コード例 #1
        public VCDiffResult Decode(IByteBuffer source)
            VCDiffResult result = VCDiffResult.Succes;

            //the custom codetable itself is a VCDiff file but it is required to be encoded with the standard table
            //the length should be the first thing after the hdr_indicator if not supporting compression
            //at least according to the RFC specs.
            int lengthOfCodeTable = VarIntBE.ParseInt32(source);

            if (lengthOfCodeTable == 0)

            ByteBuffer codeTable = new ByteBuffer(source.ReadBytes(lengthOfCodeTable));

            //according to the RFC specifications the next two items will be the size of near and size of same
            //they are bytes in the RFC spec, but for some reason Google uses the varint to read which does
            //the same thing if it is a single byte
            //but I am going to just read in bytes because it is the RFC standard
            NearSize = codeTable.ReadByte();
            SameSize = codeTable.ReadByte();

            if (NearSize == 0 || SameSize == 0 || NearSize > byte.MaxValue || SameSize > byte.MaxValue)

            CustomTable = new CodeTable();
            //get the original bytes of the default codetable to use as a dictionary
            IByteBuffer dictionary = CustomTable.GetBytes();

            //Decode the code table VCDiff file itself
            //stream the decoded output into a memory stream
            using (MemoryStream sout = new MemoryStream())
                VCDecoder decoder = new VCDecoder(dictionary, codeTable, sout);
                result = decoder.Start();

                if (result != VCDiffResult.Succes)

                long bytesWritten = 0;
                result = decoder.Decode(out bytesWritten);

                if (result != VCDiffResult.Succes || bytesWritten == 0)

                //set the new table data that was decoded
                if (!CustomTable.SetBytes(sout.ToArray()))
                    result = VCDiffResult.Error;
