public override void ParseValue(string Values) { this.IsValid = true; this.ValueList.Clear(); foreach (var Value in Values.Split(OrDelimiter)) { // var DtoSearchParameterNumber = new SearchQueryQuantityValue(); if (this.Modifier.HasValue && this.Modifier == SearchModifierCode.Missing) { bool?IsMissing = SearchQueryQuantityValue.ParseModifierEqualToMissing(Value); if (IsMissing.HasValue) { this.ValueList.Add(new SearchQueryQuantityValue(IsMissing.Value, null, null, null, null, null, null)); } else { this.InvalidMessage = $"Found the {SearchModifierCode.Missing.GetCode()} Modifier yet is value was expected to be true or false yet found '{Value}'. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } } else { //Examples: //Syntax: [parameter]=[prefix][number]|[system]|[code] matches a quantity with the given unit //Observation?value=5.4||mg //Observation?value=5.4||mg //Observation?value=le5.4||mg //Observation?value=ap5.4||mg //Observation?value=ap5.4 //Observation?value=ap5.4| //Observation?value=ap5.4| //Observation?value=ap5.4|| string[] Split = Value.Trim().Split(VerticalBarDelimiter); SearchComparator?Prefix = SearchQueryDateTimeValue.GetPrefix(Split[0]); if (!SearchQueryQuantityValue.ValidatePreFix(this.SearchParamTypeId, Prefix) && Prefix.HasValue) { this.InvalidMessage = $"The search parameter had an unsupported prefix of '{Prefix.Value.GetCode()}'. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } string NumberAsString = SearchQueryDateTimeValue.RemovePrefix(Split[0], Prefix).Trim(); if (Split.Count() == 1) { if (Decimal.TryParse(NumberAsString, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimal TempDecimal)) { DecimalInfo DecimalInfo = DecimalSupport.GetDecimalInfo(TempDecimal); var DtoSearchParameterNumber = new SearchQueryQuantityValue(false, Prefix, null, null, DecimalInfo.Precision, DecimalInfo.Scale, TempDecimal); this.ValueList.Add(DtoSearchParameterNumber); } else { this.InvalidMessage = $"Expected a Quantity value yet was unable to parse the provided value '{NumberAsString}' as a Decimal. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } } else if (Split.Count() == 2) { if (Decimal.TryParse(NumberAsString, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimal TempDecimal)) { string?System; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Split[1].Trim())) { System = Split[1].Trim(); } else { System = null; } DecimalInfo DecimalInfo = DecimalSupport.GetDecimalInfo(TempDecimal); var DtoSearchParameterNumber = new SearchQueryQuantityValue(false, Prefix, System, null, DecimalInfo.Precision, DecimalInfo.Scale, TempDecimal); this.ValueList.Add(DtoSearchParameterNumber); } else { this.InvalidMessage = $"Expected a Quantity value yet was unable to parse the provided value '{NumberAsString}' as a Decimal. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } } else if (Split.Count() == 3) { if (Decimal.TryParse(NumberAsString, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimal TempDecimal)) { string?System = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Split[1].Trim())) { System = Split[1].Trim(); } string?Code = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Split[2].Trim())) { Code = Split[2].Trim(); } DecimalInfo DecimalInfo = DecimalSupport.GetDecimalInfo(TempDecimal); var DtoSearchParameterNumber = new SearchQueryQuantityValue(false, Prefix, System, Code, DecimalInfo.Precision, DecimalInfo.Scale, TempDecimal); this.ValueList.Add(DtoSearchParameterNumber); } else { this.InvalidMessage = $"Expected a Quantity value yet was unable to parse the provided value '{NumberAsString}' as a Decimal. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } } else { this.InvalidMessage = $"Expected a Quantity value type yet found to many {VerticalBarDelimiter} Delimiters. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } } } if (ValueList.Count > 1) { this.HasLogicalOrProperties = true; } if (this.ValueList.Count == 0) { this.InvalidMessage = $"Unable to parse any values into a {this.GetType().Name} from the string: {Values}."; this.IsValid = false; } }
public override void ParseValue(string Values) { this.IsValid = true; this.ValueList = new List <SearchQueryNumberValue>(); foreach (var Value in Values.Split(OrDelimiter)) { //var DtoSearchParameterNumber = new SearchQueryNumberValue(); if (this.Modifier.HasValue && this.Modifier == SearchModifierCode.Missing) { bool?IsMissing = SearchQueryNumberValue.ParseModifierEqualToMissing(Value); if (IsMissing.HasValue) { this.ValueList.Add(new SearchQueryNumberValue(IsMissing.Value, null, null, null, null)); } else { this.InvalidMessage = $"Found the {SearchModifierCode.Missing.GetCode()} Modifier yet is value was expected to be true or false yet found '{Value}'. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } } else { SearchComparator?Prefix = SearchQueryDateTimeValue.GetPrefix(Value); if (!SearchQueryQuantityValue.ValidatePreFix(this.SearchParamTypeId, Prefix) && Prefix.HasValue) { this.InvalidMessage = $"The search parameter had an unsupported prefix of '{Prefix.Value.GetCode()}'. "; this.IsValid = false; break; } string NumberAsString = SearchQueryDateTimeValue.RemovePrefix(Value, Prefix); if (Decimal.TryParse(NumberAsString, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimal TempDecimal)) { var DecimalInfo = DecimalSupport.GetDecimalInfo(TempDecimal); var SearchQueryNumberValue = new SearchQueryNumberValue(false, Prefix, DecimalInfo.Precision, DecimalInfo.Scale, TempDecimal); this.ValueList.Add(SearchQueryNumberValue); } else { this.InvalidMessage = $"Unable to parse the value of : {NumberAsString} to a DateTime."; this.IsValid = false; break; } } } if (ValueList.Count > 1) { this.HasLogicalOrProperties = true; } if (this.ValueList.Count == 0) { this.InvalidMessage = $"Unable to parse any values into a {this.GetType().Name} from the string: {Values}."; this.IsValid = false; } }