コード例 #1
        private void tmrUpdate_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            direct3dDevice.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, ColorBGRA.FromRgba(int.MinValue), 1.0f, 0);


            direct3dDevice.SetStreamSource(0, vertexBuffer, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <CustomVertex>());
            direct3dDevice.VertexFormat = vertexFormat;
            direct3dDevice.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 1);


コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: Dekryptor/Port-1
        private static void FinishLoading()
            EloBuddy.Drawing.OnDraw            += Draw;
            Game.OnUpdate                      += OnUpdate;
            Events.OnGapCloser                 += OnGapcloser;
            Events.OnInterruptableTarget       += OnInterruptableTarget;
            DelayAction.Add(3000, () => MyRange = Player.GetRealAutoAttackRange());

            Menu                     = new Menu("tyler1", "Tyler1", true);
            AutoCatch                = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1auto", "Auto catch axes?", true));
            CatchOnlyCloseToMouse    = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1onlyclose", "Catch only axes close to mouse?", true));
            MaxDistToMouse           = Menu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1maxdist", "Max axe distance to mouse", 500, 250, 1250));
            OnlyCatchIfSafe          = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1safeaxes", "Only catch axes if safe (anti melee)", false));
            MinQLaneclearManaPercent =
                Menu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1QLCMana", "Min Mana Percent for Q Laneclear", 60, 0, 100));
            EMenu           = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1E", "E Settings: "));
            ECombo          = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1ECombo", "Use E in Combo", true));
            EGC             = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1EGC", "Use E on Gapcloser", true));
            EInterrupt      = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1EInterrupt", "Use E to Interrupt", true));
            RMenu           = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1R", "R Settings:"));
            RKS             = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1RKS", "Use R to steal kills", true));
            RKSOnlyIfCantAA = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1RKSOnlyIfCantAA", "Use R KS only if can't AA", true));
            RIfHit          = RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1RIfHit", "Use R if it will hit X enemies", 2, 1, 5));
            R1vs1           = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1R1v1", "Always use R in 1v1", true));

            WCombo   = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1WCombo", "Use W in Combo", true));
            UseItems = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1Items", "Use Items?", true));

            DrawingMenu        = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1DrawSettings", "Draw Settings:"));
            DrawAXECatchRadius = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeCatchDraw", "Draw Axe Catch Radius", true));
            DrawAXELocation    = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeLocationDraw", "Draw Axe Location", true));
            DrawAXELine        = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeLineDraw", "Draw Line to Axe Position", true));
            ColorMenu          = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuColor("tyler1DrawingColor", "Drawing Color", ColorBGRA.FromRgba(Color.Red.ToRgba())));

コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: Toyota7/EnsoulSharp
        public static void DatMenu()
            menu        = new Menu("veigarxd", "T7 Veigar:R", true);
            combo       = new Menu("combo", "Combo");
            harass      = new Menu("harass", "Harass");
            farm        = new Menu("farmm", "Farm");
            laneclear   = new Menu("lclear", "Laneclear");
            jungleclear = new Menu("jclear", "Jungleclear");
            lasthit     = new Menu("lasthit", "Lasthit");
            misc        = new Menu("misc", "Misc");
            draw        = new Menu("draww", "Drawings");
            pred        = new Menu("predi", "Prediction");

            menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("58274823", "By Toyota7 v2.1"));

            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CQ", "Use Q"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CW", "Use W"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CE", "Use E"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CR", "Use R"));
            if (Ignite != null)
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("IgniteC", "Use Ignite", false));
            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("8942938", "|"));
            combo.Add(new MenuList("CWMODE", "Select W Mode:", new string[] { "With Prediciton", "Without Prediction", "Only On Stunned Enemies" }, 0));
            combo.Add(new MenuList("CEMODE", "Select E Mode: ", new string[] { "Target On The Center", "Target On The Edge(stun)", "AOE" }, 0));
            combo.Add(new MenuSlider("CEAOE", "Min Champs For AOE Function", 2, 1, 5));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("EIMMO", "Dont Use E On Immobile Enemies", false));

            harass.Add(new MenuBool("HQ", "Use Q", false));
            harass.Add(new MenuList("HQMODE", "Select Q Mode", new string[] { "Spam", "Normal" }, 1));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("HW", "Use W", false));
            harass.Add(new MenuList("HWMODE", "Select W Mode", new string[] { "With Prediciton", "Without Prediction(Not Recommended)", "Only On Stunned Enemies" }, 2));
            harass.Add(new MenuKeyBind("AUTOH", "Auto Harass ", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle)).Permashow(true);
            harass.Add(new MenuSlider("HMIN", "Min Mana % To Harass", 40, 0, 100));

            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("89283563453", "Auto Q Stacking"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuKeyBind("QSTACK", "Auto Stacking", Keys.J, KeyBindType.Toggle)).Permashow(true, null, SharpDX.Color.LightGreen);
            laneclear.Add(new MenuList("QSTACKMODE", "Select Mode", new string[] { "LastHit Only", "Spam Q" }, 0));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("QSTACKDOUBLE", "Q Through Other Minions"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("4225390234", " "));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("4214313453", "Laneclear Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("LQ", "Use Q"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("LW", "Use W", false));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("LWMIN", "Min Minions For W", 2, 1, 6));
            //laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("AUTOL", new CheckBox("Auto Laneclear", false));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("LMIN", "Min Mana % To Laneclear/AutoStack", 50, 0, 100));

            jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("JQ", "Use Q"));
            jungleclear.Add(new MenuList("JQMODE", "Q Mode", new string[] { "All Monsters", "Big Monsters" }, 0));
            jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("JW", "Use W", false));
            jungleclear.Add(new MenuSlider("JMIN", "Min Mana % To Jungleclear", 10, 0, 100));

            lasthit.Add(new MenuBool("LHQ", "Use Q"));
            lasthit.Add(new MenuBool("LHQD", "Q Through Other Minions"));

            draw.Add(new MenuBool("nodraw", "Disable All Drawings", false));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawQ", "Draw Q Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawW", "Draw W Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawE", "Draw E Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawR", "Draw R Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuColor("dcolor", "Range Color", ColorBGRA.FromRgba(Color.Fuchsia.ToRgba())));
            draw.Add(new MenuSeparator("84978942", "|"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawk", "Draw Combo Damage On Enemies"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("DRAWTARGET", "Draw Target", false));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("DRAWWAY", "Draw Target Waypoint"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("nodrawc", "Draw Only Ready Spells", false));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawStacks", "Draw Auto Stack Status", false));

            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("5562522342", "Stealing"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSQ", "Killsteal with Q"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSW", "Killsteal with W", false));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSR", "Killsteal with R", false));
            if (Ignite != null)
                misc.Add(new MenuBool("autoign", "Auto Ignite If Killable"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSJ", ">Try< To Steal Dragon/Baron/Rift With W"));
            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("53434342", "AP"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("AUTOPOT", "Auto Potion"));
            misc.Add(new MenuSlider("POTMIN", "Min Health % To Activate Potion", 50, 1, 100));
            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("5124142", "AntiGapcloser"));
            misc.Add(new MenuList("gapmode", "Use E On Gapcloser Mode:", new string[] { "Off", "Self", "Enemy(Pred)" }, 0));
            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("5124144213412", "AutoLevelUp Spells"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("autolevel", "Activate Auto Level Up Spells"));
            misc.Add(new MenuList("LEVELMODE", "Select Sequence", new string[] { "Q>E>W", "Q>W>E" }, 1));

            pred.Add(new MenuList("QPred", "Q Min Hitchance -> ", new string[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "VeryHigh" }, 1)).ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                hitQ = (HitChance)comb(pred, "QPred") + 1;
            pred.Add(new MenuList("WPred", "W Min Hitchance -> ", new string[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "VeryHigh" }, 1)).ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                hitW = (HitChance)comb(pred, "WPred") + 1;
            pred.Add(new MenuList("EPred", "E Min Hitchance -> ", new string[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "VeryHigh" }, 1)).ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                hitE = (HitChance)comb(pred, "EPred") + 1;

            menu.Add(new MenuSlider("skinID", "Skin Hack", 9, 0, 31)).ValueChanged += (s, e) => myhero.SetSkin(slider(menu, "skinID"));

コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: 1412899920/JeonProject
            public Status()
                status = new Render.Text("", new Vector2(Drawing.Width * 20 / 100, Drawing.Width - 100), (int)12, ColorBGRA.FromRgba(0xFFFFFFFF))
                    VisibleCondition = c => true,
                    PositionUpdate   = () => new Vector2(Drawing.Width * (getMenuValue("x%") / 100f) + (order * 12), Drawing.Height * (getMenuValue("y%") / 100f)),
                    text             = "■",
