コード例 #1
        public DelegateInfo GenerateDelegateStub()
            PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.DelegateCreate, ToString());

            Type[] delegateParams = new Type[_parameters.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.Length; i++)
                delegateParams[i] = _parameters[i].ParameterType;

            AssemblyGen snippets = ScriptDomainManager.CurrentManager.Snippets.Assembly;

            // Create new constant pool
            ConstantPool constants = new ConstantPool();

            // Create the method
            CodeGen cg = snippets.DefineMethod(ToString(), _returnType, delegateParams, constants);

            cg.Binder = _binder;

            // Add the space for the delegate target and save the index at which it was placed,
            // most likely zero.
            int targetIndex = constants.Count;

            Slot target = constants.AddData(TargetPlaceHolder);
            Slot target = constants.AddData(null);

            // Add the CodeContext into the constant pool
            Slot context = cg.ConstantPool.AddData(_binder.Context);
            cg.ContextSlot = context;

            // Emit the stub
            StubGenerator.EmitClrCallStub(cg, target, 0, StubGenerator.CallType.None);

            // Finish the method
            MethodInfo method = cg.CreateDelegateMethodInfo();

            // Save the constants in the delegate info class
            return(new DelegateInfo(method, constants.Data, targetIndex));