コード例 #1
 public Sampler2d(Map2d map, TextureWrap wrapMode, FilteringType filtering = FilteringType.Best, bool useMipmaps = true)
     this.Map        = map;
     this.Filtering  = filtering;
     this.WrapMode   = wrapMode;
     this.UseMipmaps = useMipmaps;
コード例 #2
        public void Operate(FilteringType ft)
            double[] fs = null;
            switch (ft)
            case FilteringType.Parabolic:
                fs = ps;

            case FilteringType.Median:
                fs = ms;

            case FilteringType.Sliding:
                fs = ss;

            double[] sinSp   = GetSineSpectrum(fs);
            double[] cosinSp = GetCosineSpectrum(fs);
            asp = GetAmplSpectrum(sinSp, cosinSp);
            psp = GetPhaseSpectrum(sinSp, cosinSp);
コード例 #3
        public bool DoesRowComplyWithFilters(DataRow dr, string[] filter, FilteringType ft)
            if (ft == FilteringType.StartWith)
                for (int c = 0; c < dr.ItemArray.Length; c++)
                    if (filter[c] == null || filter[c] == "")
                        switch (Columns[c].Type)
                        case ColumnType.Unknown:
                        case ColumnType.Text:
                            if (dr.ItemArray[c].ToString().ToLower().IndexOf(filter[c]) != 0)

                        case ColumnType.CheckBox:

コード例 #4
 // Constructor with default parameters values and with reference to base class's constructor
 public Beer(
     string title        = "Title unknown",
     string manufacturer = "Manufacturer unknown",
     AlcoholContent alcoholContentClass = AlcoholContent.None,
     List <KeyValuePair <Packaging, double?> > packAndVolume = null,
     BeerType Type           = BeerType.None,
     FilteringType Filtering = FilteringType.None
     ) : base(title, manufacturer, alcoholContentClass, packAndVolume)
     this.Type      = Type;
     this.Filtering = Filtering;
コード例 #5
 public bool DoesRowComplyWithFilters(string[] filter, FilteringType ft)
     if (ft == FilteringType.StartWith)
         for (int c = 0; c < Cells.Count; c++)
             if (filter[c] == null || filter[c] == "")
                 if (Cells[c].GetValue().ToLower().IndexOf(filter[c]) != 0)
コード例 #6
ファイル: PixelBuffer.cs プロジェクト: piRepos/pEngine-del
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a new buffer with the specified size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The scaled buffer.</returns>
        /// <param name="NewSize">New size.</param>
        public PixelBuffer GetScaledBuffer(Vector2i newSize, FilteringType filtering)
            FreeImageBitmap Scaled;

            using (FreeImageBitmap Bmp = new FreeImageBitmap(BufferSize.Width, BufferSize.Height, BufferSize.Width * 4, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, Pixels))
                // Get scaled bitmap
                Scaled = Bmp.GetScaledInstance(newSize, (FREE_IMAGE_FILTER)filtering);

            PixelBuffer buffer = new PixelBuffer(newSize);

            // Convert from GBRA to RGBA
            int z = 0;

            for (int i = newSize.Height - 1; i >= 0; i--, z++)
                Marshal.Copy(Scaled.Bits + (z * newSize.Width * 4), buffer.Pixels, i * newSize.Width * 4, newSize.Width * 4);


コード例 #7
        //public void ApplyFilters(string[] filters, FilteringType ft )
        //    if (filters.Length == 0)
        //        return;
        //    filters = ToLowerCase(filters);

        //    for (int r = 0; r < Data.Count; r++)
        //    {
        //        if (!Data[r].DoesRowComplyWithFilters(filters, ft))
        //        {
        //            Data.RemoveAt(r);   //  TODO: Toto je mozna velice casove narocne. Take bych nehodici se polozky oznacit jako deactive a potom je nepouzivat.
        //            r--;
        //        }
        //    }
        public void ApplyFilters(string[] filters, FilteringType ft)
            StayAfterFiltering = new bool[SourceData.Rows.Count];

            if (filters.Length == 0)
            filters = ToLowerCase(filters);

            for (int r = 0; r < SourceData.Rows.Count; r++)
                if (!DoesRowComplyWithFilters(SourceData.Rows[r], filters, ft))
                    StayAfterFiltering[r] = false;
                    //SourceData.Rows.RemoveAt(r);    //  TODO: Toto je mozna velice casove narocne. Take bych nehodici se polozky oznacit jako deactive a potom je nepouzivat.
                    StayAfterFiltering[r] = true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: QueryForm.cs プロジェクト: GUrbiola/Ez_SQL
        void ShowIntellisense(string FilterString, List<ISqlObject> ComplementaryObjects, FilteringType Filter = FilteringType.Any)
            bool QualifierBehind = false;
            int AutoCompleteLength = 0;
            List<string> Data;

            if (IsIntellisenseOn)
            Data = FilterString.Split('.').ToList();

            CompletionDataProvider completionDataProvider;
            switch (Data.Count)
                case 1://filter string 1 word, so is an schema or a dbobject or a temp object(alias, #table or @table)
                    completionDataProvider = new CompletionDataProvider(DataProvider, PopIList, null, Data[0], null);
                    AutoCompleteLength = Data[0].Length;
                case 2://filter string 2 word, must be an schema, object or an object, child
                    if (DataProvider.DbObjects.Any(X => X.Schema.Equals(Data[0], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        completionDataProvider = new CompletionDataProvider(DataProvider, PopIList, Data[0], Data[1], null);
                        completionDataProvider = new CompletionDataProvider(DataProvider, PopIList, null, Data[0], Data[1]);
                    AutoCompleteLength = Data[1].Length;
                    QualifierBehind = true;
                case 3://filter string 3 word, must be an schema, object, child
                    completionDataProvider = new CompletionDataProvider(DataProvider, PopIList, Data[0], Data[1], Data[2]);
                    AutoCompleteLength = Data[2].Length;
                default://no filter string, show empty
                case 0://no filter string, show empty
                    completionDataProvider = new CompletionDataProvider(null, PopIList, null, "", null);
                    AutoCompleteLength = 0;
            completionDataProvider.FilteringOption = Filter;
            completionDataProvider.ComplementaryObjects = ComplementaryObjects;
            //CompletionDataProvider completionDataProvider = new CompletionDataProvider(DataProvider, PopIList, FilterString);
            //SQLSCCProvider(CurChilds, Vars, DataProvider, PopIList, FilterString, CurrentFilter, FireAt);
            AutocompleteDialog = AutoCompleteWindow.ShowCompletionWindow(
                         ' ',
                         AutoCompleteStartOffset + (FilterString.Length - AutoCompleteLength),//AutoCompleteStartOffset,
                         AutoCompleteStartOffset + FilterString.Length,//FilterString.Length

            if (AutocompleteDialog != null)
                AutocompleteDialog.Closing += ISense_Closing;
                AutocompleteDialog.Closed += CodeCompletionWindowClosed;
コード例 #9
ファイル: QueryForm.cs プロジェクト: GUrbiola/Ez_SQL
        //Process hot keys
        bool Query_DoProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData)
            bool NoEcho = true, Echo = false;
            int CurPos;
            string TxtBef, TxtAft, CurrentWord;
            Token CurrentToken, LastToken;

            // Echo == true, then NoEcho == false
            #region Key shortcut processing
            switch (keyData)
                case Keys.F5://Execute query
                    if (BtnExecute.Enabled)
                        BtnExecute_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Shift | Keys.F5://Stop execution
                    if (BtnStop.Enabled)
                        BtnStop_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.F5://Forced stop execution
                    if (BtnExtremeStop.Enabled)
                        BtnExtremeStop_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.C://Comment selection / Collapse outlining
                    if (LastKeyPressed == (Keys.Control | Keys.K))
                    {//comment selection, or current line
                        LastKeyPressed = Keys.Space;//clean the last key pressed aux var, to avoid wrong behavior
                        if (Query.Enabled)
                            BtnComment_Click(null, null);
                        return NoEcho;
                    else if (LastKeyPressed == (Keys.Control | Keys.O))
                    {//collapse outlining
                        LastKeyPressed = Keys.Space;//clean the last key pressed aux var, to avoid wrong behavior
                        if (Query.Enabled)
                            collapseToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
                        return NoEcho;
                    return Echo;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.U://Uncomment selection / to lower case the selection
                    if (LastKeyPressed == (Keys.Control | Keys.K))
                        LastKeyPressed = Keys.Space;//clean the last key pressed aux var, to avoid wrong behavior
                        if (Query.Enabled)
                            BtnUncomment_Click(null, null);
                        return NoEcho;
                    {//to lower case the selection
                        toLowerCaseToolStripMenuItem1_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.U://to upper case selection
                    toUpperCseToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
                case Keys.Control | Keys.F://Open search dialog
                    BtnSearch_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.F3:
                    string lookFor;
                    if (Query.ActiveTextAreaControl.TextArea.SelectionManager.HasSomethingSelected)
                        lookFor = Query.ActiveTextAreaControl.TextArea.SelectionManager.SelectedText;
                        Token selToken;
                        TokenList tokens = Query.Text.GetTokens();
                        selToken = tokens.GetTokenAtOffset(Query.CurrentOffset());
                        lookFor = selToken.Text;

                    if (_findForm == null)
                        _findForm = new SearchAndReplace();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lookFor) && lookFor.Trim(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n').Length > 0)
                        FindNext(true, false, String.Format("Specified text: {0}, was not found.", _findForm.LookFor));
                        return NoEcho;
                case Keys.F3://Search next (forward)
                    if (_findForm != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_findForm.LookFor) && _findForm.LookFor.Trim(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n').Length > 0)
                        FindNext(true, false, String.Format("Specified text: {0}, was not found.", _findForm.LookFor));
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Shift | Keys.F3://Search next (Backward)
                    if (_findForm != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_findForm.LookFor) && _findForm.LookFor.Trim(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n').Length > 0)
                        FindNext(true, true, String.Format("Specified text: {0}, was not found.", _findForm.LookFor));
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.F2://Toggle bookmark
                    BtnBookmark_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Shift | Keys.F2://Go to previous bookmark
                    BtnPrevious_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.F2://Go to next bookmark
                    BtnNext_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.F2://Clear bookmarks
                    BtnClearBookmarks_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.G://Save to file
                    BtnSave_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.L://Load file
                    BtnLoad_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.W://Hide/show results tab
                    BtnShowHideResults_Click(null, null);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.F12://go to definition
                    Token selToken2;
                    TokenList tokens2 = Query.Text.GetTokens();
                    selToken2 = tokens2.GetTokenAtOffset(Query.CurrentOffset());

                    if (selToken2 != null && selToken2.Type == TokenType.WORD)
                        ISqlObject Obj = DataProvider.IsSqlObject(selToken2.Text);
                        if (Obj != null)
                            Parent.AddQueryForm(Obj.Name, Obj.Script, DataProvider);
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.E://Expand outlining
                    if (LastKeyPressed == (Keys.Control | Keys.O))
                        LastKeyPressed = Keys.Space;//clean the last key pressed aux var, to avoid wrong behavior
                        if (Query.Enabled)
                            expandToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
                        return NoEcho;
                    return NoEcho;
                case Keys.Control | Keys.T://Toggle outlining
                    if (LastKeyPressed == (Keys.Control | Keys.O))
                        LastKeyPressed = Keys.Space; //clean the last key pressed aux var, to avoid wrong behavior
                        if (Query.Enabled)
                            toggleToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
                        return NoEcho;

            CurPos = Query.CurrentOffset();
            TxtBef = Query.Document.GetText(0, CurPos);
            TxtAft = Query.Document.GetText(CurPos, Query.Text.Length - CurPos);

            #region Autocomplete/intellisense code
            if (IsIntellisenseOn)
                #region Code to handle the key pressed if the "intellisense" is active
                switch (keyData)
                    case Keys.Back:
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentFilterString))
                            CurrentFilterString = CurrentFilterString.Remove(CurrentFilterString.Length - 1);
                            CancelAutoCompleteClosure = true;
                            ShowIntellisense(CurrentFilterString, GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                        return NoEcho;
                    case Keys.Escape:
                        curFiltering = FilteringType.None;
                    case Keys.OemMinus:
                        CurrentFilterString += "-";
                        ShowIntellisense(CurrentFilterString, GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                        return Echo;
                    case Keys.OemMinus | Keys.Shift:
                        CurrentFilterString += "_";
                        ShowIntellisense(CurrentFilterString, GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                        return Echo;
                    case (Keys)65601:
                    case Keys.A:
                    case (Keys)65602:
                    case Keys.B:
                    case (Keys)65603:
                    case Keys.C:
                    case (Keys)65604:
                    case Keys.D:
                    case (Keys)65605:
                    case Keys.E:
                    case (Keys)65606:
                    case Keys.F:
                    case (Keys)65607:
                    case Keys.G:
                    case (Keys)65608:
                    case Keys.H:
                    case (Keys)65609:
                    case Keys.I:
                    case (Keys)65610:
                    case Keys.J:
                    case (Keys)65611:
                    case Keys.K:
                    case (Keys)65612:
                    case Keys.L:
                    case (Keys)65613:
                    case Keys.M:
                    case (Keys)65614:
                    case Keys.N:
                    case (Keys)65615:
                    case Keys.O:
                    case (Keys)65616:
                    case Keys.P:
                    case (Keys)65617:
                    case Keys.Q:
                    case (Keys)65618:
                    case Keys.R:
                    case (Keys)65619:
                    case Keys.S:
                    case (Keys)65620:
                    case Keys.T:
                    case (Keys)65621:
                    case Keys.U:
                    case (Keys)65622:
                    case Keys.V:
                    case (Keys)65623:
                    case Keys.W:
                    case (Keys)65624:
                    case Keys.X:
                    case (Keys)65625:
                    case Keys.Y:
                    case (Keys)65626:
                    case Keys.Z:
                    case Keys.NumPad0:
                    case Keys.NumPad1:
                    case Keys.NumPad2:
                    case Keys.NumPad3:
                    case Keys.NumPad4:
                    case Keys.NumPad5:
                    case Keys.NumPad6:
                    case Keys.NumPad7:
                    case Keys.NumPad8:
                    case Keys.NumPad9:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.LButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.RButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.LButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.RButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.MButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.LButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.MButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.RButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.MButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.LButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.RButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.MButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Back | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.LButton | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Back | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                    case System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space:
                        CurrentFilterString += ((char)keyData).ToString();
                        ShowIntellisense(CurrentFilterString, GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                        return Echo;
                    case Keys.Delete:
                    case Keys.Left:
                    case Keys.Right:
                        return NoEcho;
                        if (IsIntellisenseOn)
                            return Echo;
                            return NoEcho;

                LastKeyPressed = keyData;

                #region Code to handle the key pressed if the intellisense is inactive
                switch (keyData)
                    case Keys.Control | Keys.OemPeriod://ctrl + . , Show autocomplete
                    case Keys.Space | Keys.Control://ctrl + space, Show autocomplete
                        CurrentToken = TxtBef.GetLastToken();
                        if (CurrentToken.Type == TokenType.EMPTYSPACE || CurrentToken.Type == TokenType.COMMA)
                            CurrentWord = "";
                            CurrentWord = CurrentToken.Text;
                        CurrentFilterString = CurrentWord;
                        AutoCompleteStartOffset = CurPos - CurrentWord.Length;
                        curFiltering = FilteringType.Smart;
                        ShowIntellisense(CurrentWord, GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                        return NoEcho;
                    case Keys.T | Keys.Control://ctrl + T , Show autocomplete for "field" items
                        CurrentToken = TxtBef.GetLastToken();
                        if (CurrentToken.Type == TokenType.EMPTYSPACE || CurrentToken.Type == TokenType.COMMA)
                            CurrentWord = "";
                            CurrentWord = CurrentToken.Text;
                        CurrentFilterString = CurrentWord;
                        AutoCompleteStartOffset = CurPos - CurrentWord.Length;
                        curFiltering = FilteringType.FieldItem;
                        ShowIntellisense(CurrentWord, GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                        return NoEcho;
                    case Keys.Space://if the text before is an @ or an #, show posible vars or temp tables
                        LastToken = TxtBef.GetLastToken();
                        if (LastToken.Text == "@")
                            TokenList Tokens = Query.Text.GetTokens();
                            List<string> Helper = new List<string>();
                            foreach (Token t in Tokens.List.Where(X => X.Type == TokenType.VARIABLE))
                                string buff = t.Text.Contains(".") ? t.Text.Split('.')[0] : t.Text;
                                if (!Helper.Contains(buff, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (Helper.Count > 0)
                                ObjectSelector Os = new ObjectSelector("Variables detected on script", "Select variable", Helper);
                                if (Os.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                    Query.InsertString(Os.SelectedObject.Length > 0 && Os.SelectedObject.StartsWith("@") ? Os.SelectedObject.Substring(1) : Os.SelectedObject);
                                    return NoEcho;
                                    return Echo;
                            return Echo;
                        else if (LastToken.Text == "#")
                            TokenList Tokens = Query.Text.GetTokens();
                            List<string> Helper = new List<string>();
                            foreach (Token t in Tokens.List.Where(X => X.Type == TokenType.TEMPTABLE))
                                string buff = t.Text.Contains(".") ? t.Text.Split('.')[0] : t.Text;
                                if (!Helper.Contains(buff, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (Helper.Count > 0)
                                ObjectSelector Os = new ObjectSelector("Variables temp tables on script", "Select table", Helper);
                                if (Os.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                    Query.InsertString(Os.SelectedObject.Length > 0 && Os.SelectedObject.StartsWith("#") ? Os.SelectedObject.Substring(1) : Os.SelectedObject);
                                    return NoEcho;
                                    return Echo;
                            return Echo;
                        else if (LastToken.Text.Equals("from", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || LastToken.Text.Equals("join", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Query.InsertString(" ");
                            CurrentFilterString = "";
                            AutoCompleteStartOffset = CurPos + 1;
                            curFiltering = FilteringType.FieldItem;
                            ShowIntellisense("", GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                            return NoEcho;
                    case Keys.OemPeriod:
                    case Keys.Decimal://show Sql Object childs... if any
                        CurPos = Query.CurrentOffset();
                        TxtBef = Query.Document.GetText(0, CurPos);
                        TxtAft = Query.Document.GetText(CurPos, Query.Text.Length - CurPos);
                        CurrentToken = TxtBef.GetLastToken();
                        if (CurrentToken.Type == TokenType.EMPTYSPACE || CurrentToken.Type == TokenType.COMMA)
                            CurrentWord = "";
                            CurrentWord = CurrentToken.Text;
                        CurrentFilterString = CurrentWord;
                        AutoCompleteStartOffset = CurPos - CurrentWord.Length;
                        curFiltering = FilteringType.Smart;
                        ShowIntellisense(CurrentWord, GetAliasesAndAuxiliarTables(Query.Text), curFiltering);
                        return NoEcho;
                    case Keys.S | Keys.Control://ctrl + s , show list of snippets
                        List<string> SnippetsNames = new List<string>();
                        List<string> SnippetsValues = new List<string>();

                        foreach (Snippet sn in Parent.GetSnippetList())

                        ObjectSelector SnSelector = new ObjectSelector("Snippets detected", "Select the snippet, to insert his shortcut", SnippetsValues, SnippetsNames, false, 1);
                        if (SnSelector.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                            return NoEcho;
                            return Echo;

                    case Keys.Tab://check if it is a request for a snippet, a variable or a temp table
                        LastToken = TxtBef.GetLastToken();
                        if (LastToken.Text == "@")
                            TokenList Tokens = Query.Text.GetTokens();
                            List<string> Helper = new List<string>();
                            foreach (Token t in Tokens.List.Where(X => X.Type == TokenType.VARIABLE))
                                string buff = t.Text.Contains(".") ? t.Text.Split('.')[0] : t.Text;
                                if (!Helper.Contains(buff, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (Helper.Count > 0)
                                ObjectSelector Os = new ObjectSelector("Variables detected on script", "Select variable", Helper);
                                if (Os.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                    Query.InsertString(Os.SelectedObject.Length > 0 && Os.SelectedObject.StartsWith("@") ? Os.SelectedObject.Substring(1) : Os.SelectedObject);
                                    return NoEcho;
                                    return Echo;
                            return Echo;
                        else if (LastToken.Text == "#")
                            TokenList Tokens = Query.Text.GetTokens();
                            List<string> Helper = new List<string>();
                            foreach (Token t in Tokens.List.Where(X => X.Type == TokenType.TEMPTABLE))
                                string buff = t.Text.Contains(".") ? t.Text.Split('.')[0] : t.Text;
                                if (!Helper.Contains(buff, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (Helper.Count > 0)
                                ObjectSelector Os = new ObjectSelector("Variables temp tables on script", "Select table", Helper);
                                if (Os.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                    Query.InsertString(Os.SelectedObject.Length > 0 && Os.SelectedObject.StartsWith("#") ? Os.SelectedObject.Substring(1) : Os.SelectedObject);
                                    return NoEcho;
                                    return Echo;
                            return Echo;
                        else if (LastToken.Type == TokenType.WORD)
                        {//check for snippet
                            string SnippetScript = Parent.IsInsertSnippet(LastToken.Text);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SnippetScript))
                                int Offset = Query.CurrentOffset();
                                Query.SetSelectionByOffset(Offset - LastToken.Text.Length, Offset);
                                return NoEcho;
                            return Echo;
                        //this.Text = keyData.ToString();
                        return Echo;


            return Echo;
コード例 #10
 public MappedMaterial(Map2d map, TextureWrap wrapMode, FilteringType filtering = FilteringType.Best)
     this.Map     = map;
     this.Sampler = new Sampler2d(map, wrapMode, filtering);