コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Page Init event; creates all required controls in a page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The page sending the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var user   = HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] as User;
            int userId = 0;

            if (user != null)
                userId = user.Id;
            int assemblyTypeId = HttpContext.Current.Session["assemblyType"].ToString().ToInt32(0);

            //if (userId == 0 || assemblyTypeId == 0)
            //    invalid state. forced to logout
            //    TODO: User RolePermissionHelper.Logout
            //    RolePermissionHelper.RedirectToLogin();
            //    Response.Redirect("/Account/Logout.aspx");

            var masterPage = this.Controls[0] as IMainMaster;

            if (masterPage == null)
                Response.Write("<p>Your master page must implement IMainMaster interface.</p>");

            //Schema is loaded during login
            var schemaInfo = Application["SchemaInfo"] as SchemaInfo;

            tableMeta = schemaInfo.Tables.Where(s => s.Name.Equals(tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (tableMeta == null)
                var page = this.Controls[0] as IMainMaster;
                page.MainContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<h2>{0}</h2>", "Invalid Page")));

            //header info
            string StationAct       = Request.QueryString["StationAct"].ToString();
            int    ProductionLineId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProductionLineId"]);
            string Date1            = Request.QueryString["Date1"].ToString();
            //DateTime Date = DateTime.Parse(dt);

            string header = "";
            //parameter to the stored procedure
            //if it is a stored procedure, use comma as separator for paramater/filter. do not user AND/OR logical operation
            string queryFilter = null;

            if (tableMeta.TableType == ETableType.StoredProcedure)
                queryFilter = string.Format("Date1={0}{1}ProductionLineId={2}{3}StationAct={4}", Date1, AppConfiguration.SP_FILTER_SEPARATOR, ProductionLineId, AppConfiguration.SP_FILTER_SEPARATOR, StationAct);
                if (StationAct != "")
                    queryFilter = "StationAct=" + StationAct;
                    if (ProductionLineId > 0)
                        queryFilter += " AND ProductionLineId=" + ProductionLineId;
                    if (Date1 != null)
                        queryFilter += " AND Date=" + Date1;

            //create the page
            var gridCreator = new MasterGrid(this, this.tableMeta);

            masterGrid = gridCreator.Render(userId, assemblyTypeId, queryFilter);

            //create filter panel
            var filterPanelCreator = new FilterPanel(this, this.tableMeta);

            filterPanel = filterPanelCreator.Render(userId, assemblyTypeId);

            //create hidden field to store temporary data
            var field = new ASPxHiddenField();

            field.ID = HIDDEN_FIELD_ID;
            field.ClientInstanceName = HIDDEN_FIELD_ID;

            //var scriptManager = new ASPxScriptManager();

            var panel = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel();

            panel.CssClass = "mainContent";
            panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<h2 class='grid-header'>{0}</h2>", tableMeta.Caption)));
            panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<p>" + StationAct + " Line " + ProductionLineId + " On " + Date1 + "</p>")));

            if (filterPanel != null)
            if (masterGrid.Width.Value > 0)
                panel.Width = masterGrid.Width;


            if (tableMeta.ShowExportButton)
                var buttonPanel = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel();
                buttonPanel.CssClass = "grid-button-panel";
                buttonPanel.Width    = new Unit("100%");
                //buttonPanel.BorderWidth = new Unit("1px");

                //add export button
                ASPxButton btnExport = new ASPxButton();
                btnExport.ID       = "btnExportGrid";
                btnExport.Text     = "Export to Excel";
                btnExport.Click   += btnExport_click;
                btnExport.CssClass = "btn-export-xls";

                //btnExport.Width = new Unit("100%");

                btnExport.CssClass = "btn btn-export btn-xs";
                btnExport.Native   = true;


                //add exporter grid
                gridExporter                 = new ASPxGridViewExporter();
                gridExporter.GridViewID      = masterGrid.ID; //string.Concat(table, "GridView");
                gridExporter.ID              = "GridExport";
                gridExporter.FileName        = tableMeta.Name + " (" + header + ")";
                gridExporter.ExportedRowType = GridViewExportedRowType.All;


                ////add script manager

            masterPage.PageTitle.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(tableMeta.Caption));

            ////re-apply the filtering if necessary
            //if (tableMeta.ShowFilterPanel)
            //    GridViewHelper.ApplyGridViewFilter(masterGrid, filterPanel, tableMeta);
            //    masterGrid.DataBind();