コード例 #1
        private void OnDrawColumnHeader(object sender, DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs e)
            // Только для первой колонки: рисуем CheckBox с надписью.
            if (e.ColumnIndex != 0)
                e.DrawDefault = true;


            bool value = false;

            var tag = e.Header.Tag;

            if (null != tag)
                value = Convert.ToBoolean(tag);

            var checkBoxState = value
                ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal
                : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;

            var glyphSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, checkBoxState);

            var textX = e.Bounds.Left + 4 + glyphSize.Width;

                                          new Point(e.Bounds.Left + 4, e.Bounds.Top + 4),
                                          new Rectangle(textX, e.Bounds.Top + 4, e.Header.Width - textX, FontHeight),
                                          TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.WordEllipsis |
コード例 #2
        protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics,
                                      Rectangle clipBounds,
                                      Rectangle cellBounds,
                                      int rowIndex,
                                      DataGridViewElementStates dataGridViewElementState,
                                      object value,
                                      object formattedValue,
                                      string errorText,
                                      DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
                                      DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
                                      DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex,
                       dataGridViewElementState, value,
                       formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle,
                       advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);

            var  p = new Point();
            Size s = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);

            p.X               = cellBounds.Location.X + (cellBounds.Width / 2) - (s.Width / 2);
            p.Y               = cellBounds.Location.Y + (cellBounds.Height / 2) - (s.Height / 2);
            _cellLocation     = cellBounds.Location;
            _checkBoxLocation = p;
            _checkBoxSize     = s;
            CheckBoxState checkboxState;

            if (_checked)
                checkboxState = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
                checkboxState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;

            CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(graphics, _checkBoxLocation, checkboxState);
コード例 #3
        private void ArgumentsList_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            ListViewHitTestInfo Info = ArgumentsList.HitTest(e.Location);

            if (Info.Item.Index == ArgumentsList.Items.Count - 1)
                ListViewItem NewItem = new ListViewItem();
                NewItem.Checked = true;
                NewItem         = ArgumentsList.Items.Insert(ArgumentsList.Items.Count - 1, NewItem);
                using (Graphics Graphics = ArgumentsList.CreateGraphics())
                    int LabelOffset = e.X - CheckBoxPadding - CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(Graphics, CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal).Width - CheckBoxPadding;
                    if (LabelOffset >= 0 && LabelOffset < TextRenderer.MeasureText(Info.Item.Text, ArgumentsList.Font).Width)
コード例 #4
                protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e)
                    var item = Items[e.Index] as CCBoxItem;
                    var e2   = new DrawItemEventArgs(e.Graphics, e.Font, e.Bounds, e.Index, e.State, e.ForeColor, item.BackColor);


                    var checkSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, CheckBoxState.MixedNormal);
                    var dx        = (e.Bounds.Height - checkSize.Width) / 2;

                    var checkBoxState = GetItemChecked(e.Index) ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;

                    CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point(dx, e.Bounds.Top + dx), checkBoxState);
                    var rec = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Height, e.Bounds.Top, e.Bounds.Width - e.Bounds.Height, e.Bounds.Height);

                    using (var sf = new StringFormat {
                        LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                        using (var brush = new SolidBrush(e.ForeColor))
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(item.Name, Font, brush, rec, sf);
コード例 #5
    protected override void OnDrawNode(DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e)
        TreeNode3 n = e.Node as TreeNode3;

        if (n == null)
            e.DrawDefault = true; return;
        CheckBoxState cbyTrue  = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
        CheckBoxState cbyFalse = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
        Rectangle     rect     = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Location,
                                               new Size(ClientSize.Width, e.Bounds.Height));

        glyph = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, cbyTrue);
        int  offset   = glyph.Width * 3 + Spacing * 2 + LeftPadding;
        bool selected = n.IsSelected;

        if (selected)
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.MenuHighlight, rect);
            e.Graphics.DrawString(n.Label, Font, Brushes.White,
                                  e.Bounds.X + offset, e.Bounds.Y);
            CheckBoxRenderer.DrawParentBackground(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, this);
            e.Graphics.DrawString(n.Label, Font, Brushes.Black,
                                  e.Bounds.X + offset, e.Bounds.Y);
        CheckBoxState bs1 = n.Check1 ? cbyTrue : cbyFalse;
        CheckBoxState bs2 = n.Check2 ? cbyTrue : cbyFalse;
        CheckBoxState bs3 = n.Check3 ? cbyTrue : cbyFalse;

        CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, cbx(e.Bounds, 0).Location, bs1);
        CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, cbx(e.Bounds, 1).Location, bs2);
        CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, cbx(e.Bounds, 2).Location, bs3);
コード例 #6
        // Three state checkbox column cell
        protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex,
                                      DataGridViewElementStates elementState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText,
                                      DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            // The checkBox cell is disabled, so paint the border, background, and disabled checkBox for the cell.
            if (!this.Enabled)
                // Draw the cell background, if specified.
                if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Background) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Background)
                    SolidBrush cellBackground = new SolidBrush(cellStyle.BackColor);
                    graphics.FillRectangle(cellBackground, cellBounds);

                // Draw the cell borders, if specified.
                if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Border) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Border)
                    PaintBorder(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle);

                // Calculate the area in which to draw the checkBox.
                CheckBoxState state  = CheckBoxState.MixedDisabled;
                Size          size   = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, state);
                Point         center = new Point(cellBounds.X, cellBounds.Y);
                center.X += (cellBounds.Width - size.Width) / 2;
                center.Y += (cellBounds.Height - size.Height) / 2;

                // Draw the disabled checkBox.
                CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(graphics, center, state);
                // The checkBox cell is enabled, so let the base class, handle the painting.
                base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, elementState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
コード例 #7
        private int DrawCheckBox(Graphics g, Rectangle r)
            int imageIndex = this.m_listItem.StateImageIndex;

            CheckBoxState boxState    = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
            int           switchValue = (imageIndex << 4);

            switch (switchValue)
            case 0x00:
                boxState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;

            case 0x01:
                boxState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedHot;

            case 0x10:
                boxState = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;

            case 0x11:
                boxState = CheckBoxState.CheckedHot;

            case 0x20:
                boxState = CheckBoxState.MixedNormal;

            case 0x21:
                boxState = CheckBoxState.MixedHot;

            CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(g, new Point(r.X + 2, r.Y + (r.Height / 2) - 6), boxState);
            return(CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(g, boxState).Width + 6);
コード例 #8
        private void DrawListSubItem(object sender, DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
            ListView list = (ListView)sender;

            if (list.SelectedIndices.Contains(e.ItemIndex))
                var bounds = e.Bounds;
                bounds.X += 5;

                if (e.ColumnIndex == 0 && list.CheckBoxes)
                    var cbLocation = bounds.Location;
                    cbLocation.X -= 1;
                    cbLocation.Y += 1;

                    var checkState = e.Item.Checked ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
                    CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, cbLocation, checkState);
                    bounds.X += CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, checkState).Width;

                if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
                    var image = projectImages.Images[e.Item.ImageKey];
                    if (image != null)
                        e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, bounds.Location);
                        bounds.X += image.Width;
                e.Graphics.DrawString(e.SubItem.Text, list.Font, SystemBrushes.HighlightText, bounds);
                e.DrawDefault = true;
コード例 #9
        private void FillData()
            var pk = m_table.FindConstraint <IPrimaryKey>();

            if (pk != null)
            foreach (var fk in m_table.GetConstraints <IForeignKey>())
            using (var g = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))
                m_lineHeight = (int)(g.MeasureString("M", Font).Height + 0.99);
                if (m_lineHeight < 16)
                    m_lineHeight = 16;
                m_checkWidth = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(g, System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal).Width;
            panCols.Height    = m_table.Columns.Count * m_lineHeight;
            labTableName.Text = m_table.FullName.ToString();
コード例 #10
        protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e)
            if (e == null || e.Index < 0 || this.Count <= 0)

            Size checkSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.MixedNormal);
            int  dx        = (e.Bounds.Height - checkSize.Width) / 2;

            bool isChecked = GetItemChecked(e.Index);//For some reason e.State doesn't work so we have to do this instead.

            CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point(dx, e.Bounds.Top + dx), isChecked ? System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);
            using (StringFormat sf = new StringFormat {
                LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(isChecked ? CheckedItemColor : ForeColor))
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(Items[e.Index].ToString(), Font, brush, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Height, e.Bounds.Top, e.Bounds.Width - e.Bounds.Height, e.Bounds.Height), sf);
コード例 #11
            protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds,
                                          Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates dataGridViewElementState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText,
                                          DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle
                                          advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
                base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, dataGridViewElementState,
                           value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);

                checkboxsize       = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);
                location.X         = cellBounds.X + (cellBounds.Width / 2 - checkboxsize.Width / 2);
                location.Y         = cellBounds.Y + (cellBounds.Height / 2 - checkboxsize.Height / 2);
                cellboundsLocation = cellBounds.Location;

                if (ischecked)
                    state = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
                    state = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;

                CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(graphics, location, state);
コード例 #12
        protected override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle clipBounds, System.Drawing.Rectangle cellBounds,
                                      int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates dataGridViewElementState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
                                      DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, dataGridViewElementState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
            Point p = new Point();
            Size  s = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);

            p.X              = cellBounds.Location.X + (cellBounds.Width / 8);                   //列头checkbox的X坐标
            p.Y              = cellBounds.Location.Y + (cellBounds.Height / 2) - (s.Height / 2); //列头checkbox的Y坐标
            _cellLocation    = cellBounds.Location;
            checkBoxLocation = p;
            checkBoxSize     = s;
            if (_checked)
                _cbState = System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
                _cbState = System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
                (graphics, checkBoxLocation, _cbState);
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the specified graphics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics.</param>
        /// <param name="clipBounds">The clip bounds.</param>
        /// <param name="cellBounds">The cell bounds.</param>
        /// <param name="rowIndex">Index of the row.</param>
        /// <param name="dataGridViewElementState">State of the data grid view element.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <param name="formattedValue">The formatted value.</param>
        /// <param name="errorText">The error text.</param>
        /// <param name="cellStyle">The cell style.</param>
        /// <param name="advancedBorderStyle">The advanced border style.</param>
        /// <param name="paintParts">The paint parts.</param>
        protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates dataGridViewElementState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, dataGridViewElementState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
            Point _point = new Point();
            Size  _size  = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics,

            _point.X         = cellBounds.Location.X + (cellBounds.Width / 2) - (_size.Width / 2);
            _point.Y         = cellBounds.Location.Y + (cellBounds.Height / 2) - (_size.Height / 2);
            cellLocation     = cellBounds.Location;
            checkBoxLocation = _point;
            checkBoxSize     = _size;

            if (ckstatus)
                allCheckedState = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
                allCheckedState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;

            CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(graphics, checkBoxLocation, allCheckedState);
        protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates dataGridViewElementState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, dataGridViewElementState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
            Point x = new Point();

            System.Drawing.Size glyphSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);
            Point location = cellBounds.Location;

            x.X                   = location.X + cellBounds.Width / 2 - glyphSize.Width / 2;
            location              = cellBounds.Location;
            x.Y                   = location.Y + cellBounds.Height / 2 - glyphSize.Height / 2;
            this._cellLocation    = cellBounds.Location;
            this.checkBoxLocation = x;
            this.checkBoxSize     = glyphSize;
            if (!this._checked)
                this._cbState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
                this._cbState = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
            CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(graphics, this.checkBoxLocation, this._cbState);
コード例 #15
        private void PackageSourcesListBox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
            var      currentListBox = (ListBox)sender;
            Graphics graphics       = e.Graphics;


            if (e.Index < 0 ||
                e.Index >= currentListBox.Items.Count)

            var currentItem = (Configuration.PackageSource)currentListBox.Items[e.Index];

            using (StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat())
                using (Brush foreBrush = new SolidBrush(currentListBox.SelectionMode == SelectionMode.None ? SystemColors.WindowText : e.ForeColor))
                    drawFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
                    drawFormat.Trimming      = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
                    drawFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    drawFormat.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

                    // the margin between the checkbox and the edge of the list box
                    const int edgeMargin = 8;
                    // the margin between the checkbox and the text
                    const int textMargin = 4;

                    // draw the enabled/disabled checkbox
                    CheckBoxState checkBoxState = currentItem.IsEnabled ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
                    Size          checkBoxSize  = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, checkBoxState);
                        new Point(edgeMargin, e.Bounds.Top + edgeMargin),

                    if (_checkBoxSize.IsEmpty)
                        // save the checkbox size so that we can detect mouse click on the
                        // checkbox in the MouseUp event handler.
                        // here we assume that all checkboxes have the same size, which is reasonable.
                        _checkBoxSize = checkBoxSize;

                    GraphicsState oldState = graphics.Save();
                        // turn on high quality text rendering mode
                        graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

                        // draw each package source as
                        // [checkbox] Name
                        //            Source (italics)

                        int textWidth = e.Bounds.Width - checkBoxSize.Width - edgeMargin - textMargin;

                        SizeF nameSize = graphics.MeasureString(currentItem.Name, e.Font, textWidth, drawFormat);

                        // resize the bound rectangle to make room for the checkbox above
                        var nameBounds = new Rectangle(
                            e.Bounds.Left + checkBoxSize.Width + edgeMargin + textMargin,

                        graphics.DrawString(currentItem.Name, e.Font, foreBrush, nameBounds, drawFormat);

                        var sourceBounds = new Rectangle(
                            e.Bounds.Bottom - nameBounds.Bottom);
                        graphics.DrawString(currentItem.Source, e.Font, foreBrush, sourceBounds, drawFormat);

                    // If the ListBox has focus, draw a focus rectangle around the selected item.
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Dcs the specified e.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="PaintEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        /// <param name="foreColor">Color of the fore.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The x.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
        /// <param name="img">The img.</param>
        /// <param name="clicked">if set to <c>true</c> [clicked].</param>
        /// <param name="hovered">if set to <c>true</c> [hovered].</param>
        /// <param name="chk">if set to <c>true</c> [CHK].</param>
        /// <param name="chkbox">if set to <c>true</c> [chkbox].</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font.</param>
        /// <param name="tai">if set to <c>true</c> [tai].</param>
        /// <param name="ta">The ta.</param>
        /// <param name="ia">The ia.</param>
        /// <param name="pt">if set to <c>true</c> [pt].</param>
        /// <param name="ch">if set to <c>true</c> [ch].</param>
        /// <returns>System.Single.</returns>
        public static float dc(PaintEventArgs e, Color foreColor, float x = 0f, string text = "", Image img = null, bool clicked = false, bool hovered = false, bool chk = false, bool chkbox = false, float width = 0f, Font font = null, bool tai = true, ContentAlignment ta = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, ContentAlignment ia = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, bool pt = false, bool ch = true)
            if (font == null)
                font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont;
            width = Math.Max((ch ? 15 : 3) + (chkbox ? 24 : 0) + (img != null ? img.Width : 0) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font).Width : 0) + (pt ? 13 : 0), width);

            if (clicked)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Left_Edge, x, 0);
                for (int i = (int)x + ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Right_Edge).Width; i++)
                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Body, i, 0);
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Right_Edge, x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Clicked_Right_Edge).Width, 0);
            else if (hovered)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Left_Edge, x, 0);
                for (int i = (int)x + ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Right_Edge).Width; i++)
                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Body, i, 0);
                e.Graphics.DrawImage((ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Right_Edge), x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Hovered_Right_Edge).Width, 0);
            else if (chk && !chkbox)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Left_Edge, x, 0);
                for (int i = (int)x + ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Right_Edge).Width; i++)
                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Body, i, 0);
                e.Graphics.DrawImage((ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Right_Edge), x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Selected_Right_Edge).Width, 0);
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Left_Edge, x, 0);
                for (int i = (int)x + ZeroitBreadCrumb.Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Right_Edge).Width; i++)
                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(ZeroitBreadCrumb.Body, i, 0);
                e.Graphics.DrawImage((ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Right_Edge), x + width - (ch ? ZeroitBreadCrumb.Right_Triangle : ZeroitBreadCrumb.Right_Edge).Width, 0);

            if (chkbox)
                var st = chk ? (clicked ? System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedPressed : System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal) : (clicked ? System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedPressed : System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);

                var sz = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, st);

                CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point((int)(x + (pt ? 13 : 0) + (24 - sz.Height) / 2), (24 - sz.Height) / 2), st);

            if (tai)
                dit(e, foreColor, x + (pt ? 13 : 0), ta, text, font, chkbox, width, ia, img);
                di(e, x, img, ia, chkbox, width);
                dt(e, foreColor, x + (pt ? 13 : 0), ta, text, font, chkbox, width);

コード例 #17
            protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e)
                Brush backColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                Brush foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;

                switch ((Elements)e.Index)
                case Elements.Fire:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.Red;
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;

                case Elements.Lightning:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.Purple;     // TODO: find a better color
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;

                case Elements.Ice:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.LightCyan;
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;

                case Elements.Wind:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.Yellow;
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;

                case Elements.Earth:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.Green;
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;

                case Elements.Water:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.LightBlue;
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;

                case Elements.Holy:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;

                case Elements.Dark:
                    backColorBrush = Brushes.Black;
                    foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;

                    // empty

                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backColorBrush, e.Bounds);
                CheckBoxState state        = this.GetItemChecked(e.Index) ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
                Size          checkBoxSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, state);
                Point         loc          = new Point(1, (e.Bounds.Height - (checkBoxSize.Height + 1)) / 2 + 1);

                CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point(loc.X + e.Bounds.X, loc.Y + e.Bounds.Y), state);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(this.Items[e.Index].ToString(), e.Font, foreColorBrush, new PointF(loc.X + checkBoxSize.Width + 1 + e.Bounds.X, loc.Y + e.Bounds.Y));

                if ((Defaults != null) && (Defaults.Length > e.Index) && (Defaults[e.Index] != GetItemChecked(e.Index)))
                    using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.Blue, 1))
                        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width - 1, e.Bounds.Height - 1));

                if (!Enabled)
                    using (SolidBrush disabledRect = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Gray)))
                        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(disabledRect, e.Bounds);
コード例 #18
        protected override void OnDrawSubItem(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.ItemIndex == -1)
            if (base.View == View.Details)
                Rectangle          bounds    = e.Bounds;
                ListViewItemStates itemState = e.ItemState;
                Graphics           g         = e.Graphics;
                ListViewItem       item      = e.Item;
                bool selected   = (itemState & ListViewItemStates.Selected) != 0;
                bool drawImage  = false;
                bool fistItem   = false;
                int  imageIndex = -1;

                if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
                    fistItem = true;
                    if (item.ImageList != null)
                        if (item.ImageIndex != -1)
                            imageIndex = item.ImageIndex;
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ImageKey))
                            imageIndex = item.ImageList.Images.IndexOfKey(item.ImageKey);

                        if (imageIndex != -1)
                            drawImage = true;

                Rectangle backRect  = bounds;
                Rectangle imageRect = Rectangle.Empty;
                if (drawImage)
                    imageRect       = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
                    backRect        = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
                    backRect.X     += 2;
                    backRect.Width -= 2;
                Color textColor = Color.Black;
                if (selected && (base.FullRowSelect || (!base.FullRowSelect && fistItem)))
                    Color innerBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255);
                    Image image = this.ItemBackgroundImage;
                    g.DrawImage(image, backRect, 0, 0, 5, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                    g.DrawImage(image, backRect, 5, 0, image.Width - 10, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                    g.DrawImage(image, backRect, image.Width - 5, 0, 5, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                    textColor = Color.White;
                    using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(this._itemBackgroundColor))
                        g.FillRectangle(brush, backRect);
                TextFormatFlags flags = this.GetFormatFlags(e.Header.TextAlign);
                if (drawImage)//如果绘制图像
                    g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;

                    if (selected)
                        IntPtr hIcon = WinAPIDllImport.ImageList_GetIcon(item.ImageList.Handle, imageIndex, (int)ImageListDrawFlags.ILD_SELECTED);
                        g.DrawIcon(Icon.FromHandle(hIcon), imageRect.X, imageRect.Y + 2);
                        Image image = item.ImageList.Images[imageIndex];
                        g.DrawImage(image, imageRect.X, imageRect.Y + 2);
                    Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(imageRect.Right + 3, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - imageRect.Right - 3, bounds.Height);
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, item.Text, item.Font, textRect, textColor, flags);
                    bounds.X += 3;
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, e.SubItem.Text, e.SubItem.Font, bounds, textColor, flags);
                if (base.CheckBoxes)
                    if (e.Item.SubItems[0] == e.SubItem)
                        Size  sizeCheckBox  = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, e.Item.Checked ? System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);
                        Point checkBoxPoint = new Point(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Top + 10);
                        CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, checkBoxPoint, e.Item.Checked ? System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);
コード例 #19
        // Let the item paint itself, and then paint the RadioButton
        // where the check mark is normally displayed.
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (Image != null)
                // If the client sets the Image property, the selection behavior
                // remains unchanged, but the RadioButton is not displayed and the
                // selection is indicated only by the selection rectangle.
                // If the Image property is not set, call the base OnPaint method
                // with the CheckState property temporarily cleared to prevent
                // the check mark from being painted.
                CheckState currentState = this.CheckState;
                this.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
                this.CheckState = currentState;

            // Determine the correct state of the RadioButton.
            CheckBoxState buttonState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;

            if (Enabled)
                if (mouseDownState)
                    if (Checked)
                        buttonState = CheckBoxState.CheckedPressed;
                        buttonState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedPressed;
                else if (mouseHoverState)
                    if (Checked)
                        buttonState = CheckBoxState.CheckedHot;
                        buttonState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedHot;
                    if (Checked)
                        buttonState = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
                if (Checked)
                    buttonState = CheckBoxState.CheckedDisabled;
                    buttonState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedDisabled;

            // Calculate the position at which to display the RadioButton.
            Int32 offset        = (ContentRectangle.Height - CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, buttonState).Height) / 2;
            Point imageLocation = new Point(ContentRectangle.Location.X + 4, ContentRectangle.Location.Y + offset);

            //// Paint the RadioButton.
            //    e.Graphics, imageLocation, buttonState);

                                          imageLocation, Rectangle.Empty, String.Empty,
                                          this.Font, TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                                          true, buttonState);
コード例 #20
            protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e)
                 * Brush backColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                 * Brush foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;
                 * switch( (Element)e.Index )
                 * {
                 *  case Element.Fire:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.Red;
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                 *      break;
                 *  case Element.Lightning:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.Purple; // TODO: find a better color
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                 *      break;
                 *  case Element.Ice:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.LightCyan;
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;
                 *      break;
                 *  case Element.Wind:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.Yellow;
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;
                 *      break;
                 *  case Element.Earth:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.Green;
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                 *      break;
                 *  case Element.Water:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.LightBlue;
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;
                 *      break;
                 *  case Element.Holy:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.Black;
                 *      break;
                 *  case Element.Dark:
                 *      backColorBrush = Brushes.Black;
                 *      foreColorBrush = Brushes.White;
                 *      break;
                 *  default:
                 *      // empty
                 *      break;
                 * }

                Brush backColorBrush = (e.Index < elementBGBrushes.Length ? elementBGBrushes[e.Index] : Brushes.White);
                Brush foreColorBrush = (e.Index < elementFGBrushes.Length ? elementFGBrushes[e.Index] : Brushes.Black);

                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backColorBrush, e.Bounds);
                CheckBoxState state        = this.GetItemChecked(e.Index) ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
                Size          checkBoxSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, state);
                Point         loc          = new Point(1, (e.Bounds.Height - (checkBoxSize.Height + 1)) / 2 + 1);

                CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point(loc.X + e.Bounds.X, loc.Y + e.Bounds.Y), state);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(this.Items[e.Index].ToString(), e.Font, foreColorBrush, new PointF(loc.X + checkBoxSize.Width + 1 + e.Bounds.X, loc.Y + e.Bounds.Y));

                if ((Defaults != null) && (Defaults.Length > e.Index) && (Defaults[e.Index] != GetItemChecked(e.Index)))
                    using (Pen p = new Pen(Settings.ModifiedColor.BackgroundColor, 1))
                        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width - 1, e.Bounds.Height - 1));

                if (!Enabled)
                    using (SolidBrush disabledRect = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Gray)))
                        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(disabledRect, e.Bounds);
コード例 #21
            /* Override the OnPaint method to support replacing the default checkmark with other options. */
            protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
                // If check mark is set to something besides default, temporarily clear the CheckState property
                // before calling base OnPaint to prevent the default check mark from being painted.
                if (this.CheckOnClick && this.CheckRenderMode != CheckRender.Default)
                    CheckState currentState = this.CheckState;
                    Image      currentImage = this.Image;

                    if (this.CheckRenderMode == CheckRender.Custom && this.Checked)
                        if (this.CustomCheckedImage == null)
                            throw new NullReferenceException("CheckRenderMode is Custom but CustomCheckedImage is null.");
                        else  // temporarily hijack the Image property to render custom check mark image
                            this.Image = CustomCheckedImage;
                    else if (this.CheckRenderMode == CheckRender.CheckBox)
                        this.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; // CheckState property temporarily cleared to prevent painting of default mark
                    // Do standard painting

                    // restore property values
                    this.CheckState = currentState;
                    this.Image      = currentImage;
                else // all normal; nothing to see here

                // Continue with any non-default check mark behavior

                // paint CheckBox control graphics in menu margin
                if (this.CheckRenderMode == CheckRender.CheckBox)
                    // Determine the correct state of the CheckBox.
                    CheckBoxState boxState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal; // initial value
                    if (this.Enabled)
                        if (this.Pressed)
                            if (this.Checked)
                                boxState = CheckBoxState.CheckedPressed;
                                boxState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedPressed;
                        else if (this.Selected)
                            if (this.Checked)
                                boxState = CheckBoxState.CheckedHot;
                                boxState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedHot;
                        if (this.Checked)
                            boxState = CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal;
                        if (this.Checked)
                            boxState = CheckBoxState.CheckedDisabled;
                            boxState = CheckBoxState.UncheckedDisabled;

                    // Calculate the position at which to display the CheckBox.
                    int   offsetY       = (this.ContentRectangle.Height - CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, boxState).Height) / 2;
                    Point imageLocation = new Point(this.ContentRectangle.Location.X + 4, this.ContentRectangle.Location.Y + offsetY);

                    // Paint the CheckBox.
                    CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, imageLocation, boxState);
コード例 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Paints the drop-down, including all items within the scrolled region
    /// and, if appropriate, the scrollbar.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

        if (_scrollBarVisible)
            Rectangle upper = new Rectangle(_scrollBar.DisplayRectangle.Left, _scrollBar.DisplayRectangle.Top, _scrollBar.DisplayRectangle.Width, _scrollBar.Thumb.Top - _scrollBar.DisplayRectangle.Top);
            Rectangle lower = new Rectangle(_scrollBar.DisplayRectangle.Left, _scrollBar.Thumb.Bottom, _scrollBar.DisplayRectangle.Width, _scrollBar.DisplayRectangle.Bottom - _scrollBar.Thumb.Bottom);

            if (_sourceControl.DrawWithVisualStyles && ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported)
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawUpperVerticalTrack(e.Graphics, upper, GetScrollBarState(upper));
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawLowerVerticalTrack(e.Graphics, lower, GetScrollBarState(lower));
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawArrowButton(e.Graphics, _scrollBar.UpArrow, GetScrollBarStateUp());
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawArrowButton(e.Graphics, _scrollBar.DownArrow, GetScrollBarStateDown());
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawVerticalThumb(e.Graphics, _scrollBar.Thumb, GetScrollBarThumbState());
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawVerticalThumbGrip(e.Graphics, _scrollBar.Thumb, GetScrollBarThumbState());
                Rectangle bounds = _scrollBar.DisplayRectangle;
                bounds.Offset(1, 0);
                Rectangle up = _scrollBar.UpArrow;
                up.Offset(1, 0);
                Rectangle down = _scrollBar.DownArrow;
                down.Offset(1, 0);
                Rectangle thumb = _scrollBar.Thumb;
                thumb.Offset(1, 0);

                using (HatchBrush brush = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, SystemColors.ControlLightLight, SystemColors.Control)) {
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, bounds);

                ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(e.Graphics, up, ScrollButton.Up, GetButtonState(_scrollBar.UpArrow));
                ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(e.Graphics, down, ScrollButton.Down, GetButtonState(_scrollBar.DownArrow));
                ControlPaint.DrawButton(e.Graphics, thumb, ButtonState.Normal);

        for (int i = _scrollOffset; i < (_scrollOffset + _numItemsDisplayed); i++)
            bool     highlighted = ((_highlightedItemIndex == i) && !_sourceControl.ShowCheckBoxes);
            NodeInfo item        = _visibleItems[i];

            // background
            if (highlighted)
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Highlight, item.DisplayRectangle);

            // image and glyphs
            if (item.Image != null)
                Rectangle imgBounds = new Rectangle(item.DisplayRectangle.Location, item.Image.Size);
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(item.Image, imgBounds);

                if (_sourceControl.ShowCheckBoxes)
                    CheckBoxState state   = GetCheckBoxState(item.Node.CheckState, item.CheckRectangle);
                    Size          chkSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, state);
                    CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, Point.Add(item.CheckRectangle.Location, new Size((item.CheckRectangle.Width - chkSize.Width) / 2, (item.CheckRectangle.Height - chkSize.Height) / 2)), state);

            Rectangle textBounds = new Rectangle(item.DisplayRectangle.X + item.Image.Width + 2, item.DisplayRectangle.Y, item.DisplayRectangle.Width - item.Image.Width - 4, _itemHeight);

            using (Font font = new Font(Font, _visibleItems[i].Node.FontStyle)) {
                TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, item.Node.Text, font, textBounds, highlighted ? SystemColors.HighlightText : ForeColor, TEXT_FORMAT_FLAGS);

            if (highlighted && _sourceControl.Focused && _sourceControl.ShowsFocusCues)
                ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(e.Graphics, item.DisplayRectangle);
コード例 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// 重绘
 /// </summary>
 protected override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle clipBounds, System.Drawing.Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates dataGridViewElementState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
     base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, dataGridViewElementState, @"", @"", errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
     this.m_chkboxRegion = RectangleCommon.GetSmallRectOfRectangle(cellBounds, CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal), out m_absChkboxRegion);
コード例 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the size of the image used to display the button.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">Current <see cref="Graphics"/> context.</param>
 /// <returns>The size of the image.</returns>
 protected override Size GetButtonSize(Graphics g) => CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(g, System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal);
コード例 #25
        private void CleanWorkspaceWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IntPtr FolderIconPtr;

            ExtractIconEx("imageres.dll", 3, IntPtr.Zero, out FolderIconPtr, 1);

            IntPtr FileIconPtr;

            ExtractIconEx("imageres.dll", 2, IntPtr.Zero, out FileIconPtr, 1);

            Icon[] Icons = new Icon[] { Icon.FromHandle(FolderIconPtr), Icon.FromHandle(FileIconPtr) };

            Size LargestIconSize = Size.Empty;

            foreach (Icon Icon in Icons)
                LargestIconSize = new Size(Math.Max(LargestIconSize.Width, Icon.Width), Math.Max(LargestIconSize.Height, Icon.Height));

            Size LargestCheckBoxSize = Size.Empty;

            using (Graphics Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))
                foreach (CheckBoxState State in CheckBoxStates)
                    Size CheckBoxSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(Graphics, State);
                    LargestCheckBoxSize = new Size(Math.Max(LargestCheckBoxSize.Width, CheckBoxSize.Width), Math.Max(LargestCheckBoxSize.Height, CheckBoxSize.Height));

            Size ImageSize = new Size(LargestCheckBoxSize.Width + LargestIconSize.Width, Math.Max(LargestIconSize.Height, LargestCheckBoxSize.Height));

            Bitmap TypeImageListBitmap = new Bitmap(Icons.Length * 3 * ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            using (Graphics Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(TypeImageListBitmap))
                int MinX = 0;
                for (int IconIdx = 0; IconIdx < Icons.Length; IconIdx++)
                    for (int StateIdx = 0; StateIdx < 3; StateIdx++)
                        Size CheckBoxSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(Graphics, CheckBoxStates[StateIdx]);
                        CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(Graphics, new Point(MinX + (LargestCheckBoxSize.Width - CheckBoxSize.Width) / 2, (LargestCheckBoxSize.Height - CheckBoxSize.Height) / 2), CheckBoxStates[StateIdx]);

                        Size IconSize = Icons[IconIdx].Size;
                        Graphics.DrawIcon(Icons[IconIdx], MinX + LargestCheckBoxSize.Width + (LargestIconSize.Width - IconSize.Width) / 2, (LargestIconSize.Height - IconSize.Height) / 2);

                        MinX += ImageSize.Width;

            ImageList TypeImageList = new ImageList();

            TypeImageList.ImageSize  = ImageSize;
            TypeImageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
            TreeView.ImageList = TypeImageList;

            TreeNode Node = BuildTreeViewStructure(RootFolderToClean, "/", false, 0);

            Node.Text = RootFolderToClean.Directory.FullName;
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="ListView.DrawSubItem"/> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is where the owner draws the specific sub item. We handle this.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="e">A <see cref="DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs"/> describing the event arguments.</param>
        protected override void OnDrawSubItem(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
            //if the item is not in a list view, then don't bother trying to draw it,
            // as it isn't visible anyway
            if (e.Item.ListView == null)



            Int32 intBoundsX     = e.Bounds.X;
            Int32 intBoundsY     = e.Bounds.Y;
            Int32 intBoundsWidth = e.Bounds.Width;
            Int32 intFontX       = e.Bounds.X + 3;
            Int32 intFontWidth   = e.Bounds.Width - 3;

            if (e.Item.SubItems[0] == e.SubItem)
                intBoundsX     += 4;
                intBoundsWidth -= 4;

                if (CheckBoxes)
                    CheckBoxState cbsState        = e.Item.Checked ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal;
                    Size          szeCheckboxSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, cbsState);
                    int           intBoxY         = intBoundsY + (e.Bounds.Height - szeCheckboxSize.Height) / 2;
                    int           intBoxX         = intBoundsX;
                    intBoundsX     += 3 + szeCheckboxSize.Width;
                    intBoundsWidth -= 3 + szeCheckboxSize.Width;
                    intFontX       += 3 + szeCheckboxSize.Width;
                    intFontWidth   -= 3 + szeCheckboxSize.Width;
                    CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point(intBoxX, intBoxY), cbsState);

                m_intFocusBoundsX = intBoundsX;

            Color clrForeColor = e.SubItem.ForeColor;

            if (e.Item.Selected)
                clrForeColor = e.Item.ListView.Focused ? SystemColors.HighlightText : clrForeColor;
                Color clrBackColor = e.Item.ListView.Focused ? SystemColors.Highlight : SystemColors.Control;
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(clrBackColor), new Rectangle(intBoundsX, intBoundsY, intBoundsWidth, e.Bounds.Height));

            if (Messages.ContainsKey(e.SubItem))
                Image     imgIcon       = Messages[e.SubItem].Value;
                Rectangle rctIconBounds = GetMessageIconBounds(e.Bounds, imgIcon, String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.SubItem.Text) ? true : false);
                Rectangle rctPaint      = new Rectangle(new Point(rctIconBounds.X, intBoundsY + rctIconBounds.Y), rctIconBounds.Size);
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(imgIcon, rctPaint);
                intFontWidth -= rctIconBounds.Width;

            Rectangle rctTextBounds = new Rectangle(intFontX, intBoundsY + 2, intFontWidth, e.Bounds.Height - 4);

            TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.SubItem.Text, e.SubItem.Font, rctTextBounds, clrForeColor, TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter);

            if (e.Item.Focused)
                Pen penFocusRectangle = new Pen(Brushes.Black);
                penFocusRectangle.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot;
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(penFocusRectangle, new Rectangle(m_intFocusBoundsX, intBoundsY, e.Item.Bounds.Width - m_intFocusBoundsX - 1, e.Item.Bounds.Height - 1));
コード例 #27
        protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawListViewItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item == null)

            // Draw the background
            var item = (e.Item.Tag as CloudTaskItem);

            var textColor = item.GetTextColor(e.Item.Selected, m_TaskColorIsBkgnd);
            var backColor = item.GetBackColor(e.Item.Selected, m_TaskColorIsBkgnd);

            Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(textColor);

            if (e.Item.Selected)
                m_SelectionRect.Draw(Handle, e.Graphics, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height);
            else if (m_TaskColorIsBkgnd && !backColor.IsEmpty)
                using (Brush backBrush = new SolidBrush(backColor))
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, e.Bounds);

            // Draw subitems
            StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();

            stringFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
            stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormat.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

            Rectangle itemRect = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Location, e.Bounds.Size);

            for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < e.Item.SubItems.Count; colIndex++)
                itemRect.X    += 2;
                itemRect.Width = (Columns[colIndex].Width - 2);

                if (colIndex == 0)
                    if (m_ShowCompletionCheckboxes)
                        if (m_CheckBoxSize.IsEmpty)
                            m_CheckBoxSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);

                        var checkRect = CalcCheckboxRect(itemRect);

                        CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, checkRect.Location, GetItemCheckboxState(item));

                        itemRect.X     += CheckboxOffset;
                        itemRect.Width -= CheckboxOffset;

                    if (m_TaskMatchesHaveIcons)
                        if ((e.Item.ImageIndex != -1) && m_TaskIcons.Get(item.Id))
                            int       imageSize = ImageSize;
                            Rectangle iconRect  = new Rectangle(itemRect.Location, new Size(imageSize, imageSize));
                            iconRect.Y += ((itemRect.Height - imageSize) / 2);

                            m_TaskIcons.Draw(e.Graphics, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top);

                        itemRect.X     += TextIconOffset;
                        itemRect.Width -= TextIconOffset;


                         (colIndex == 0));

                // next subitem
                itemRect.X += itemRect.Width;
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint single flags item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The Graphics used to paint the DataGridViewCell.</param>
        /// <param name="checkBoxBounds">Rectangel that contains the bounds for checkbox</param>
        /// <param name="cellStyle">A DataGridViewCellStyle that contains formatting and style information about the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="text">Text of item to paint.</param>
        /// <param name="state">Check state of item to paint.</param>
        /// <param name="paint">True if check box should be painted.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the end (right coordinate) of the drawed checkbox.</returns>
        private int PaintItem(Graphics graphics,
                              Rectangle checkBoxBounds,
                              DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
                              string text,
                              bool state,
                              bool paint)
            //Calculate check box location.
            Point glyphLocation = new Point(checkBoxBounds.Left + CheckBoxMargin, checkBoxBounds.Top);

            // Initial flags to use for text in checkbox.
            TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.SingleLine | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis | TextFormatFlags.PreserveGraphicsClipping
                                    | TextFormatFlags.NoPrefix;

            // Determine if should paint as hot flag
            bool isHot = DataInterpreter.CompareInvariant(text, hotItem);
            //Trace.WriteLine("Item " + text + " " + isHot.ToString());
            //Trace.WriteLine("Hot item " + hotItem);
            CheckBoxState cbState =
                state ?
                (isHot ? CheckBoxState.CheckedHot : CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal) :
                (isHot ? CheckBoxState.UncheckedHot : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);

            // Calculate check box glyph size.
            Size checkBoxSize = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, cbState);

            // Apply alingment
            switch (cellStyle.Alignment)
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Bottom;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.Bottom | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Bottom;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.Bottom | TextFormatFlags.Left;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomRight:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Bottom;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.Bottom | TextFormatFlags.Right;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Top + (checkBoxBounds.Height - checkBoxSize.Height) / 2;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Top + (checkBoxBounds.Height - checkBoxSize.Height) / 2;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.Left;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Top + (checkBoxBounds.Height - checkBoxSize.Height) / 2;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.Right;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopCenter:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Top;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.Top | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopLeft:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Top;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.Top | TextFormatFlags.Left;

            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopRight:
                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Top;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.Top | TextFormatFlags.Right;

                glyphLocation.Y = checkBoxBounds.Top;
                flags          |= TextFormatFlags.Top | TextFormatFlags.Left;

            // Add check boxe to the list
            checkboxes.Add(text, new Rectangle(glyphLocation, checkBoxSize));

            // Calculate bounds for text
            Rectangle textBounds = new Rectangle(
                // Draw text after glyph plus small margin.
                checkBoxBounds.Left + 2 * CheckBoxMargin + checkBoxSize.Width,
                checkBoxBounds.Width - (2 * CheckBoxMargin + checkBoxSize.Width),

            // Darw checkbox only if we should to draw it and have enought space for glyph
            // and text
            if (paint && checkBoxBounds.Height >= checkBoxSize.Height && checkBoxBounds.Height >= cellStyle.Font.Height)
                using (Region clipRegion = graphics.Clip)
                    // Draw checkbox
                    graphics.Clip = clipRegion;

            // Calculate and return right coordinate for drawed checkbox with margin
            return(checkBoxSize.Width + TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, cellStyle.Font).Width + CheckBoxMargin);
コード例 #29

コード例 #30
        protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics,
                                      Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex,
                                      DataGridViewElementStates elementState, object value,
                                      object formattedValue, string errorText,
                                      DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
                                      DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
                                      DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            // The checkBox cell is disabled, so paint the border,
            // background, and disabled checkBox for the cell.
            if (!this.enabledValue)
                // Draw the cell background, if specified.
                if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Background) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Background)
                    Brush cellBackground = new SolidBrush(this.Selected ? cellStyle.SelectionBackColor : cellStyle.BackColor);
                    graphics.FillRectangle(cellBackground, cellBounds);

                // Draw the cell borders, if specified.
                if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Border) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Border)
                    PaintBorder(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle);

                CheckState checkState = CheckState.Unchecked;

                if (formattedValue != null)
                    if (formattedValue is CheckState)
                        checkState = (CheckState)formattedValue;
                    else if (formattedValue is bool)
                        if ((bool)formattedValue)
                            checkState = CheckState.Checked;

                CheckBoxState state = checkState == CheckState.Checked ? CheckBoxState.CheckedDisabled : CheckBoxState.UncheckedDisabled;

                // Calculate the area in which to draw the checkBox.

                // force to unchecked!!
                Size  size   = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(graphics, state);
                Point center = new Point(cellBounds.X, cellBounds.Y);
                center.X += (cellBounds.Width - size.Width) / 2;
                center.Y += (cellBounds.Height - size.Height) / 2;

                // Draw the disabled checkBox.
                // We prevent painting of the checkbox if the Width,
                // plus a little padding, is too small.
                if (size.Width + 4 < cellBounds.Width)
                    CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(graphics, center, state);
                // The checkBox cell is enabled, so let the base class
                // handle the painting.
                base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, elementState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);