コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Who7F/Tic-Tac-auto-vs-decept
        private void pictureBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (((PictureBox)sender).Tag.ToString() == "tagMe")
                MyMouseEvents f = new MyMouseEvents();
                MyLogger      h = new MyLogger();
                EndOfTurn     g = new EndOfTurn();

                // DoStuff is a callback to antiRTFM
                h.DoStuff(textBox1, "Player Clicked " + ((PictureBox)sender).Name.ToString());

                f.MouseClick(sender, label1.Tag.ToString());//MyMouseEvent.  void MouseClick(object, string).  Set immage.

                //Makes an array of 9(0 to 8) to hand in to EndOfTurn
                string[] DoStuff = { pictureBoxTL.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxTM.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxTR.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxML.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxMM.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxMR.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxBL.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxBM.Tag.ToString(), pictureBoxBR.Tag.ToString() };
                Boolean  gameWin = g.DoYouWin(DoStuff, label1.Tag.ToString());//Boolean DoYouWin(string[], string).  Returns true if there is a line of 3

                if (gameWin == true)
                else// if there is no winner then a change of turn happens
                    object newLable = g.NewTrun(label1);
                    label1 = (Label)newLable;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Who7F/Tic-Tac-auto-vs-decept
        public Form1(string setTurn, Boolean ActionLog)

            //Added to constructor of Form1 is Set player turn.  I feel like there are too many lines.
            label1.Tag = setTurn;
            EndOfTurn g        = new EndOfTurn();
            object    newLable = g.NewTrun(label1);

            label1 = (Label)newLable;

            //Added to constructor of Form1 is the Action Logger. If enabled it will resize this form, and make textbox1 visible
            if (ActionLog == true)
                this.Size        = new Size(560, 480);
                textBox1.Visible = true;
                textBox1.Text    = "Action logger Enabled";