private void InitQuestions(List <Question> questions) { foreach (var questionItem in questions) { QuestionModel questionModel = new QuestionModel(); questionModel.QuestionText = questionItem.QuestionText; foreach (var variantItem in questionItem.Variants) { var variant = new VariantModel(); if (variantItem.Type == "Image") { FileTransferClient fileTransfer = new FileTransferClient(); TransferedImage img = fileTransfer.DownloadImage(variantItem.ImageUri); var path = SaveImage(, img.Filename); variant.ImageUri = path; variant.Type = variantItem.Type; } else { variant.VariantText = variantItem.VariantText; } questionModel.Variants.Add(variant); } _questions.Add(questionModel); } }
private string UploadImg() { string path = string.Empty; FileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { var filename = openFileDialog.FileName; var name = openFileDialog.SafeFileName; IFileTransfer fileTransfer = new FileTransferClient(); byte[] imgData; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { Image img = Image.FromFile(filename); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); imgData = ms.ToArray(); } path = fileTransfer.UploadFile(imgData, name); } return(path); }
private void ExecuteTransfer(string param, out string retValue) { retValue = "Res=ArgumentException"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param)) { string[] paths = param.Split(' '); if (paths.Length == 2) { string[] array = paths[1].Split('@'); int index = 0; if (array[0].StartsWith("machine")) { try { index = Int32.Parse(array[0].Substring("machine".Length)); FileTransferClient client = new FileTransferClient(NetUtil.GetStationIp(index - 1)); if (FileTransferClient.TRANSFER_ERROR_NONE == client.Upload(paths[0], array[1])) { retValue = "Res=Pass"; } else { retValue = "Res=Fail"; } } catch (Exception) { } } } } }
private async void ConnectToServer(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (isClientConnected) { client.Close(); ClientStatus.Text = "Status: Niepołączony"; SendBtn.IsEnabled = false; ClientConBtn.Content = "Połącz"; isClientConnected = false; } else { try { isClientConnected = true; client = new FileTransferClient(ClientAddress.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ClientPort.Text)); ClientStatus.Text = "Status: Łączenie..."; ClientConBtn.Content = "Przerwij"; await client.ConnectAsync(); ClientStatus.Text = "Status: Połączony"; SendBtn.IsEnabled = true; } catch (Exception) { ClientStatus.Text = "Status: Niepołączony"; SendBtn.IsEnabled = false; ClientConBtn.Content = "Połącz"; isClientConnected = false; } } }
private void ClientForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("clientId").ToInt32(); string configServiceAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConfigServiceAddress"); string configServicePort = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConfigServicePort"); string configStreamingServicePort = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConfigStreamingServicePort"); string configRipServicePort = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConfigRipServicePort"); string useConfig = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("UseConfig"); ClientIdTextBox.Text = m_clientId.ToString(); IPTextBox.Text = configServiceAddress; PortTextBox.Text = configServicePort; m_serviceAddress = configServiceAddress; m_servicePort = configServicePort; m_streamingServicePort = configStreamingServicePort; m_ripServicePort = configRipServicePort; ClientManager.Instance.ServerDisconnectEvent += ServerDisconnect; RipDataFileTransferClient.Instance().ServerDisconnectEvent += RipServerDisconnect; m_ftClient = new FileTransferClient(); m_ftClient.ServerDisconnectEvent += FTServerDisconnect; }
private void InitQuestions(List<Question> questions) { foreach (var questionItem in questions) { QuestionModel questionModel = new QuestionModel(); questionModel.QuestionText = questionItem.QuestionText; foreach (var variantItem in questionItem.Variants) { var variant = new VariantModel(); if(variantItem.Type == "Image") { FileTransferClient fileTransfer = new FileTransferClient(); TransferedImage img = fileTransfer.DownloadImage(variantItem.ImageUri); var path = SaveImage(, img.Filename); variant.ImageUri = path; variant.Type = variantItem.Type; } else { variant.VariantText = variantItem.VariantText; } questionModel.Variants.Add(variant); } _questions.Add(questionModel); } }
/// <summary> /// 测试完成后,调用此接口,用来记录测试结果 /// </summary> /// <param name="sn"></param> public static void Record(string sn) { InitResultList(); foreach (FlowItem flowItem in FlowControl.Instance.FlowItemList) { if (flowItem.IsFinished() && !flowItem.Item.Property.Disable && !flowItem.Item.Property.Hide) { ResultInfo info = new ResultInfo(); info.Key = flowItem.Name; info.Value = RestoreCmdResult(flowItem.SpecValueList); resultList_.Add(info); } } if (resultList_.Count > 0) { string filename = @"d:\DataFragment\" + sn + "_" + NetUtil.GetStationIndex(); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename)) { using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); serializer.Serialize(writer, resultList_); } } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { FileTransferClient client = new FileTransferClient(NetUtil.GetStationIp(AppInfo.STATION_SERVER)); client.Upload(filename, filename); }); } }
/// <summary>Creates a new instance of <see cref="TeamSpeakClient"/> using the provided host TCP port.</summary> /// <param name="hostName">The host name of the remote server.</param> /// <param name="port">The TCP port of the Query API server.</param> /// <param name="keepAliveInterval">The Timespan used to use on the internal keep alive wait.</param> public TeamSpeakClient(string hostName, int port, bool useKeepAlive = false, TimeSpan?keepAliveInterval = null) { //Added 'this' for my clarity. this.useInternalKeepAlive = useKeepAlive; this.KeepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval; this.Client = new QueryClient(hostName, port); this._fileTransferClient = new FileTransferClient(hostName); }
public IFACertificateService(IConfiguration configuration, FileTransferClient fileTransferClient, CertificatesRepository certificatesRepository) { _configuration = configuration; _fileTransferClient = fileTransferClient; _certificatesRepository = certificatesRepository; }
private void OnWatchedFileChange(object state) { Console.WriteLine("OnWatchedFileChange"); string srcfilename = @"C:\TRT_Camera_Tester_Picture\test result\result.txt"; string destfilename = @"d:\DataFragment\result_" + NetUtil.GetStationIndex() + ".txt"; FileTransferClient client = new FileTransferClient(NetUtil.GetStationIp(AppInfo.STATION_SERVER)); client.Upload(srcfilename, destfilename); }
public CoverLetterTemplateService(FilePerister filePerister, FileTransferClient fileTransferClient, DocumentTemplateDataStream documentTemplateDataStream, CertificatesRepository certificatesRepository) { _filePerister = filePerister; _fileTransferClient = fileTransferClient; _documentTemplateDataStream = documentTemplateDataStream; _certificatesRepository = certificatesRepository; }
public IFACertificateService( BlobContainerHelper initialiseContainer, IAggregateLogger aggregateLogger, FileTransferClient fileTransferClient, IWebConfiguration webConfiguration) { _initialiseContainer = initialiseContainer; _aggregateLogger = aggregateLogger; _fileTransferClient = fileTransferClient; _webConfiguration = webConfiguration; }
public CoverLetterService( IAggregateLogger aggregateLogger, FileTransferClient fileTransferClient, DocumentTemplateDataStream documentTemplateDataStream, BlobContainerHelper initialiseContainer) { _aggregateLogger = aggregateLogger; _fileTransferClient = fileTransferClient; _documentTemplateDataStream = documentTemplateDataStream; _initialiseContainer = initialiseContainer; }
private static void FileWatcher_Created(Object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { FileTransferResponse response = null; try { if (!IsFileLocked(e.FullPath)) { var startAt = DateTime.Now; var createdFile = new FileTransferRequest() { FileName = e.Name, Content = File.ReadAllBytes(e.FullPath) }; response = new FileTransferClient().Put(createdFile); if (response.ResponseStatus != "Successful") { MoveToFailedFolder(e); } else { if (File.Exists(e.FullPath)) { File.Delete(e.FullPath); } } Console.WriteLine(response.ResponseStatus + " at: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startAt)); new Logger().Create(e.Name, DateTime.Now, response.ResponseStatus, response.Message); } } catch (CommunicationException ex) { MoveToFailedFolder(e); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); new Logger().Create(e.Name, DateTime.Now, "Error", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); if (response != null) { new Logger().Create(e.Name, DateTime.Now, response.ResponseStatus, response.Message); } else { new Logger().Create(e.Name, DateTime.Now, "Error", ex.Message); } } }
private static void UploadFileToCurrentChannel(QueryClient queryClient, string sourceFilePath) { // get the channel we're currenlty in uint channelId = new WhoAmICommand().Execute(queryClient).ChannelId; // create a rondom id for the file transfer uint randomClientId = (uint)_randomForFileClientTransferId.Next(1, 10000); // get only the filename FileInfo sourceFileInfo = new FileInfo(sourceFilePath); // initialize the file transfer to get the server file transfer key FtInitUploadCommandResponse ftInitUploadCommandResponse = new FtInitUploadCommand(randomClientId, "/" + sourceFileInfo.Name, channelId, (ulong)sourceFileInfo.Length, true, false).Execute(queryClient); // create the file transfer cleint with the host of the query client and the port we got from the init download response FileTransferClient transferClient = new FileTransferClient(queryClient.Host, ftInitUploadCommandResponse.FileTransferPort ?? 30033); // upload the file synchron transferClient.UploadFile(ftInitUploadCommandResponse.FileTransferKey, (ulong)sourceFileInfo.Length, sourceFileInfo.FullName); }
public void SaveAll() { foreach (EntryBlock entry in spData.Children) { if (entry.isModified) { byte[] encrypted = CryptoLibrary.encrypt28147cfb(currentUser.MasterKey, entry.Source.Serialize()); IFileTransfer clientUpload = new FileTransferClient(); RemoteFileInfo uploadRequestInfo = new RemoteFileInfo(); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(encrypted)) { uploadRequestInfo.FileName = entry.Source.FileName; uploadRequestInfo.Length = encrypted.Length; uploadRequestInfo.FileByteStream = stream; clientUpload.UploadFile(uploadRequestInfo); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string text = "Hello World"; // tekst do zakodowania var encoded = Telekom.Encoding.Huffman.Encode(text); // zakodowanie var decoded = Telekom.Encoding.Huffman.Decode(encoded); // odkowowanie Console.WriteLine(text == decoded); // praca z gniazdami var server = new FileTransferServer("", 5678); var client = new FileTransferClient("", 5678); var t1 = server.AcceptAsync(); var t2 = client.ConnectAsync(); Task.WaitAll(t2, t1); var t3 = client.SendAsync(@"E:\filename.txt"); Thread.Sleep(5000); var t4 = server.ReceiveAsync(@"E:\file.txt"); Task.WaitAll(t4, t3); }
private void btnAddImage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { var filename = openFileDialog.FileName; var name = openFileDialog.SafeFileName; IFileTransfer fileTransfer = new FileTransferClient(); byte[] imgData; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { Image img = Image.FromFile(filename); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); imgData = ms.ToArray(); } var path = fileTransfer.UploadFile(imgData, name); } }
private void btnAddImage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { var filename = openFileDialog.FileName; var name = openFileDialog.SafeFileName; IFileTransfer fileTransfer = new FileTransferClient(); byte[] imgData; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { Image img = Image.FromFile(filename); img.Save(ms,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); imgData = ms.ToArray(); } var path = fileTransfer.UploadFile(imgData, name); } }
private static void DownloadFirstFileInCurrentChannel(QueryClient queryClient, string targetDirectory) { // get the channel we're currenlty in uint channelId = new WhoAmICommand().Execute(queryClient).ChannelId; // create a rondom id for the file transfer uint randomClientId = (uint)_randomForFileClientTransferId.Next(1, 10000); // get the first file in the current channel FileTransferFileEntry firstFile = new FtGetFileListCommand(channelId, "/").Execute(queryClient).Values.FirstOrDefault(); // initialize the file transfer to get the server file transfer key FtInitDownloadCommandResponse ftInitDownloadResponse = new FtInitDownloadCommand(randomClientId, "/" + firstFile.Name, firstFile.ChannelId, 0).Execute(queryClient); // calculate the target file path string fileName = firstFile.Name.Substring(firstFile.Name.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1); string targetFilePath = Path.Combine(targetDirectory, fileName); // create the file transfer cleint with the host of the query client and the port we got from the init download response FileTransferClient transferClient = new FileTransferClient(queryClient.Host, ftInitDownloadResponse.FileTransferPort ?? 30033); // download the file synchron transferClient.DownloadFile(ftInitDownloadResponse.FileTransferKey, ftInitDownloadResponse.FileSize.Value, targetFilePath); }
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IFileTransfer fileHost = new FileTransferClient(); if (fileHost.DeleteFile(Source.FileName)) parent.Children.Remove(this); }
/// <summary>Creates a new instance of <see cref="TeamSpeakClient"/> using the provided host TCP port.</summary> /// <param name="hostName">The host name of the remote server.</param> /// <param name="port">The TCP port of the Query API server.</param> public TeamSpeakClient(string hostName, int port) { Client = new QueryClient(hostName, port); _fileTransferClient = new FileTransferClient(hostName); }
private string UploadImg() { string path = string.Empty; FileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { var filename = openFileDialog.FileName; var name = openFileDialog.SafeFileName; IFileTransfer fileTransfer = new FileTransferClient(); byte[] imgData; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { Image img = Image.FromFile(filename); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); imgData = ms.ToArray(); } path = fileTransfer.UploadFile(imgData, name); } return path; }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IFileTransfer proxy = new FileTransferClient(); RemoteFileInfo uploadRequestInfo = new RemoteFileInfo(); Entry entry = new Entry(entrys, "Name", "", ""); byte[] bEntry = entry.Serialize(); string path = proxy.AddNewFile(currentUser.UserName, bEntry); if (path == null || path == "") { return; } entrys.Deserialize(path, bEntry); byte[] encrypted = CryptoLibrary.encrypt28147cfb(currentUser.MasterKey, entry.Serialize()); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(encrypted)) { uploadRequestInfo.FileName = path; uploadRequestInfo.Length = encrypted.Length; uploadRequestInfo.FileByteStream = stream; proxy.UploadFile(uploadRequestInfo); } }
public void Show(LavaUser user) { this.Title = user.UserName; this.Show(); currentUser = user; LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen loadingScreen = new LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen(); loadingScreen.Show(); // Open document var LoadingThread = new BackgroundWorker(); //Запуск процесса десереализации в фоновом потоке LoadingThread.DoWork += (s, args) => { try { IFileTransfer fileHost = new FileTransferClient(); string[] fileList = fileHost.GetFileList(user.UserName); if (fileList == null) throw new Exception("Error. File list in null"); foreach (var file in fileList) { //Получаем файл. Расшифровываем. Парсим. entrys.Deserialize(file, CryptoLibrary.decrypt28147cfb(user.MasterKey, GetFile(fileHost, file))); } } catch (Exception ex) { args.Result = ex.Message; } }; LoadingThread.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { if (e.Result != null) MessageBox.Show(loadingScreen, e.Result.ToString(), "Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); loadingScreen.Close(); }; LoadingThread.RunWorkerAsync(); }