コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Key in return Dictionary is lowercase index name.
        /// Does not include sub columns infos.
        /// </summary>
        private static Dictionary <string, Index> Index__GetAll_InConnection(int connectionId)
            var    rtn = new Dictionary <string, Index>();
            string sql = SQLServer_SQLBuilders.BuildSql__Index_SelectAll();

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(connectionId, sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var index = new Index()
                            ConnectionId = connectionId,
                            Schema       = reader.Get("Schema", ""),
                            TableName    = reader.Get("TableName", ""),
                            IndexName    = reader.Get("IndexName", ""),
                            Columns      = null,
                            IsUnique     = reader.Get("IsUnique", false)
                        string key_IndexName = index.IndexName.ToLower();
                        if (!rtn.ContainsKey(key_IndexName))
                            rtn.Add(key_IndexName, index);
コード例 #2
        private static void ASPdb_View__SyncViewsWithProperties_Helper1__GetAndPopulate(int connectionId, List <ASPdb_View> viewsList, Dictionary <string, ASPdb_View> dict)
            string sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Views] where [ConnectionId] = @ConnectionId order by [ViewName]";

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                command.AddParameter("@ConnectionId", connectionId);
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string db_ViewName      = reader.Get("ViewName", "");
                        string db_Schema        = reader.Get("Schema", "");
                        string db_UniqueNameKey = db_Schema.ToLower().Trim() + "." + db_ViewName.ToLower().Trim();
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(db_UniqueNameKey))
                            ASPdb_View item = dict[db_UniqueNameKey];
                            item.ViewId       = reader.Get("ViewId", -1);
                            item.ConnectionId = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1);
                            item.ViewName     = db_ViewName;
                            item.Schema       = db_Schema;
                            item.Hide         = reader.Get("Hide", false);
コード例 #3
        public static ASPdb_Value[] Get(string key)
            var rtn = new List <ASPdb_Value>();

                string sql = String.Format("select * from [{0}].[ASPdb_Values] where [Key] = @Key order by [ValueId]",
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@Key", key);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            rtn.Add(new ASPdb_Value()
                                ValueId = reader.Get("ValueId", -1),
                                Key     = reader.Get("Key", ""),
                                Value   = reader.Get("Value", "")
            catch { }
コード例 #4
        public static SchemaInfo[] Schemas__GetAll(int connectionId)
            var    rtn = new List <SchemaInfo>();
            string connectionString = DataAccess.SQLObjectsCRUD.ASPdb_Connection__Get(connectionId).GetConnectionString();
            string sql = @"
                SELECT t1.Schema_Id, t1.principal_id,
                t2.Catalog_Name, t2.Schema_Name, t2.Schema_Owner FROM sys.schemas t1
                Inner Join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA t2 on t1.name = t2.SCHEMA_NAME 
                where t2.SCHEMA_OWNER = 'dbo'
                order by t1.name

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(connectionString, sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo()
                            SchemaId    = reader.Get("Schema_Id", -1),
                            PrincipalId = reader.Get("Principal_Id", -1),
                            CatalogName = reader.Get("Catalog_Name", ""),
                            SchemaName  = reader.Get("Schema_Name", ""),
                            SchemaOwner = reader.Get("Schema_Owner", "")
コード例 #5
        public static PrimaryKey PrimaryKey__Get(TableStructure tableStructure)
            PrimaryKey rtn = null;

            var colDict = new Dictionary <string, Column>();

            foreach (var item in tableStructure.Columns)
                if (!colDict.ContainsKey(item.ColumnName.ToLower()))
                    colDict.Add(item.ColumnName.ToLower(), item);

            var    primaryKeyColumns_List = new List <PrimaryKeyColumn>();
            string sql = SQLServer_SQLBuilders.BuildSql__PrimaryKey_Select(tableStructure);

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(tableStructure.ConnectionId, sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (rtn == null)
                            rtn = new PrimaryKey()
                                ConnectionId   = tableStructure.ConnectionId,
                                TableId        = tableStructure.TableId,
                                Schema         = reader.Get("Schema", ""),
                                TableName      = reader.Get("TableName", ""),
                                ConstraintName = reader.Get("ConstraintName", "")
                        var primaryKeyItem = new PrimaryKeyColumn()
                            ColumnName      = reader.Get("ColumnName", ""),
                            OrdinalPosition = reader.Get("OrdinalPosition", 0)
                        if (colDict.ContainsKey(primaryKeyItem.ColumnName.ToLower()))
                            primaryKeyItem.Identity = colDict[primaryKeyItem.ColumnName.ToLower()].Identity;
            if (rtn != null)
                rtn.Columns = primaryKeyColumns_List.ToArray();
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Always uses cache (if already stored in cache).
        /// Does not perform table sync.
        /// </summary>
        public static ASPdb_View ASPdb_View__Get(int viewId)
            var cache = ASPdatabaseNET.Memory.AppCache.Get();

            if (cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2 != null)
                if (cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2.ContainsKey(viewId) && cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2[viewId] != null)
                    return(cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2[viewId]); // return from cache if it's there
            ASPdb_View rtn = null;

            int connectionId = -1;
            string sql       = "select [ConnectionId] from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Views] where [ViewId] = @ViewId";
            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                command.AddParameter("@ViewId", viewId);
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    if (reader.Read())
                        connectionId = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1);
                    if (connectionId < 0)
            var aspdb_Views = ASPdb_View__GetAll(connectionId);
            for (int i = 0; i < aspdb_Views.Count; i++)
                if (aspdb_Views[i].ViewId == viewId)
                    rtn = aspdb_Views[i];
                    i   = aspdb_Views.Count + 1;

            // store in cache before returning
            if (rtn != null)
                if (cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2 == null)
                    cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2 = new Dictionary <int, ASPdb_View>();
                if (cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2.ContainsKey(viewId))
                    cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2[viewId] = rtn;
                    cache.ASPdb_View_Dictionary2.Add(viewId, rtn);
コード例 #7
        public static int Get_HistoryCount(int tableId, string[] keyValue)
            int    rtn                 = -1;
            string keyValueStr         = PrimaryKey_ToString(keyValue);
            string keyValueStr_Orig    = keyValueStr;
            bool   keyValueIsTruncated = (keyValueStr.Length > 50);

            if (keyValueIsTruncated)
                keyValueStr = keyValueStr.Substring(0, 50);

            if (!keyValueIsTruncated)
                string sql = String.Format("select count(*) as [Count1] from [{0}].[{1}] where [TableId] = @TableId and [KeyValue] = @KeyValue and [KeyValueIsTruncated] = @KeyValueIsTruncated",
                                           Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema, "ASPdb_History");
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(History_ConnectionString(), sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@TableId", tableId);
                    command.AddParameter("@KeyValue", keyValueStr);
                    command.AddParameter("@KeyValueIsTruncated", false);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            rtn = reader.Get("Count1", -1);
                rtn = 0;
                string sql = String.Format("select [HistoryId], [HistoryJSON] from [{0}].[{1}] where [TableId] = @TableId and [KeyValue] = @KeyValue and [KeyValueIsTruncated] = @KeyValueIsTruncated",
                                           Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema, "ASPdb_History");
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(History_ConnectionString(), sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@TableId", tableId);
                    command.AddParameter("@KeyValue", keyValueStr);
                    command.AddParameter("@KeyValueIsTruncated", true);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                                int historyId      = reader.Get("HistoryId", -1);
                                var historyJsonObj = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Deserialize <HistoryJsonObj>(reader.Get("HistoryJSON", ""));
                                if (historyJsonObj.KeyValue == keyValueStr_Orig)
                            catch { }
コード例 #8
        public static UserInfo Login(string username, string password)
            if (!Subscription.SubscriptionAppState.ValidateActiveSubscribers())
                throw new Exception("Validation Error");

            string errorMsg = "Invalid Login Credentials";

                string sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Users] where [Username] = @Username and [Active] = 1";
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@Username", username);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            if (BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(password, reader.Get("Password", "")))
                                var userSession = GetUser();
                                userSession.UserInfo = new UserInfo()
                                    UserId    = reader.Get("UserId", -1),
                                    Username  = reader.Get("Username", ""),
                                    Email     = reader.Get("Email", ""),
                                    FirstName = reader.Get("FirstName", ""),
                                    LastName  = reader.Get("LastName", ""),
                                    Active    = reader.Get("Active", false),
                                    IsAdmin   = reader.Get("IsAdmin", false)
                                userSession.Impersonation_IsAllowed = userSession.UserInfo.IsAdmin;

                                userSession.UserInfo.AllPermissions = LoadAllPermissions(userSession.UserInfo.UserId, userSession.UserInfo.IsAdmin);

                                if (userSession.Impersonation_IsAllowed)
                                    userSession.Impersonation_ActualUser = userSession.UserInfo;
            catch (Exception exc) { errorMsg = "Error in Login"; ASPdb.Framework.Debug.RecordException(exc); }

            throw new Exception(errorMsg);
コード例 #9
        public static Index[] Index__Get(TableStructure tableStructure)
            var    rtn = new Dictionary <string, Index>(); // key : indexName_L
            string sql = SQLServer_SQLBuilders.BuildSql__Index_Select(tableStructure);

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(tableStructure.ConnectionId, sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string schema      = reader.Get("Schema", "");
                        string tableName   = reader.Get("TableName", "");
                        string indexName   = reader.Get("IndexName", "");
                        string indexName_L = indexName.ToLower();
                        bool   isUnique    = reader.Get("IsUnique", false);

                        int    columnId     = reader.Get("ColumnId", 0);
                        string columnName   = reader.Get("ColumnName", "");
                        bool   isDescending = reader.Get("IsDescending", false);

                        Index index;
                        if (rtn.ContainsKey(indexName_L))
                            index = rtn[indexName_L];
                            index = new Index();
                            rtn.Add(indexName_L, index);
                            index.ConnectionId = tableStructure.ConnectionId;
                            index.Schema       = schema;
                            index.TableName    = tableName;
                            index.IndexName    = indexName;
                            index.IsUnique     = isUnique;
                            index.Columns      = new IndexColumn[0];
                        var indexColumnsList = index.Columns.ToList();
                        var indexColumn      = new IndexColumn()
                            ColumnId      = columnId,
                            ColumnName    = columnName,
                            SortDirection = IndexColumn.E_SortTypes.Ascending
                        if (isDescending)
                            indexColumn.SortDirection = IndexColumn.E_SortTypes.Descending;
                        index.Columns = indexColumnsList.ToArray();
コード例 #10
        public static DefaultConstraint DefaultConstraint__Get(Column column)
            var    dict = new Dictionary <string, DefaultConstraint>();
            string sql  = SQLServer_SQLBuilders.BuildSql__DefaultConstraint_Select(column);

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(column.ConnectionId, sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string columnName   = reader.Get("ColumnName", "");
                        string columnName_L = columnName.ToLower();

                        var defaultConstraint = new DefaultConstraint()
                            ConnectionId          = column.ConnectionId,
                            Schema                = column.Schema,
                            TableName             = column.TableName,
                            ColumnName            = reader.Get("ColumnName", ""),
                            DefaultConstraintName = reader.Get("DefaultConstraintName", ""),
                            DefaultDefinition     = reader.Get("DefaultDefinition", "")

                        if (!dict.ContainsKey(columnName_L))
                            dict.Add(columnName_L, defaultConstraint);
            if (dict.ContainsKey(column.ColumnName.ToLower()))
コード例 #11
        public static bool SetImpersonationUser(int userId)
            var userSession = GetUser();

            if (userSession != null && userSession.IsLoggedIn && userSession.Impersonation_IsAllowed && userSession.Impersonation_IsOn)
                string sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Users] where [UserId] = @UserId";
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@UserId", userId);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            userSession.UserInfo = new UserInfo()
                                UserId    = reader.Get("UserId", -1),
                                Username  = reader.Get("Username", ""),
                                Email     = reader.Get("Email", ""),
                                FirstName = reader.Get("FirstName", ""),
                                LastName  = reader.Get("LastName", ""),
                                IsAdmin   = reader.Get("IsAdmin", false)
                            userSession.UserInfo.AllPermissions = LoadAllPermissions(userSession.UserInfo.UserId, userSession.UserInfo.IsAdmin);
コード例 #12
        private static void ASPdb_Connection__CheckForDuplicateConnectionName(ASPdb_Connection connectionInfo)
            bool   isADuplicate = false;
            string sql          = "select [ConnectionId], [ConnectionName] from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Connections] where SiteId = @SiteId and ConnectionName = @ConnectionName";

                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@SiteId", connectionInfo.SiteId);
                    command.AddParameter("@ConnectionName", connectionInfo.ConnectionName);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            int    connectionId   = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1);
                            string connectionName = reader.Get("ConnectionName", "").Trim().ToLower();
                            if (connectionInfo.ConnectionName.Trim().ToLower() == connectionName)
                                if (connectionInfo.ConnectionId != connectionId)
                                    isADuplicate = true;
                                else if (connectionId <= 0)
                                    isADuplicate = true;
            catch { }
            if (isADuplicate)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("The Database Connection Name \"{0}\" already exists." +
                                                  "\n\nPlease choose a different name.", connectionInfo.ConnectionName.Trim()));
コード例 #13
        private static void ASPdb_Connection__SaveInsert(ASPdb_Connection connectionInfo)
            int?userId = null;

            try { userId = Users.UserSessionLogic.GetUser().UserInfo.UserId; } catch { }

            string sql = @" insert into [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Connections]
                                (SiteId, ConnectionName, Active, DateTimeCreated)
                            values (@SiteId, @ConnectionName, @Active, @DateTimeCreated)";

            if (userId.HasValue)
                sql = @"    insert into [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Connections]
                                (SiteId, ConnectionName, Active, DateTimeCreated, CreatedByUserId)
                            values (@SiteId, @ConnectionName, @Active, @DateTimeCreated, @CreatedByUserId)";
            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                command.AddParameter("@SiteId", connectionInfo.SiteId);
                command.AddParameter("@ConnectionName", connectionInfo.ConnectionName);
                command.AddParameter("@Active", false);
                command.AddParameter("@DateTimeCreated", DateTime.Now);
                if (userId.HasValue)
                    command.AddParameter("@CreatedByUserId", userId);
            sql = "select [ConnectionId] from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Connections] where [SiteId] = @SiteId and [ConnectionName] = @ConnectionName";
            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                command.AddParameter("@SiteId", connectionInfo.SiteId);
                command.AddParameter("@ConnectionName", connectionInfo.ConnectionName);
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    if (reader.Read())
                        connectionInfo.ConnectionId = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1);
            if (connectionInfo.ConnectionId < 0)
                throw new Exception("Error while attempting to save new database connection.  Please check connections list and try again.");

コード例 #14
        public static UserInfo[] GetImpersonationList()
            var rtn         = new List <UserInfo>();
            var userSession = GetUser();

            if (userSession.Impersonation_ActualUser == null)

            var actualUser = userSession.Impersonation_ActualUser;

            rtn.Add(new UserInfo()
                UserId    = actualUser.UserId,
                LastName  = "You",
                FirstName = "",
                Username  = actualUser.Username,
                Active    = actualUser.Active,
                Email     = actualUser.Email

            string sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Users] where [UserId] > -1 order by [Active] desc, [LastName], [FirstName], [Username]";

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var userInfo = new UserInfo()
                            UserId    = reader.Get("UserId", -1),
                            Username  = reader.Get("Username", ""),
                            FirstName = reader.Get("FirstName", ""),
                            LastName  = reader.Get("LastName", ""),
                            Email     = reader.Get("Email", ""),
                            Active    = reader.Get("Active", false)
                        if (userInfo.UserId != actualUser.UserId)

コード例 #15
        public static void SavePassword(int userId, string oldPassword, string newPassword)
                string sql = String.Format("select * from [{0}].[ASPdb_Users] where [UserId] = @UserId", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@UserId", userId);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (!BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(oldPassword, reader.Get("Password", "")))
                            throw new Exception("");
            catch { throw new Exception("Incorrect Old Password"); }

            SavePassword(userId, newPassword);
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Key == lowercase ConstraintName.
        /// Value == ConstraintName.
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary <string, string> Constraint__GetAll_InConnection(int connectionId)
            var    rtn = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string sql = SQLServer_SQLBuilders.BuildSql__Constraint_SelectAll();

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(connectionId, sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string constraintName   = reader.Get("ConstraintName", "");
                        string constraintName_L = constraintName.ToLower();
                        if (!rtn.ContainsKey(constraintName_L))
                            rtn.Add(constraintName_L, constraintName);
コード例 #17
        public static List <BaseTableInfo> ASPdb_Table__GetRawList_NoCache(ASPdb_Connection aspdb_Connection)
            var rtn = new List <BaseTableInfo>();

            if (aspdb_Connection.E_ConnectionType == ASPdb_Connection.Enum_ConnectionTypes.SQLServer ||
                aspdb_Connection.E_ConnectionType == ASPdb_Connection.Enum_ConnectionTypes.SQLServerAzure)
                string sql = @"
	                    t2.[name] [SchemaName], 
	                    t1.[name] [TableName], 
                    from sys.tables t1
                    inner join 
	                    sys.schemas t2 on t1.schema_id = t2.schema_id
                    order by t2.[name], t1.[name]

                //sql = sql.Replace("[", "`").Replace("]", "`");

                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(aspdb_Connection.GetConnectionString(), sql))
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        DateTime?nullDate = null;
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var item = new BaseTableInfo();
                            item.SchemaId   = reader.Get("schema_id", "");
                            item.SchemaName = reader.Get("SchemaName", "");
                            item.TableName  = reader.Get("TableName", "");
                            item.ObjectId   = reader.Get("object_id", "");
                            item.CreateDate = reader.Get("create_date", nullDate);
                            item.ModifyDate = reader.Get("modify_date", nullDate);
コード例 #18
        public static GroupInfo GetGroup(int groupId)
            GroupInfo rtn = null;

                string sql = "";
                if (groupId >= 0)
                    sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + "].[ASPdb_UserGroups] where [GroupId] = @GroupId";
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                        command.AddParameter("@GroupId", groupId);
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            if (reader.Read())
                                rtn = new GroupInfo()
                                    GroupId         = reader.Get("GroupId", -1),
                                    GroupName       = reader.Get("GroupName", ""),
                                    Active          = reader.Get("Active", false),
                                    TimeCreated_Str = reader.Get("TimeCreated", ""),
                                    Permissions     = new Permission[0]
                    rtn = new GroupInfo()
                        GroupId = -1, Active = true

                if (rtn != null)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rtn.TimeCreated_Str))
                        rtn.TimeCreated_Str = DateTime.Parse(rtn.TimeCreated_Str).ToString("M/dd/yy h:mm tt");

                    var allPermissions = new Dictionary <string, Permission>();
                    sql = @"select 
                            C.ConnectionId, C.ConnectionName, T.TableId, T.[Schema], T.TableName
                            from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Connections] C inner join [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Tables] T on C.ConnectionId = T.ConnectionId
                            where C.Active = 1 and T.Hide = 0
                            order by C.ConnectionName, T.[Schema], T.TableName";
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                var permission = new Permission()
                                    GroupId        = groupId,
                                    ConnectionId   = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1),
                                    ConnectionName = reader.Get("ConnectionName", ""),
                                    TableId        = reader.Get("TableId", -1),
                                    Schema         = reader.Get("Schema", ""),
                                    TableName      = reader.Get("TableName", "")
                                string connection_Key = "C_" + permission.ConnectionId;
                                string schema_Key     = "S_" + permission.ConnectionId + "_[" + permission.Schema + "]";
                                string table_Key      = "T_" + permission.ConnectionId + "_[" + permission.Schema + "]_[" + permission.TableId + "]";

                                if (!allPermissions.ContainsKey(connection_Key))
                                    allPermissions.Add(connection_Key, new Permission(Permission.PermissionTypes.Connection, permission.PermissionId, groupId)
                                        ConnectionId   = permission.ConnectionId,
                                        ConnectionName = permission.ConnectionName,
                                        Schema         = "",
                                        TableId        = -1,
                                        TableName      = ""
                                if (!allPermissions.ContainsKey(schema_Key))
                                    allPermissions.Add(schema_Key, new Permission(Permission.PermissionTypes.Schema, permission.PermissionId, groupId)
                                        ConnectionId   = permission.ConnectionId,
                                        ConnectionName = permission.ConnectionName,
                                        Schema         = permission.Schema,
                                        TableId        = -1,
                                        TableName      = ""
                                if (!allPermissions.ContainsKey(table_Key))
                                    allPermissions.Add(table_Key, new Permission(Permission.PermissionTypes.Table, permission.PermissionId, groupId)
                                        ConnectionId   = permission.ConnectionId,
                                        ConnectionName = permission.ConnectionName,
                                        Schema         = permission.Schema,
                                        TableId        = permission.TableId,
                                        TableName      = permission.TableName

                    sql = @"
                        select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Permissions] 
                        where [GroupId] = @GroupId 
                        order by [ConnectionId], [Schema], [TableId]";
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                        command.AddParameter("@GroupId", groupId);
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                var permission = new Permission()
                                    GroupId        = groupId,
                                    PermissionId   = reader.Get("PermissionId", -1),
                                    PermissionType = Permission.PermissionTypes.NotSet,
                                    ConnectionId   = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1),
                                    Schema         = reader.Get("Schema", ""),
                                    TableId        = reader.Get("TableId", -1),
                                    View           = reader.Get("View", false),
                                    Edit           = reader.Get("Edit", false),
                                    Insert         = reader.Get("Insert", false),
                                    Delete         = reader.Get("Delete", false),
                                permission.Set_PermissionType(reader.Get("PermissionType", "N"));
                                string key = permission.Get_UniqueKey();
                                if (key != null && allPermissions.ContainsKey(key))
                                    allPermissions[key].PermissionId = permission.PermissionId;
                                    allPermissions[key].View         = permission.View;
                                    allPermissions[key].Edit         = permission.Edit;
                                    allPermissions[key].Insert       = permission.Insert;
                                    allPermissions[key].Delete       = permission.Delete;
                    rtn.Permissions = (from r in allPermissions.Values where r.PermissionType == Permission.PermissionTypes.Connection orderby r.ConnectionName select r).ToArray();
                    foreach (var item_Connection in rtn.Permissions)
                        item_Connection.SubPermissions = (from r in allPermissions.Values
                                                          where r.PermissionType == Permission.PermissionTypes.Schema &&
                                                          r.ConnectionId == item_Connection.ConnectionId
                                                          select r).ToArray();
                        foreach (var item_Schema in item_Connection.SubPermissions)
                            item_Schema.SubPermissions = (from r in allPermissions.Values
                                                          where r.PermissionType == Permission.PermissionTypes.Table &&
                                                          r.ConnectionId == item_Connection.ConnectionId &&
                                                          r.Schema == item_Schema.Schema
                                                          select r).ToArray();
            catch (Exception exc) { ASPdb.Framework.Debug.RecordException(exc); }
            if (rtn == null)
                throw new Exception("GroupId not found.");
コード例 #19
        public static UsersMenuInfo GetMenuInfo()
            if (!ASPdatabaseNET.Subscription.SubscriptionAppState.ValidateActiveSubscribers())
                throw new Exception("Validation Error");

            var rtn = new UsersMenuInfo();

            rtn.UserSubscriptions_Total = ASPdatabaseNET.Subscription.SubscriptionAppState.GetSubscribersCount();
            //rtn.UserSubscriptions_Active = 7;
            rtn.UserSubscriptions_Message = "User Subscriptions Message";

            var users_Active    = new List <UsersMenuItem>();
            var users_Inactive  = new List <UsersMenuItem>();
            var groups_Active   = new List <UsersMenuItem>();
            var groups_Inactive = new List <UsersMenuItem>();

            string sql = String.Format(@"
                select [UserId], [Username], [FirstName], [LastName], [Active] 
                from [{0}].[ASPdb_Users] 
                order by [Active], [LastName], [FirstName], [Username]", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var item = new UsersMenuItem()
                            Id = reader.Get("UserId", -1), Active = reader.Get("Active", false), MenuType = UsersMenuItem.MenuTypes.User
                        string firstName = reader.Get("FirstName", "");
                        string lastName  = reader.Get("LastName", "");
                        string username  = reader.Get("Username", "?");

                        if (firstName.Length > 0 && lastName.Length > 0)
                            item.DisplayName = String.Format("<b>{0}, {1}</b> <br />({2})", lastName, firstName, username);
                        else //if(firstName.Length > 0 || lastName.Length > 0)
                            item.DisplayName = String.Format("<b>{0} {1}</b> <br />({2})", lastName, firstName, username);
                        //    item.DisplayName = String.Format("({2})", lastName, firstName, username);

                        if (item.Active)
            sql = "select [GroupId], [GroupName], [Active] from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + "].[ASPdb_UserGroups] order by [Active], [GroupName]";
            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var item = new UsersMenuItem()
                            Id = reader.Get("GroupId", -1), DisplayName = reader.Get("GroupName", "?"), Active = reader.Get("Active", false), MenuType = UsersMenuItem.MenuTypes.Group
                        if (item.Active)
            rtn.Users_Active    = users_Active.ToArray();
            rtn.Users_Inactive  = users_Inactive.ToArray();
            rtn.Groups_Active   = groups_Active.ToArray();
            rtn.Groups_Inactive = groups_Inactive.ToArray();
コード例 #20
        public static UserInfo GetUser(int userId)
            UserInfo rtn = null;

                string sql = "";
                if (userId >= 0)
                    sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + "].[ASPdb_Users] where [UserId] = @UserId";
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                        command.AddParameter("@UserId", userId);
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            if (reader.Read())
                                rtn = new UserInfo()
                                    UserId               = reader.Get("UserId", -1),
                                    Username             = reader.Get("Username", ""),
                                    FirstName            = reader.Get("FirstName", ""),
                                    LastName             = reader.Get("LastName", ""),
                                    Email                = reader.Get("Email", ""),
                                    Active               = reader.Get("Active", false),
                                    TimeCreated_Str      = reader.Get("TimeCreated", ""),
                                    LastLoginTime_Str    = reader.Get("LastLoginTime", ""),
                                    RequirePasswordReset = reader.Get("RequirePasswordReset", false),
                                    IsAdmin              = reader.Get("IsAdmin", false),
                                    UserGroups           = new UserToGroup_Assignment[0]
                    rtn = new UserInfo()
                        UserId = -1, Active = true

                if (rtn != null)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rtn.TimeCreated_Str))
                        rtn.TimeCreated_Str = DateTime.Parse(rtn.TimeCreated_Str).ToString("M/dd/yy h:mm tt");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rtn.LastLoginTime_Str))
                        rtn.LastLoginTime_Str = DateTime.Parse(rtn.LastLoginTime_Str).ToString("M/dd/yy h:mm tt");

                    var userGroups = new Dictionary <int, UserToGroup_Assignment>();
                    sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + "].[ASPdb_UserGroups] where [Active] = 1 order by [GroupName]";
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                int groupId = reader.Get("GroupId", -1);
                                if (!userGroups.ContainsKey(groupId))
                                    userGroups.Add(groupId, new UserToGroup_Assignment()
                                        GroupId   = groupId,
                                        GroupName = reader.Get("GroupName", ""),
                                        IsMember  = false,
                                        UserId    = rtn.UserId

                    sql = "select * from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + "].[ASPdb_UsersToGroups] where [UserId] = @UserId";
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                        command.AddParameter("@UserId", userId);
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                int groupId = reader.Get("GroupId", -1);
                                if (groupId >= 0 && userGroups.ContainsKey(groupId))
                                    userGroups[groupId].IsMember = true;
                    rtn.UserGroups = userGroups.Values.ToArray();
            catch { }
            if (rtn == null)
                throw new Exception("UserId not found.");
コード例 #21
        public static void Save(MyAccountInfo myAccountInfo)
            var user = ASPdatabaseNET.Users.UserSessionLogic.GetUserSession_ForClient().UserInfo;

            if (user.UserId != myAccountInfo.UserId)
                throw new Exception("Invalid user info.");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(myAccountInfo.FirstName))
                throw new Exception("Please enter your first name.");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(myAccountInfo.LastName))
                throw new Exception("Please enter your last name.");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(myAccountInfo.Email) && myAccountInfo.Email.Length < 5 && !myAccountInfo.Email.Contains("@"))
                throw new Exception("Please enter your email address.");

                string sql = String.Format(@"
                    update [{0}].[ASPdb_Users]
                    set  [FirstName] = @FirstName
                        ,[LastName] = @LastName
                        ,[Email] = @Email
                    where [UserId] = @UserId
                ", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);

                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@FirstName", myAccountInfo.FirstName);
                    command.AddParameter("@LastName", myAccountInfo.LastName);
                    command.AddParameter("@Email", myAccountInfo.Email);
                    command.AddParameter("@UserId", myAccountInfo.UserId);


                sql = String.Format("select * from [{0}].[ASPdb_Users] where [UserId] = @UserId", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@UserId", myAccountInfo.UserId);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            user.FirstName = reader.Get("FirstName", "");
                            user.LastName  = reader.Get("LastName", "");
                            user.Email     = reader.Get("Email", "");
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new Exception("Error while trying to save account info.");
コード例 #22
ファイル: InstallLogic.cs プロジェクト: egoodall/aspdatabase
        public static InstallInfo GetInstallState()
            var rtn = new InstallInfo()
                InstallState = InstallInfo.InstallStates.NotSet

            rtn.AboutPageInfo = UI.PageParts.About.Backend.AboutPageLogic.Get();

            string exc_Message = "";

            try { rtn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ASPdb_AppData"].ConnectionString; }
            catch (Exception exc) { ASPdb.Framework.Debug.RecordException(exc); }
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rtn.ConnectionString))
                rtn.InstallState = InstallInfo.InstallStates.NoConnectionString;
                    rtn.InstallState = InstallInfo.InstallStates.Installed;
                    var tableNames = new string[]
                    string sql = "";
                    foreach (string table in tableNames)
                        sql = String.Format("select top 1 * from [{0}].[{1}];", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema, table);
                        using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(rtn.ConnectionString, sql))
                            using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper()) { if (reader.Read())
                    int usersCount = 0;
                    sql = String.Format("select count(*) as [Count1] from [{0}].[ASPdb_Users] where Len([Password]) > 0", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(rtn.ConnectionString, sql))
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            if (reader.Read())
                                usersCount = reader.Get("Count1", 0);
                    if (usersCount < 1)
                        throw new Exception("Users table is empty.");
                catch (Exception exc)
                    string exc_L = exc.Message.ToLower();
                    if (exc_L.Contains("cannot open database") || exc_L.Contains("login failed"))
                        rtn.InstallState = InstallInfo.InstallStates.CannotConnectToDB;
                        rtn.InstallState = InstallInfo.InstallStates.DatabaseNotReady;

                    exc_Message = exc.Message; // +"<br />" + exc.StackTrace;
                    //throw exc;

            var cache = Memory.AppCache.Get();

            if (cache.AnyData.ContainsKey(AppKey_IsInstalled))
            if (rtn.InstallState == InstallInfo.InstallStates.Installed)
                cache.AnyData.Add(AppKey_IsInstalled, "true");

            rtn.ResponseMsg = rtn.InstallState.ToString();
            switch (rtn.InstallState)
            case InstallInfo.InstallStates.NoConnectionString:
                rtn.ResponseMsg = "Connection string not found.";

            case InstallInfo.InstallStates.CannotConnectToDB:
                rtn.ResponseMsg = "Could not connect to database. <hr />" + exc_Message;

            case InstallInfo.InstallStates.DatabaseNotReady:

            case InstallInfo.InstallStates.Installed:

            ASPdb.Framework.Debug.WriteLine("002a..." + rtn.InstallState.ToString());

コード例 #23
        public static AppPropertiesInfo Get(int tableId, bool useCache)
            AppPropertiesInfo rtn = null;
            var tableStructure    = DbInterfaces.SQLServerInterface.Tables__Get(tableId, false, useCache, false);

                string sql = String.Format(@"
                    select * 
                    from [{0}].[ASPdb_Tables] 
                    where [TableId] = @TableId", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    command.AddParameter("@TableId", tableId);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            rtn = ASPdb.Ajax.AjaxHelper.New.FromJson <AppPropertiesInfo>(reader.Get("AppProperties", ""));
            catch { }
            if (rtn == null)
                rtn = new AppPropertiesInfo()
                    Columns = new AppPropertiesItem[0]

            var dictJson = new DictStringKey <AppPropertiesItem>();
            var dictOut  = new DictStringKey <AppPropertiesItem>();

            foreach (var item in tableStructure.Columns)
                if (dictOut.DoesNot_ContainKey(item.ColumnName))
                    dictOut.Insert(item.ColumnName, new AppPropertiesItem()
                        Index          = item.OrdinalPosition,
                        ColumnName     = item.ColumnName.Trim(),
                        DataType_Name  = item.DataType_Name,
                        IsPrimaryKey   = item.IsPrimaryKey,
                        IsIdentity     = item.IsIdentity,
                        AppColumnType  = AppPropertiesItem.AppColumnTypes.Default,
                        AdditionalInfo = ""
            foreach (var item in rtn.Columns)
                dictJson.Insert(item.ColumnName, item);
            foreach (var key in dictOut.TheDictionary.Keys)
                if (dictJson.ContainsKey(key))
                    var item1 = dictOut.Get(key);
                    var item2 = dictJson.Get(key);
                    item1.AppColumnType = item2.AppColumnType;

            var dropdownDict = new DictStringKey <DropdownList>();

            if (rtn.DropdownListItems != null)
                foreach (var item in rtn.DropdownListItems)
                    dropdownDict.Insert(item.ColumnName, item);

            foreach (var item in dictOut.TheDictionary.Values)
                item.AppColumnType_Str = item.AppColumnType.ToString();
                if (dropdownDict.ContainsKey(item.ColumnName) && item.AppColumnType == AppPropertiesItem.AppColumnTypes.DropdownList)
                    item.AdditionalInfo = "(" + dropdownDict.Get(item.ColumnName).Items.Length + ")";

            rtn.Columns = (from o in dictOut.TheDictionary.Values orderby o.Index select o).ToArray();
コード例 #24
        public static bool ValidateActiveSubscribers()
                bool isFreeAccount    = false;
                int  subscribersCount = GetSubscribersCount();
                if (subscribersCount < 1)
                    isFreeAccount    = true;
                    subscribersCount = 1;

                string sql  = String.Format(@"
                    select [UserId], [Username], [Active], [IsAdmin] 
                    from [{0}].[ASPdb_Users] where [Active] = 1 order by [UserId]", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);
                var    list = new List <Users.UserInfo>();
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            list.Add(new Users.UserInfo()
                                UserId   = reader.Get("UserId", -1),
                                Username = reader.Get("Username", ""),
                                Active   = reader.Get("Active", false),
                                IsAdmin  = reader.Get("IsAdmin", false)
                string userIds_ToDeactivate = "";
                if (list.Count > subscribersCount)
                    for (int i = subscribersCount; i < list.Count; i++)
                        userIds_ToDeactivate += list[i].UserId + ", ";
                if (userIds_ToDeactivate != "")
                    userIds_ToDeactivate = userIds_ToDeactivate.Substring(0, userIds_ToDeactivate.Length - 2);
                    sql = String.Format(@"update [{0}].[ASPdb_Users] set [Active] = 0 where [UserId] in ({1})",
                                        Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema, userIds_ToDeactivate);
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))

                if (isFreeAccount)
                    var ids = new List <int>();
                    sql = String.Format("select [ConnectionId] from [{0}].[ASPdb_Connections] where [Active] = 1 order by [ConnectionId]", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);
                    using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                        using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                ids.Add(reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1));
                    if (ids.Count > 1)
                        string idsToDeactivate = "";
                        for (int i = 1; i < ids.Count; i++)
                            if (idsToDeactivate != "")
                                idsToDeactivate += ", ";
                            idsToDeactivate += ids[i];
                        sql = String.Format(@"update [{0}].[ASPdb_Connections] set [Active] = 0 where [ConnectionId] in ({1})", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema, idsToDeactivate);
                        using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))

コード例 #25
        public static HistoryRecord Get_HistoryRecord(int tableId, int historyId)
            HistoryRecord rtn = null;
            string        sql = String.Format("select * from [{0}].[{1}] where [TableId] = @TableId and [HistoryId] = @HistoryId",
                                              Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema, "ASPdb_History");

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(History_ConnectionString(), sql))
                command.AddParameter("@TableId", tableId);
                command.AddParameter("@HistoryId", historyId);
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    if (reader.Read())
                        string keyValueStr         = reader.Get("KeyValue", "");
                        bool   keyValueIsTruncated = reader.Get("KeyValueIsTruncated", false);

                        HistoryJsonObj historyJsonObj = null;
                        try { historyJsonObj = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Deserialize <HistoryJsonObj>(reader.Get("HistoryJSON", "")); }
                        catch { }
                        if (keyValueIsTruncated && historyJsonObj != null)
                            keyValueStr = historyJsonObj.KeyValue;
                        string[] keyValue = PrimaryKey_ToArray(keyValueStr);

                        var historyType = HistoryRecord.HistoryTypes.NotSet;
                        switch (reader.Get("HistoryType", ""))
                        case "Insert": historyType = HistoryRecord.HistoryTypes.Insert; break;

                        case "Update": historyType = HistoryRecord.HistoryTypes.Update; break;

                        case "Delete": historyType = HistoryRecord.HistoryTypes.Delete; break;
                        DateTime?nullDateTime = null;
                        rtn = new HistoryRecord()
                            HistoryId        = reader.Get("HistoryId", -1),
                            TableId          = reader.Get("TableId", -1),
                            KeyValue         = keyValue,
                            HistoryType      = historyType,
                            IsPartial        = reader.Get("IsPartial", false),
                            TimeSaved        = reader.Get("TimeSaved", DateTime.Now),
                            TimeSaved_String = reader.Get("TimeSaved", nullDateTime).ToString(),
                            ByUserId         = reader.Get("ByUserId", -1),
                            ByUsername       = reader.Get("ByUsername", ""),
                            HistoryJsonObj   = historyJsonObj

            var itemsDict = new Dictionary <string, Item>();

            foreach (var item in rtn.HistoryJsonObj.Fields)
                if (!itemsDict.ContainsKey(item.cn))
                    itemsDict.Add(item.cn, item);
            var curHistoryRecord = new HistoryRecord()
                HistoryId = -1,
                TableId   = tableId,
                KeyValue  = rtn.KeyValue

            Initialize_HistoryRecord_AllFields(curHistoryRecord, "right");
            var fields_3ValArr = new List <Item_3Values>();

            foreach (var item in curHistoryRecord.HistoryJsonObj.Fields)
                string cn    = item.cn;
                string v1    = null;
                string v2    = null;
                string v3    = item.v2;
                bool   match = true;
                if (itemsDict.ContainsKey(cn))
                    v1    = itemsDict[cn].v1;
                    v2    = itemsDict[cn].v2;
                    match = itemsDict[cn].match;
                fields_3ValArr.Add(new Item_3Values()
                    ColumnName_OrigCasing = cn,
                    cn    = cn,
                    v1    = v1,
                    v2    = v2,
                    v3    = v3,
                    match = match // (v1 == v2)
            if (itemsDict.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in itemsDict.Values) // -- in cases where columns have been removed from table structure
                    fields_3ValArr.Add(new Item_3Values()
                        ColumnName_OrigCasing = item.cn,
                        cn    = item.cn,
                        v1    = item.v1,
                        v2    = item.v2,
                        v3    = null,
                        match = false
            rtn.Fields_3ValArr = fields_3ValArr.ToArray();

            var tableStructure = DbInterfaces.SQLServerInterface.Tables__Get(tableId, false, true, false);
            var dict           = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var item in tableStructure.Columns)
                string key   = item.ColumnName.Trim().ToLower();
                string value = item.ColumnName.Trim();
                if (!dict.ContainsKey(key))
                    dict.Add(key, value);
            foreach (var item in rtn.Fields_3ValArr)
                if (dict.ContainsKey(item.cn))
                    item.ColumnName_OrigCasing = dict[item.cn];

コード例 #26
        public static int Save_HistoryRecord(HistoryRecord historyRecord)
            int rtn = -1;

            if (!DoSaveHistory)

            string keyValueStr = PrimaryKey_ToString(historyRecord.KeyValue);

            historyRecord.HistoryJsonObj.KeyValue = keyValueStr;
            string historyJson = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Serialize(historyRecord.HistoryJsonObj);

            bool keyValueIsTruncated = (keyValueStr.Length > 50);

            if (keyValueIsTruncated)
                keyValueStr = keyValueStr.Substring(0, 50);

            var userInfo = ASPdatabaseNET.Users.UserSessionLogic.GetUser().UserInfo;

            historyRecord.ByUserId         = userInfo.UserId;
            historyRecord.ByUsername       = userInfo.Username;
            historyRecord.TimeSaved        = DateTime.Now;
            historyRecord.TimeSaved_String = historyRecord.TimeSaved.ToString();

            int revision         = 1;
            var topHistoryRecord = Get_HistoryRecords(historyRecord.TableId, historyRecord.KeyValue, 1);

            if (topHistoryRecord != null && topHistoryRecord.Length > 0 && topHistoryRecord[0].Revision > 0)
                revision = topHistoryRecord[0].Revision + 1;

            string sql = String.Format(@"
                insert into [{0}].[{1}]
                ([TableId], [KeyValue], [KeyValueIsTruncated], [Revision], [HistoryType], [IsPartial], [TimeSaved], [ByUserId], [ByUsername], [HistoryJSON])
                (@TableId, @KeyValue, @KeyValueIsTruncated, @Revision, @HistoryType, @IsPartial, @TimeSaved, @ByUserId, @ByUsername, @HistoryJSON);
                SELECT @@IDENTITY AS [Identity]; "
                                       , Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema, "ASPdb_History");

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(History_ConnectionString(), sql))
                command.AddParameter("@TableId", historyRecord.TableId);
                command.AddParameter("@KeyValue", keyValueStr);
                command.AddParameter("@KeyValueIsTruncated", keyValueIsTruncated);
                command.AddParameter("@Revision", revision);
                command.AddParameter("@HistoryType", historyRecord.HistoryType.ToString());
                command.AddParameter("@IsPartial", historyRecord.IsPartial);
                command.AddParameter("@TimeSaved", historyRecord.TimeSaved);
                command.AddParameter("@ByUserId", historyRecord.ByUserId);
                command.AddParameter("@ByUsername", historyRecord.ByUsername);
                command.AddParameter("@HistoryJSON", historyJson);
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    if (reader.Read())
                        rtn = reader.Get("Identity", -1);
コード例 #27
        public static List <ASPdb_Connection> ASPdb_Connection__GetAll(bool useCache)
            var cache = ASPdatabaseNET.Memory.AppCache.Get();

            if (useCache)
                if (cache.ASPdb_Database_List != null && cache.ASPdb_Database_List.Count > 0)

            var    rtn = new List <ASPdb_Connection>();
            string sql = @"
                select T1.*, T2.Username from [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Connections] as T1 
                left join [" + Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema + @"].[ASPdb_Users] as T2 on T1.CreatedByUserId = T2.UserId
                order by [ConnectionName]";

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    DateTime?nullDateTime = null;
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var item = new ASPdb_Connection()
                            ConnectionId           = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1),
                            SiteId                 = reader.Get("SiteId", -1),
                            ConnectionName         = reader.Get("ConnectionName", ""),
                            ConnectionType         = reader.Get("ConnectionType", ""),
                            ParametersType         = reader.Get("ParametersType", ""),
                            Active                 = reader.Get("Active", false),
                            DateTimeCreated        = reader.Get("DateTimeCreated", nullDateTime),
                            CreatedByUserId        = reader.Get("CreatedByUserId", -1),
                            CreatedByUsername      = reader.Get("Username", ""),
                            Param_ServerAddress    = reader.Get("Param_ServerAddress", ""),
                            Param_DatabaseName     = reader.Get("Param_DatabaseName", ""),
                            Param_U                = reader.Get("Param_U", ""),
                            Param_P                = ASPdb_Connection__GetDecryptedPassword_OrNull(reader.Get("Param_P", "")),
                            Param_ConnectionString = reader.Get("Param_ConnectionString", "")
            if (useCache)
                cache.ASPdb_Database_List = rtn;
                foreach (var item in rtn)
                    item.Param_P = ""; // don't leave passwords text in cache
コード例 #28
        public static string Save(RecordInfo recordInfo)
            if (recordInfo.UniqueRowObj.TableType != TableGrid.Objs.GridRequest.TableTypes.Table)
                throw new Exception("TableType not supported.");
            var tableStructure = DbInterfaces.SQLServerInterface.Tables__Get(recordInfo.UniqueRowObj.Id, false, true, false);

            var userSessionInfo = ASPdatabaseNET.Users.UserSessionLogic.GetUser();
            var permission      = userSessionInfo.UserInfo.AllPermissions.CheckPermissions(tableStructure.ConnectionId, tableStructure.Schema, tableStructure.TableId);

            if (recordInfo.FieldValues == null || recordInfo.FieldValues.Length < 1)
                throw new Exception("Nothing to save.\n\nPlease edit a field before saving.");

            string sql           = "";
            var    sqlParameters = new List <object[]>();
            int    p             = 1;
            bool   doUpdate      = (recordInfo.ActionType == TableGrid.Objs.UniqueRowKey.ActionTypes.Get);

            if (doUpdate) // -- update -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                if (!permission.Edit)
                    throw new Exception("You do not have edit permission on this table.");

                string set = "", where = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < recordInfo.FieldValues.Length; i++)
                    var column = recordInfo.Columns[recordInfo.FieldValues[i].Index];
                    if (!column.IsIdentity)
                        if (set != "")
                            set += ", ";
                        set += String.Format("[{0}] = @Param{1}", column.ColumnName, p);

                        object value = recordInfo.FieldValues[i].Value;
                        if (recordInfo.FieldValues[i].IsNull || value == null)
                            value = DBNull.Value;
                        sqlParameters.Add(new object[] { "@Param" + p, value });
                for (int i = 0; i < recordInfo.UniqueRowObj.Values.Length; i++)
                    string primaryKeyName = tableStructure.PrimaryKey.Columns[i].ColumnName;
                    if (where != "")
                        where += " and ";
                    where += String.Format(" ([{0}] = @Param{1} ) ", primaryKeyName, p);
                    sqlParameters.Add(new object[] { "@Param" + p, recordInfo.UniqueRowObj.Values[i] });
                sql = String.Format(@"
                update [{0}].[{1}]
                set {2}
                where {3}
                                    tableStructure.Schema, tableStructure.TableName,

                Objs_History.HistoryRecord historyRecord1 = null;
                Objs_History.HistoryRecord historyRecord2 = null;
                var keyValue = recordInfo.UniqueRowObj.Values;
                historyRecord1 = new Objs_History.HistoryRecord()
                    HistoryId   = -1,
                    TableId     = tableStructure.TableId,
                    KeyValue    = keyValue,
                    HistoryType = PageParts.Record.Objs_History.HistoryRecord.HistoryTypes.Update,
                    IsPartial   = false
                HistoryLogic.Initialize_HistoryRecord_AllFields(historyRecord1, "Left");

                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(tableStructure.ConnectionId, sql)) // Do Update
                    foreach (object[] parameter in sqlParameters)
                        command.AddParameter(parameter[0].ToString(), parameter[1]);

                historyRecord2 = new Objs_History.HistoryRecord()
                    HistoryId   = -1,
                    TableId     = tableStructure.TableId,
                    KeyValue    = keyValue,
                    HistoryType = PageParts.Record.Objs_History.HistoryRecord.HistoryTypes.Update,
                    IsPartial   = false
                HistoryLogic.Initialize_HistoryRecord_AllFields(historyRecord2, "Right");

                var newValuesDict = new Dictionary <string, Objs_History.Item>();
                foreach (var item in historyRecord2.HistoryJsonObj.Fields)
                    if (!newValuesDict.ContainsKey(item.cn))
                        newValuesDict.Add(item.cn, item);

                int historyCount = HistoryLogic.Get_HistoryCount(tableStructure.TableId, keyValue);
                historyRecord1.IsPartial = (historyCount > 0);

                var fieldsList = new List <Objs_History.Item>();
                foreach (var item1 in historyRecord1.HistoryJsonObj.Fields)
                    var item2 = new Objs_History.Item();
                    if (newValuesDict.ContainsKey(item1.cn))
                        item2 = newValuesDict[item1.cn];
                    item1.v2 = item2.v2;
                    if (item1.v1 == item1.v2)
                        item1.match = true;
                        item1.v2    = null;
                    if (historyRecord1.IsPartial == false || item1.match == false)
                historyRecord1.HistoryJsonObj.Fields = fieldsList.ToArray();
            else // -- insert new ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if (!permission.Insert)
                    throw new Exception("You do not have insert permission on this table.");

                string columnsSQL = "", valuesSQL = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < recordInfo.FieldValues.Length; i++)
                    var column = recordInfo.Columns[recordInfo.FieldValues[i].Index];
                    if (!column.IsIdentity)
                        if (columnsSQL != "")
                            columnsSQL += ", ";
                            valuesSQL  += ", ";
                        columnsSQL += "[" + column.ColumnName + "]";
                        valuesSQL  += "@Param" + p;
                        object value = recordInfo.FieldValues[i].Value;
                        if (recordInfo.FieldValues[i].IsNull || value == null)
                            value = DBNull.Value;
                        sqlParameters.Add(new object[] { "@Param" + p, value });
                sql = String.Format(@"
                insert into [{0}].[{1}]
                ( {2} )
                OUTPUT inserted.*
                ( {3} )
                                    tableStructure.Schema, tableStructure.TableName,
                var keyValue = new string[0];
                using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(tableStructure.ConnectionId, sql)) // Do Insert
                    foreach (object[] parameter in sqlParameters)
                        command.AddParameter(parameter[0].ToString(), parameter[1]);
                    using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            var keyValue_List = new List <string>();
                            foreach (var item in tableStructure.PrimaryKey.Columns)
                                keyValue_List.Add(reader.Get(item.ColumnName, ""));
                            keyValue = keyValue_List.ToArray();
                if (keyValue.Length > 0)
                    var historyRecord = new Objs_History.HistoryRecord()
                        HistoryId   = -1,
                        TableId     = tableStructure.TableId,
                        KeyValue    = keyValue,
                        HistoryType = PageParts.Record.Objs_History.HistoryRecord.HistoryTypes.Insert,
                        IsPartial   = false
                    HistoryLogic.Initialize_HistoryRecord_AllFields(historyRecord, "Right");

            if (doUpdate)
コード例 #29
        public static GridResponse Load_Table(GridRequest gridRequest, bool truncateValues, bool isAView)
            var userSessionInfo  = ASPdatabaseNET.Users.UserSessionLogic.GetUser();
            var usersPermissions = userSessionInfo.UserInfo.AllPermissions;

            DbInterfaces.TableObjects.TableStructure tableStructure = null;
            if (!isAView)
                tableStructure = DbInterfaces.SQLServerInterface.Tables__Get(gridRequest.Id, false, true, false);
                tableStructure = DbInterfaces.SQLServerInterface.Views__Get(gridRequest.Id, true, false);

            var aspdb_Connection = DataAccess.SQLObjectsCRUD.ASPdb_Connection__Get(tableStructure.ConnectionId);

            if (!aspdb_Connection.Active)
                throw new Exception("This connection is inactive.");

            var uniqueRowKey_ForNew = new UniqueRowKey()
                TableType = GridRequest.TableTypes.Table, Id = tableStructure.TableId, ActionType = UniqueRowKey.ActionTypes.New
            var rtn = new GridResponse()
                TableType              = GridRequest.TableTypes.Table,
                ConnectionId           = tableStructure.ConnectionId,
                Id                     = gridRequest.Id,
                TableName              = tableStructure.TableName,
                Schema                 = tableStructure.Schema,
                UniqueKey_ForNewRecord = uniqueRowKey_ForNew.To_Base64Json(),
                PermissionValues       = usersPermissions.CheckPermissions(tableStructure.ConnectionId, tableStructure.Schema, tableStructure.TableId),
                IsAdmin                = usersPermissions.IsAdmin

            if (isAView)
                rtn.TableType = GridRequest.TableTypes.View;
            if (rtn.PermissionValues.View == false)
                throw new Exception("You do not have permission to view this table/view.");


            //var columnsDict = new Dictionary<string, DbInterfaces.TableObjects.Column>();
            //foreach (var item in tableStructure.Columns)
            //    if (!columnsDict.ContainsKey(item.ColumnName.Trim().ToLower()))
            //        columnsDict.Add(item.ColumnName.Trim().ToLower(), item);

            var primaryKeyNames_L = new string[0];

            if (tableStructure.PrimaryKey != null)
                primaryKeyNames_L = (from c in tableStructure.PrimaryKey.Columns select c.ColumnName.Trim().ToLower()).ToArray();

            var             columnNames_L = (from c in tableStructure.Columns select c.ColumnName.Trim().ToLower()).ToArray();
            List <object[]> sqlParameters;
            string          sqlPart1, sqlPart2_OrderBy;

            Load_Table__BuildBottomSQL(gridRequest, rtn, true, columnNames_L, out sqlParameters, out sqlPart1, out sqlPart2_OrderBy);

            string top = String.Format(" top {0} ", gridRequest.DisplayTopNRows);

            if (gridRequest.DisplayTopNRows < 1)
                top = " top 100 ";
            if (gridRequest.DisplayTopNRows == -2)
                top = " ";

            string sql_Select = String.Format(@"
                select {0} 
                                              , top
                                              , sqlPart1
                                              , sqlPart2_OrderBy);

            string sql_TotalCount = String.Format(@"
                select count(*) as [Count1] 
                                                  , sqlPart1);

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(rtn.ConnectionId, sql_Select))
                foreach (var param in sqlParameters)
                    command.AddParameter(param[0].ToString(), param[1]);

                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    // build header
                    var headersList = new List <GridHeaderItem>();
                    var tmp1 = new List <string>(); var tmp2 = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                        var headerItem = new GridHeaderItem();
                        headerItem.IndexPosition = i;
                        headerItem.FieldName     = reader.GetName(i);
                        headerItem.DataTypeName  = reader.GetDataTypeName(i);

                        string key_L = headerItem.FieldName.Trim().ToLower();
                        if (primaryKeyNames_L.Contains(key_L))
                            headerItem.IsPrimaryKey = true;
                    rtn.HeaderItems              = headersList.ToArray();
                    rtn.PrimaryKeyNames          = tmp1.ToArray();
                    rtn.PriamryKeyIndexPositions = tmp2.ToArray();

                    int truncateLength = 100;
                    var rowsList       = new List <GridRow>();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var row = new GridRow();
                        row.Values = new string[rtn.HeaderItems.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < rtn.HeaderItems.Length; i++)
                            string value = reader.Get(i, "");
                            value = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(value);
                            if (truncateValues)
                                if (value.Length > truncateLength + 1)
                                    value = value.Substring(0, truncateLength);
                                    var chopLength = value.Split(new char[] { ' ' }).Last().Length;
                                    if (chopLength < 21)
                                        value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - chopLength) + "...";
                                        value += " ...";
                            row.Values[i] = value;
                        var uniqueRowKey = Get_UniqueRowKey("t", rtn.Id, row, rtn.PriamryKeyIndexPositions);
                        row.UniqueKey = uniqueRowKey.To_Base64Json();
                    rtn.Rows = rowsList.ToArray();

                    rtn.Count_DisplayItems = rtn.Rows.Length;
            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(rtn.ConnectionId, sql_TotalCount))
                foreach (var param in sqlParameters)
                    command.AddParameter(param[0].ToString(), param[1]);
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    if (reader.Read())
                        rtn.Count_TotalItems = reader.Get("Count1", -1);

コード例 #30
        public static AllPermissionsInfo LoadAllPermissions(int userId, bool isAdmin)
            var rtn = new AllPermissionsInfo()
                UserId = userId, IsAdmin = isAdmin

            if (isAdmin)
            rtn.PermissionValuesDict = new Dictionary <string, PermissionValues>();

            string sql = String.Format(@"
                    T2.[GroupId], T2.[GroupName],
                    T3.[PermissionType], T3.[ConnectionId], T3.[Schema], T3.[TableId], T3.[View], T3.[Edit], T3.[Insert], T3.[Delete]
                    [{0}].[ASPdb_UsersToGroups] as T1
                inner join 
                    [{0}].[ASPdb_UserGroups] as T2 on T1.[GroupId] = T2.[GroupId]
                inner join
                    [{0}].[ASPdb_Permissions] as T3 on T1.[GroupId] = T3.[GroupId]
                    T1.[UserId] = @UserId and T2.[Active] = 1
                order by 
                    T3.[ConnectionId], T3.[Schema], T3.[TableId]
                ", Config.SystemProperties.AppSchema);

            using (DbConnectionCommand command = UniversalADO.OpenConnectionCommand(sql))
                command.AddParameter("@UserId", userId);
                using (DbReaderWrapper reader = command.ExecuteReaderWrapper())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string permissionType   = reader.Get("PermissionType", "");
                        int    connectionId     = reader.Get("ConnectionId", -1);
                        string schema           = reader.Get("Schema", "");
                        int    tableId          = reader.Get("TableId", -1);
                        var    permissionValues = new PermissionValues()
                            View   = reader.Get("View", false),
                            Edit   = reader.Get("Edit", false),
                            Insert = reader.Get("Insert", false),
                            Delete = reader.Get("Delete", false)
                        string key = "";
                        switch (permissionType)
                        case "C": key = "C_" + connectionId; break;

                        case "S": key = "S_" + connectionId + "_" + schema.ToLower(); break;

                        case "T": key = "T_" + connectionId + "_" + schema.ToLower() + "_" + tableId; break;
                        if (!rtn.PermissionValuesDict.ContainsKey(key))
                            rtn.PermissionValuesDict.Add(key, permissionValues);