.Count;
        this.sumts.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        this.sumts2.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        this.ShowTotalRecord.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        int TotalPage;
        if (TotalRecord < System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text))
            TotalPage = 1;
            if (TotalRecord % System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text) != 0)
                TotalPage = TotalRecord / System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text) + 1;

                TotalPage = TotalRecord / System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text);

        this.ShowTotalPage.Text = TotalPage.ToString();
        this.rptlist.DataSource = tempTable;

        //HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Role9999", this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
            this.tddeldoc.Visible = false;
            //this.delcontrol_my.Visible = false;
コード例 #23
ファイル: xxgl_zztbmbyks.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    public string CreateCharts()
        string strXML;
        string lssql;
        string lscolor;
        lscolor = "color='D64646'";
        strXML = "";
        string lsdatestart="";
        string lsdateend="";
        string lsif="";
        if (this.Request.QueryString["datestart"] != null)
            if (this.Request.QueryString["datestart"].ToString() != "")
                lsdatestart = this.Request.QueryString["datestart"].ToString();
                lsif = lsif + " and hy_field31>='" + lsdatestart + "'";
        if (this.Request.QueryString["dateend"] != null)
            if (this.Request.QueryString["dateend"].ToString() != "")
                lsdateend = this.Request.QueryString["dateend"].ToString();
                lsif = lsif + " and hy_field31<='" + lsdateend + "'";

        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        lssql = "select  sum(convert(float,hy_field9)) as fs,b.hy_deptname as hy_field6 from hyt_user as a,hyt_dept as b,hyp_flowmain as c where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and rtrim(ltrim(c.hy_field6))=a.hy_username and c.hy_mudelid='xxgl' and c.hy_tableid='f1265875-5494-465f-ac33-6fa43d208c8f' " + lsif + " group by b.hy_deptname";
        DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
        //HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
        //DataTable dt = Hyoa_user.GetusersOrderbydeptsortandusersort();
        //HyoaClass.DAO db=new HyoaClass.DAO();
        //DataTable dtfs;
        string lssumdate="";
        if (lsdatestart != "")
            lssumdate = lsdatestart;
        if (lsdateend != "")
            lssumdate = lssumdate + "至" + lsdateend;
            lssumdate = lssumdate + "至今";

        dt.DefaultView.Sort = "fs desc";
        DataTable dtTemp = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();

        //strXML +="<graph caption='绩效统计' showNames='1' showvalues='" + 100 + "' baseFontSize='12' xAxisName='Name' yAxisName='Point' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>";
        strXML += "<graph caption='" + lssumdate + "信息统计' showNames='1'  baseFontSize='12' xAxisName='姓    名' yAxisName='Point' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>";
        int n = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dtTemp.Rows.Count; i++)
            //lscolor = lscolor.Substring(0, 9) + (i * 100).ToString() + "'";

            if (System.Double.Parse(dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString()) > 50)
                lscolor = "color='FF0202'";
            if (System.Double.Parse(dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString()) > 20 && System.Double.Parse(dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString()) <= 50)
                lscolor = "color='FA01DA'";
            if (System.Double.Parse(dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString()) > 5 && System.Double.Parse(dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString()) <= 20)
                lscolor = "color='9002FD'";
            if (System.Double.Parse(dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString()) > 1 && System.Double.Parse(dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString()) <= 5)
                lscolor = "color='00FD65'";

            //lssql = "select sum(convert(int,hy_field12)) from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='rsgl' and hy_tableid='6047076e-6a95-4fb8-aec8-5551d3900590' and hy_field10 = '" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "'";
            //dtfs = db.GetDataTable(lssql);
            strXML += "<set name='" + dtTemp.Rows[i]["hy_field6"].ToString() + "' value='" + dtTemp.Rows[i]["fs"].ToString() + "' " + lscolor + " />";
        //strXML += "<set name='人员1' value='" + "30" + "' color='D64646' />";
        //strXML += "<set name='人员2' value='" + "60" + "' color='8E468E' />";
        //strXML += "<set name='人员3' value='" + "90" + "' color='8E468E' />";
        strXML += "</graph>";
        string lsnlen = "";
        lsnlen = (n * 115).ToString();

        //this.lbscrbdataY.Text = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=red>生产日报</font><br>当日实绩:" + xmldata[5] + "吨<br>" + "月度计划:" + xmldata[0] + "吨<br>" + "月度累计:" + xmldata[1] + "吨<br>" + "完成月计划:" + xmldata[2] + "%<br>" + "年度累计:" + xmldata[6] + "吨<br>" + "完成年计划:" + xmldata[7] + "%<br>";
        return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("/app/FusionChartsFree/Charts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "ChartId", strXML, "myNext", lsnlen, "500", false);
コード例 #24
ファイル: rsxx_bt.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    public string CreateCharts()
        string strXML;
        string lssql;
        string lscolor;
        lscolor = "color='D64646'";
        strXML = "";

        string lsdatestart="";
        string lsdateend="";
        string lsif = "";
        if (this.Request.QueryString["datestart"] != null)
            if (this.Request.QueryString["datestart"].ToString() != "")
                lsdatestart = this.Request.QueryString["datestart"].ToString();
                lsif = lsif + " and hy_djsj>='" + lsdatestart + "' ";
        if (this.Request.QueryString["dateend"] != null)
            if (this.Request.QueryString["dateend"].ToString() != "")
                lsdateend = this.Request.QueryString["dateend"].ToString();
                DateTime dts = Convert.ToDateTime(lsdateend);
                DateTime date_effect = dts.AddDays(1);//加一天
                lsif = lsif + " and hy_djsj<='" + date_effect.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").ToString() + "' ";

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
        DataTable dt = Hyoa_user.GetusersOrderbydeptsortandusersort();
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        DataTable dtfs;

        string lssumdate = "";
        if (lsdatestart != "")
            lssumdate = lsdatestart;
        if (lsdateend != "")
            lssumdate = lssumdate + "至" + lsdateend;
            lssumdate = lssumdate + "至今";

        //strXML +="<graph caption='绩效统计' showNames='1' showvalues='" + 100 + "' baseFontSize='12' xAxisName='Name' yAxisName='Point' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>";
        strXML += "<graph caption='" + lssumdate + "绩效统计' showNames='1'  baseFontSize='12' xAxisName='姓    名' yAxisName='Point' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>";
        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            lscolor = lscolor.Substring(0, 9) + (i*100).ToString() + "'";
            lssql = "select sum(convert(float,hy_field12)) from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='rsgl' and hy_tableid='6047076e-6a95-4fb8-aec8-5551d3900590'" + lsif + " and hy_field1 = '" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString() + "'";
            dtfs = db.GetDataTable(lssql);

            //增加0的数据不显示 added by xf 20110722
            if(dtfs.Rows[0][0].ToString()!="" && dtfs.Rows[0][0].ToString()!="0")
                strXML += "<set name='" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString() + "' value='" + dtfs.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "' " + lscolor + " />";
        //strXML += "<set name='人员1' value='" + "30" + "' color='D64646' />";
        //strXML += "<set name='人员2' value='" + "60" + "' color='8E468E' />";
        //strXML += "<set name='人员3' value='" + "90" + "' color='8E468E' />";
        strXML += "</graph>";
        return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("/app/FusionChartsFree/Charts/FCF_Pie3D.swf", "ChartId", strXML, "myNext", "1024", "500", false);
コード例 #25
ファイル: importKQ.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String sql;
        sql = "";

        if (this.lblDisplay.Text == "")
            this.lblReturnInformation.Text = "请先保存Excel文件!";

            sql = "";
            sql = " select  姓名,日期,签到时间,签退时间,是否旷工,例外情况,部门  from OpenDataSource('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source=''" + this.lblDisplay.Text + "'';User ID=admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...Sheet1$ ";

            HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain();

            DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
            DataTable dtuser;

            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
                Hyoa_flowmain.DOCID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_mudelid = "kqgl";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_tableid = "74e7e280-4fc5-4ccb-be3d-0f995ac2c934";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_flowid = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_flowname = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curtacheid = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curtachename = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curclrid = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curclrname = "";

                dtuser = Hyoa_user.GetusersbynameforCX(dt.Rows[j]["姓名"].ToString());
                if (dtuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrid = dtuser.Rows[0]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrbmid = dtuser.Rows[0]["hy_deptid"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrid = "";
                    Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrbmid = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrname = dt.Rows[j]["姓名"].ToString();                
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrbmname = dt.Rows[j]["部门"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djsj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_bt = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content1 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content2 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content3 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content4 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content5 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content6 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content7 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content8 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content9 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content10 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content11 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content12 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content13 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content14 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content15 = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field1 = dt.Rows[j]["签到时间"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field2 = dt.Rows[j]["签退时间"].ToString();
                if (dt.Rows[j]["是否旷工"].ToString() == "True")
                    Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field3 = "是";
                    Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field3 = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field4 = dt.Rows[j]["例外情况"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field5 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field6 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field7 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field8 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field9 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field10 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field11 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field12 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field13 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field14 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field15 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field16 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field17 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field18 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field19 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field20 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field21 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field22 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field23 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field24 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field25 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field26 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field27 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field28 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field29 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field30 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field31 = dt.Rows[j]["日期"].ToString(); ;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field32 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field33 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field34 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field35 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field36 = 0;  
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field37 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field38 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field39 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field40 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field41 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field42 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field43 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field44 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field45 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field46 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field47 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field48 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field49 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field50 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field51 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field52 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field53 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field54 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field55 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field56 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field57 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field58 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field59 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field60 = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field61 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field62 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field63 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field64 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field65 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field66 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field67 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field68 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field69 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field70 = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field71 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field72 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field73 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field74 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field75 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field76 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field77 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field78 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field79 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field80 = 0;

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field81 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field82 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field83 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field84 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field85 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field86 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field87 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field88 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field89 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field90 = 0;

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field91 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field92 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field93 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field94 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field95 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field96 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field97 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field98 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field99 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field100 = 0;

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_iftx = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_zhtxsj = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_readuserlist = "";

            this.lblReturnInformation.Text = "导入成功";

            if (File.Exists(this.lblDisplay.Text))

コード例 #26
ファイル: main.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    //发布投票add by fy 2014-02-23
    protected void Button_Pub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
        string ls_yqmlists = "";

        if (this.hy_field43.Text == "")
            DataTable dt = Hyoa_user.GetusersOrderbydeptsortandusersort();
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string ls_jsrid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                    string ls_jsrname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                    string ls_yqm = "";
                    string ls_yqms = GetRandom3();
                    if (ls_jsrid == "admin")
                        ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms;
                        ls_yqm = ls_jsrid.Substring(ls_jsrid.Length - 3) + ls_yqms;  //获得6位数字的随机数
                    //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,您的投票邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入</a>";
                    String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values ";
                    ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','" + this.hy_djrid.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrname.Text + "','" + ls_jsrid + "','','" + ls_jsrname + "','" + this.hy_field23.Text + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') ";


                    if (ls_yqmlists == "")
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm;
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm;
            string ls_jsrid = this.hy_field43.Text;
            string ls_jsrname = this.hy_field41.Text;

            string[] lv_jsrid = ls_jsrid.Split('+');
            string[] lv_jsrname = ls_jsrname.Split('+');
            for (var i = 0; i < lv_jsrid.Length; i++)
                if (lv_jsrid[i] != "")
                    string ls_yqm = "";
                    string ls_yqms = GetRandom3();
                    if (lv_jsrid[i] == "admin")
                        ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms;
                        ls_yqm = lv_jsrid[i].Substring(lv_jsrid[i].Length - 3) + ls_yqms;  //获得6位数字的随机数

                    //string ls_dburl = "wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    //string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,请您参与";
                    //Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_jsrid[i].ToString(), lv_jsrname[i].ToString(),
                    //    this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), ls_dburl, "待办", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", ls_body, "请参与", 0, "", "");
                    //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,您的投票邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入</a>";
                    String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values ";
                    ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','" + this.hy_djrid.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrname.Text + "','" + lv_jsrid[i].ToString() + "','','" + lv_jsrname[i].ToString() + "','" + this.hy_field23.Text + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') ";


                    if (ls_yqmlists == "")
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm;
                        ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm;

        string sql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field30='" + ls_yqmlists + "',hy_field100=1 where docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";

        Response.Write("<script>alert('发布投票成功!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>");
コード例 #27
ファイル: importKS.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    protected void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String sql;
        sql = "";

        if (this.lblDisplay.Text == "")
            this.lblReturnInformation.Text = "请先保存Excel文件!";

            sql = "";
            sql = " select  题型,正确答案,题目,分值,选择项1,选择项2,选择项3,选择项4,选择项5,选择项6  from OpenDataSource('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source=''" + this.lblDisplay.Text + "'';User ID=admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...Sheet1$ ";

            HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain();

            DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);
            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
                Hyoa_flowmain.DOCID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_mudelid = "zsgl";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_tableid = "9b3dd7c5-a4ab-46c5-a1c8-5d7879bdf050";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_flowid = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_flowname = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curtacheid = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curtachename = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curclrid = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_curclrname = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrid = "admin";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrname = "管理员";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrbmid = "003";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djrbmname = "管理员组";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_djsj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_bt = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content1 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content2 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content3 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content4 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content5 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content6 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content7 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content8 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content9 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content10 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content11 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content12 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content13 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content14 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_content15 = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field1 = dt.Rows[j]["题型"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field2 = dt.Rows[j]["正确答案"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field3 = dt.Rows[j]["题目"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field4 = dt.Rows[j]["分值"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field5 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field6 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field7 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field8 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field9 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field10 = dt.Rows[j]["选择项1"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field11 = dt.Rows[j]["选择项2"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field12 = dt.Rows[j]["选择项3"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field13 = dt.Rows[j]["选择项4"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field14 = dt.Rows[j]["选择项5"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field15 = dt.Rows[j]["选择项6"].ToString();
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field16 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field17 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field18 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field19 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field20 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field21 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field22 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field23 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field24 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field25 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field26 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field27 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field28 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field29 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field30 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field31 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field32 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field33 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field34 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field35 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field36 = 0;  
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field37 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field38 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field39 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field40 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field41 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field42 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field43 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field44 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field45 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field46 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field47 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field48 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field49 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field50 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field51 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field52 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field53 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field54 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field55 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field56 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field57 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field58 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field59 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field60 = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field61 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field62 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field63 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field64 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field65 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field66 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field67 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field68 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field69 = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field70 = "";

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field71 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field72 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field73 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field74 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field75 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field76 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field77 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field78 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field79 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field80 = 0;

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field81 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field82 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field83 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field84 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field85 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field86 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field87 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field88 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field89 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field90 = 0;

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field91 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field92 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field93 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field94 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field95 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field96 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field97 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field98 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field99 = 0;
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field100 = 0;

                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_iftx = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_zhtxsj = "";
                Hyoa_flowmain.hy_readuserlist = "";

            this.lblReturnInformation.Text = "导入成功";

            if (File.Exists(this.lblDisplay.Text))

コード例 #28
ファイル: main.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
 protected void Button_Qx_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
     string lssql = "delete from hyp_flowmain where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
     string lssqldbsy = "delete from hyt_dbsy where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
     string ls_tip = "取消成功!";
     if (this.txtifpop.Value == "")
         Response.Write("<script>window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
コード例 #29
ファイル: list_db.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    //pi_flag 0:不赋值  1:需赋值
    //ifsearch:是否查询时使用 0:非查询时使用 1:查询时使用
    public string GetFieldHtml(string hy_mudelid, string hy_fieldid, string pi_flag, string hy_tableid, string ifsearch)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield();
        DataTable dtfield = Hyoa_flowfield.GetSQLfieldBymudelidAndFieldidAndTableid(hy_mudelid, hy_fieldid, hy_tableid);
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        string lsField = "";
        string field_css = "";
        string field_value = "";
        string field_functionhy_onclick = "";
        string field_functionhy_ondblclick = "";
        string field_functionhy_onchange = "";
        string field_functionhy_onkeydown = "";
        string field_functionhy_onkeyup = "";

        if (dtfield.Rows.Count > 0)
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_ifreadonly"].ToString() == "是")
                if (ifsearch == "0")
                    field_css += " readonly ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_class"].ToString() != "")
                field_css += " class='" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_class"].ToString() + "' ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_width"].ToString() != "")
                field_css += " style='width:" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_width"].ToString() + ";";
                field_css += " style='";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_height"].ToString() != "")
                field_css += " height:" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_height"].ToString() + "'";
                field_css += "'";

            if (ifsearch == "0")
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() != "")
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "0")
                        field_value += dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString();

                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "1")
                        DataTable dtdefault = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString());
                        if (dtdefault.Rows.Count > 0)
                            field_value += dtdefault.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "2")
                        field_value += Session[dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString()].ToString();
                    if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString() == "3")
                        if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString() == "yyyy-mm-dd")
                            field_value += System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                            field_value += System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onclick"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onclick += " onclick=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onclick"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_ondblclick"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_ondblclick += " ondblclick=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_ondblclick"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onchange"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onchange += " onchange=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onchange"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeydown"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onkeydown += " onkeydown=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeydown"].ToString() + "\" ";
            if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeyup"].ToString() != "")
                field_functionhy_onkeyup += " onkeyup=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_onkeyup"].ToString() + "\" ";
            string field_type = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldtype"].ToString();
            if (field_type == "文本")
                lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
            if (field_type == "多行文本")
                lsField = "<textarea name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_css + " >" + field_value + "</textarea>";
            if (field_type == "日期")
                if (ifsearch == "0")
                    lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";

                    field_css = " style='width:47%;'";
                    lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" " + "onclick=\"WdatePicker({el:$dp.$('" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1')})\""  +field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">至";
                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" "  +"onclick=\"WdatePicker({el:$dp.$('" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1')})\""  +field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
            if (field_type == "数值")
                if (ifsearch == "0")
                    lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
                    field_css = " style='width:47%;'";
                    lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_start_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">到";
                    lsField += "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_end_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_functionhy_ondblclick + field_functionhy_onkeydown + field_functionhy_onkeyup + field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
            if (field_type == "对话框列表")
                lsField = "<select name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onchange + field_css + "> ";
                lsField += "<option value=''></option>";
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "0")
                    string[] lv_options = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString().Split('#');
                    for (var ii = 0; ii < lv_options.Length; ii++)
                        lsField += "<option value='" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "'>" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "</option>";
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "1")
                    DataTable dtoptions = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString());
                    if (dtoptions.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (var ii = 0; ii < dtoptions.Rows.Count; ii++)
                            lsField += "<option value='" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "'>" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "</option>";
                lsField += "</select>";
            if (field_type == "复选框")
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "0")
                    string[] lv_options = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString().Split('#');
                    for (var ii = 0; ii < lv_options.Length; ii++)
                        if (field_value == lv_options[ii].ToString())
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=checkbox checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=checkbox id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "1")
                    DataTable dtoptions = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString());
                    if (dtoptions.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (var ii = 0; ii < dtoptions.Rows.Count; ii++)
                            if (field_value == dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString())
                                lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=checkbox checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=checkbox id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();

            if (field_type == "单选框")
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "0")
                    string[] lv_options = dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString().Split('#');
                    for (var ii = 0; ii < lv_options.Length; ii++)
                        if (field_value == lv_options[ii].ToString())
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=radio checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                            lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=radio id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + lv_options[ii].ToString() + "\" />" + lv_options[ii].ToString();
                if (dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_optiontype"].ToString() == "1")
                    DataTable dtoptions = db.GetDataTable(dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_options"].ToString());
                    if (dtoptions.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (var ii = 0; ii < dtoptions.Rows.Count; ii++)
                            if (field_value == dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString())
                                lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=radio checked=true id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
                                lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + (ii.ToString()) + "_1\" type=radio id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString() + "\" />" + dtoptions.Rows[ii][0].ToString();
            if (field_type == "口令")
                lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=password id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_functionhy_onclick + field_css + " value=\"" + field_value + "\">";
            if (field_type == "附件组件")
                lsField = "<input name=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" type=text id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\" " + field_css + " value=\"" + "\"><input type=button id=\"uploadfile1\" text='附件' class=\"text1\" onclick=\"window.open('/ggdy/uploadfile.aspx?id=" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "');\" ";
            if (field_type == "说明文字")
                lsField = "<span id=\"" + dtfield.Rows[0]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString() + "_1\">" + field_value + "</span>";
            //if (field_type.Equals("ewebeditor"))
            //    tfile.setField(field_name, field_value);

        return lsField;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Search_All.aspx.cs プロジェクト: wjszxli/Webapp
    private void DataPlay()
        HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        string ls_flag = "0";  //是否为授权人员
        string ls_uid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Role_search", ls_uid))
            ls_flag = "1";
        int ls_Container = 1;
        string ls_docids = "";
        string sql1 = "";
        string[] lv_key = ls_keywords.Split('|');

        if (ls_Modelid != "--请选择--")
            sql1 = "select *,(select hy_mudelname from hyt_mudel where hy_mudelid=a.hy_mudelid) as hy_name from hyt_searchconfig a where hy_ifsearch='是' and hy_mudelid='" + ls_Modelid + "'";
            sql1 += " order by hy_sort ";
            sql1 = "select *,(select hy_mudelname from hyt_mudel where hy_mudelid=a.hy_mudelid) as hy_name from hyt_searchconfig a where hy_ifsearch='是'";
            sql1 += " order by hy_sort ";

        DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql1);
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                string sql2 = "";
                string ls_or = "";
                string ls_mid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_mudelid"].ToString();
                string ls_mname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_name"].ToString();
                string ls_tid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_tableid"].ToString();
                string ls_cid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_columnshowid"].ToString();  //hy_field1,hy_bt,hy_content1
                string ls_xsid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_xszdid"].ToString();
                string ls_kckryid = "+" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_kckryid"].ToString() + "+";

                string ls_tname = "", ls_ifflow = "", ls_ifgk = "", ls_ifxssy = "";
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig Hyoa_tableconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig();
                DataTable dt_tableconfig = Hyoa_tableconfig.GetTable(ls_tid);
                if (dt_tableconfig.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_tname = dt_tableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_name"].ToString(); //表单名称
                    ls_ifflow = dt_tableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_ifflowdoc"].ToString();//是否为流程表单
                    ls_ifgk = dt_tableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_ispuballByflowYB"].ToString();  //流程结束后是否公开
                    ls_ifxssy = dt_tableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_ifdisplayall"].ToString();  //是否显示所有记录

                if (ls_flag == "1")
                    sql2 = "select * from hyp_flowmain a where 1=1 ";
                    if (ls_kckryid.IndexOf("+" + ls_uid + "+") >= 0)
                        sql2 = "select * from hyp_flowmain a where 1=1 ";
                        if (ls_ifflow == "是")
                            sql2 = "select * from hyp_flowmain a,hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl b  where a.DOCID=b.DOCID ";

                            if (ls_ifgk == "是")
                                sql2 += " and (','+b.hy_clrid+',' like '%," + ls_uid + ",%' or ','+b.hy_cyrid+',' like '%," + ls_uid + ",%' or a.hy_curtacheid='**' ) ";
                            if (ls_ifgk == "否")
                                sql2 += " and (','+b.hy_clrid+',' like '%," + ls_uid + ",%' or ','+b.hy_cyrid+',' like '%," + ls_uid + ",%') ";
                        if (ls_ifflow == "否")
                            if (ls_ifxssy == "是")
                                sql2 = "select * from hyp_flowmain a where 1=1 ";
                            if (ls_ifxssy == "否")
                                sql2 = "select * from hyp_flowmain a where a.hy_djrid='" + ls_uid + "' ";

                sql2 += " and (a.hy_mudelid='" + ls_mid + "' and a.hy_tableid='" + ls_tid + "') ";
                string[] lv_cid = ls_cid.Split(',');
                string[] lv_xsid = ls_xsid.Split(',');
                for (int kk = 0; kk < lv_cid.Length; kk++)
                    if (lv_cid[kk].ToString() != "")
                        string ls_key = "";
                        for (int jj = 0; jj < lv_key.Length; jj++)
                            if (ls_key == "")
                                ls_key = lv_cid[kk] + " like '%" + lv_key[jj] + "%'";
                                ls_key = ls_key +" "+ ls_op + " " + lv_cid[kk] + " like '%" + lv_key[jj] + "%'";
                        if (ls_or == "")
                            ls_or = "(" + ls_key + ")";
                            ls_or = ls_or + " or " + "(" + ls_key + ")";
                if (ls_or != "")
                    sql2 += " and (" + ls_or + ")";
                sql2 += " order by a.hy_djsj desc ";

                DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(sql2);
                //Response.Write(sql2+ "<br/>"+dt2.Rows.Count + "<br/>");
                if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int ik = 0; ik < dt2.Rows.Count; ik++)
                        string ls_id = "";
                        ls_id = dt2.Rows[ik]["DOCID"].ToString();
                        if (ls_docids.IndexOf(ls_id) >= 0)
                            string ls_bt = dt2.Rows[ik]["hy_bt"].ToString();
                            string ls_djr = dt2.Rows[ik]["hy_djrname"].ToString();
                            string ls_djrbm = dt2.Rows[ik]["hy_djrbmname"].ToString();
                            string ls_djsj = DateTime.Parse(dt2.Rows[ik]["hy_djsj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            string ls_xsnr = "&nbsp;";

                            for (int kk = 0; kk < lv_xsid.Length; kk++)
                                if (lv_xsid[kk] != "")
                                    string ls_zd = lv_xsid[kk];
                                    ls_xsnr += dt2.Rows[ik][ls_zd].ToString() + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                            string ls_url = "";
                            if (ls_mid == "tzgg")
                                ls_url = "/displaypage.aspx?mid=" + ls_mid + "&docid=" + ls_id + "&rnd=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                ls_url = "../main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + ls_mid + "&tableid=" + ls_tid + "&docid=" + ls_id + "&rnd=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            string ls_dqzt = "";
                            if (ls_ifflow == "是")
                                ls_dqzt = dt2.Rows[ik]["hy_curtachename"].ToString();
                            string ls_xsnrnew = OutGetStr(ls_xsnr, 150);
                            //for (int jj = 0; jj < lv_key.Length; jj++)
                            //    ls_xsnrnew = ReplaceStr(OutGetStr(ls_xsnr, 150), lv_key[jj], "<font color='red'>" + lv_key[jj] + "</font>");
                            sb.Append("<table width=99% border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=2 bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">");
                            sb.Append("<tr onMouseOver=\"this.className='tr-over'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='TrList'\" class=\"TrList\">");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"5%\" height=\"22\" align=\"center\">" + ls_Container + "</td>");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_mname + "</td>");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_djr + "</td>");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_djrbm + "</td>");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_djsj + "</td>");
                            sb.Append("<td align=\"center\">" + ls_xsnrnew + "</td>");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_dqzt + "</td>");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"5%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"var ss='" + ls_url + "';window.location =ss;\">操作</a></td>");
                            sb.Append("<td width=\"5%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"var ss='" + ls_url + "';window.open(ss,'','');\">弹出</a></td>");

                            if (ls_docids == "")
                                ls_docids = ls_id;
                                ls_docids = ls_docids + "," + ls_id;


        string key_fj = "";
        for (int jj = 0; jj < lv_key.Length; jj++)
            if (key_fj == "")
                key_fj = " hy_filename like '%" + lv_key[jj] + "%' ";
                key_fj = key_fj + ls_op + " hy_filename like '%" + lv_key[jj] + "%' ";
        //string sqlfj = "select * from hyp_fileatt where " + key_fj + " order by hy_djsj desc ";
        string sqlfj = "";
        if (this.Request.QueryString["Modelid"].ToString() != "")
            sqlfj = "select *,(select hy_mudelname from hyt_mudel where b.hy_mudelid = hy_mudelid) as hy_mudelname from hyp_fileatt a,hyp_flowmain b ";
            sqlfj += " where a.hy_fatherid = b.DOCID and b.hy_mudelid = '" + this.Request.QueryString["Modelid"].ToString() + "' ";
            sqlfj += " and " + key_fj + " order by a.hy_djsj desc  ";
            //sqlfj = "select *,(select hy_mudelid from hyp_flowmain where a.hy_fatherid = DOCID) from hyp_fileatt a ";
            //sqlfj += " where (select hy_mudelid from hyp_flowmain where a.hy_fatherid = DOCID)= '" + this.Request.QueryString["Modelid"].ToString() + "' and " + key_fj + " order by a.hy_djsj desc  ";
            sqlfj = "select *,(select hy_mudelname from hyt_mudel where b.hy_mudelid = hy_mudelid) as hy_mudelname from hyp_fileatt a,hyp_flowmain b where a.hy_fatherid = b.DOCID and " + key_fj + " order by hy_djsj desc  ";

        DataTable dt22 = db.GetDataTable(sqlfj);
        if (dt22.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int ik = 0; ik < dt22.Rows.Count; ik++)
                string ls_id = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_fatherid"].ToString();
                if (ls_docids.IndexOf(ls_id) >= 0)
                    string ls_xsbzw = "0";
                    string ls_bt = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_bt"].ToString();
                    string ls_djrid = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_djrid"].ToString();
                    string ls_djr = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_djrname"].ToString();
                    string ls_djrbm = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_djrbmname"].ToString();
                    string ls_djsj = DateTime.Parse(dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_djsj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    string ls_xsnr = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_bt"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    string ls_midfj = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_mudelid"].ToString();
                    string ls_mname = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_mudelname"].ToString();
                    string ls_tidfj = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_tableid"].ToString();
                    string ls_url = "";
                    if (ls_midfj == "tzgg")
                        ls_url = "/displaypage.aspx?mid=" + ls_midfj + "&docid=" + ls_id + "&rnd=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        ls_url = "../main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + ls_midfj + "&tableid=" + ls_tidfj + "&docid=" + ls_id + "&rnd=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    string ls_dqzt = dt22.Rows[ik]["hy_curtachename"].ToString();

                    string ls_xsnrnew = OutGetStr(ls_xsnr, 150);
                    if (ls_flag == "1")
                        ls_xsbzw="1";  //显示记录
                        string sql11 = "select * from hyt_searchconfig where hy_ifsearch='是' and hy_mudelid='" + ls_midfj + "'";
                        DataTable dt11 = db.GetDataTable(sql11);
                        if (dt11.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string ls_kckryid = "+" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_kckryid"].ToString() + "+";

                            if (ls_kckryid.IndexOf("+" + ls_uid + "+") >= 0)
                                ls_xsbzw = "1";//显示记录
                                string ls_tname2 = "", ls_ifflow2 = "", ls_trole2 = "", ls_ifgk2 = "", ls_ifxssy2 = "";
                                HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig Hyoa_tableconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig();
                                DataTable dt_tableconfig2 = Hyoa_tableconfig.GetTable(ls_tidfj);
                                if (dt_tableconfig2.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    ls_tname2 = dt_tableconfig2.Rows[0]["hy_name"].ToString(); //表单名称
                                    ls_ifflow2 = dt_tableconfig2.Rows[0]["hy_ifflowdoc"].ToString();//是否为流程表单
                                    ls_trole2 = dt_tableconfig2.Rows[0]["hy_tablerole"].ToString(); //表单类型
                                    ls_ifgk2 = dt_tableconfig2.Rows[0]["hy_ispuballByflowYB"].ToString();  //流程结束后是否公开
                                    ls_ifxssy2 = dt_tableconfig2.Rows[0]["hy_ifdisplayall"].ToString();  //是否显示所有记录
                                if (ls_ifflow2 == "是")
                                    if (ls_ifgk2 == "是")
                                        ls_xsbzw = "1";//显示记录
                                        string sql2 = "select * from hyp_flowmain a,hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl b  where a.DOCID=b.DOCID and a.DOCID='" + ls_id + "'";
                                        sql2 += " and (','+b.hy_clrid+',' like '%," + ls_uid + ",%' or ','+b.hy_cyrid+',' like '%," + ls_uid + ",%') ";
                                        DataTable dt_lcbgk = db.GetDataTable(sql2);
                                        if (dt_lcbgk.Rows.Count > 0)
                                            ls_xsbzw = "1";//显示记录
                                    if (ls_ifxssy2 == "是")
                                        ls_xsbzw = "1";//显示记录
                                        if (ls_djrid == ls_uid)
                                            ls_xsbzw = "1";//显示记录


                    if (ls_xsbzw == "1")
                        #region 显示查询结果内容
                        sb.Append("<table width=99% border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=2 bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">");
                        sb.Append("<tr onMouseOver=\"this.className='tr-over'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='TrList'\" class=\"TrList\">");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"5%\" height=\"22\" align=\"center\">" + ls_Container + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_mname + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_djr + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_djrbm + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_djsj + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td align=\"center\">" + ls_xsnrnew + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\">" + ls_dqzt + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"5%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"var ss='" + ls_url + "';window.location =ss;\">操作</a></td>");
                        sb.Append("<td width=\"5%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"var ss='" + ls_url + "';window.open(ss,'','');\">弹出</a></td>");

                        if (ls_docids == "")
                            ls_docids = ls_id;
                            ls_docids = ls_docids + "," + ls_id;



        this.lblsearch.Text = sb.ToString();