コード例 #1
        protected void ProcessFrame(int width, int height, int pitch, PixelFormat format, IntPtr pBits)
            if (format == PixelFormat.Undefined)
                DebugMessage("Unsupported render target format");

            if (pBits == IntPtr.Zero)
                DebugMessage("No image data");

            // Copy the image data from the buffer
            int size = height * pitch;
            var data = new byte[size];

                    Marshal.Copy(pBits, data, 0, size);
                    producer.Write(intPtr =>
                        MetaDataStruct metaData = new MetaDataStruct(data.Length, width, height, pitch, format);
                        FastStructure.StructureToPtr(ref metaData, intPtr);
                        intPtr += FastStructure <MetaDataStruct> .Size;
                        FastStructure.WriteArray <byte>(intPtr, data, 0, data.Length);
                    }, 0); // skip frame if we cannot write to circular buffer immediately
                catch (TimeoutException)
                    // If we could not acquire write lock skip frame
                catch (AccessViolationException)
                    // In this specifc case we are ignoring CSE (corrupted state exception)
                    // It could happen during Window resizing.
                    // If someone knows are better way please feel free to contribute
                    // Because there is a timout in the resizing hook this exception should never be thrown
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                // swallow exception to not crash hooked process
コード例 #2
        public void CanAllocHGlobalReadWrite()
            IntPtr mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(FastStructure.SizeOf <ComplexStructure>());

            ComplexStructure n = new ComplexStructure();

            n.Compatible.Integer1 = 1;
            n.Compatible.Bookend  = 2;

            n.FirstElement = 3;
            n.FinalElement = 9;
                n.Compatible.Contents[0] = 4;
                n.Compatible.Contents[7] = 5;

            FastStructure.StructureToPtr(ref n, mem);

            // Assert that the reading and writing result in same structure
            ComplexStructure m = FastStructure.PtrToStructure <ComplexStructure>(mem);

            Assert.Equal(n, m);
            Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Integer1, m.Compatible.Integer1);
            Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Bookend, m.Compatible.Bookend);
                Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Contents[0], m.Compatible.Contents[0]);
                Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Contents[7], m.Compatible.Contents[7]);

            // Assert that Marshal.PtrToStructure is compatible
            m = (ComplexStructure)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mem, typeof(ComplexStructure));
            Assert.Equal(n, m);
            Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Integer1, m.Compatible.Integer1);
            Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Bookend, m.Compatible.Bookend);
                Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Contents[0], m.Compatible.Contents[0]);
                Assert.Equal(n.Compatible.Contents[7], m.Compatible.Contents[7]);

コード例 #3
ファイル: Interop.cs プロジェクト: McManning/Coherence
        /// <summary>
        /// Write <paramref name="message"/> into the next available
        /// node's buffer at <paramref name="ptr"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="ptr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int WriteMessage(InteropMessage message, IntPtr ptr)
            int bytesWritten = 0;

            // Write the target name (varying length string)
            byte[] target    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.target);
            int    targetLen = target.Length;

            FastStructure.StructureToPtr(ref targetLen, ptr + bytesWritten);
            bytesWritten += FastStructure.SizeOf <int>();

            if (targetLen > 0)
                FastStructure.WriteBytes(ptr + bytesWritten, target, 0, targetLen);
                bytesWritten += targetLen;

            // Write the message header
            var headerSize = FastStructure.SizeOf <InteropMessageHeader>();
            var header     = message.header;

            FastStructure.StructureToPtr(ref header, ptr + bytesWritten);
            bytesWritten += headerSize;

            // If there's a custom producer, execute it for writing the payload
            if (message.producer != null)
                bytesWritten += message.producer(message.target, header, ptr + bytesWritten);

            // If there's a payload included with the message, copy it
            if (message.payload != null)
                FastStructure.WriteBytes(ptr + bytesWritten, message.payload, 0, message.payload.Length);
                bytesWritten += message.payload.Length;

            // InteropLogger.Debug($"Produce {bytesWritten} bytes - {header.type} for `{message.target}`");

コード例 #4
 internal static unsafe void StructureToPtr <T>(ref T structure, byte *ptr)
     where T : struct
     FastStructure.StructureToPtr <T>(ref structure, (IntPtr)ptr);