コード例 #1
        public override void Update()
            io = PubSub.Model.Get(GID) as ConnectivityNode;


            if (!initialized)
                initialized = true;
コード例 #2
        private ResourceDescription CreateNodeResourceDescription(ConnectivityNode cimCNode)
            ResourceDescription rd = null;

            if (cimCNode != null)
                long gid = ModelCodeHelper.CreateGlobalId(0, (short)DMSType.CNODE, importHelper.CheckOutIndexForDMSType(DMSType.CNODE));
                rd = new ResourceDescription(gid);
                importHelper.DefineIDMapping(cimCNode.ID, gid);

                ////populate ResourceDescription
                PowerTransformerConverter.PopulateNodeProperties(cimCNode, rd, importHelper, report);
コード例 #3
        private ResourceDescription CreateConnectivityNodeResourceDecription(ConnectivityNode cimConnectivityNode)
            ResourceDescription rd = null;

            if (cimConnectivityNode != null)
                long gid = ModelCodeHelper.CreateGlobalId(0, (short)DMSType.CONNECTIVITYNODE, importHelper.CheckOutIndexForDMSType(DMSType.CONNECTIVITYNODE));
                rd = new ResourceDescription(gid);
                importHelper.DefineIDMapping(cimConnectivityNode.ID, gid);

                ////populate ResourceDescription
                LoadFlowConverter.PopulateConnectivityNodeProperties(cimConnectivityNode, rd);
コード例 #4
        public CloneCvor(String id)
            foreach (ConnectivityNode conNode in Singleton.Instance().Nodes)
                if (conNode.mRID.Equals(id))
                    cnode = conNode;

            ID = "a" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8);
コード例 #5
        private string CheckIfPropertyNeedsId(string updated_property_info_name, object data)
            switch (updated_property_info_name)
            case "ConnectivityNode.ConnectivityNodeContainer":
                Circuit c = (Circuit)data;

            case "UsagePoint.ServiceLocation":
                ServiceLocation sl = (ServiceLocation)data;

            case "PowerSystemResource.PSRType":
                PSRType psr = (PSRType)data;

            case "ACLineSegment.PerLengthImpedance":
                PerLengthImpedance pli = (PerLengthImpedance)data;

            case "Equipment.EquipmentContainer":
                EquipmentContainer eq = (EquipmentContainer)data;

            case "PowerSystemResource.AssetDatasheet":
                AssetInfo ad = (AssetInfo)data;

            case "TransformerEnd.Terminal":
                Terminal t = (Terminal)data;

            case "PowerTransformerEnd.PowerTransformer":
                PowerTransformer pst = (PowerTransformer)data;

            case "Terminal.ConductingEquipment":
                ConductingEquipment ce = (ConductingEquipment)data;

            case "Terminal.ConnectivityNode":
                ConnectivityNode cn = (ConnectivityNode)data;

コード例 #6
ファイル: Line.cs プロジェクト: tonyju/DSMviewer
 private void traverseClosedSwitches(TopologicalNode.DynamicTopologicalNode dynaNode, ConnectivityNode connNode)
     var switchNodes = new Stack<ConnectivityNode>();
     while (switchNodes.Count != 0)
         var currentNode = switchNodes.Pop();
         dynaNode.Nodes.ConnectivityNodes[currentNode.Name] = currentNode;
         currentNode.DynamicTopoNode = dynaNode;
         foreach (ConnectivityNode nextConnNode in currentNode.AdjacentSwitchNodes(false)
             .Where(x => !ReferenceEquals(x,currentNode)))
コード例 #7
        public override void Update(EObservableMessageType msg)
            if (!initialized || msg == EObservableMessageType.NetworkModelChanged)
                io = PubSub.Model.Get(GID) as ConnectivityNode;


            if (!initialized)
                initialized = true;
コード例 #8
        public DodajACLine(ConnectivityNode node1, ConnectivityNode node2, String ime, float duzina, float gch, float bch, float r, float x)
            als = new ACLineSegment();
            Random rand = new Random();

            als.name   = ime;//linija ime
            als.length = duzina;
            als.mRID   = rand.Next(1000).ToString();
            als.gch    = gch;
            als.bch    = bch;
            als.r      = r;
            als.x      = x;

            term1 = new Terminal()
                name                = "Terminal 1",
                ConnectivityNode    = node1,
                ConductingEquipment = new ConductingEquipment(),
                phases              = PhaseCode.AB,
                sequenceNumber      = 1,
                connected           = false,
                mRID                = rand.Next(100).ToString(),
                aliasName           = "A_Terminal 1",
                description         = "opis"

            term2 = new Terminal()
                name                = "Terminal 2",
                ConnectivityNode    = node2,
                ConductingEquipment = new ConductingEquipment(),
                phases              = PhaseCode.ABCN,
                sequenceNumber      = 1,
                connected           = false,
                mRID                = rand.Next(100).ToString(),
                aliasName           = "A_Terminal 2",
                description         = "opis"

コード例 #9
        public static void PopulateNodeProperties(ConnectivityNode cimCNode, ResourceDescription rd, ImportHelper import, TransformAndLoadReport report)
            if ((cimCNode != null) && (rd != null))
                PowerTransformerConverter.PopulateIdentifiedObjectProperties(cimCNode, rd);

                if (cimCNode.DescriptionHasValue)
                    rd.AddProperty(new Property(ModelCode.CNODE_DESC, cimCNode.Description));
                if (cimCNode.ConnectivityNodeContainerHasValue)
                    long gid = import.GetMappedGID(cimCNode.ConnectivityNodeContainer.ID);
                    if (gid < 0)
                        report.Report.Append("WARNING: Convert ").Append(cimCNode.GetType().ToString()).Append(" rdfID = \"").Append(cimCNode.ID);
                        report.Report.Append("\" - Failed to set reference to ConnectivityNodeContainer: rdfID \"").Append(cimCNode.ConnectivityNodeContainer.ID).AppendLine(" \" is not mapped to GID!");
                    rd.AddProperty(new Property(ModelCode.CNODE_CNC, gid));
コード例 #10
        public void CanApplyDiff_ObjectDeletion()
            var deletedObject = new ConnectivityNode
                mRID        = "123",
                description = "this is my connectivitivity nodode",
                name        = "Connode"

            var change = new DataSetMember
                mRID         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Change       = new ObjectDeletion(),
                TargetObject = new TargetObject {
                    @ref = deletedObject.mRID, referenceType = nameof(ConnectivityNode)
                ReverseChange = new ObjectReverseModification()

            var result = _differ.ApplyDiff(new[] { deletedObject }, new[] { change }).ToList();

            Assert.That(result.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));
コード例 #11
        public override void Izvrsi()
            for (int i = 0; i < Singleton.Instance().Nodes.Count; i++)
                if (Singleton.Instance().Nodes[i].mRID.Equals(node.mRID))
                    node = Singleton.Instance().Nodes[i];

                    for (int j = 0; j < Singleton.Instance().Substations.Count; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < Singleton.Instance().Substations[j].connectivityNodes.Count; k++)
                            if (Singleton.Instance().Substations[j].connectivityNodes[k].mRID.Equals(Singleton.Instance().Nodes[i].mRID))
                                foreach (ACLineSegment line in Singleton.Instance().AClines)
                                    foreach (Terminal t in line.terminali)
                                        if (t.ConnectivityNode.mRID.Equals(node.mRID))
                                index = j;
コード例 #12
        public void CanApplyDiff_ObjectModification()
            var target = new ConnectivityNode
                mRID        = "123",
                description = "this is my connectivitivity nodode",
                name        = "Connode"

            var change = new DataSetMember
                mRID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Change = new ObjectModification
                    Modifications = new[] { new PropertyModification {
                                                Name = "description", Value = "this is my connectivity node (spelning corected)"
                                            } }

                // not necessary for this test, but play it realistic
                ReverseChange = new ObjectReverseModification
                    Modifications = new[] { new PropertyModification {
                                                Name = "description", Value = "this is my connectivitivity nodode"
                                            } }

                TargetObject = new TargetObject {
                    @ref = target.mRID, referenceType = nameof(ConnectivityNode)

            var result = _differ.ApplyDiff(new[] { target }, new[] { change }).First();

            Assert.That(result.description, Is.EqualTo("this is my connectivity node (spelning corected)"));
コード例 #13
        private void ImportConnectivityNode()
            SortedDictionary <string, object> cimConnectivityNodes = concreteModel.GetAllObjectsOfType("FTN.ConnectivityNode");

            if (cimConnectivityNodes != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> item in cimConnectivityNodes)
                    ConnectivityNode cimConnectivityNode = item.Value as ConnectivityNode;

                    ResourceDescription rd = CreateConnectivityNodeDescription(cimConnectivityNode);
                    if (rd != null)
                        delta.AddDeltaOperation(DeltaOpType.Insert, rd, true);
                        report.Report.Append("ConnectivityNode ID = ").Append(cimConnectivityNode.ID).Append(" SUCCESSFULLY converted to GID = ").AppendLine(rd.Id.ToString());
                        report.Report.Append("ConnectivityNode ID = ").Append(cimConnectivityNode.ID).AppendLine(" FAILED to be converted");
コード例 #14
 private float distance(ConnectivityNode p1, ConnectivityNode p2)
     return((float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p1.position.X - p2.position.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p1.position.Y - p2.position.Y, 2)));
コード例 #15
    private ConnectivityPath generateConnectivityPath(ConnectivityNode startNode, ConnectivityNode endNode, SortedVector2List <Platform> platforms, float gravity)
        bool straightPath = straightable(platforms, startNode.position, endNode.position, true) &&
                            straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 3), endNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 3), false) &&
                            (endNode.position.X > startNode.position.X + Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2 ||
                             straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 3 * 2), endNode.position - new Vector2(-Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 3 * 2), false)) &&
                            (endNode.position.X < startNode.position.X - Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2 ||
                             straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(-Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 3 * 2), endNode.position - new Vector2(Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 3 * 2), false)) &&
                            straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT), endNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT), false);

        bool largeCharacterStraightPath = straightable(platforms, startNode.position, endNode.position, true) &&
                                          straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT) / 4, endNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT) / 3, false) &&
                                          straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT) / 4 * 2, endNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT) / 4 * 2, false) &&
                                          (endNode.position.X > startNode.position.X + Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2 ||
                                           straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(Game.LARGE_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 4 * 3), endNode.position - new Vector2(-Game.LARGE_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 4 * 3), false)) &&
                                          (endNode.position.X < startNode.position.X - Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2 ||
                                           straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(-Game.LARGE_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 4 * 3), endNode.position - new Vector2(Game.LARGE_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 4 * 3), false)) &&
                                          straightable(platforms, startNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT), endNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT), false);

        bool walkable = straightPath && straightable(platforms, new Vector2(startNode.position.X, endNode.position.Y), endNode.position, true);

        // dy = t * Vy
        // dy = t * J / 2
        // dy = J / g * J / 2
        // dy = J^2 / g / 2
        // Jmin = sqrt(dy * 2 * g)
        float[] jumpCosts              = new float[Game.ALL_ENEMY_MAX_JUMP_STRENGTH + 1];
        bool[]  jumpableStrengths      = new bool[Game.ALL_ENEMY_MAX_JUMP_STRENGTH + 1];
        bool[]  largeCharacterJumpable = new bool[Game.ALL_ENEMY_MAX_JUMP_STRENGTH + 1];
        int     jumpMin = (endNode.position.Y > startNode.position.Y) ? 0 : (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(endNode.position.Y - startNode.position.Y) * 2 * gravity) + 1;

        if (Game.ALL_ENEMY_MIN_JUMP_STRENGTH > jumpMin)
            jumpMin = Game.ALL_ENEMY_MIN_JUMP_STRENGTH;
        for (; jumpMin <= Game.ALL_ENEMY_MAX_JUMP_STRENGTH; jumpMin += 1)
            if ((jumpCosts[jumpMin] = jumpable(platforms, gravity, startNode.position, endNode.position, jumpMin)) != -1 &&
                jumpable(platforms, gravity, startNode.position - new Vector2(-Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 2), endNode.position - new Vector2(-Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 2), jumpMin) != -1 &&
                jumpable(platforms, gravity, startNode.position - new Vector2(Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 2), endNode.position - new Vector2(Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_WIDTH / 2, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT / 2), jumpMin) != -1 &&
                jumpable(platforms, gravity, startNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT), endNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.MEDIUM_ENEMY_HEIGHT), jumpMin) != -1)
                jumpableStrengths[jumpMin] = true;
                if (jumpable(platforms, gravity, startNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT), endNode.position - new Vector2(0, Game.LARGE_ENEMY_HEIGHT), jumpMin) != -1)
                    largeCharacterJumpable[jumpMin] = true;

        bool jumpPath = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < jumpableStrengths.Length && !jumpPath; ++i)
            jumpPath = true;

        if (!jumpPath && !straightPath)

        return(new ConnectivityPath(startNode, endNode, jumpableStrengths, largeCharacterJumpable, largeCharacterStraightPath, straightPath, walkable, jumpPath, jumpCosts));
コード例 #16
    private PathWaypoint getPath(SortedVector2List <Platform> platforms, CollidableObj start, CollidableObj end, int jumpStrength, int xVelocity, float gravity, PathWaypoint curWapoint = null)
        Dictionary <Vector2, ConnectivityNodeWrapper> exploredSet = new Dictionary <Vector2, ConnectivityNodeWrapper>();
        Dictionary <Vector2, ConnectivityNodeWrapper> openSet     = new Dictionary <Vector2, ConnectivityNodeWrapper>();

        MinHeap <ConnectivityNodeWrapper> queue = new MinHeap <ConnectivityNodeWrapper>(delegate(ConnectivityNodeWrapper n1, ConnectivityNodeWrapper n2)
            if (n1.heurisitc < n2.heurisitc)
            else if (n1.heurisitc == n2.heurisitc)

        List <Vector2>          res;
        ConnectivityNodeWrapper curNode;

        if (curWapoint != null && !(connectivityGraph.ContainsKey((int)curWapoint.position.X) && connectivityGraph[(int)curWapoint.position.X].ContainsKey((int)curWapoint.position.Y)))
            curWapoint = null;
        if (curWapoint != null)
            curNode = new ConnectivityNodeWrapper(connectivityGraph[(int)curWapoint.position.X][(int)curWapoint.position.Y], calculateHeuristic(curWapoint.position, end.Position, xVelocity, jumpStrength));
            res = getClosestNodeKeyForPosition(platforms, start, start.Position, end.Position, gravity, xVelocity);
            if (res == null)
            foreach (Vector2 vec in res)
                ConnectivityNodeWrapper cnw = new ConnectivityNodeWrapper(connectivityGraph[(int)vec.X][(int)vec.Y], calculateHeuristic(vec, end.Position, xVelocity, jumpStrength));
                openSet.Add(cnw.node.position, cnw);
            curNode = queue.peek();

        res = getClosestNodeKeyForPosition(platforms, end, end.Position, end.Position, gravity, xVelocity, jumpStrength);
        if (res == null)
        ConnectivityNode endNode = connectivityGraph[(int)res[0].X][(int)res[0].Y];

        int it = 0;

        while (curNode != endNode)
            foreach (ConnectivityPath path in curNode.node.connections)
                if (!exploredSet.ContainsKey(path.endNode.position))
                    bool jumpPath     = path.jumpPath && path.jumpableStrengths[jumpStrength] && path.minXVel(jumpStrength, gravity) <= xVelocity;
                    bool straightPath = path.straightPath && (path.minXVel(0, gravity) <= xVelocity || path.walkable);
                    if (straightPath)
                        float h = calculateHeuristic(path.endNode.position, endNode.position, xVelocity, jumpStrength);
                        if (!openSet.ContainsKey(path.endNode.position))
                            ConnectivityNodeWrapper cnw = new ConnectivityNodeWrapper(path.endNode, path.getStraightPathCost(xVelocity, gravity), h, curNode, PathType.Straight);
                            openSet.Add(cnw.node.position, cnw);
                        else if (openSet[path.endNode.position].heurisitc > h)
                            ConnectivityNodeWrapper cnw = new ConnectivityNodeWrapper(path.endNode, path.getStraightPathCost(xVelocity, gravity), h, curNode, PathType.Straight);
                            openSet[path.endNode.position] = cnw;
                    else if (jumpPath)
                        queue.add(new ConnectivityNodeWrapper(path.endNode, path.jumpCosts[jumpStrength], calculateHeuristic(path.endNode.position, endNode.position, xVelocity, jumpStrength), curNode, PathType.Jump));
            exploredSet.Add(curNode.node.position, curNode);

            if (it == 20)

                if (queue.empty())
                curNode = queue.peek();
            } while (exploredSet.ContainsKey(curNode.node.position));

        PathWaypoint pathWaypoint = new PathWaypoint(new Vector2(end.Position.X, end.getBot()), null, PathType.Free);

        while (curNode != (object)null)
            pathWaypoint = new PathWaypoint(curNode.node.position, pathWaypoint, curNode.pathType);
            curNode      = curNode.parent;
        if (curWapoint != null)
            pathWaypoint = pathWaypoint.nextWaypoint;
コード例 #17
    public AIManager(SortedVector2List <Platform> platforms, float gravity, List <Enemy> enemies)
        this.enemies = enemies;

        SortedVector2List <bool> platformAdded = new SortedVector2List <bool>();

        foreach (Enemy e in enemies)
            platforms.ForAllInRange(e.ai.boundingBox.Center.ToVector2(), e.ai.boundingBox.Width / 2 + Level.MAX_PLATFORM_BOUND,
                                    delegate(Platform p) {
                if (!platformAdded.Exists(p.Position))
                    platformAdded.Add(p.Position, true);
                    List <Vector2> positions = p.getConnectivityNodeCoordinates();
                    for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; ++i)
                        ConnectivityNode node = new ConnectivityNode(positions[i] - new Vector2((i == 0) ? 1 : (i == positions.Count - 1) ? -1 : 0, 1));
                        if (e.ai.inBoundingBox(node.position))
                            SortedList <int, ConnectivityNode> nodeYList;
                            if (connectivityGraph.TryGetValue((int)node.position.X, out nodeYList))
                                nodeYList.Add((int)node.position.Y, node);
                                connectivityGraph.Add((int)node.position.X, new SortedList <int, ConnectivityNode> {
                                    { (int)node.position.Y, node }

        /*foreach (SortedList<int, Platform> list in platforms.Values)
         *  foreach (Platform p in list.Values)
         *  {
         *      List<Vector2> positions = p.getConnectivityNodeCoordinates();
         *      for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; ++i)
         *      {
         *          ConnectivityNode node = new ConnectivityNode(positions[i] - new Vector2((i == 0) ? 1 : (i == positions.Count - 1) ? -1 : 0, 1));
         *          SortedList<int, ConnectivityNode> nodeYList;
         *          if (connectivityGraph.TryGetValue((int)node.position.X, out nodeYList))
         *              nodeYList.Add((int)node.position.Y, node);
         *          else
         *              connectivityGraph.Add((int)node.position.X, new SortedList<int, ConnectivityNode> { { (int)node.position.Y, node } });
         *      }
         *  }*/

        for (int i = 0; i < connectivityGraph.Count; ++i)
            for (int ii = 0; ii < connectivityGraph.Values[i].Count; ++ii)
                for (int j = i; j < connectivityGraph.Count; ++j)
                    for (int jj = (j == i) ? ii + 1 : 0; jj < connectivityGraph.Values[j].Count; ++jj)
                        if (distance(connectivityGraph.Values[i].Values[ii], connectivityGraph.Values[j].Values[jj]) > MAX_NODE_SEARCH_RANGE)

                        ConnectivityPath connectivityPath = generateConnectivityPath(connectivityGraph.Values[i].Values[ii], connectivityGraph.Values[j].Values[jj], platforms, gravity);
                        if (connectivityPath != null)
                        connectivityPath = generateConnectivityPath(connectivityGraph.Values[j].Values[jj], connectivityGraph.Values[i].Values[ii], platforms, gravity);
                        if (connectivityPath != null)
コード例 #18
ファイル: LadderPowerFlow.cs プロジェクト: tonyju/DSMviewer
 internal TransmissionUnit(ConnectivityNode sourceBus, float baseKV)
     DownstreamUnits = new HashSet<TransmissionUnit>();
     Node = sourceBus.DynamicTopoNode;
     V = new Complex[]{baseKV ,baseKV  ,baseKV};
     I = new Complex[]{ 0, 0, 0 };
     BaseKV = baseKV;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Container.cs プロジェクト: vukisic/SCADA_Project
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates entity for specified global inside the container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globalId">Global id of the entity for insert</param>
        /// <returns>Created entity (identified object).</returns>
        public IdentifiedObject CreateEntity(long globalId)
            short type = ModelCodeHelper.ExtractTypeFromGlobalId(globalId);

            IdentifiedObject io = null;

            switch ((DMSType)type)
            case DMSType.TERMINAL:
                io = new Terminal(globalId);

            case DMSType.ANALOG:
                io = new Analog(globalId);

                io = new AsynchronousMachine(globalId);

            case DMSType.BREAKER:
                io = new Breaker(globalId);

            case DMSType.CONNECTIVITYNODE:
                io = new ConnectivityNode(globalId);

            case DMSType.DISCONNECTOR:
                io = new Disconnector(globalId);

            case DMSType.DISCRETE:
                io = new Discrete(globalId);

            case DMSType.POWERTRANSFORMER:
                io = new PowerTransformer(globalId);

            case DMSType.RATIOTAPCHANGER:
                io = new RatioTapChanger(globalId);

            case DMSType.SUBSTATION:
                io = new Substation(globalId);

            case DMSType.TRANSFORMERWINDING:
                io = new TransformerWinding(globalId);

                string message = String.Format("Failed to create entity because specified type ({0}) is not supported.", type);
                CommonTrace.WriteTrace(CommonTrace.TraceError, message);
                throw new Exception(message);

            // Add entity to map

コード例 #20
        public Dictionary <Type, Dictionary <string, IdentifiedObject> > CreateObjectModel(Dictionary <string, DataVertex> globalVertices, Dictionary <string, List <DataEdge> > globalEdges, Dictionary <string, CableConfiguration> globalCableConfiguration, Dictionary <string, SpotLoad> globalSpotLoads)
            globalComponentDictionary   = new Dictionary <Type, Dictionary <string, IdentifiedObject> >();
            terminalPairsContainer      = new List <TerminalPair>();
            perLengthImpedanceContainer = new Dictionary <string, PerLengthImpedance>();
            wireInfoContainer           = new Dictionary <string, WireInfo>();
            usagePointContainer         = new Dictionary <string, SpotLoad>();
            powerTransformerEnding      = new Dictionary <string, DataVertexTransformer>();

            PSRType local_psr_pt = new PSRType();

            circuit = new Circuit();
            string  mrid           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            PSRType psrTypeCircuit = new PSRType()
                MRID = "Feeder", Name = "Feeder"

            circuit.PSRType = psrTypeCircuit;

            circuit.ID   = mrid;
            circuit.MRID = mrid;
            circuit.Name = "Feeder_36";

            addComponentToGlobalDictionary(circuit, circuit.GetType());
            addComponentToGlobalDictionary(psrTypeCircuit, psrTypeCircuit.GetType());

            Dictionary <string, ConnectivityNode> connectivityNodeContainer = new Dictionary <string, ConnectivityNode>();

            foreach (DataVertex dataVertex in globalVertices.Values)
                if (dataVertex.typeOfVertex == DataVertex.TypeOfVertex.TRANSFORMER_VERTEX)
                    PowerTransformer powerTransformer = new PowerTransformer();

                    DataVertexTransformer dvt = (DataVertexTransformer)dataVertex;

                    string power_transformer_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    powerTransformer.ID   = power_transformer_mrid;
                    powerTransformer.MRID = power_transformer_mrid;
                    powerTransformer.Name = "2 winding power transformer";
                    local_psr_pt          = new PSRType()
                        Name = "Consumer Transformer", MRID = "Consumer Transformer"
                    powerTransformer.PSRType            = local_psr_pt;
                    powerTransformer.EquipmentContainer = circuit;
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(local_psr_pt, local_psr_pt.GetType());

                    ConnectivityNode w1T_cn = new ConnectivityNode();
                    string           connectivity_node_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    w1T_cn.ID   = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    w1T_cn.MRID = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    w1T_cn.ConnectivityNodeContainer = circuit;
                    if ((dataVertex as DataVertexTransformer).Line_from == null)
                    w1T_cn.Name = (dataVertex as DataVertexTransformer).Line_from;
                    connectivityNodeContainer.Add((dataVertex as DataVertexTransformer).Line_from, w1T_cn);
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(w1T_cn, w1T_cn.GetType());

                    ConnectivityNode w2T_cn = new ConnectivityNode();
                    connectivity_node_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    w2T_cn.ID   = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    w2T_cn.MRID = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    w2T_cn.ConnectivityNodeContainer = circuit;
                    w2T_cn.Name = (dataVertex as DataVertexTransformer).Line_to;
                    connectivityNodeContainer.Add((dataVertex as DataVertexTransformer).Line_to, w2T_cn);
                    if ((dataVertex as DataVertexTransformer).Line_to == null)
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(w2T_cn, w2T_cn.GetType());

                    Terminal w1T = new Terminal();
                    w1T.MRID                = power_transformer_mrid + ".W1.T";
                    w1T.ID                  = power_transformer_mrid + ".W1.T";
                    w1T.SequenceNumber      = 1;
                    w1T.ConductingEquipment = powerTransformer;
                    w1T.ConnectivityNode    = w1T_cn;
                    w1T.Phases              = PhaseCode.s2N;
                    w1T.Name                = "Transformer end terminal 1";

                    Terminal w2T = new Terminal();
                    w2T.MRID                = power_transformer_mrid + ".W2.T";
                    w2T.ID                  = power_transformer_mrid + ".W2.T";
                    w2T.SequenceNumber      = 2;
                    w2T.ConductingEquipment = powerTransformer;
                    w2T.ConnectivityNode    = w2T_cn;
                    w2T.Phases              = PhaseCode.s2N;
                    w2T.Name                = "Transformer end terminal 2";

                    terminalPairsContainer.Add(new TerminalPair()
                        terminalA = w1T, terminalB = w2T

                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(w1T, w1T.GetType());
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(w2T, w2T.GetType());

                    PowerTransformerEnd powerTransformerEnd1 = new PowerTransformerEnd();

                    powerTransformerEnd1.ID               = power_transformer_mrid + ".W1";
                    powerTransformerEnd1.MRID             = power_transformer_mrid + ".W1";
                    powerTransformerEnd1.Name             = dvt.NameA;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.Terminal         = w1T;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.Grounded         = false;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.EndNumber        = 1;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.PowerTransformer = powerTransformer;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.ConnectionKind   = WindingConnection.D;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.PhaseAngleClock  = 0;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.RatedS           = (float)dvt._kVA_A;
                    powerTransformerEnd1.RatedU           = (float)dvt._kV_LowA;

                    PowerTransformerEnd powerTransformerEnd2 = new PowerTransformerEnd();

                    powerTransformerEnd2.ID               = power_transformer_mrid + ".W2";
                    powerTransformerEnd2.MRID             = power_transformer_mrid + ".W2";
                    powerTransformerEnd2.Name             = dvt.NameB;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.Terminal         = w2T;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.Grounded         = false;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.EndNumber        = 1;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.PowerTransformer = powerTransformer;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.ConnectionKind   = WindingConnection.D;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.PhaseAngleClock  = 0;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.RatedS           = (float)dvt._kVA_B;
                    powerTransformerEnd2.RatedU           = (float)dvt._kV_LowB;

                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(powerTransformer, powerTransformer.GetType());
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(powerTransformerEnd1, powerTransformerEnd1.GetType());
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(powerTransformerEnd2, powerTransformerEnd2.GetType());

                if (dataVertex.typeOfVertex == DataVertex.TypeOfVertex.REGULATOR_VERTEX)
                    string  sync_machine     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    PSRType psr_sync_machine = new PSRType()
                        MRID = "Generator",
                        Name = "Generator"
                    SynchronousMachine sm = new SynchronousMachine()
                        Name = dataVertex.Text,
                        MRID = sync_machine,
                        ID   = sync_machine,
                        EquipmentContainer = circuit
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(sm, sm.GetType());
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(psr_sync_machine, psr_sync_machine.GetType());

            foreach (List <DataEdge> dataEdgeCollection in globalEdges.Values)
                foreach (DataEdge dataEdge in dataEdgeCollection)
                    string acLineSegment_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    ConnectivityNode T1_cn = new ConnectivityNode();
                    string           connectivity_node_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    T1_cn.ID   = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    T1_cn.MRID = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    T1_cn.ConnectivityNodeContainer = circuit;
                    T1_cn.Name = (dataEdge.Source as DataVertex).Element_id;
                    if (connectivityNodeContainer.ContainsKey((dataEdge.Source as DataVertex).Element_id) == false)
                        connectivityNodeContainer.Add(dataEdge.Source.Element_id, T1_cn);
                        addComponentToGlobalDictionary(T1_cn, T1_cn.GetType());

                    ConnectivityNode T2_cn = new ConnectivityNode();
                    connectivity_node_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    T2_cn.ID   = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    T2_cn.MRID = connectivity_node_mrid;
                    T2_cn.ConnectivityNodeContainer = circuit;
                    T2_cn.Name = (dataEdge.Target as DataVertex).Element_id;
                    if (connectivityNodeContainer.ContainsKey((dataEdge.Target as DataVertex).Element_id) == false)
                        connectivityNodeContainer.Add(dataEdge.Target.Element_id, T2_cn);
                        addComponentToGlobalDictionary(T2_cn, T2_cn.GetType());

                    Terminal T1 = new Terminal();
                    //string terminal_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    T1.ID     = acLineSegment_mrid + ".T1";
                    T1.MRID   = acLineSegment_mrid + ".T1";
                    T1.Name   = dataEdge.Source.Element_id;
                    T1.Phases = PhaseCode.ABC;
                    ACDCTerminal acdc_terminal = new ACDCTerminal()
                        SequenceNumber = 1
                    T1.SequenceNumber   = acdc_terminal.SequenceNumber;
                    T1.ConnectivityNode = T1_cn;

                    Terminal T2 = new Terminal();
                    T2.ID     = acLineSegment_mrid + ".T2";
                    T2.MRID   = acLineSegment_mrid + ".T2";
                    T2.Name   = dataEdge.Target.Element_id;
                    T2.Phases = PhaseCode.ABC;
                    ACDCTerminal acdc_terminal2 = new ACDCTerminal()
                        SequenceNumber = 2
                    T2.SequenceNumber   = acdc_terminal2.SequenceNumber;
                    T2.ConnectivityNode = T2_cn;

                    string             perLengthImpedance_mrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    PerLengthImpedance pli = createPerLengthImpedanceObject(dataEdge.Configuration, perLengthImpedance_mrid);
                    AssetInfo          wi  = createWireInfoObject(dataEdge.Configuration, perLengthImpedance_mrid);

                    PSRType acPSRType = new PSRType()
                        MRID = "Section",
                        Name = "Section"
                    if (!globalComponentDictionary[acPSRType.GetType()].ContainsKey(acPSRType.Name))
                        addComponentToGlobalDictionary(acPSRType, acPSRType.GetType());

                    ACLineSegment acLineSegment = new ACLineSegment()
                        ID                 = acLineSegment_mrid,
                        MRID               = acLineSegment_mrid,
                        Name               = T1.Name.Split(' ').Last() + "-" + T2.Name.Split(' ').Last(),
                        PSRType            = acPSRType,
                        EquipmentContainer = circuit,
                        Length             = (float)feetsToMeters(dataEdge.Length),
                        PerLengthImpedance = pli,
                        AssetDatasheet     = wi

                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(acLineSegment, acLineSegment.GetType());

                    TerminalPair terminalPair = new TerminalPair()
                        terminalA = T1,
                        terminalB = T2


                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(T1, T1.GetType());
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(T2, T2.GetType());

            UsagePoint usagePoint = new UsagePoint();

            foreach (DataVertex dv in globalVertices.Values)
                if (dv.typeOfVertex == DataVertex.TypeOfVertex.SPOT_LOAD_VERTEX)
                    SpotLoad sl = (SpotLoad)dv;
                    usagePoint = CreateSpotLoad(sl);
                    addComponentToGlobalDictionary(usagePoint, usagePoint.GetType());

コード例 #21
 public void SetUp()
     entity = new ConnectivityNode(entityGid);
コード例 #22
        public IEnumerable <IdentifiedObject> Transform(CimContext context, IEnumerable <IdentifiedObject> input)
            HashSet <PhysicalNetworkModel.IdentifiedObject> dropList = new HashSet <IdentifiedObject>();

            List <PhysicalNetworkModel.IdentifiedObject> addList = new List <IdentifiedObject>();

            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                // Find connectivity nodes outside substations
                if (inputCimObject is ConnectivityNode && !dropList.Contains(inputCimObject) && !inputCimObject.IsInsideSubstation(context))
                    ConnectivityNode cn = inputCimObject as ConnectivityNode;

                    // Handle that acls cn relationship might have changed
                    var cnNeighborsx = cn.GetNeighborConductingEquipments(context);

                    // If two acls and we are above low voltage, merge them
                    if (cnNeighborsx.Count(o => o.BaseVoltage > 5000) > 0)
                        // acls <-> acls
                        if (cnNeighborsx.Count(o => o is ACLineSegmentExt) == 2)
                            var acls = cnNeighborsx.Where(o => o is ACLineSegmentExt).ToList();

                            var acls1 = acls[0] as ACLineSegment;
                            var acls2 = acls[1] as ACLineSegment;

                            // NEVER MERGE
                            bool theSame = false;

                            // Compate bch
                            if (acls1.bch != null && acls2.bch != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.bch.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.bch.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // Compate b0ch
                            if (acls1.b0ch != null && acls2.b0ch != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.b0ch.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.b0ch.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // Compare gch
                            if (acls1.gch != null && acls2.gch != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.gch.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.gch.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // Compare g0ch
                            if (acls1.g0ch != null && acls2.g0ch != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.g0ch.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.g0ch.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // Compare r
                            if (acls1.r != null && acls2.r != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.r.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.r.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // Compare r0
                            if (acls1.r0 != null && acls2.r0 != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.r0.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.r0.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // Compare x
                            if (acls1.x != null && acls2.x != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.x.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.x.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // Compare x0
                            if (acls1.x0 != null && acls2.x0 != null && !CompareAclsValue(acls1.length.Value, acls1.x0.Value, acls2.length.Value, acls2.x0.Value))
                                theSame = false;

                            // If the cables have the same eletrical charastica, merge them
                            if (theSame)
                                // ACLS 1 will survive, ACLS 2 and the CN will die

                                // drop acls 2 terminals
                                foreach (var tc in context.GetConnections(acls2))

                                var loc1 = context.GetObject <LocationExt>(acls1.Location.@ref);
                                var loc2 = context.GetObject <LocationExt>(acls2.Location.@ref);

                                LineMerger lm = new LineMerger();

                                // Convert to NTS geometries

                                // Merge the two line strings
                                var mergedLineList = lm.GetMergedLineStrings();

                                if (mergedLineList.Count != 1)
                                    throw new Exception("Cannot merge ACLS: " + acls1.mRID + " and " + acls2.mRID);

                                // Overwrite loc 1 coordinated with merged strings
                                loc1.coordinates = GetPoints((ILineString)mergedLineList[0]).ToArray();

                                // Sum length
                                acls1.length.Value += acls2.length.Value;

                                // Sum bch
                                if (acls1.bch != null && acls2.bch != null)
                                    acls1.bch.Value += acls2.bch.Value;

                                // Sum b0ch
                                if (acls1.b0ch != null && acls2.b0ch != null)
                                    acls1.b0ch.Value += acls2.b0ch.Value;

                                // Sum gch
                                if (acls1.gch != null && acls2.gch != null)
                                    acls1.gch.Value += acls2.gch.Value;

                                // Sum g0ch
                                if (acls1.g0ch != null && acls2.g0ch != null)
                                    acls1.g0ch.Value += acls2.g0ch.Value;

                                // Sum r
                                if (acls1.r != null && acls2.r != null)
                                    acls1.r.Value += acls2.r.Value;

                                // Sum r0
                                if (acls1.r0 != null && acls2.r0 != null)
                                    acls1.r0.Value += acls2.r0.Value;

                                // Sum x
                                if (acls1.x != null && acls2.x != null)
                                    acls1.x.Value += acls2.x.Value;

                                // Sum x0
                                if (acls1.x0 != null && acls2.x0 != null)
                                    acls1.x0.Value += acls2.x0.Value;

                                // Find cn in the other end of ACLS 2
                                var acls2otherEndCn = context.GetConnections(acls2).Find(o => o.ConnectivityNode != cn);

                                // Get terminal of ACLS 1 that point to ACLS 2
                                var acls1Terminal = acls1.GetTerminal(acls2, true, context);

                                // Disconnect ACLS 2 terminals
                                var acls2connections = context.GetConnections(acls2);

                                List <Terminal> terminalsToDisconnect = new List <Terminal>();

                                foreach (var acls2con in acls2connections)

                                foreach (var t2d in terminalsToDisconnect)

                                // Change terminal of ACLS 1 to point to ACLS 2 other end CN
                                context.ConnectTerminalToAnotherConnectitityNode(acls1Terminal, acls2otherEndCn.ConnectivityNode);
                                // Cable are not the same, we need to add a susbstation to act as a junction

                                // Create muffe station
                                var st = new PhysicalNetworkModel.Substation();
                                st.mRID    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                st.name    = "Junction";
                                st.PSRType = "Junction";

                                // Create voltage level
                                var vl = new PhysicalNetworkModel.VoltageLevel();
                                vl.mRID                = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                vl.BaseVoltage         = acls1.BaseVoltage;
                                vl.name                = "VL";
                                vl.EquipmentContainer1 = new VoltageLevelEquipmentContainer()
                                    @ref = st.mRID

                                // Relate cn to voltage level
                                if (_mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.ContainsKey(cn))

                                _mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.Add(cn, vl);
                        // <> 2 kabler
                            // Create muffe station
                            var st = new PhysicalNetworkModel.Substation();
                            st.mRID    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            st.name    = "MUFFE";
                            st.PSRType = "Junction";

                            // Create voltage level
                            var vl = new PhysicalNetworkModel.VoltageLevel();
                            vl.mRID                = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            vl.BaseVoltage         = cnNeighborsx[0].BaseVoltage;
                            vl.name                = "VL";
                            vl.EquipmentContainer1 = new VoltageLevelEquipmentContainer()
                                @ref = st.mRID

                            // Relate cn to voltage level
                            if (_mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.ContainsKey(cn))

                            _mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.Add(cn, vl);

            // return objects, except the one dropped
            foreach (var inputObj in input)
                if (!dropList.Contains(inputObj))
                    yield return(inputObj);

            // yield added objects,
            foreach (var inputObj in addList)
                yield return(inputObj);
コード例 #23
        public IEnumerable <IdentifiedObject> Transform(CimContext context, IEnumerable <IdentifiedObject> inputParam)
            FeederInfoContext feederContext = new FeederInfoContext(context);


            List <IdentifiedObject> input = inputParam.ToList();

            HashSet <PhysicalNetworkModel.IdentifiedObject> dropList = new HashSet <IdentifiedObject>();
            List <PhysicalNetworkModel.IdentifiedObject>    addList  = new List <IdentifiedObject>();

            // AssetInfo to Asset ref dictionary
            Dictionary <string, string> assetInfoToAssetRef = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                if (inputCimObject is PhysicalNetworkModel.Asset)
                    var asset = inputCimObject as PhysicalNetworkModel.Asset;

                    if (asset.AssetInfo != null && !assetInfoToAssetRef.ContainsKey(asset.AssetInfo.@ref))
                        assetInfoToAssetRef.Add(asset.AssetInfo.@ref, asset.mRID);

            // Asset to Equipment ref dictionary
            Dictionary <string, string> assetToEquipmentRef = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                if (inputCimObject is PhysicalNetworkModel.PowerSystemResource)
                    var psr = inputCimObject as PhysicalNetworkModel.PowerSystemResource;
                    if (psr.Assets != null)
                        assetToEquipmentRef.Add(psr.Assets.@ref, psr.mRID);

            // Set busbar names to station + voltagelevel + bay
            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                if (inputCimObject is BusbarSection)
                    var bus = inputCimObject as BusbarSection;

                    var st = bus.GetSubstation(true, context);

                    bus.name = st.name + "_" + GetVoltageLevelStr(bus.BaseVoltage) + "_" + bus.name;

                    var feederInfo = feederContext.GeConductingEquipmentFeederInfo(bus);
                    if (feederInfo != null && feederInfo.Feeders != null && feederInfo.Feeders.Count > 0)
                        var feeder = feederInfo.Feeders[0];

                        if (feeder.ConnectionPoint.Substation != null)
                            bus.description = feeder.ConnectionPoint.Substation.name;

            // Set feeder name on junction connectivity nodes between cables
            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                if (inputCimObject is ConnectivityNode)
                    var cn = inputCimObject as ConnectivityNode;

                    if (cn.mRID == "c540b203-e442-7027-824c-bc561b3de47d")

                    var cnEqs = context.GetConnections(cn);

                    if (cnEqs.Count > 0)
                        if (cnEqs.All(e => e.ConductingEquipment is ACLineSegment))
                            var eq = cnEqs.First().ConductingEquipment;

                            var feederInfo = feederContext.GeConductingEquipmentFeederInfo(eq);

                            if (feederInfo != null && feederInfo.Feeders != null && feederInfo.Feeders.Count > 0)
                                var feeder = feederInfo.Feeders[0];

                                if (feeder.ConnectionPoint.Substation != null)
                                    cn.description = feeder.ConnectionPoint.Substation.name;

            // Set peterson coil name to station + gis name + min og max
            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                if (inputCimObject is PetersenCoil)
                    var coil = inputCimObject as PetersenCoil;

                    var st = coil.GetSubstation(true, context);

                    if (coil.Asset != null && coil.Asset.AssetInfo != null && coil.Asset.AssetInfo.@ref != null)
                        var coilInfo = context.GetObject <PetersenCoilInfoExt>(coil.Asset.AssetInfo.@ref);

                        coil.name = st.name + " " + coil.name;

                        if (coilInfo != null && coilInfo.minimumCurrent != null && coilInfo.maximumCurrent != null)
                            coil.name += " " + (int)coilInfo?.minimumCurrent?.Value + "-" + (int)coilInfo?.maximumCurrent?.Value;
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "Slukkepole på station: " + st.name + " mangler værdier.");
                        coil.name = st.name + " " + coil.name + " 0-0";

            // Set reactor coil (linear shunt compensator) to station + gis name + min og max
            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                if (inputCimObject is LinearShuntCompensator)
                    var coil = inputCimObject as LinearShuntCompensator;

                    var st = coil.GetSubstation(true, context);

                    if (coil.Asset != null && coil.Asset.AssetInfo != null && coil.Asset.AssetInfo.@ref != null)
                        var coilInfo = context.GetObject <LinearShuntCompensatorInfoExt>(coil.Asset.AssetInfo.@ref);

                        coil.name = st.name + " " + coil.name;

                        if (coilInfo != null && coilInfo.minimumReactivePower != null && coilInfo.maximumReactivePower != null)
                            coil.name += " " + (int)coilInfo?.minimumReactivePower?.Value + "-" + (int)coilInfo?.maximumReactivePower?.Value;
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "Reaktorspole på station: " + st.name + " mangler værdier.");
                        coil.name = st.name + " " + coil.name + " 0-0";

            // Remove injection > 50 kV
            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                if (inputCimObject is ExternalNetworkInjection)
                    var inj = inputCimObject as ExternalNetworkInjection;

                    if (inj.BaseVoltage > 50000)

                        var injConnections = context.GetConnections(inj);

                        foreach (var injCon in injConnections)

            // Fix and check objects
            foreach (var inputCimObject in input)
                // Remove switch gear busbar asset model information (because PF complain about missing type, and Konstant/Thue says he don't want types into PF for now
                if (inputCimObject is BusbarSectionInfo)
                    BusbarSectionInfo bsi = inputCimObject as BusbarSectionInfo;
                    bsi.AssetModel = null;

                    var assetMrid = assetInfoToAssetRef[inputCimObject.mRID];
                    var asset     = context.GetObject <PhysicalNetworkModel.Asset>(assetMrid);
                    asset.type       = null;
                    asset.name       = null;
                    asset.AssetModel = null;

                // Remove asset manufacture information on busbars and switches
                if (inputCimObject is BusbarSection || inputCimObject is Switch)
                    ConductingEquipment ci = inputCimObject as ConductingEquipment;
                    var asset = context.GetObject <PhysicalNetworkModel.Asset>(ci.Assets.@ref);
                    asset.type       = null;
                    asset.name       = null;
                    asset.AssetModel = null;

                // Remove measurment current transformer and cts sitting on voltage level < 60 kV
                if (inputCimObject is CurrentTransformer && !((CurrentTransformer)inputCimObject).PSRType.ToLower().Contains("kundemaaling"))
                    var ct = inputCimObject as CurrentTransformer;

                    bool ctIsDropped = false;

                        var ctTerminal = context.GetObject <Terminal>(ct.Terminal.@ref);

                        var ctEq = context.GetObject <ConductingEquipment>(ctTerminal.ConductingEquipment.@ref);

                        if (ctEq.BaseVoltage < 60000)
                            ctIsDropped = true;
                    catch (ArgumentException ex)
                        ctIsDropped = true;

                    // Move CT to line end, transformer end

                    var st = ct.GetSubstation(true, context);

                    foreach (var eq in st.GetEquipments(context))
                        // If component inside same bay as ct
                        if (eq is ConductingEquipment && eq.EquipmentContainer.@ref == ct.EquipmentContainer.@ref)
                            var ci = eq as ConductingEquipment;

                            var ciConnections = context.GetConnections(ci);

                            foreach (var ciConnection in ciConnections)
                                var ciNeighbors = context.GetConnections(ciConnection.ConnectivityNode).Where(c => c.ConductingEquipment != ci).ToList();

                                if (ciNeighbors.Any(c => c.ConductingEquipment is ACLineSegment))
                                    ct.Terminal.@ref = ciConnection.Terminal.mRID;
                                else if (ciNeighbors.Any(c => c.ConductingEquipment is PowerTransformer))
                                    ct.Terminal.@ref = ciConnection.Terminal.mRID;
                                else if (ciNeighbors.Count == 0)
                                    ct.Terminal.@ref = ciConnection.Terminal.mRID;

                // Check that current transformer infos has currents
                if (inputCimObject is CurrentTransformerInfoExt)
                    var ctInfo    = inputCimObject as CurrentTransformerInfoExt;
                    var assetMrid = assetInfoToAssetRef[ctInfo.mRID];
                    var eqMrid    = assetToEquipmentRef[assetMrid];

                    var ct      = context.GetObject <CurrentTransformerExt>(eqMrid);
                    var ctAsset = context.GetObject <PhysicalNetworkModel.Asset>(assetMrid);

                    if (ct.PSRType != null && ct.PSRType == "StromTransformer")
                        // Make sure primary and secondary current is set, because otherwise PF import fails
                        if (ctInfo.primaryCurrent == null)
                            var stName  = ct.GetSubstation(true, context).name;
                            var bayName = ct.GetBay(true, context).name;

                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "CT Missing primary current. Will not be transfered to PF: " + stName + " " + bayName);
                            ctInfo.primaryCurrent = new CurrentFlow()
                                Value = 0, unit = UnitSymbol.A


                        if (ctInfo.secondaryCurrent == null)
                            var stName  = ct.GetSubstation(true, context).name;
                            var bayName = ct.GetBay(true, context).name;

                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "CT Missing secondary current: " + stName + " " + bayName);
                            ctInfo.secondaryCurrent = new CurrentFlow()
                                Value = 0, unit = UnitSymbol.A

                // Remove potential transformers sitting on voltage level < 60 kV
                if (inputCimObject is PotentialTransformer)
                    var pt = inputCimObject as PotentialTransformer;

                    // If terminal point to object we don't have including - i.e. some 400 volt component - don't bother with the CT
                    if (context.GetAllObjects().Exists(o => o.mRID == pt.Terminal.@ref))
                        var ptTerminal = context.GetObject <Terminal>(pt.Terminal.@ref);

                        var ptEq = context.GetObject <ConductingEquipment>(ptTerminal.ConductingEquipment.@ref);

                        if (ptEq.BaseVoltage < 60000)

                // Check that potential transformer info has voltages
                if (inputCimObject is PotentialTransformerInfoExt)
                    var vtInfo = inputCimObject as PotentialTransformerInfoExt;

                    var assetMrid = assetInfoToAssetRef[vtInfo.mRID];
                    var eqMrid    = assetToEquipmentRef[assetMrid];

                    var vtAsset = context.GetObject <PhysicalNetworkModel.Asset>(assetMrid);
                    var vt      = context.GetObject <PotentialTransformer>(eqMrid);
                    var vtSt    = vt.GetSubstation(true, context);

                    // Make sure primary and secondary voltage is set, because otherwise PF import fails
                    if (vtInfo.primaryVoltage == null)
                        vtInfo.primaryVoltage = new Voltage()
                            Value = 0, unit = UnitSymbol.V

                        var stName  = vt.GetSubstation(true, context).name;
                        var bayName = vt.GetBay(true, context).name;

                        Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "VT Missing primary voltage. VT will not be transfered to PF." + stName + " " + bayName);

                    else if (vtInfo.secondaryVoltage == null)
                        vtInfo.secondaryVoltage = new Voltage()
                            Value = 0, unit = UnitSymbol.V

                        var stName  = vt.GetSubstation(true, context).name;
                        var bayName = vt.GetBay(true, context).name;

                        Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "VT Missing secondary voltage. VI will not be transfered to PF." + stName + " " + bayName);


                // Set relay names to station + bay
                if (inputCimObject is ProtectionEquipment)
                    var relay = inputCimObject as ProtectionEquipment;

                    // get relay station and bay via the switch it is connected to
                    if (relay.ProtectedSwitches != null && relay.ProtectedSwitches.Length > 0)
                            var peSw = context.GetObject <PowerSystemResource>(relay.ProtectedSwitches[0].@ref);
                            var bay  = peSw.GetBay(true, context);
                            var st   = peSw.GetSubstation(true, context);

                            relay.name = st.name + " " + bay.name;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "Cannot find switch: " + relay.ProtectedSwitches[0].@ref + " connected to replay: " + inputCimObject.mRID);

                // Set electrical values on internal substation cables to 0
                if (inputCimObject is ACLineSegment)
                    var acls = inputCimObject as ACLineSegment;

                    if (acls.PSRType == "InternalCable")
                        // Set name to internal cable
                        acls.name = "Internal Cable";

                        // Set length to 1 meter
                        acls.length.Value = 1;

                        // Set value to zero
                        acls.r = new Resistance()
                            Value = 0
                        acls.r0 = new Resistance()
                            Value = 0
                        acls.x = new Reactance()
                            Value = 0
                        acls.x0 = new Reactance()
                            Value = 0
                        acls.bch = new Susceptance()
                            Value = 0
                        acls.b0ch = new Susceptance()
                            Value = 0
                        acls.gch = new Conductance()
                            Value = 0
                        acls.g0ch = new Conductance()
                            Value = 0

                // Sæt transformer vikling navn og r,x,b,g værdier på vikling 2 til 0
                if (inputCimObject is PowerTransformerEndExt)
                    var ptEnd = inputCimObject as PowerTransformerEndExt;

                    var pt = context.GetObject <PowerTransformer>(ptEnd.PowerTransformer.@ref);

                    ptEnd.name = pt.Substation.name + "_" + pt.name + "_T" + ptEnd.endNumber;

                    /* Don't calculate r,x,b,g anymore.
                     * if (ptEnd.endNumber == "1")
                     * {
                     *  ptEnd.b0 = new Susceptance() { Value = 0 };
                     *  ptEnd.g0 = new Conductance() { Value = 0 };
                     *  if (ptEnd.ratedU == null ||
                     *      ptEnd.ratedS == null ||
                     *      ptEnd.excitingCurrentZero == null ||
                     *      ptEnd.loss == null ||
                     *      ptEnd.lossZero == null ||
                     *      ptEnd.uk == null)
                     *  {
                     *      // FIX: burde måske logge fejl, men PF skal nok brokke sig
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      // Beregn r: loss * (ratedU / ratedS * 1000)^2
                     *      ptEnd.r = new Resistance() { Value = ptEnd.loss.Value * Math.Pow((ptEnd.ratedU.Value / (ptEnd.ratedS.Value * 1000)), 2) };
                     *      // Beregn g: (LossZero / ratedU^2)
                     *      double g = ptEnd.lossZero.Value / Math.Pow(ptEnd.ratedU.Value, 2);
                     *      ptEnd.g = new Conductance() { Value = g };
                     *      // Beregn YOC: (excitingCurrentZero*ratedS)/(100 * (ratedU^2))
                     *      double yoc = (ptEnd.excitingCurrentZero.Value * (ptEnd.ratedS.Value * 1000)) / (100 * Math.Pow(ptEnd.ratedU.Value, 2));
                     *      // Beregn b: SQRT(YOC^2-g^2)
                     *      ptEnd.b = new Susceptance()
                     *      {
                     *          Value = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(yoc, 2) - Math.Pow(g, 2))
                     *      };
                     *      // Beregn Zk: (uk*ratedU^2)/(100*ratedS)
                     *      double zk = (ptEnd.uk.Value * Math.Pow(ptEnd.ratedU.Value, 2)) / (100 * (ptEnd.ratedS.Value * 1000));
                     *      // Beregn x: SQRT(Zk^2-r^2)
                     *      ptEnd.x = new Reactance()
                     *      {
                     *          Value = Math.Sqrt(
                     *              Math.Pow(zk, 2) - Math.Pow(ptEnd.r.Value, 2)
                     *         )
                     *      };
                     *  }
                     * }

                    if (ptEnd.endNumber == "2")
                        // Set value to zero
                        ptEnd.r = new Resistance()
                            Value = 0
                        ptEnd.r0 = new Resistance()
                            Value = 0
                        ptEnd.x = new Reactance()
                            Value = 0
                        ptEnd.x0 = new Reactance()
                            Value = 0
                        ptEnd.b = new Susceptance()
                            Value = 0
                        ptEnd.b0 = new Susceptance()
                            Value = 0
                        ptEnd.g = new Conductance()
                            Value = 0
                        ptEnd.g0 = new Conductance()
                            Value = 0

                // Remove 'TRF' from transformer name
                if (inputCimObject is PowerTransformer)
                    inputCimObject.name = inputCimObject.name.Replace("TRF", "");

                // Ensure bay name is max 32 charaters
                if (inputCimObject is IdentifiedObject && inputCimObject.name != null && inputCimObject.name.Length > 32)
                    inputCimObject.name = inputCimObject.name.Substring(0, 32);

                // Set name of disconnectors to ADSK
                if (inputCimObject is Disconnector)
                    inputCimObject.name = "ADSK";

                // Set name of disconnectors to ADSK
                if (inputCimObject is Fuse)
                    inputCimObject.name = "SIKRING";

                // Ensure connectivity nodes / busbars have proper names.
                // Needed by Konstant to support short circuit result extracts etc. PF uses the name of the node/busbar in reports.
                // Also needed to support time series import (Jakob busbar naming)
                if (inputCimObject is ConnectivityNode)
                    var cn = inputCimObject as ConnectivityNode;

                    if (cn.mRID == "1663a3a8-a706-726a-8de5-7f57e2f9e68b")

                    if (cn.name == null || cn.name.Length == 0)
                        var cnNeighbors = cn.GetNeighborConductingEquipments(context);

                        var pt  = cnNeighbors.Find(o => o is PowerTransformer) as PowerTransformer;
                        var bus = cnNeighbors.Find(o => o is BusbarSection);

                        if (pt != null)
                            var stVoltageLevels = context.GetSubstationVoltageLevels(pt.Substation);

                            var    ptConnections     = context.GetConnections(pt);
                            var    ptTerminal        = ptConnections.First(c => c.ConnectivityNode == cn);
                            var    ptEnds            = pt.GetEnds(context);
                            var    ptEnd             = ptEnds.Find(e => e.Terminal.@ref == ptTerminal.Terminal.mRID);
                            double ptEndVoltageLevel = ptEnd.BaseVoltage;

                            if (pt.name != null)
                                // HACK SHOULD BE CLEANED UP
                                // Terminal actual exist in source, but get trown away in filter, because nothing connected to it

                                if (!ptConnections.Exists(c => c.Terminal.sequenceNumber == "2"))
                                    Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Station: " + pt.Substation.name + " Trafo: " + pt.name + " mangler secondær skinne. Vil bliver oprettet");

                                    var ptLvCn = new ConnectivityNode()
                                        mRID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), name = pt.GetSubstation(true, context).name + "_" + GetVoltageLevelStr(400) + "_" + pt.name.Replace("TRF", "")


                                    if (stVoltageLevels.Exists(o => o.BaseVoltage == 400))
                                        var vl = stVoltageLevels.First(o => o.BaseVoltage == 400);

                                        _mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.Add(ptLvCn, vl);
                                        var vl = new DAX.CIM.PhysicalNetworkModel.VoltageLevel()
                                            mRID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                            name = "0,4 kV",
                                            EquipmentContainer1 = new VoltageLevelEquipmentContainer()
                                                @ref = pt.Substation.mRID
                                            BaseVoltage = 400


                                        _mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.Add(ptLvCn, vl);

                                    var ptLvTerminal = new Terminal()
                                        mRID             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                        phases           = PhaseCode.ABCN,
                                        phasesSpecified  = true,
                                        sequenceNumber   = "2",
                                        ConnectivityNode = new TerminalConnectivityNode()
                                            @ref = ptLvCn.mRID
                                        ConductingEquipment = new TerminalConductingEquipment {
                                            @ref = pt.mRID

                                    var ptEnd2 = context.GetPowerTransformerEnds(pt).First(p => p.endNumber == "2");
                                    ptEnd2.Terminal = new TransformerEndTerminal()
                                        @ref = ptLvTerminal.mRID


                            // IF the PT END CN is connected to a conducting equipment
                            if (cnNeighbors.Exists(o => !(o is PowerTransformer) && o.BaseVoltage > 0.0))
                                ptEndVoltageLevel = cnNeighbors.First(o => !(o is PowerTransformer) && o.BaseVoltage > 0.0).BaseVoltage;

                                if (stVoltageLevels.Exists(o => o.BaseVoltage == ptEndVoltageLevel))
                                    var vl = stVoltageLevels.First(o => o.BaseVoltage == ptEndVoltageLevel);

                                    _mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.Add(cn, vl);
                            // IF the PT END CN is *not* connected to anything
                                // Set CN to PT END voltage level
                                var vl = stVoltageLevels.First(o => o.BaseVoltage == ptEndVoltageLevel);
                                _mappingContext.ConnectivityNodeToVoltageLevel.Add(cn, vl);

                                // If 60 kV transformer secondary side
                                if (ptEndVoltageLevel < 20000 && ptEndVoltageLevel > 5000)
                                    if (ptEnds.Exists(e => e.BaseVoltage == 60000))
                                        EnergyConsumer ec = new EnergyConsumer()
                                            mRID = GUIDHelper.CreateDerivedGuid(Guid.Parse(pt.mRID), 1001, true).ToString(),
                                            name = pt.GetSubstation(true, context).name + "_" + GetVoltageLevelStr(ptEndVoltageLevel) + "_" + pt.name.Replace("TRF", ""),
                                            EquipmentContainer = new EquipmentEquipmentContainer()
                                                @ref = vl.mRID
                                            BaseVoltage = vl.BaseVoltage

                                        Terminal ecTerm = new Terminal()
                                            mRID = GUIDHelper.CreateDerivedGuid(Guid.Parse(pt.mRID), 1002, true).ToString(),
                                            name = ec.name + "_T1",
                                            ConductingEquipment = new TerminalConductingEquipment()
                                                @ref = ec.mRID
                                            ConnectivityNode = new TerminalConnectivityNode()
                                                @ref = cn.mRID


                            cn.name = pt.GetSubstation(true, context).name + "_" + GetVoltageLevelStr(ptEndVoltageLevel) + "_" + pt.name.Replace("TRF", "");

                             * // Hvis trafo deler node med skinne, eller node er 400 volt, så brug jakob navngivning
                             * if (bus != null || ptEndVoltageLevel == 400)
                             *  cn.name = pt.GetSubstation(true, context).name + "_" + GetVoltageLevelStr(ptEndVoltageLevel) + "_" + pt.name.Replace("TRF", "");
                             * else
                             *  cn.name = "CN";
                        else if (bus != null && bus.name != null)
                            cn.name        = bus.name;
                            cn.description = bus.description;
                            var bay = cn.GetBay(false, context);

                            if (bay != null)
                                if (cnNeighbors.Count == 1 || cnNeighbors.Exists(n => !(n is Switch)))
                                    cn.name = bay.name + " ENDE";
                                    cn.name = bay.name;
                                cn.name = "CN";

            // return objects, except the one dropped
            foreach (var inputObj in input)
                if (!dropList.Contains(inputObj))
                    yield return(inputObj);

            // yield added objects,
            foreach (var inputObj in addList)
                yield return(inputObj);
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates entity for specified global inside the container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globalId">Global id of the entity for insert</param>
        /// <returns>Created entity (identified object).</returns>
        public IdentifiedObject CreateEntity(long globalId)
            short type = ModelCodeHelper.ExtractTypeFromGlobalId(globalId);

            IdentifiedObject io = null;

            switch ((DMSType)type)
            case DMSType.BASEVOLTAGE:
                io = new BaseVoltage(globalId);

            case DMSType.TERMINAL:
                io = new Terminal(globalId);

            case DMSType.CONNECTIVITYNODE:
                io = new ConnectivityNode(globalId);

            case DMSType.POWERTRANSFORMER:
                io = new PowerTransformer(globalId);

            case DMSType.ENERGYSOURCE:
                io = new EnergySource(globalId);

            case DMSType.ENERGYCONSUMER:
                io = new EnergyConsumer(globalId);

            case DMSType.TRANSFORMERWINDING:
                io = new TransformerWinding(globalId);

            case DMSType.FUSE:
                io = new Fuse(globalId);

            case DMSType.DISCONNECTOR:
                io = new Disconnector(globalId);

            case DMSType.BREAKER:
                io = new Breaker(globalId);

            case DMSType.LOADBREAKSWITCH:
                io = new LoadBreakSwitch(globalId);

            case DMSType.ACLINESEGMENT:
                io = new ACLineSegment(globalId);

            case DMSType.DISCRETE:
                io = new Discrete(globalId);

            case DMSType.ANALOG:
                io = new Analog(globalId);

            case DMSType.SYNCHRONOUSMACHINE:
                io = new SynchronousMachine(globalId);

                string message = String.Format("Failed to create entity because specified type ({0}) is not supported.", type);
                throw new Exception(message);

            // Add entity to map

コード例 #25
ファイル: Line.cs プロジェクト: tonyju/DSMviewer
 /// <summary>
 /// performs a traversal of all nodes connected to each other by switches
 /// </summary>t
 /// <param name="topoNode"></param>
 /// <param name="connNode"></param>
 private void traverseSwitches(TopologicalNode.VoltageLevel topoNode, ConnectivityNode connNode)
     { return;}
     topoNode.Nodes.ConnectivityNodes.Add(connNode.Name, connNode);
     connNode.StaticTopoNode = topoNode;
     foreach (ConnectivityNode adjacentNode in connNode.AdjacentSwitchNodes(true))
         traverseSwitches(topoNode, adjacentNode);                    
コード例 #26
 void PopulateConnectivityNodeProperties(ConnectivityNode x, ResourceDescription rd)
     PopulateIdentifiedObjectProperties(x, rd);
コード例 #27
 public BrisiCvor(String id)
     node      = new ConnectivityNode();
     node.mRID = id;
コード例 #28
        private void PrintLines()
            foreach (ACLineSegment l in Singleton.Instance().AClines)
                System.Windows.Shapes.Line line  = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                SolidColorBrush            brush = new SolidColorBrush();
                brush.Color          = Colors.Green;
                line.StrokeThickness = 1;
                line.Stroke          = brush;

                ConnectivityNode od = null; //cvor pocetni
                ConnectivityNode na = null; //dest

                foreach (Terminal terminal in l.terminali)
                    if (od == null)
                        foreach (CIM.IEC61970.Base.Core.Substation s in Singleton.Instance().Substations)
                            foreach (ConnectivityNode cvor in s.connectivityNodes)
                                if (cvor.mRID.Equals(terminal.ConnectivityNode.mRID))
                                    od   = cvor;
                                    od.X = cvor.x + s.x + (s.connectivityNodes.IndexOf(cvor) * 50) + 10;
                                    od.Y = cvor.y + s.y + (s.connectivityNodes.IndexOf(cvor) * 50) + 10;
                        foreach (CIM.IEC61970.Base.Core.Substation s in Singleton.Instance().Substations)
                            foreach (ConnectivityNode cvor1 in s.connectivityNodes)
                                if (cvor1.mRID.Equals(terminal.ConnectivityNode.mRID))
                                    na   = cvor1;
                                    na.X = cvor1.x + s.x + (s.connectivityNodes.IndexOf(cvor1) * 50) + 10;
                                    na.Y = cvor1.y + s.y + (s.connectivityNodes.IndexOf(cvor1) * 50) + 10;


                BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, System.Windows.Shapes.Line.X1Property, new Binding {
                    Source = od, Path = new PropertyPath("X")
                BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, System.Windows.Shapes.Line.Y1Property, new Binding {
                    Source = od, Path = new PropertyPath("Y")
                BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, System.Windows.Shapes.Line.X2Property, new Binding {
                    Source = na, Path = new PropertyPath("X")
                BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, System.Windows.Shapes.Line.Y2Property, new Binding {
                    Source = na, Path = new PropertyPath("Y")

コード例 #29
 public override void Izvrsi()
     cnode      = (ConnectivityNode)cnode.Clone();
     cnode.mRID = ID;
コード例 #30
        private void addComponentToGlobalDictionary(IdentifiedObject component, Type type)
            if (!globalComponentDictionary.ContainsKey(type))
                globalComponentDictionary.Add(type, new Dictionary <string, IdentifiedObject>());

            if (type.Equals(typeof(ACLineSegment)))
                ACLineSegment acl = (ACLineSegment)component;

                globalComponentDictionary[type].Add(acl.MRID, acl);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(Terminal)))
                Terminal tp = (Terminal)component;

                globalComponentDictionary[tp.GetType()].Add(tp.MRID, tp);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(Circuit)))
                Circuit cr = (Circuit)component;

                globalComponentDictionary[cr.GetType()].Add(cr.MRID, cr);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(WireInfo)))
                WireInfo wi = (WireInfo)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[wi.GetType()].Add(wi.MRID, wi);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(PerLengthSequenceImpedance)))
                PerLengthSequenceImpedance pli = (PerLengthSequenceImpedance)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[pli.GetType()].Add(pli.MRID, pli);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(ConnectivityNode)))
                ConnectivityNode cn = (ConnectivityNode)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[cn.GetType()].Add(cn.MRID, cn);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(PowerTransformer)))
                PowerTransformer pt = (PowerTransformer)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[pt.GetType()].Add(pt.MRID, pt);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(PowerTransformerEnd)))
                PowerTransformerEnd pt = (PowerTransformerEnd)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[pt.GetType()].Add(pt.MRID, pt);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(UsagePoint)))
                UsagePoint us = (UsagePoint)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[us.GetType()].Add(us.MRID, us);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(PSRType)))
                PSRType psr = (PSRType)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[psr.GetType()].Add(psr.Name, psr);
            else if (type.Equals(typeof(SynchronousMachine)))
                SynchronousMachine sm = (SynchronousMachine)component;
                globalComponentDictionary[sm.GetType()].Add(sm.Name, sm);
コード例 #31
ファイル: TopologicalNode.cs プロジェクト: tonyju/DSMviewer
 public DynamicTopologicalNode(ConnectivityNode firstConnectivityNode,VoltageLevel parent, DateTime time)
     nodes.ConnectivityNodes.Add(firstConnectivityNode.Name, firstConnectivityNode);
     name = parent.name + "d" + parent.DynamicTopoNodeCount.ToString();
     parentStaticNode = parent;
     timeIndex = time;
コード例 #32
        private void Ok(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            bool ok = true;

            if (textBox1.Text.Trim().Equals(""))
                textBox1.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                textBox1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                ok = false;//length

                    if (float.Parse(textBox1.Text.Trim()) < 5)
                        textBox1.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                        textBox1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                        ok = false;
                    textBox1.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                    textBox1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                    ok = false;

            if (textBox_Copy.Text.Trim().Equals(""))//gch
                textBox_Copy.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                textBox_Copy.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                ok = false;//length

                    if (float.Parse(textBox_Copy.Text.Trim()) < 1)
                        textBox_Copy.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                        textBox_Copy.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                        ok = false;
                    textBox_Copy.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                    textBox_Copy.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                    ok = false;

            if (textBox_Copy1.Text.Trim().Equals(""))//bch
                textBox_Copy1.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                textBox_Copy1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                ok = false;//length

                    if (float.Parse(textBox_Copy1.Text.Trim()) < 1)
                        textBox_Copy1.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                        textBox_Copy1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                        ok = false;
                    textBox_Copy1.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                    textBox_Copy1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                    ok = false;

            if (textBox_Copy2.Text.Trim().Equals(""))//r
                textBox_Copy2.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                textBox_Copy2.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                ok = false;//length

                    if (float.Parse(textBox_Copy2.Text.Trim()) < 1)
                        textBox_Copy2.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                        textBox_Copy2.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                        ok = false;
                    textBox_Copy2.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                    textBox_Copy2.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                    ok = false;

            if (textBox_Copy3.Text.Trim().Equals(""))//x
                textBox_Copy3.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                textBox_Copy3.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                ok = false;//length

                    if (float.Parse(textBox_Copy3.Text.Trim()) < 1)
                        textBox_Copy3.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                        textBox_Copy3.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                        ok = false;
                    textBox_Copy3.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                    textBox_Copy3.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                    ok = false;

            if (textBox.Text.Trim().Equals(""))
                textBox.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Red;
                textBox.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                ok = false;//name

            if (comboBox.SelectedItem == null)
                ok = false; //node1

            if (comboBox_Copy.SelectedItem == null)
                ok = false; //node2
            ConnectivityNode n1              = comboBox.SelectedItem as ConnectivityNode;
            ConnectivityNode n2              = comboBox_Copy.SelectedItem as ConnectivityNode;
            bool             sameSubstation  = false;
            bool             sameSubstation2 = false;

            foreach (Substation s in Singleton.Instance().Substations)
                foreach (ConnectivityNode conNode in s.connectivityNodes)
                    if (conNode.mRID.Equals(n1.mRID))
                        sameSubstation = true;
                    else if (conNode.mRID.Equals(n2.mRID))
                        sameSubstation2 = true;

                if (sameSubstation && sameSubstation2)
                sameSubstation  = false;
                sameSubstation2 = false;

            if (n1.mRID.Equals(n2.mRID))
                MessageBox.Show("Cvorovi moraju biti razliciti.");
                ok = false;
            else if (n1.m_BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage != n2.m_BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage)
                MessageBox.Show("Cvorovi moraju imati isti nominaln napon.");
                ok = false;
            else if (sameSubstation && sameSubstation2)
                MessageBox.Show("Cvorovi ne smeju pripadati istoj trafostanici.");
                ok = false;

            if (ok)
                DodajACLine dl = new DodajACLine(n1, n2, textBox.Text.Trim(), float.Parse(textBox1.Text.Trim()), float.Parse(textBox_Copy.Text.Trim()), float.Parse(textBox_Copy1.Text.Trim()), float.Parse(textBox_Copy2.Text.Trim()), float.Parse(textBox_Copy3.Text.Trim()));