コード例 #1
        public static void ProcessMatches(ChallongeTournament tournament, List <ChallongeMatch> matches)
            // Assign player objects from the participants list to the matches retrieved from Challonge
            matches.ForEach(m => m.Player1 = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.Player1Id));
            matches.ForEach(m => m.Player2 = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.Player2Id));

            // Reset COMPLETE matches
            var newCompleteMatches = tournament.OpenMatches.Where(om => matches.Any(m => m.State == MatchType.Complete && m.Id == om.Id));

            tournament.CompleteMatches = newCompleteMatches.ToList();

            // Remove from OPEN list any completed/pending Challonge matches.
            tournament.OpenMatches.RemoveAll(om => matches.Where(m => m.State != MatchType.Open).Any(m => m.Id == om.Id));

            // Remove from OPEN list matches that are not part of Challonge open matches.
            tournament.OpenMatches.RemoveAll(om => !matches.Where(m => m.State == MatchType.Open).Any(m => m.Id == om.Id));

            // Add new Challonge matches that are now OPEN and not already in the OPEN list.
            var newOpenMatches = matches.Where(m => m.State == MatchType.Open && !tournament.OpenMatches.Any(om => om.Id == m.Id));


            // Reset PENDING matches
            tournament.PendingMatches = matches.Where(m => m.State == MatchType.Pending &&
                                                      (m.Player1Id != -1 || m.Player2Id != -1) && // Only show matches where one participant is waiting.
                                                      tournament.OpenMatches.Any(om => om.Id == m.Player1PrevMatchId || om.Id == m.Player2PrevMatchId)).ToList();
コード例 #2
        //static void OldMain(string[] args)
        //    var tournaments = ChallongeApiWrapper.GetTournamentList(CHALLONGE_USERNAME, CHALLONGE_APIKEY, CHALLONGE_SUBDOMAIN);

        //    CsvWriter.WriteLine("tournament-list.csv", "Name of Event, Challonge URL, Participants");
        //    foreach (var tournament in tournaments)
        //    {
        //        var tdata = ChallongeApiWrapper.GetTournament(tournament.ApiUrl, CHALLONGE_USERNAME, CHALLONGE_APIKEY);
        //        var name = tdata.Name;
        //        var url = tdata.UrlAddress();
        //        var numParticipants = tdata.Participants.Count;

        //        CsvWriter.WriteLine("tournament-list.csv", "{0}, {1}, {2}", name, url, numParticipants);

        //        var filename = string.Format("{0}-participants.csv", tdata.ApiUrl);
        //        CsvWriter.WriteLine(filename, "Tournament Name, Participant Name");

        //        foreach (var particiapant in tdata.Participants)
        //        {
        //            var participantName = particiapant.Name;

        //            CsvWriter.WriteLine(filename, "{0}, {1}", name, participantName);
        //        }

        //        filename = string.Format("{0}-results.csv", tdata.ApiUrl);
        //        CsvWriter.WriteLine(filename, "Tournament Name, Winner, Loser");

        //        foreach (var match in tdata.CompleteMatches)
        //        {
        //            var p1name = match.Player1 == null ? "Bye" : match.Player1.Name;
        //            var p2name = match.Player2 == null ? "Bye" : match.Player2.Name;

        //            if (match.WinnerId == match.Player1Id)
        //                CsvWriter.WriteLine(filename, "{0}, {1}, {2}", name, p1name, p2name);
        //            else
        //                CsvWriter.WriteLine(filename, "{0}, {1}, {2}", name, p2name, p1name);
        //        }
        //    }

        private static void Main(string[] args)
            TournamentKey = ConsoleInputProvider.GetTournamentKey();
            var numStations = ConsoleInputProvider.GetNumberOfStations();

            var stationsToExclude = ConsoleInputProvider.GetStationsToExclude();

            _tournament = ChallongeApiWrapper.GetTournament(TournamentKey, CHALLONGE_USERNAME, CHALLONGE_APIKEY);

            // Console Settings
            Console.Title       = string.Format("Challonge Match Viewer - {0}", _tournament.Name);
            Console.WindowWidth = 100;
            //Console.WindowHeight = 84;
            Console.CursorVisible = false;

            // Wait for the tournament to start
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Waiting for the '{0}' tournament to start...", _tournament.Name));
            while (_tournament.OpenMatches.Count == 0)
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(UPDATE_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

                _tournament = ChallongeApiWrapper.GetTournament(TournamentKey, CHALLONGE_USERNAME, CHALLONGE_APIKEY);

            foreach (var station in stationsToExclude)
                _tournament.StationManager.RemoveStation(string.Format("TV {0}", station));

            // Create a timer to ping Challonge for updates to bracket
            var timer = new Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

            timer.Elapsed += UpdateTournamentMatches;
            timer.Enabled  = true;
            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            UpdateTournamentMatches(null, null);

            while (_tournament.OpenMatches.Count != 0)
                OutputMatchesToConsole(_tournament, startTime);

コード例 #3
ファイル: ChallongeApi.cs プロジェクト: pwNBait/PolonyBot
        public Tuple <ChallongeTournament, IEnumerable <MatchChallonge> > StartTournament(string tournamentUrl, bool includeMatches = true)
            var result = (includeMatches) ? Send("", "POST", "/" + tournamentUrl + "/start", false, "?include_matches=1") : Send("", "POST", "/" + tournamentUrl + "/start", false);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                //This means it failed

            IList <JToken> result_parse             = JObject.Parse(result)["tournament"]["matches"].ToList();
            IEnumerable <MatchChallonge> matches    = (includeMatches) ? ProcessResults <MatchChallonge, JsonMatchChallonge, IList <JToken> >(result_parse) : Enumerable.Empty <MatchChallonge>();
            ChallongeTournament          tournament = ProcessJson <ChallongeTournament, JsonChallongeTournament>(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonChallongeTournament>(result));

            return(new Tuple <ChallongeTournament, IEnumerable <MatchChallonge> >(tournament, matches));
コード例 #4
        // Delay this whole method.
        public static void SendNotifications(ChallongeTournament tournament)
            foreach (var match in tournament.OpenMatches.Where(m => !m.SentNotification && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Station)))
                var title   = "Your next match is ready!";
                var message = string.Format("{0} | {1}", match.ToString(), tournament.Name);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Player1.Email))
                    PushbulletApiWrapper.PushToEmail(PUSHBULLET_APIKEY, match.Player1.Email, title, message);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Player2.Email))
                    PushbulletApiWrapper.PushToEmail(PUSHBULLET_APIKEY, match.Player2.Email, title, message);

                match.SentNotification = true;
コード例 #5
        public static void AssignStations(ChallongeTournament tournament)
            // First free up stations that are not assign an OPEN match
            var matches = tournament.StationManager.Stations.Values.ToList();

            foreach (var match in matches)
                if (match != null)
                    if (!tournament.OpenMatches.Any(m => m.Id == match.Id))

            // Assign stations to open matches where available. Loser bracket matches are highest priority
            foreach (var match in tournament.OpenMatches.Where(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Station)).OrderBy(m => m.Round > 0 ? 99999 + m.Round : Math.Abs(m.Round)).ThenBy(m => m.CreatedAt))
                var stationName = tournament.StationManager.AssignNextAvailable(match);
                match.Station   = stationName;
                match.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #6
        public static void OutputMatchesToConsole(ChallongeTournament tournament, DateTime startTime)
            if (tournament.OpenMatches.Count == 0)

            var maxNameLength    = tournament.Participants.Max(p => p.Name.Length);
            var maxCodeLength    = Math.Max(tournament.OpenMatches.Max(m => m.Identifier.Length), 2);
            var maxStationlength = tournament.OpenMatches.Max(m => m.Station == null ? 0 : m.Station.Length);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("View the bracket on your phone here: {0}", tournament.UrlAddress()));

            var swappedPlayers = tournament.OpenMatches.Select(m => new ChallongeMatch
                Station    = m.Station,
                Player1    = m.Player2,
                Player2    = m.Player1,
                Identifier = m.Identifier,
                Round      = m.Round,
                CreatedAt  = m.CreatedAt

            var header = string.Format("{0} | {1} | Match ID | Bracket Location",
                                       "TV #".PadRight(maxStationlength),
                                       "Who plays who".PadRight(maxNameLength * 2 + 5)

            Console.WriteLine(string.Empty.PadRight(header.Length + 10, '-'));

            foreach (var match in tournament.OpenMatches.Concat(swappedPlayers).OrderBy(m => m.Player1.Name))
                // Don't output matches that don't have TVs
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Station))
                    if (tournament.OpenMatches.Contains(match) && !tournament.PendingMatches.Contains(match))


                Console.Write(string.Format("{0} | {1} <-> {2} | Match {3} | {4} | ",
                                            (match.Station == null ? string.Empty : match.Station).PadRight(maxStationlength),

                if (DateTime.Now.Second % 2 == 0)
                    if (match.CreatedAt.AddMinutes(20) <= DateTime.Now)
                        //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
                    else if (match.CreatedAt.AddMinutes(15) <= DateTime.Now)
                        //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Station))
                    Console.WriteLine((DateTime.Now - match.CreatedAt).ToString("mm':'ss").PadLeft(5));

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

            //Console.WriteLine("Upcoming Matches");
            //Console.WriteLine(string.Empty.PadRight(header.Length + 10, '-'));
            //foreach (var match in tournament.PendingMatches.OrderBy(m => m.Player1 != null && m.Player2 != null ? "1" : "2").ThenBy(m => m.Player1 != null ? m.Player1.Name : m.Player2.Name))
            //    if (match.Player1 != null && match.Player2 != null)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} <-> {1}",
            //            match.Player1.Name.PadRight(maxNameLength),
            //            match.Player2.Name.PadRight(maxNameLength)
            //        ));
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        var player = match.Player1 != null ? match.Player1 : match.Player2;
            //        var matchWaitingOn = tournament.OpenMatches.Single(c => c.Id == (match.Player1 != null ? match.Player2PrevMatchId : match.Player1PrevMatchId));
            //        var winnerOrLoser = match.Round < 0 && matchWaitingOn.Round > 0 ? "Loser" : "Winner";

            //        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} <-> {1} of Match {2}",
            //            player.Name.PadRight(maxNameLength),
            //            winnerOrLoser,
            //            matchWaitingOn.Identifier));
            //    }


            var timeDiff = UPDATE_INTERVAL_SEC - (DateTime.Now - startTime).Seconds % UPDATE_INTERVAL_SEC;

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Next update in... {0} second{1}.", timeDiff.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), timeDiff == 1 ? string.Empty : "s"));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>Retrieve a single tournament created with the specified account.</summary>
        /// <param name="tournamentKey">The ID or URL string that identifies the tournament. In the form "SUBDOMAIN-URLKEY"</param>
        /// <param name="username">The Challonge username to retrieve the data.</param>
        /// <param name="apikey">The Challonge API key, generated from https://challonge.com/settings/developer. </param>
        public static ChallongeTournament GetTournament(string tournamentKey, string username, string apikey)
            var requestUrl = string.Format("tournaments/{0}", tournamentKey);

            var client = new RestClient(CHALLONGE_API_URL);

            client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(username, apikey);

            var request = new RestRequest(requestUrl, Method.GET);

            request.AddParameter("include_participants", "1");
            request.AddParameter("include_matches", "1");

            var response = client.Execute(request);

            if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TournamentRoot>(response.Content);
            var data   = result.tournament;

            var tournament = new ChallongeTournament
                Name     = data.name,
                ApiUrl   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.subdomain) ? data.url : data.subdomain + "-" + data.url,
                MaxRound = data.matches.DefaultIfEmpty(new MatchRoot {
                    match = new Match {
                        round = 0
                }).Max(m => m.match.round),
                MinRound = data.matches.DefaultIfEmpty(new MatchRoot {
                    match = new Match {
                        round = 0
                }).Min(m => m.match.round)

            tournament.Participants = data.participants.Select(p => new ChallongeParticipant
                Id    = p.participant.id,
                Name  = p.participant.name,
                Email = p.participant.misc != null ? p.participant.misc.ToString() : string.Empty

            tournament.OpenMatches = data.matches.Select(m => m.match)
                                     .Where(m => m.state == "open")
                                     .Select(m => new ChallongeMatch
                Id                 = m.id,
                State              = MatchType.Open,
                Round              = m.round,
                Identifier         = m.identifier,
                Player1Id          = m.player1_id ?? -1,
                Player2Id          = m.player2_id ?? -1,
                Player1PrevMatchId = m.player1_prereq_match_id ?? -1,
                Player2PrevMatchId = m.player2_prereq_match_id ?? -1,
                Player1            = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.player1_id),
                Player2            = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.player2_id),
                CreatedAt          = DateTime.Now,
                Station            = string.Empty

            tournament.PendingMatches = data.matches.Select(m => m.match)
                                        .Where(m => m.state == "pending" && (m.player1_id != null || m.player2_id != null))
                                        .Select(m => new ChallongeMatch
                Id                 = m.id,
                State              = MatchType.Pending,
                Round              = m.round,
                Identifier         = m.identifier,
                Player1Id          = m.player1_id ?? -1,
                Player2Id          = m.player2_id ?? -1,
                Player1PrevMatchId = m.player1_prereq_match_id ?? -1,
                Player2PrevMatchId = m.player2_prereq_match_id ?? -1,
                Player1            = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.player1_id),
                Player2            = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.player2_id),
                CreatedAt          = DateTime.Now,
                Station            = string.Empty

            tournament.CompleteMatches = data.matches.Select(m => m.match)
                                         .Where(m => m.state == "complete")
                                         .Select(m => new ChallongeMatch
                Id                 = m.id,
                State              = MatchType.Complete,
                Round              = m.round,
                Identifier         = m.identifier,
                Player1Id          = m.player1_id ?? -1,
                Player2Id          = m.player2_id ?? -1,
                Player1PrevMatchId = m.player1_prereq_match_id ?? -1,
                Player2PrevMatchId = m.player2_prereq_match_id ?? -1,
                WinnerId           = m.winner_id ?? -1,
                LoserId            = m.loser_id ?? -1,
                Player1            = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.player1_id),
                Player2            = tournament.Participants.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == m.player2_id),
                Station            = string.Empty
