コード例 #1
        public new Task InitializeAsync()
            base.InitializeAsync().Wait(); // call base method initialization

            // set initial direction
            string initialDirection = deviceConfig.initialDirection;                     // use configuration value as default
            var    myTwin           = _DeviceClient.GetDynamicDigitalTwinAsync().Result; // get twin

            if (myTwin.Properties.Reported.Contains("GateDirection"))
            {         // if there is a diretion property
                // set the value direction, don't use the Set method so we don't trigger a device twin property udpate
                CurrentDirection = (GateDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(GateDirection), initialDirection = myTwin.Properties.Reported["GateDirection"]);
            else // direction wasn't already set
                // set direction of device via the setter so we update the device twin
                this.SetDirectionAsync((GateDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(GateDirection), initialDirection)).Wait();

            TimedSimulatedEvent simulatedEvent = new TimedSimulatedEvent(2500, 1000, this.SimulatedTicketSwipeOccured);

            // set up any simulated events for this device

            // register any direct methods we're to recieve
            // receive ticket validation results
            // receive gate direction change commands


コード例 #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (gateDirection == GateDirection.LEFT && previousDirection == GateDirection.RIGHT)
            // Debug.Log("Switch Left");
        if (gateDirection == GateDirection.RIGHT && previousDirection == GateDirection.LEFT)
            //Debug.Log("Switch Right");

        previousDirection = gateDirection;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method updates the direction of the Gate Reader to either In or Out
        /// This updates not only the internal state of the device, but also its IOT Hub Device Twin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SetDirectionAsync(GateDirection value)
            // if the direction is different then what we've had before...
            if (this.Direction != value)
                // set device twin property
                await this._DeviceClient.SetReportedDigitalTwinPropertyAsync(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("GateDirection", value.ToString()));

                // set local cached value. Done after the device twin update so if it failed, we didn't update our local value
                this.CurrentDirection = value;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is called by a timer to simulate a card/ticket being scanned. It checks the direction of the gate (in/out)
        /// And if the swipe is in the right direction will ask the "cloud" to validate the card and wait for that result.
        /// </summary>
        private bool SimulatedTicketSwipeOccured()
            GateDirection randomDirection = this.Direction; // default to the 'right' direction

            // randomize if swipe was from 'right' direction, if so we need to validate the ticket
            Random gen = new Random();

            if (gen.Next(100) > (100 - this.deviceConfig.PercentOfWrongWay)) // if from 'wrong' direction
                // get other direction
                randomDirection = (this.Direction == GateDirection.In ? GateDirection.Out : GateDirection.In);
            bool needtovalidate = randomDirection == this.Direction; // don't restart timer

            // if the swipe was from the right direction, as for the ticket to be validated
            if (needtovalidate)
                ValidateTicketRequest cloudRequest = new ValidateTicketRequest()
                    DeviceId      = this.deviceId,
                    DeviceType    = this.deviceType,
                    TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    CreateTime    = System.DateTime.UtcNow,
                    MethodName    = "ReceiveTicketValidationResponse" // must match callback method

                var messageString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cloudRequest);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} > Sending message: {1}", DateTime.Now, messageString);
            // if the swipe was from the wrong direction, we ignore it
                Console.WriteLine("Swipe from Wrong Direction, ignoring");

            // if we asked for the ticket to be validated, return false so we don't trigger another swipe
            return(needtovalidate == false);
コード例 #5
        public void TestGateReaderGateDirection()
            FakeDeviceClient   fakeDeviceClient = new FakeDeviceClient(fakeTwin);
            FakeEventScheduler fakeScheduler    = new FakeEventScheduler();

            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the Device's Gate Direction initialization ..");

            // create our test device
            GateReaderDevice device = new GateReaderDevice(deviceconfig, fakeDeviceClient, fakeScheduler);


            // gate direction should be "Out" as fakeTwin properties should override device config
            Assert.AreEqual(GateDirection.Out, device.Direction, $"Device gate direction is not correct, expected 'In', found {device.Direction}");

            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the Device's Gate Direction change commands..");

            cmdGateDirectionUpdate commandGateDirectionUpdate = new cmdGateDirectionUpdate()
                Direction = GateDirection.Out

            // call the gate change direction
            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Sending command to change gate direction when its already pointed that way, shouldn't log event");
            string        requestString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commandGateDirectionUpdate);
            MethodRequest methodRequest = new MethodRequest("ReceiveCommandGateChange", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestString));

            MethodResponse myresult = fakeDeviceClient.directMethods[1](methodRequest, null).Result;

            // gate direction should be "In" now
            Assert.AreEqual(GateDirection.Out, device.Direction, $"Device gate direction is not correct, expected 'Out', found {device.Direction}");

            // check the device twin properties
            // ensures that the device is using the device client SetDigitalTwinPropertyAsync method for twin property updates
            GateDirection twinDirection = (GateDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(GateDirection), fakeTwin.Properties.Reported["GateDirection"].ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(GateDirection.Out, twinDirection, $"Device gate direction in the device twin is not correct, expected 'Out', found {twinDirection}");