コード例 #1
        public override void OnScopeCreated(AuditScope auditScope)
            // It is possible things like the integration tests will not happen in the context of a user.
            var currentWUPeopleIdString = "Anonymous";
            var currentUsernameString   = "Anonymous";

            var efEvent = auditScope.GetEntityFrameworkEvent();
            var entries = efEvent.Entries.Where(x => x.Action == "Insert" || x.Action == "Update");

            foreach (var entry in entries)
                IAuditable auditableEntry = entry.Entity as IAuditable;
                if (auditableEntry != null)
                    // entity.GetEntry().CurrentValues, etc...
                    if (entry.Action == "Insert")
                        auditableEntry.CreatedOnUtc         = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        auditableEntry.CreatedByWUPeopleId  = currentWUPeopleIdString;
                        auditableEntry.CreatedByDisplayName = currentUsernameString;

                    auditableEntry.UpdatedOnUtc         = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    auditableEntry.UpdatedByWUPeopleId  = currentWUPeopleIdString;
                    auditableEntry.UpdatedByDisplayName = currentUsernameString;

            // Re-validate  (we have to completely overwrite the Entries because we have no way to update the existing entry and fix the ColumnValues)
            // If `GetColumnValues()` was public, that and `DbContextHelper.GetValidationResults(auditableEntry)` would be enough.
            var _helper        = new DbContextHelper();
            var eventAsEFEvent = _helper.CreateAuditEvent(this);

            efEvent.Entries = eventAsEFEvent.Entries;