コード例 #1
ファイル: EliteBinds.cs プロジェクト: damonbrodie/Ocellus
        public static EliteBinds getBinds(ref Dictionary <string, object> state, ref Dictionary <string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary <string, bool?> booleanValues, Elite.MessageBus messageBus)
            EliteBinds eliteBinds = null;

            if (needsBindsReload(ref state, ref textValues, ref booleanValues) == true)
                Tuple <string, string> tResponse = Elite.getBindsFilename();
                string bindsPreset = tResponse.Item1;
                string bindsFile   = tResponse.Item2;

                if (bindsPreset != null && bindsFile != null)
                    Debug.Write("Current Binds file: " + bindsFile);
                    var bindsTree = XElement.Load(bindsFile);
                    state["VAEDbindsFile"]           = bindsFile;
                    state["VAEDbindsPreset"]         = bindsPreset;
                    state["VAEDlastPresetTimestamp"] = File.GetLastWriteTime(bindsPreset);
                    state["VAEDlastBindsTimestamp"]  = File.GetLastWriteTime(bindsFile);
                    XElement keyboardLayout = bindsTree.Element("KeyboardLayout");
                    string   lang           = keyboardLayout.Value.ToString();
                    Debug.Write("Elite key bindings language set to: " + lang);
                    state["VAEDbindsLanguage"] = lang;

                    eliteBinds = new EliteBinds(bindsTree, lang);

                    state["VAEDeliteBinds"] = eliteBinds;
                eliteBinds = (EliteBinds)state["VAEDeliteBinds"];
コード例 #2
ファイル: EliteBinds.cs プロジェクト: neuhaus/Ocellus
        public EliteBinds()
            // TODO: move hard-coded file names to defines or similar
            var bindsFile = Elite.getBindsFilename();

            // TODO: do something if file not found
            var bindsTree = XElement.Load(bindsFile);
            _bindList = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

            foreach (var element in bindsTree.Elements())
                var keys = ParseBindControlNode(element);
                if (keys == null) continue;
                _bindList.Add(element.Name.LocalName, keys);
            _bindList.Add("HUD", new List < string >{ "LeftControl", "LeftAlt", "G" } );
            _bindList.Add("FrameRate", new List<string> { "LeftControl", "F" });
            _bindList.Add("ConnectionStatus", new List<string> { "LeftControl", "B" });
            _bindList.Add("Snapshot", new List<string> { "F10" });
            _bindList.Add("HighResSnapshot", new List<string> { "LeftAlt", "F10" });
            _bindList.Add("CloseQuickComms", new List<string> { "Esc" });
            // TODO: look at version in file and balk if unknown
コード例 #3
ファイル: OcellusPlugin.cs プロジェクト: neuhaus/Ocellus
        public static void VA_Init1(ref Dictionary <string, object> state, ref Dictionary <string, Int16?> shortIntValues, ref Dictionary <string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary <string, int?> intValues, ref Dictionary <string, decimal?> decimalValues, ref Dictionary <string, bool?> booleanValues, ref Dictionary <string, object> extendedValues)
                Debug.Write("---------------------- Ocellus Plugin Initializing ----------------------");
                // Setup Speech engine
                if (EliteGrammar.downloadGrammar())
                    SpeechRecognitionEngine recognitionEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();
                    Grammar grammar = new Grammar(Path.Combine(Config.Path(), "systems_grammar.xml"));
                    Task.Run(() => recognitionEngine.LoadGrammar(grammar));
                    state.Add("VAEDrecognitionEngine", recognitionEngine);

                // Setup plugin storage directory - used for cookies and debug logs
                string appPath    = Config.Path();
                string cookieFile = Config.CookiePath();
                string debugFile  = Config.DebugPath();
                textValues["VAEDdebugPath"] = debugFile;

                // Determine Elite Dangerous directories
                string gamePath        = Elite.getGamePath();
                string gameStartString = PluginRegistry.getStringValue("startPath");
                string gameStartParams = PluginRegistry.getStringValue("startParams");
                state.Add("VAEDgamePath", gamePath);
                textValues["VAEDgameStartString"] = gameStartString;
                textValues["VAEDgameStartParams"] = gameStartParams;

                // Load EDDB Index into memory
                Eddb.loadEddbIndex(ref state);

                // Load Atlas Index into memory
                Atlas.loadAtlasIndex(ref state);

                Dictionary <string, dynamic> tempAtlas = (Dictionary <string, dynamic>)state["VAEDatlasIndex"];

                // Load Tracked Systems into memory
                TrackSystems.Load(ref state);

                CookieContainer cookieJar = new CookieContainer();
                if (File.Exists(cookieFile))
                    // If we have cookies then we are likely already logged in
                    cookieJar = Web.ReadCookiesFromDisk(cookieFile);
                    Tuple <CookieContainer, string> tAuthentication = Companion.loginToAPI(cookieJar);
                    if (tAuthentication.Item2 == "ok")
                        cookieJar = tAuthentication.Item1;
                        state.Add("VAEDcookieContainer", cookieJar);
                        state["VAEDloggedIn"] = "ok";
                    state.Add("VAEDloggedIn", "no");

                EliteBinds eliteBinds = new EliteBinds();
                state.Add("VAEDeliteBinds", eliteBinds);
                string   bindsFile = Elite.getBindsFilename();
                DateTime fileTime  = File.GetLastWriteTime(bindsFile);
                state.Add("VAEDbindsFile", bindsFile);
                state.Add("VAEDbindsTimestamp", fileTime);
            catch (Exception ex)