コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Created By :: Sakthivel.R
        /// Created On :: 15-9-2015
        /// Comments :: Insertion function of UserPlan details.
        /// </summary>
        #region Insert_UserPlanCreation
        public string UserPlanInsert(UserPlan objUserPlan)
            objEmailCampDataContext = new EmailCampDataContext();
            int?totrow = 0;
            var Insert = (from cde in objEmailCampDataContext.spUserPlan_AllActions(objUserPlan.PK_UserPlanID, objUserPlan.FK_UserID, objUserPlan.FK_PlanID, objUserPlan.ActiveFrom, objUserPlan.ActiveTo, objUserPlan.IsActive, objUserPlan.CreatedBy, objUserPlan.CreatedOn, objUserPlan.UpdatedBy, objUserPlan.UpdatedOn, "i")
                          select cde).ToList();

            Insert = null;

            objEmailCampDataContext = null;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Created By :: Sakthivel.R
        /// Created On :: 15-9-2015
        /// Comments :: Updation function of UserPlan details.
        /// </summary>
        #region Delete_UserPlanCreation
        public void UserPlanDelete(int UserPlanid)
                objEmailCampDataContext = new EmailCampDataContext();

                var Delete = (from cde in objEmailCampDataContext.spUserPlan_AllActions(UserPlanid, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "d")
                              select cde).ToList();

                Delete                  = null;
                objUserPlan             = null;
                objEmailCampDataContext = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Created By :: Sakthivel.R
        /// Created On :: 15-9-2015
        /// Comments :: Updation function of UserPlan details.
        /// </summary>
        #region Update_UserPlanCreation
        public void UserPlanUpdate(UserPlan objUserPlan)
                objEmailCampDataContext = new EmailCampDataContext();

                var Update = (from cde in objEmailCampDataContext.spUserPlan_AllActions(objUserPlan.PK_UserPlanID, objUserPlan.FK_UserID, objUserPlan.FK_PlanID, objUserPlan.ActiveFrom, objUserPlan.ActiveTo, objUserPlan.IsActive, objUserPlan.CreatedBy, objUserPlan.CreatedOn, objUserPlan.UpdatedBy, objUserPlan.UpdatedOn, "u")
                              select cde).ToList();

                Update                  = null;
                objUserPlan             = null;
                objEmailCampDataContext = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Created By :: Sakthivel.R
        /// Created On :: 15-9-2015
        /// Comments :: Select all records for UserPlan details.
        /// </summary>
        #region Select_Records_CreateUserPlan
        public List <UserPlan> UserPlanSelect(int PK_UserPlanID)
            objEmailCampDataContext = new EmailCampDataContext();
            lstUserPlan             = new List <UserPlan>();

            var Select = (from cde in objEmailCampDataContext.spUserPlan_AllActions(PK_UserPlanID, null, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, null, "s")
                          select cde).ToList();

            if (Select.Count > 0)
                lstUserPlan = new List <UserPlan>();
                foreach (var item in Select)
                    objUserPlan            = new UserPlan();
                    objUserPlan.ActiveFrom = item.ActiveFrom;
                    objUserPlan.ActiveTo   = item.ActiveTo;

                    if (item.FK_PlanID != null)
                        objUserPlan.FK_PlanID = Convert.ToInt32(item.FK_PlanID);

                    objUserPlan.FK_UserID     = item.FK_UserID;
                    objUserPlan.IsActive      = item.IsActive;
                    objUserPlan.PK_UserPlanID = item.PK_UserPlanID;
                    objUserPlan.CreatedOn     = item.CreatedOn;
                    objUserPlan.CreatedBy     = item.CreatedBy;
                    objUserPlan.UpdatedBy     = item.UpdatedBy;
                    objUserPlan.UpdatedOn     = item.UpdatedOn;
            objEmailCampDataContext = null;
            objUserPlan             = null;