コード例 #1
    public GenBridge genBridge(int x, int y, int direction)
        GenBridge gb = new GenBridge();

        gb.bridgeCenterLength = Random.Range(1, 4);

        Pos p = new Pos(0, 0);

        switch (direction)
        case 0:
            p.y = -1;

        case 1:
            p.x = 1;

        case 2:
            p.y = 1;

        case 3:
            p.x = -1;

        // each bridge component equal to 2 square, so bridge head + bridge middle * length + bridge end = ....
        gb.x = x + (1 + gb.bridgeCenterLength + 1) * 2 * p.x;
        gb.y = y + (1 + gb.bridgeCenterLength + 1) * 2 * p.y;

コード例 #2
    public GenRoom genNextRoom(int x, int y, bool isMainline, bool isLastLevel = false, int length = 0, int incomeDirection = -1)
        GenRoom newRoom = new GenRoom();

        newRoom.roomObjId = randomGen(roomIds);
        Room roomData = new Room(newRoom.roomObjId);

        newRoom.roomId = roomIdCounter++;
        int monsterNum = 0;

        // first calibrate the position
        if (incomeDirection != -1)
            x -= roomData.gates [incomeDirection].pos.x;
            y -= roomData.gates [incomeDirection].pos.y;
            x -= 8;
            y -= 8;
        // check collision
        Rect newArea = new Rect(x, y, 16, 16);

        if (collisionCheck(newArea))

        // add monster to room
        // check if needed (not starting room)
        if (length == mainlineLength)
            // starting room need character starting position
            //bool validPos = false;
            newRoom.charPosition = new Pos(5, 5);
//          while(!validPos) {
//              newRoom.charPosition.x = Random.Range (0, 13);
//              newRoom.charPosition.y = Random.Range (0, 13);
//              if(roomData.landscape[newRoom.charPosition.y][newRoom.charPosition.x] == 1) {
//                  validPos = true;
//              }
//          }
        else if (length == 1)
            // last room, let this be the teleport gate room
            newRoom.teleportGate = new GenTGate();
            newRoom.teleportGate.teleportGateObjId = 1;
            bool validPos = false;
            newRoom.teleportGate.position = new Pos(0, 0);
            while (!validPos)
                newRoom.teleportGate.position.x = Random.Range(0, 13);
                newRoom.teleportGate.position.y = Random.Range(0, 13);
                if (roomData.landscape[newRoom.teleportGate.position.y][newRoom.teleportGate.position.x] == 1)
                    validPos = true;
            if (isLastLevel)
                newRoom.teleportGate.target = "boss";
                newRoom.teleportGate.target = "level";
        // else {
        // random number of monsters
        monsterNum       = maxMonsterNum;// randomGen(monsterNums);
        newRoom.monsters = new GenMonster[monsterNum];
        for (int i = 0; i < monsterNum; i++)
            // get a position
            // TODO: stop using silly method
            bool validPos = false;
            Pos  position = new Pos(0, 0);

            while (!validPos)
                position.x = Random.Range(0, 13);
                position.y = Random.Range(0, 13);
                if (roomData.landscape[position.y][position.x] == 1)
                    // mark area around nolonger avaliable
                    roomData.landscape[position.y - 1][position.x] = 0;
                    roomData.landscape[position.y + 1][position.x] = 0;
                    roomData.landscape[position.y][position.x - 1] = 0;
                    roomData.landscape[position.y][position.x + 1] = 0;
                    roomData.landscape[position.y][position.x]     = 0;

                    validPos = true;
            newRoom.monsters[i] = genMonster(i, position);

        // mark all gate position
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            newRoom.gates[i].x = x + roomData.gates[i].pos.x;
            newRoom.gates[i].y = y + roomData.gates[i].pos.y;

        if (isMainline)
            // get the next room (recursion), attach to the bridge
            if (length > 1)
                // random a gate
                int direction;

                GenBridge    newBridge     = null;
                GenRoom      nextRoom      = null;
                int[]        directions    = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
                List <int>   directionList = new List <int>(directions);
                List <float> ratioList     = new List <float>(directionRatio);
                if (directionList.Remove(incomeDirection) == true)
                    if (directionList.Count == 0)

                    direction = randomGen(directionList.ToArray(), ratioList.ToArray());
                    int directionIndex = directionList.IndexOf(direction);

                    newBridge = genBridge(newRoom.gates[direction].x, newRoom.gates[direction].y, direction);
                    nextRoom  = genNextRoom(newBridge.x, newBridge.y, isMainline, isLastLevel, length - 1, (direction < 2?direction + 2:direction - 2));
                } while (nextRoom == null);

                // open the gate
                newRoom.gates[direction].isGateOpen = true;

                int gateOpenMethod = genGateEvent(newRoom, direction);

                // TODO: Old open gate method, get ride of this when have time to implement event system on client side
                newRoom.gates[direction].gateOpenCondId = gateOpenMethod;
                if (newRoom.monsters == null)
                    newRoom.gates[direction].gateOpenCondId = 0;
                else if (newRoom.gates[direction].gateOpenCondId == 2)
                    // need to kill specific monster, mark which one
                    // temp all monsterObj = 1
                    List <int> targetMonsters = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < monsterNum; i++)
                        if (newRoom.monsters[i].monsterObjId == 1)
                    newRoom.gates[direction].gateOpenCondParam = targetMonsters.ToArray();

                // get a bridge and connect to the gate
                newRoom.gates[direction].bridge            = newBridge;
                newRoom.gates[direction].bridge.targetRoom = nextRoom;

                // gather list of unused gate for branching
                if (length != mainlineLength)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (i != direction && i != incomeDirection)
