private void LoadType() { try { List <CompType> result = new List <CompType> { new CompType { id = 0, name = "" } }; DDType.DataTextField = "name"; DDType.DataValueField = "id"; DDType.DataSource = result; using (InhToDoListDataContext context = new InhToDoListDataContext()) { result.AddRange(context.mst_types .Where(x => x.mst_status == 'A') .Select(x => new CompType { id = x.mst_id, name = x.mst_tname }).ToList()); } DDType.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { } //var objmstid = (from tid in dbc.mst_types select new { id = tid.mst_id, name = tid.mst_tname }).ToList(); //DDType.DataTextField = "name"; //DDType.DataValueField = "id"; //DDType.DataSource = objmstid; //DDType.DataBind(); //DDType.Items.Insert(0, String.Empty); //DDType.SelectedIndex = 0; }
protected void llenarDrop() { DataTable datos = ApplicationClass.GetApplicationType(); datos.DefaultView.Sort = "Apl_Tip_Descripcion"; DDType.DataSource = datos; DDType.DataTextField = "Apl_Tip_Descripcion"; DDType.DataValueField = "Apl_Tip_Id"; DDType.DataBind(); DDType2.DataSource = datos; DDType2.DataTextField = "Apl_Tip_Descripcion"; DDType2.DataValueField = "Apl_Tip_Id"; DDType2.DataBind(); }
protected void DDFill() { DataTable dt1, dt2, dt3, dt4; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("DATA SOURCE=GOVINDSUPERCOMP;INITIAL CATALOG=Tutor;Integrated Security=True;"); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(); try { con.Open(); string sqlStatement; sqlStatement = "SELECT DISTINCT [typename] FROM [typeofTutor]"; SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, con); SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd); dt1 = new DataTable(); sqlDa.Fill(dt1); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { DDType.DataSource = dt1; DDType.DataBind(); } sqlStatement = "SELECT DISTINCT [subname] FROM [subject]"; sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, con); sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd); dt3 = new DataTable(); sqlDa.Fill(dt3); if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { DDsub.DataSource = dt3; DDsub.DataBind(); } sqlStatement = "SELECT DISTINCT [stdname] FROM [standard]"; sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, con); sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd); dt2 = new DataTable(); sqlDa.Fill(dt2); if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { DDstd.DataSource = dt2; DDstd.DataBind(); } sqlStatement = "SELECT DISTINCT [locname] FROM [location]"; sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, con); dt4 = new DataTable(); sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd); sqlDa.Fill(dt4); if (dt4.Rows.Count > 0) { DDLoc.DataSource = dt4; DDLoc.DataBind(); } } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex) { string msg = "No Data Found To display in the DropDown List"; msg += ex.Message; throw new Exception(msg); } finally { con.Close(); } }