コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Smoothly switch the visibility of the menu.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="menusType">The visibility of the menu needs to be set.</param>
 /// <param name="visibilityState">The visibility state will set to the menu's visibility.</param>
 /// <param name="smoothlTime">The time of the smoothly transition.</param>
 public void SetMenuVisibilitySmoothly(Global.MenusType menusType, bool visibilityState, float smoothlTime = 1.0f, bool slowToFast = true)
     if (menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType] != visibilityState)
         menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType] = visibilityState;
         StartCoroutine(VisibilitySmoothlySwitchCoroutine(menusType, menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType], smoothlTime, slowToFast));
コード例 #2
    private IEnumerator VisibilitySmoothlySwitchCoroutine(Global.MenusType menusType, bool visibilityState, float smoothlTime, bool slowToFast = true)
        float alpha      = menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].alpha; // Get the latest alpha value when everytime invoking VisibilitySmoothlySwitchCoroutine()
        float time       = (visibilityState ? alpha : 1.0f - alpha);
        bool  visibility = visibilityState;

        if (menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType])
            menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].interactable = menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].blocksRaycasts = visibilityState;                                       // Switch the menu interactable and the mouse raycast block before switching while open the menu
        while (true)
            if (slowToFast)
                time += ((1.0f * Time.deltaTime) + (time * 0.2f)) / smoothlTime;
                time += ((1.0f * Time.deltaTime) + ((1.0f - time) * 0.2f)) / smoothlTime; //(1.0f * Time.deltaTime) / smoothlTime;
            time = (time > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : time;

            menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].alpha = Mathf.Lerp(visibilityState ? 0.0f : 1.0f, visibilityState ? 1.0f : 0.0f, time);// Smoothly switch the visibility

            if (visibility != menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType])
                break;                                                     // Stop visibility transition if the coroutine be invoking again
            if (time >= 1.0f)

            yield return(null);

        if (!menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType])
            menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].interactable = menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].blocksRaycasts = visibilityState;                                       // Switch the menu interactable and the mouse raycast block after switched while close the menu
        yield return(null);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Directly switch the visibility of the menu.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="menusType">The visibility of the menu needs to be set.</param>
 /// <param name="visibilityState">The visibility state will set to the menu's visibility.</param>
 public void SetMenuVisibilityDirectly(Global.MenusType menusType, bool visibilityState)
     menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType]          = visibilityState;                                                   // Update the menus active state while switch the active of menu
     menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].interactable = menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].blocksRaycasts = visibilityState; // Switch the menu interactable and the mouse raycast block
     menusCanvasGroup[(int)menusType].alpha        = visibilityState ? 1.0f : 0.0f;                                     // Switch the visibility
コード例 #4
 public void InverseMenuVisibilityDirectly(Global.MenusType menusType)
     SetMenuVisibilityDirectly(menusType, !menusVisibilityState[(int)menusType]);