コード例 #1
    private GBLXAPI gblxapi;     // could use GBLXAPI.Instance instead.

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public void Start()
        // add GBLXAPI
        this.gblxapi = GBLXAPI.Instance;         // GBLXAPI.IsActive() -- now true

         * calling init() sets up the DoNotDestroyOnLoad Singleton object for GBLxAPI.
         * Use IsInit() to check for pre-existing instances before any calls to init(),
         * because re-initializing will destroy any statements in the pending-to-send queue.
        if (!this.gblxapi.IsInit())
            this.gblxapi.init(GBL_Interface.lrsURL, GBL_Interface.lrsUser, GBL_Interface.lrsPassword, GBL_Interface.standardsConfigDefault, GBL_Interface.standardsConfigUser);

        //this.gblxapi.useDefaultCallback = true;
        this.gblxapi.debugStatement = true;
        this.gblxapi.ResetDurationSlot((int)GBL_Interface.durationSlots.Application);         // using slot 0 to track time

        // add listeners
        this.clearButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { clearButtonClicked(); });
        this.submitButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { submitButtonClicked(); });
        this.hashButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { hashButtonClicked(); });

        // text box
        this.statementText.text = "";
コード例 #2
    private void Awake()
        GBLXAPI.Init(new GBLConfig());

        GBLXAPI.debugMode = true;
コード例 #3
 // TODO: Fold in enqueue better
 // TODO: Return type?
 public void Enqueue(Action <string, bool, string> sendCallback = null)
     GBLXAPI.EnqueueStatement(Build(), sendCallback);