コード例 #1
    private GeneratorNode generateNode()
        HashSet<GeneratorNode> spawnedNodes;
        HashSet<GeneratorNode> newNodes = new HashSet<GeneratorNode>();
        int size = 0, atoms = 0;

        long timeBegin = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

        // Takes each node and applies its decomposition
        foreach (GeneratorNode wn in m_nodes)
            GeneratorNode wn2 = new GeneratorNode();

            spawnedNodes = wn2.spawn();

            foreach (GeneratorNode gn in spawnedNodes)

            // Shortcut: as soon as one branch returns something, we skip the others
            if (spawnedNodes.Count > 0)

        long timeEnd = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

        System.Console.WriteLine("Finished producing the " + newNodes.Count + "nodes " + (timeEnd - timeBegin));
        timeBegin = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

        // Remember the new nodes
        m_nodes = newNodes;

        // Updates statistics about maximum number of nodes
        size = m_nodes.Count;

        if (size > m_maxNodes)
            m_maxNodes = size;

        // Updates statistics about total number of formulae
        size = 0;
        atoms = 0;

        foreach (GeneratorNode wn in m_nodes)
            size += wn.getSize();
            atoms += wn.getAtoms();

        if (size > m_maxFormulae)
            m_maxFormulae = size;

        if (atoms > m_maxAtoms)
            m_maxAtoms = atoms;

        // We remove nodes that don't contain any OPlus
        // (i.e., that don't tell us to do anything)
        // and check at the same time if at least one node is sound
        bool hasSound = false;

        foreach (GeneratorNode wn in m_nodes)
            HashSet<OPlus> opluses = wn.getOPluses();
            bool contains_element = false;

            foreach (OPlus op in opluses)
                // Remove conditions that only assert path existence
                if (!op.getOperand().Equals(Operator.m_falseAtom) &&
                    contains_element = true;

            if (!contains_element)

                if (wn.Sound)
                    hasSound = true;

        // Can we produce a new message?
        if (m_nodes.Count == 0)
            // No!
            return null;

        // We remove all nodes whose OPluses are contradictory
        /*it = m_nodes.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
          GeneratorNode wn = it.next();
          if (wn.containsOPlusContradiction())

        // Is there at least one remaining sound node?
        if (hasSound)
            // Yes: then let's remove any unsound node
            foreach (GeneratorNode wn in m_nodes)
                if (!wn.Sound)

        timeEnd = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
        System.Console.WriteLine("Finished pruning " + (timeEnd - timeBegin));

        // Pick *one* of the nodes randomly
        long pickIndex = (long)System.Math.Round(new System.Random().NextDouble() * (double)(m_nodes.Count - 1));
        int i = 0;
        GeneratorNode pickedNode = null;

        foreach (GeneratorNode gn in m_nodes)
            if (i == pickIndex)
                pickedNode = gn;


        // Keep only the selected node for the next state
        m_nodes = new HashSet<GeneratorNode>();

        // Return the picked node
        return pickedNode;