コード例 #1
 public static bool VehicleMaterialOnCopyBuildGizmo(Vector2 topLeft, float maxWidth, BuildableDef ___entDef, ref GizmoResult __result, Command __instance)
     if (___entDef is VehicleBuildDef def)
         __result = RenderHelper.GizmoOnGUIWithMaterial(__instance, new Rect(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, __instance.GetWidth(maxWidth), 75f), def);
         if (def.MadeFromStuff)
             Designator_Dropdown.DrawExtraOptionsIcon(topLeft, __instance.GetWidth(maxWidth));
コード例 #2
        // Architect Menu:
        public static void ArchitectMenu_ChangeLocation(string newDefName, bool loadingOnStartup = false)
//            Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "SettingsChanged()");
            DesignationCategoryDef prevDesignationCatDef;

            if (loadingOnStartup)
                prevDesignationCatDef = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef);
                prevDesignationCatDef = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(architectMenuDesigCatDef, false);
            // If switching to default, put default into def database.
            if (newDefName == architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef)
            // Compatibility Logic:
            //   If certain mods are loaded and all storage units are to go in one menu,
            //   maybe we want to remove the other menu?  Or maybe we want to use that
            //   one by default:
            // For Deep Storage, if the player also has Quantum Storage, use their menu insead:
            if (architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems && !architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory &&
                newDefName == architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef &&
                ModLister.GetActiveModWithIdentifier("Cheetah.QuantumStorageRedux") != null)
                newDefName = "QSRStorage";
            DesignationCategoryDef newDesignationCatDef = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(newDefName);

            if (newDesignationCatDef == null)
                Log.Warning("LWM.DeepStorage: Failed to find menu category " + newDefName + " - reverting to default");
                newDefName = architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef;
                newDesignationCatDef = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(newDefName);
            // Architect Menu: Specify all your buildings/etc:
            //   var allMyBuildings=DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(x=>x.HasComp(etc)));
            List <ThingDef> itemsToMove = LoadedDeepStorageUnits.ToList();
            // We can move ALL the storage buildings!  If the player wants.  I do.
            List <DesignationCategoryDef> desigsToNotMove  = new List <DesignationCategoryDef>();
            List <DesignationCategoryDef> desigsToOnlyCopy = new List <DesignationCategoryDef>();

            if (architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems)
//                Log.Error("Trying to mvoe everythign:");
                // Don't move hoppers, etc:
                desigsToNotMove.Add(DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed("Production"));
                // Don't move Replimat either:
                //   (hoppers, etc.)
                //   Note that it's possible the ReplimatFeedTank should be copied to Storage,
                //   but I think it's okay to leave it in Replimat.
                DesignationCategoryDef tmp = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed("Replimat_Replimat", false);

                if (tmp != null)
                // TODO: get these categories in a more flexible way!
                // ProjectRimFactory has several subclasses of Building_Storage that are in the Industrial category.
                //   Several users of PRF have gotten confused when they couldn't find the storage things.
                DesignationCategoryDef industrialCategory = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed("Industrial", false);

                //   So we COULD remove those storage buildings from our list too:
                //     if (industrialCategory!=null) desigsToNotMove.Add(industrialCategory);
                //   But, let's just copy them:
                if (industrialCategory != null)
                // Bonus PRF: DocWorld changes the designation from Industrial to DZ_Industrial.
                // Get them both:
                industrialCategory = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed("DZ_Industrial", false);

                if (industrialCategory != null)
                // Interesting detail: apparently it IS possible to have thingDefs with null thingClass... weird.
                itemsToMove = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading
                              .FindAll(x => ((x?.thingClass != null) && (x.thingClass == typeof(Building_Storage) ||
                                                                         x.thingClass.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Building_Storage))) &&
                                             x.designationCategory != null &&
                                             //&& !toCopy.Contains(x.designationCategory)

                /*if (ModLister.GetActiveModWithIdentifier("spdskatr.projectrimfactory")!=null) {
                 *  if (industrialCategory==null) {
                 *      Log.Warning("LWM.DeepStorage: menu compatibility with Project RimFactory failed: could not find Industrial cat");
                 *  } else {
                 *  }
                 * }*/
                // testing:
//                itemsToMove.AddRange(DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(x=>x.defName.Contains("MURWallLight")));
            Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Moving these units to 'Storage' menu: " + string.Join(", ", itemsToMove));
            // get access to a DesignationCategoryDef's resolvedDesignators:
            var _resolvedDesignatorsField = typeof(DesignationCategoryDef)
                                            .GetField("resolvedDesignators", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);

            foreach (var d in itemsToMove)
                if (d.designationCategory == null)
                    continue;                              // very very possible
//                Log.Error("Moving item "+d.defName+" (category: "+(d.designationCategory!=null?d.designationCategory.ToString():"NONE"));
                List <Designator> resolvedDesignators = (List <Designator>)_resolvedDesignatorsField.GetValue(d.designationCategory);
                if (d.designatorDropdown == null)
//                    Log.Message("No dropdown");
                    // easy case:
                    // Old menu location:
                    if (!desigsToOnlyCopy.Contains(d.designationCategory))
//                    Log.Message("  Removed this many entries in "+d.designationCategory+": "+
                        resolvedDesignators.RemoveAll(x => ((x is Designator_Build) &&
                                                            ((Designator_Build)x).PlacingDef == d));
//                        );
                    // Now do new:
                    resolvedDesignators = (List <Designator>)_resolvedDesignatorsField.GetValue(newDesignationCatDef);
                    // To make sure there are no duplicates:
                    resolvedDesignators.RemoveAll(x => ((x is Designator_Build) &&
                                                        ((Designator_Build)x).PlacingDef == d));
                    resolvedDesignators.Add(new Designator_Build(d));
//                    Log.Warning("LWM.DeepStorage: ThingDef "+d.defName+" has a dropdown Designator.");
                    // Hard case: Designator_Dropdowns!
                    Designator_Dropdown dd = (Designator_Dropdown)resolvedDesignators.Find(x => (x is Designator_Dropdown) &&
                                                                                           .Find(y => (y is Designator_Build) &&
                                                                                                 ((Designator_Build)y).PlacingDef == d) != null);
                    if (dd != null)
//                        Log.Message("Found dropdown designator for "+d.defName);
                        if (!desigsToOnlyCopy.Contains(d.designationCategory))
                        // Switch to new category:
                        resolvedDesignators = (List <Designator>)_resolvedDesignatorsField.GetValue(newDesignationCatDef);
                        if (!resolvedDesignators.Contains(dd))
//                            Log.Message("  Adding to new category "+newDesignationCatDef);
//                    } else { //debug
//                        Log.Message("   ThingDef "+d.defName+" has designator_dropdown "+d.designatorDropdown.defName+
//                            ", but cannot find it in "+d.designationCategory+" - this is okay if something else added it.");
                d.designationCategory = newDesignationCatDef;
            // Flush designation category defs:.....dammit
//            foreach (var x in DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.AllDefs) {
//                x.ResolveReferences();
//            }
//            prevDesignationCatDef?.ResolveReferences();
//            newDesignationCatDef.ResolveReferences();
            //ArchitectMenu_ClearCache(); // we do this later one way or another

            // To remove the mod's DesignationCategoryDef from Architect menu:
            //   remove it from RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect's desPanelsCached.
            // To do that, we remove it from the DefDatabase and then rebuild the cache.
            //   Removing only the desPanelsCached entry does work: the entry is
            //   recreated when a new game is started.  So if the options are changed
            //   and then a new game started...the change gets lost.
            // So we have to update the DefsDatabase.
            // This is potentially difficult: the .index can get changed, and that
            //   can cause problems.  But nothing seems to use the .index for any
            //   DesignationCategoryDef except for the menu, so manually adjusting
            //   the DefsDatabase is safe enough:
            if (!architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory && newDefName != architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef)
                // ArchitectMenu_ClearCache(); //hide flushes cache
//                    if (tmp.AllResolvedDesignators.Count <= tmp.specialDesignatorClasses.Count)
//                        isCategoryEmpty=false;

 * //                    Log.Message("Removing old menu!");
 *                  // DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.Remove(tmp);
 *                  if (!tmp.AllResolvedDesignators.NullOrEmpty()) {
 *                      foreach (var d in tmp.AllResolvedDesignators) {
 *                          if (!tmp.specialDesignatorClasses.Contains(d)) {
 *                              isCategoryEmpty=false;
 *                              break;
 *                          }
 *                      }
 *                  }
//                    if (isCategoryEmpty)
                // Simply flush cache:
            // Note that this is not perfect: if the default menu was already open, it will still be open (and
            //   empty) when the settings windows are closed.  Whatever.

            // Oh, and actually change the setting that's stored:
            architectMenuDesigCatDef = newDefName;

            // Finally, if Extended Storage(!) is loaded, and we took all their
            //   storage items, remove their menu as well:
            DesignationCategoryDef tmpD;

            if (ModLister.HasActiveModWithName("Extended Storage") &&
                ((tmpD = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed("FurnitureStorage", false)) != null) &&
                !architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory &&
                architectMenuDesigCatDef != "FurnitureStorage")
                // DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.Remove(tmpD);
                typeof(DefDatabase <>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { typeof(DesignationCategoryDef) })
                .GetMethod("Remove", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                .Invoke(null, new object [] { tmpD });

/*            List<ArchitectCategoryTab> archMenu=(List<ArchitectCategoryTab>)Harmony.AccessTools
 *              .Field(typeof(RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect), "desPanelsCached")
 *              .GetValue((MainTabWindow_Architect)MainButtonDefOf.Architect.TabWindow);
 *          archMenu.RemoveAll(t=>t.def.defName==architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef);
 *          archMenu.Add(new ArchitectCategoryTab(newDesignationCatDef));
 *          archMenu.Sort((a,b)=>a.def.order.CompareTo(b.def.order));
 *          archMenu.SortBy(a=>a.def.order, b=>b.def.order); // May need (type of var a)=>...

/*            Harmony.AccessTools.Method(typeof(RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect), "CacheDesPanels")
 *              .Invoke(((MainTabWindow_Architect)MainButtonDefOf.Architect.TabWindow), null);*/

 *          if (architectMenuDesignationCatDefDefName=="LWM_DS_Storage") { // default
 *              if (DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamedSilentFail("LWM_DS_Storage") == null) {
 *                  Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings,"Adding 'Storage' to the architect menu.");
 *                  DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.Add(architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef);
 *              } else {
 *                  Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "No need to add 'Storage' to the architect menu.");
 *              }
 *              architectCurrentDesignationCatDef=architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef;
 *          } else {
 *              // remove our "Storage" from the architect menu:
 *              Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings,"Removing 'Storage' from the architect menu.");
 *              DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.AllDefsListForReading.Remove(architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef);
 *              if (DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamedSilentFail("LWM_DS_Storage") != null) {
 *                  Log.Error("Failed to remove LWM_DS_Storage :("+DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamedSilentFail("LWM_DS_Storage"));
 *              }
 *              architectCurrentDesignationCatDef=DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamed(architectMenuDesignationCatDefDefName);
 *          }
 *          prevDesignationCatDef?.ResolveReferences();
 *          architectCurrentDesignationCatDef.ResolveReferences();
 *          Harmony.AccessTools.Method(typeof(RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect), "CacheDesPanels")
 *              .Invoke((), null);
            Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Settings changed architect menu");
コード例 #3
 //public void Add(Designator des)
 public static void Postfix(Designator_Dropdown __instance, List <Designator> ___elements)
     __instance.order = ___elements.Sum(d => d.order) / ___elements.Count();
コード例 #4
 public static void Postfix(Designator_Dropdown __instance)
     __instance.order = 20f;