コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void SaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // if editing last dirty row, show more
            bool rebindToEdit = dirtyRows.Contains(ReadOnlyLogRptr.Items.Count - 1);

            // update/insert "dirty" records
            foreach (int dirtyRowIndex in dirtyRows)
                RepeaterItem item = ReadOnlyLogRptr.Items[dirtyRowIndex];
                // get pri key
                CaisisHidden            priKeyField = item.FindControl("CommunicationLogIdField") as CaisisHidden;
                ProjectCommunicationLog biz         = new ProjectCommunicationLog();
                // update
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priKeyField.Value))
                    int priKey = int.Parse(priKeyField.Value);
                // fill Biz with field values
                CICHelper.SetBOValues(item.Controls, biz, projectId);
                // update/insert

            // rebind to reflect changes
コード例 #2
        private void AddDynamicAttributes()
            // FIELD ATTRIBUTES
            var excludedFieldAttributes = GetExcludedAttributes();
            var missingFieldAttributes  = from b in BOL.BusinessObject.GetAll <MetadataFieldAttribute>()
                                          let attribute = b[MetadataFieldAttribute.AttributeName].ToString()
                                                          let attributeId = (int)b[MetadataFieldAttribute.AttributeId]
                                                                            // exclude attributes in list
                                                                            where !excludedFieldAttributes.Contains(attribute, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                                                            orderby attribute ascending
                                                                            select new
                Attribute        = attribute,
                AttributeOptions = BOL.BusinessObject.GetByParent <MetadataFieldAttributeValueOption>(attributeId).Select(option => option[BOL.MetadataFieldAttributeValueOption.AttributeOptionValue].ToString())

            // set list of misc attributes
            miscFieldAttributes = missingFieldAttributes.ToDictionary(a => a.Attribute, a => a.AttributeOptions);
            // dynamically add to attribute id container
            foreach (string miscAttribute in miscFieldAttributes.Keys)
                CaisisHidden attributeField = new CaisisHidden();
                attributeField.Table = "MetadataFieldAttributes";
                attributeField.Field = miscAttribute;
                attributeField.ID    = miscAttribute + "_FieldAttributeId";

コード例 #3
ファイル: DynamicPage.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        /// <summary>
        /// For the specified table, return a list of input fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected List <ICaisisInputControl> GetInputControls(string table)
            // get a list of controls by table
            List <ICaisisInputControl> inputs = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControlsByTableName(table);

            // cleanup
            foreach (ICaisisInputControl input in inputs)
                // supress labels
                input.ShowLabel = false;

                // trigger calc date on text fields
                if (input is CaisisTextBox && input.Field.EndsWith("DateText"))
                    CaisisTextBox ctb = input as CaisisTextBox;
                    ctb.Attributes["onblur"] = "UpdateDate(this);";
                // cleanup spacer on date fields
                if (input is CaisisHidden)
                    CaisisHidden hiddenInput = input as CaisisHidden;
                    if (hiddenInput.DisplayCalculatedDate)
                        hiddenInput.ShowSpacer = false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: PatientVisit.aspx.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void UpdateStatusClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (int dirtyRow in dirtyVisits)
                GridViewRow   row               = PatientVisitsGrid.Rows[dirtyRow];
                CaisisHidden  pItemStatus       = row.FindControl(PatientItem.Status) as CaisisHidden;
                CaisisTextBox pItemSDate        = row.FindControl(PatientItem.ScheduledDate) as CaisisTextBox;
                CaisisHidden  deviationId       = row.FindControl(PatientDeviation.PatientDeviationId) as CaisisHidden;
                int           patientItemId     = int.Parse(PatientVisitsGrid.DataKeys[dirtyRow][PatientItem.PatientItemId].ToString());
                string        patientItemStatus = pItemStatus.Value;
                string        scheduledDate     = pItemSDate.Value;

                PatientItem biz = new PatientItem();
                biz[PatientItem.Status]        = patientItemStatus;
                biz[PatientItem.ScheduledDate] = scheduledDate;
                // needs deviation ???

                if (patientItemStatus == "Missed")
                    // do not create deviation

                     * PatientDeviation deviation = new PatientDeviation();
                     * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviationId.Value))
                     * {
                     *  deviation.Get(int.Parse(deviationId.Value));
                     * }
                     * // otherwise set required foreign key
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  deviation[PatientDeviation.PatientItemId] = patientItemId.ToString();
                     * }
                     * deviation[PatientDeviation.DeviationType] = "Missed Visit";
                     * deviation.Save();
                     * // update hidden deviation field
                     * deviationId.Value = deviation[PatientDeviation.PatientDeviationId].ToString();
                // if status isn't missed, remove deviation if exists
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviationId.Value))
                    PatientDeviation deviation = new PatientDeviation();
                    deviationId.Value = string.Empty;

                // trigger scheduling for dependent items
                PatientProtocolController.ScheduleDependentItemsByItemStatus(patientItemId, patientItemStatus);

            SetVisit(sender, e);

コード例 #5
        protected void SetStatusValue(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CheckBox     statusCheck = sender as CheckBox;
            CaisisHidden statusField = statusCheck.NamingContainer.FindControl(statusCheck.ID.Replace("_Check", "")) as CaisisHidden;

            if (statusCheck.Checked && string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusField.Value))
                statusField.Value = "Collected";
コード例 #6
        protected void SetSpecimenDisplay(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                ICaisisInputControl specimenRefNumInput   = e.Row.FindControl(Specimen.SpecimenReferenceNumber) as ICaisisInputControl;
                ICaisisInputControl specimenTypeInput     = e.Row.FindControl(Specimen.SpecimenType) as ICaisisInputControl;
                ICaisisInputControl specimenSubTypeInput  = e.Row.FindControl(Specimen.SpecimenSubType) as ICaisisInputControl;
                ICaisisInputControl specimenVialTypeInput = e.Row.FindControl(Specimen.SpecimenVialType) as ICaisisInputControl;
                ICaisisInputControl processingMethodInput = e.Row.FindControl(Specimen.SpecimenPreservationType) as ICaisisInputControl;
                bool isBlankRow = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, Specimen.SpecimenId).ToString() == "";

                string specimenRefNum = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, Specimen.SpecimenReferenceNumber).ToString();

                // format Specimen Type
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(specimenTypeInput.Value))
                    specimenTypeInput.Value = QuerySpecimenType;

                // special: lookup codes
                if (QuerySpecimenType == QUERY_BLOOD)
                    (processingMethodInput as ICaisisLookupControl).LookupCode = "Specimen_PreservationType_Blood";
                    (specimenSubTypeInput as ICaisisLookupControl).LookupCode  = "Specimen_SubType_Blood";
                    // special default values
                    bool setPreGeneratedBloodSpecimens = !AccessionVisit.Enabled;
                    if (isBlankRow && setPreGeneratedBloodSpecimens)
                        int index = e.Row.RowIndex;
                        if (index + 1 <= bloodAutoSpecimens.Length)
                            var specimenDefault = bloodAutoSpecimens[index];
                            specimenRefNumInput.Value   = specimenDefault.SpecimenReferenceNumber;
                            specimenSubTypeInput.Value  = specimenDefault.SubType;
                            specimenVialTypeInput.Value = specimenDefault.VialType;
                else if (QuerySpecimenType == QUERY_TISSUE)
                    (processingMethodInput as ICaisisLookupControl).LookupCode = "Specimen_PreservationType_Tissue";
                    (specimenSubTypeInput as ICaisisLookupControl).LookupCode  = "Specimen_SubType_Tissue";

                // set collected checkbox
                string       status      = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, BOL.Specimen.SpecimenStatus).ToString();
                CheckBox     statusCheck = e.Row.FindControl("SpecimenStatus_Check") as CheckBox;
                CaisisHidden statusField = e.Row.FindControl("SpecimenStatus") as CaisisHidden;
                statusField.Value = status;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                    statusCheck.Checked = true;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add missing table and field attributes to the interface
        /// </summary>
        private void AddDynamicAttributes()
            // TABLE ATTRIBUTES
            var allTableAttributes    = BOL.BusinessObject.GetAll <MetadataTableAttribute>().ToDictionary(b => b[MetadataTableAttribute.TableAttributeName].ToString(), b => (int)b[MetadataTableAttribute.TableAttributeId]);
            var staticTableAttributes = GetAttributeToHiddenFields(TableAttributesPanel).Keys;

            miscTableAttributes = from attribute in allTableAttributes.Keys.Except(staticTableAttributes, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                  orderby attribute ascending
                                  select attribute;

            foreach (string attribute in miscTableAttributes)
                // add attributes
                CaisisHidden attributeField = new CaisisHidden();
                attributeField.Table = "MetadataTableAttributes";
                attributeField.Field = attribute;
                attributeField.ID    = attribute + "_Id";


                // add attribute values
                DynamicallyAddAttribute(TableMiscAttributesPanel, attribute, "MetadataTableAttributeValues", new string[0]);
            // FIELD ATTRIBUTES
            //var staticFieldAttributes = GetAttributeToHiddenFields(MetadataAttributesContainer).Keys;
            //// field attributes not defined (i.e., misc)
            //var missingFieldAttributes = from b in BOL.BusinessObject.GetAll<MetadataFieldAttribute>()
            //                             let attribute = b[MetadataFieldAttribute.AttributeName].ToString()
            //                             let attributeId = (int)b[MetadataFieldAttribute.AttributeId]
            //                             where !staticFieldAttributes.Contains(attribute)
            //                             orderby attribute ascending
            //                             select new
            //                             {
            //                                 Attribute = attribute,
            //                                 AttributeOptions = BOL.BusinessObject.GetByParent<MetadataFieldAttributeValueOption>(attributeId).Select(option => option[BOL.MetadataFieldAttributeValueOption.AttributeOptionValue].ToString())
            //                             };
            //miscFieldAttributes = missingFieldAttributes.ToDictionary(a => a.Attribute, a => a.AttributeOptions);
            //// dynamically add to attribute id container
            //foreach (string miscAttribute in miscFieldAttributes.Keys)
            //    CaisisHidden attributeField = new CaisisHidden();
            //    attributeField.Table = "MetadataFieldAttributes";
            //    attributeField.Field = miscAttribute;
            //    attributeField.ID = miscAttribute + "_FieldAttributeId";

            //    MetadataAttributesContainer.Controls.Add(attributeField);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="attributeName"></param>
        /// <param name="attributeValueTable"></param>
        /// <param name="attributeValueOptions"></param>
        private void DynamicallyAddAttribute(Control container, string attributeName, string attributeValueTable, IEnumerable <string> attributeValueOptions)
            HtmlGenericControl attributeWrapper         = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
            Label               attributeValueLabel     = new Label();
            CaisisHidden        valueIdField            = new CaisisHidden();
            CaisisHidden        diseaseAttributeValueId = new CaisisHidden();
            ICaisisInputControl attributeValue;

            // if attribute options assigned, build options
            if (attributeValueOptions.Count() > 0)
                CaisisSelect attributeValuesInput = new CaisisSelect();
                attributeValue = attributeValuesInput;
                attributeValuesInput.DataSource = attributeValueOptions;
                attributeValue = new CaisisTextBox();
            attributeWrapper.Attributes["class"] = "attributeFieldWrapper";

            attributeValueLabel.ID   = attributeName + "_Label";
            attributeValueLabel.Text = attributeName;

            valueIdField.ID    = attributeName + "_ValueId";
            valueIdField.Table = attributeValueTable;
            valueIdField.Field = attributeName;

            diseaseAttributeValueId.ID    = attributeName + "_DiseaseAttributeValueId";
            diseaseAttributeValueId.Table = "DiseaseAttributeValues";
            diseaseAttributeValueId.Field = attributeName;

            Control inputAttributeValue = attributeValue as Control;

            inputAttributeValue.ID   = attributeName;
            attributeValue.ShowLabel = false;
            attributeValue.Table     = attributeValueTable;
            attributeValue.Field     = attributeName;
            attributeValueLabel.AssociatedControlID = inputAttributeValue.ID;

コード例 #9
        protected void AddDynamicControls(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            RepeaterItem ItemRow = e.Item;

            if (ItemRow.ItemType == ListItemType.Item ||
                ItemRow.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                PlaceHolder cicControlHolder = ItemRow.FindControl("cicControlHolder") as PlaceHolder;

                // Get Hidden Value contained in the parent row
                RepeaterItem parentRepeaterItem = ((Repeater)sender).Parent as RepeaterItem;
                if (parentRepeaterItem != null)
                    CaisisHidden fieldRowIndex     = parentRepeaterItem.FindControl("FieldRowIndex") as CaisisHidden;
                    CaisisHidden schemaItemFieldId = ItemRow.FindControl("SchemaItemFieldId") as CaisisHidden;

                    if (cicControlHolder != null)
                        cicControlHolder.Controls.Add(ItemRow.DataItem as Control);

                        ICaisisInputControl cic = ItemRow.DataItem as ICaisisInputControl;
                        if (cic != null)
                            if (existingData.ContainsKey(fieldRowIndex.Value))
                                Dictionary <string, DataRow> rowData = existingData[fieldRowIndex.Value];
                                if (rowData.ContainsKey(cic.Field))
                                    if (!IsPostBack)
                                        cic.Value = rowData[cic.Field]["DestValue"].ToString();

                                    // Set hidden field with SchemaitemFieldId
                                    if (schemaItemFieldId != null)
                                        schemaItemFieldId.Value = rowData[cic.Field][SchemaItemField.SchemaItemFieldId].ToString();

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates an existing LookupAttribute record, or inserts new record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void UpdateAttribute(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CaisisTextBox attributeNameField = sender as CaisisTextBox;
            CaisisHidden  attributeIdField   = attributeNameField.NamingContainer.FindControl("AttributeId") as CaisisHidden;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeNameField.Value))
                // don't inesrt empty attribut names
                LookupAttribute biz = new LookupAttribute();
                // determine if updating or inserting
                if (attributeIdField != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeIdField.Value))
                biz[LookupAttribute.AttributeName] = attributeNameField.Value;
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates all "dirty" DxImageFinding Rptr items.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateDxImageFindings()
            // Iterate through each "dirty" image finding record
            foreach (RepeaterItem item in dirtyDxImageFindings)
                // Locate PriKey Field for ImageFinding
                CaisisHidden imageFindingId = item.FindControl("ImageFindingId") as CaisisHidden;
                // dirtyItems index is same as Diganostic column index, to find diagnosticid
                CaisisHidden diagnosticId = DiagnosticsHeaderRptr.Items[item.ItemIndex].FindControl("DiagnosticIdField") as CaisisHidden;
                // Main Data Entry Field
                Control       petFields          = item.FindControl("PET_Fields");
                Control       ctMRIFields        = item.FindControl("CTMRI_Fields");
                Control       shareFields        = item.FindControl("SHARED_Fields");
                Control       mainFields         = ImageType == "PET" ? petFields : ctMRIFields;
                CaisisTextBox mainDataEntryField = FindInputControl(mainFields, MainDataEntryField) as CaisisTextBox;

                ImageFinding biz = new ImageFinding();
                // determine if updating
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFindingId.Value))
                    int priKey = int.Parse(imageFindingId.Value);
                    // deleting and go to next item
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainDataEntryField.Value))
                    // updating
                // Get Parent Key
                int parKey = int.Parse(diagnosticId.Value);
                // Set BusinessObject fields based on controls in data entry cell
                CICHelper.SetBOValues(shareFields.Controls, biz, parKey);
                CICHelper.SetBOValues(mainFields.Controls, biz, parKey);
                // save Image Finding
コード例 #12
        protected void BindOrganizationsAndContacts(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                // Get the org drop down, contact drop down and contactid hidden field
                CaisisSelect organizationIdField = e.Row.FindControl("OrganizationEdit") as CaisisSelect;
                HtmlSelect   contactDropDown     = e.Row.FindControl("ContactNameEdit") as HtmlSelect;
                CaisisHidden contactIdField      = e.Row.FindControl("ContactId") as CaisisHidden;

                // Attach change events to the dropdowns to handle respective client events
                string onOrgChange = "onOrgChange(this,'" + organizationIdField.ClientID + "','" + contactDropDown.ClientID + "');";
                PageUtil.AttachClientEventToControl(organizationIdField as WebControl, "onchange", onOrgChange);
                string onContactSelChange = "copyToContactId(this,'" + contactIdField.ClientID + "');";
                contactDropDown.Attributes["onchange"] = onContactSelChange;

                // Populate Organizations and Contacts
                organizationIdField.DataSource = orgList;

                string orgId = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "OrganizationId").ToString();
                // Set selected orgid
                organizationIdField.Value = orgId;

                // Populate Contacts
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgId))
                    ProjectManagementDa da       = new ProjectManagementDa();
                    DataTable           contacts = da.GetAllContactsByOrgId(int.Parse(orgId));
                    contactDropDown.DataSource = contacts;
                    // Add blank item at beginning
                    contactDropDown.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(string.Empty, string.Empty));

                    // Set value of associated contact
                    string contactId = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "ContactId").ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactId))
                        contactDropDown.Value = contactId;
                        contactIdField.Value  = contactId;
コード例 #13
        public override void SaveControl(int schemaItemId, bool bParentTable, bool bCreateNew)
            Panel pnl = Page.FindControl(TableName + "Holder") as Panel;

            if (pnl != null)
                // primary key for already saved values
                int nPrimaryKey = -1;

                int nFieldRowIndex = -1;

                // if FieldRowIndex hidden field is set to -1 then delete the record
                // otherwise, insert the record
                bool bSkipRow = true;

                Row_Actions action = Row_Actions.Update;

                int DisplayOrder = 0;

                foreach (ICaisisInputControl c in ExtractCaisisInputControls(pnl))
                    if (c is CaisisHidden && (c.Field == null || !c.Field.EndsWith("Date")))
                        CaisisHidden csHidden = c as CaisisHidden;
                        if (csHidden.ID == "SchemaItemFieldId")
                            Int32.TryParse(csHidden.Value, out nPrimaryKey);

                            if (bCreateNew)
                                nPrimaryKey = -1;
                        else if (csHidden.ID == "FieldRowIndex")
                            DisplayOrder = 0;

                            // Adjust FieldRowIndex so they are sequential
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(csHidden.Value))
                                bSkipRow = false;

                                if (csHidden.Value == "-1")
                                    action = Row_Actions.Delete;
                                    action = Row_Actions.Update;

                                bSkipRow = true;
                    else if (!bSkipRow)
                        // if no check boxes checked and a new record, don't save
                        if (!OptionsSelected() &&
                            nPrimaryKey <= 0)

                        SchemaItemField field = new SchemaItemField();

                        // If csHidden.Value == -1 then delete
                        if (action == Row_Actions.Update)

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Value))
                                field[SchemaItemField.FieldRowIndex] = nFieldRowIndex;
                                field[SchemaItemField.SchemaItemId]  = schemaItemId;
                                field[SchemaItemField.DestTable]     = c.Table;
                                field[SchemaItemField.DestField]     = c.Field;
                                field[SchemaItemField.DestValue]     = c.Value;
                                field[SchemaItemField.DisplayOrder]  = DisplayOrder++;

                                if (!field.IsNull(SchemaItemField.SchemaItemFieldId))
                                    int schemaItemFieldId = (int)field[SchemaItemField.SchemaItemFieldId];
                        else if (action == Row_Actions.Delete)
                            if (!field.IsNull(SchemaItemField.SchemaItemFieldId))
                                int schemaItemFieldId = (int)field[SchemaItemField.SchemaItemFieldId];
コード例 #14
ファイル: PatientVisit.aspx.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        /// <summary>
        /// During initalization, set control values and attach change handler to updates schedule date and status on change
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void WireUpdateEvent(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                // Locate controls needed to be updates
                CaisisHidden  deviationId = e.Row.FindControl(PatientDeviation.PatientDeviationId) as CaisisHidden;
                CaisisHidden  pItemStatus = e.Row.FindControl(PatientItem.Status) as CaisisHidden;
                CaisisTextBox pItemSDate  = e.Row.FindControl(PatientItem.ScheduledDate) as CaisisTextBox;
                Image         dataEntered = e.Row.FindControl("DataEntered") as Image;
                Label         dataEntry   = e.Row.FindControl("DataEntry") as Label;

                // during data-binding, set values and UI elements (images, etc...) and realted deviation
                e.Row.DataBinding += new EventHandler(delegate(object o, EventArgs eArg)
                    int patientItemId    = int.Parse(PatientVisitsGrid.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex][PatientItem.PatientItemId].ToString());
                    string status        = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, PatientItem.Status).ToString();
                    string scheduledDate = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, PatientItem.ScheduledDate, "{0:d}").ToString();

                    // set ICaisisInputControls Values
                    pItemStatus.Value = status;
                    pItemSDate.Value  = scheduledDate;

                    // determine if checkbox marks are visible

                    string dataEntryCount = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "DataEntryCount").ToString();
                    int EntryCount;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(dataEntryCount, out EntryCount) &&
                        EntryCount > 0)
                        dataEntry.Text      = "Entered";
                        dataEntry.CssClass  = "DataEntered";
                        dataEntered.Visible = true;
                        dataEntry.Text      = "Not Done";
                        dataEntry.CssClass  = "DataNotDone";
                        dataEntered.Visible = false;
                    // for current patient item, find related deviation record
                    var foundDeviations = PatientDeviation.GetByFields <PatientDeviation>(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { PatientDeviation.PatientItemId, patientItemId },
                        { PatientDeviation.DeviationType, "Missed Visit" }
                    if (foundDeviations.Count() > 0)
                        deviationId.Value = foundDeviations.First()[PatientDeviation.PatientDeviationId].ToString();
                    // add date range validation
                    string clientDateFormatString = "new Date('{0}')";
                    object firstDate = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, PatientItem.FirstAnticipatedDate);
                    object lastDate  = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, PatientItem.LastAnticipatedDate);

                    string clientFirstDate = "null";
                    string clientLastDate  = "null";
                    if (firstDate != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstDate.ToString()))
                        DateTime date   = (DateTime)firstDate;
                        clientFirstDate = string.Format(clientDateFormatString, date);
                    if (lastDate != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastDate.ToString()))
                        DateTime date  = (DateTime)lastDate;
                        clientLastDate = string.Format(clientDateFormatString, date);
                    // add client script to validate date range
                    pItemSDate.Attributes["onfocus"] = string.Format("validateScheduledDate(this, {0}, {1}, true, event);", clientFirstDate, clientLastDate);

                e.Row.PreRender += new EventHandler(delegate(object a, EventArgs b)
コード例 #15
        public void CustomizeControl(ICaisisInputControl control, string tablename, string fieldname)
            if (Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.HasLabel(tablename, fieldname))
                string label = Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.GetLabel(tablename, fieldname);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label) && !fieldname.Contains("Date"))
                    control.FieldLabel = fieldname;
                    control.FieldLabel = Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.GetLabel(tablename, fieldname);

            // description
            if (Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.HasDescription(tablename, fieldname))
                control.HelpDescription = Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.GetDescription(tablename, fieldname);

            // required
            control.Required = Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.IsRequired(tablename, fieldname);

            Action <string, Action <string> > setProp =
                (att, setter) =>
                if (Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.HasMetadataFieldAttribute(tablename, fieldname, att))
                    setter(Caisis.BOL.BusinessObject.GetMetadataFieldAttribute(tablename, fieldname, att));

            // javascript
            Action <string, string> handleJs =
                (att, eventName) =>
                setProp(att, s => CICHelper.HandleJsEventAttribute(control as WebControl, eventName, s));

            if (control is WebControl)
                handleJs("jsOnBlur", "onblur");
                handleJs("jsOnClick", "onclick");
                handleJs("jsOnSelectedIndexChanged", "onselectedindexchanged");
                setProp("FieldWidth", s => (control as WebControl).Style.Add("width", s + "px"));

            // lookup controls
            if (control is ICaisisLookupControl)
                ICaisisLookupControl c = control as ICaisisLookupControl;

                setProp("LookupDistinct", s => c.LookupDistinct             = s);
                setProp("LookupCode", s => c.LookupCode                     = s);
                setProp("CascadeValuesBasedOn", s => c.CascadeValuesBasedOn = s);
                setProp("CascadeFormatString", s => c.CascadeFormatString   = s);

            // text box MaxLength
            if (control is TextBox)
                        s =>
                    int maxLength = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(s, out maxLength))
                        (control as TextBox).MaxLength = maxLength;

            Func <string, bool> isSet =
                s =>
                string val = "";
                bool   parsed;
                setProp(s, x => val = x);
                return(bool.TryParse(val, out parsed) && parsed);

            // CaisisTextBox
            if (control is CaisisTextBox)
                CaisisTextBox tb = control as CaisisTextBox;

                tb.ShowCalendar   = isSet("ShowCalendar");
                tb.CalcDate       = isSet("CalcDate");
                tb.ShowNumberPad  = isSet("ShowNumberPad");
                tb.ReadOnly       = isSet("ReadOnly");
                tb.ShowTextEditor = isSet("ShowTextEditor");
                tb.ShowICDWizard  = isSet("ShowICDWizard");

            // CaisisTextArea
            if (control is CaisisTextArea)
                (control as CaisisTextArea).ShowTextEditor = isSet("ShowTextEditor");

            // CaisisHidden
            if (control is CaisisHidden)
                CaisisHidden h = control as CaisisHidden;

                h.DisplayCalculatedDate = isSet("DisplayCalculatedDate");
                h.DisplayHiddenValue    = isSet("DisplayHiddenValue");
                h.ShowICDWizard         = isSet("ShowICDWizard");
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Initalizes variables and attaches event handlers for populating/updating DxImageFindingFields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void InitEvents(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <CaisisCheckBox> checkBoxList = new List <CaisisCheckBox>(IMG_FIND_SUBSITES.Length);

            // setup event handlers
            foreach (string bodyPart in IMG_FIND_SUBSITES)
                // Main Checkbox for each body part
                CaisisCheckBox subSiteCheckBox = this.FindControl(bodyPart + "_Check") as CaisisCheckBox;

                CaisisHidden basicSubSiteId   = this.FindControl(bodyPart + "_BasicId") as CaisisHidden;
                string       basicFindSubSite = bodyPart;

                // Populate basic basic image finding by subsite
                this.PopulateDxImagingField += new DxImageFindingEvent(delegate(int diagnosticId)
                    // Check if a basic record is found for subsite and set prikey and check box
                    DataRow basicFind = FindDxBoneRecordBasic(diagnosticId, basicFindSubSite);
                    if (basicFind != null)
                        basicSubSiteId.Value    = basicFind[ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId].ToString();
                        subSiteCheckBox.Checked = true;

                // Update event for basic image finding by subsite, no ImgFindNew,ImgFindSide or ImgFindAP
                DxImageFindingEvent basicSubSiteUpdateEvent = new DxImageFindingEvent(delegate(int diagnosticId)
                    ImageFinding biz = new ImageFinding();
                    if (subSiteCheckBox.Checked)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basicSubSiteId.Value))
                            biz[ImageFinding.DiagnosticId] = diagnosticId;
                        biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindSite]    = ImageTypes[0];
                        biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindSubsite] = basicFindSubSite;
                        // update prikey field
                        basicSubSiteId.Value = biz[ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId].ToString();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basicSubSiteId.Value))
                            // update prikey field
                            basicSubSiteId.Value = string.Empty;
                // When subsite checkbox changed, mark as dirty
                subSiteCheckBox.ValueChanged += GetValueChangeEventHandler(subSiteCheckBox, basicSubSiteUpdateEvent);

                // DETAIL ORIENTED FIELDS

                // iterate through specific subsite fields and set update and populate events
                foreach (string view in IMG_FIND_AP)
                    foreach (string side in IMG_FIND_SIDES)
                        CaisisTextBox bodyPartViewSide   = this.FindControl(view + "_" + bodyPart + "_" + side) as CaisisTextBox;
                        CaisisHidden  bodyPartViewSideId = this.FindControl(view + "_" + bodyPart + "_" + side + "_Id") as CaisisHidden;

                        // Static Values
                        string imgFindAP      = view;
                        string imgFindSide    = side;
                        string imgFindSubsite = bodyPart;

                        // EVENT HANDLER which populates fields
                        DxImageFindingEvent populateEvent = new DxImageFindingEvent(delegate(int diagnosticId)
                            // Populate when not posting back
                            DataRow foundBodyPartViewSide = FindDxBoneRecord(diagnosticId, imgFindAP, imgFindSide, imgFindSubsite);
                            if (bodyPartViewSideId != null && foundBodyPartViewSide != null)
                                // set pri key
                                bodyPartViewSideId.Value = foundBodyPartViewSide[ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId].ToString();
                                // set textbox value
                                bodyPartViewSide.Value = foundBodyPartViewSide[ImageFinding.ImgFindNew].ToString();
                                // check box to indicate record found and has value
                                subSiteCheckBox.Checked = true;

                                // COLLECT MORE ACTIVATED
                                CollectMore.Checked = true;

                        // EVENT HANDLER which updates the DxImageFindings table
                        DxImageFindingEvent updateEvent = new DxImageFindingEvent(delegate(int diagnosticId)
                            // Create new Biz
                            ImageFinding biz = new ImageFinding();
                            // load record if exists
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyPartViewSideId.Value))
                                int priKey = int.Parse(bodyPartViewSideId.Value);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyPartViewSide.Value))
                                // otherwise, do not save empty ImgFindNew, remove record
                                // set par key field
                                biz[ImageFinding.DiagnosticId] = diagnosticId;
                            // set ImgFindNew from text field
                            biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindNew] = bodyPartViewSide.Value;
                            // Get static values from dictionary
                            biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindSite]    = ImageTypes[0];
                            biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindAP]      = imgFindAP;
                            biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindSide]    = imgFindSide;
                            biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindSubsite] = imgFindSubsite;
                            // save/update record
                            // update prikeyfield
                            bodyPartViewSideId.Value = biz[ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId].ToString();

                            // Since we're creating a specific subsite find location, we need to remove generic subsite find record
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basicSubSiteId.Value))
                                ImageFinding basicFinding = new ImageFinding();
                                // update basic finding field
                                basicSubSiteId.Value = string.Empty;

                        // Attach event for tracking dirty fields
                        bodyPartViewSide.ValueChanged += GetValueChangeEventHandler(bodyPartViewSide, updateEvent);;
                        // Attach events for populating fields
                        this.PopulateDxImagingField += new DxImageFindingEvent(populateEvent);

            // EVENTS for Total Lesions compared to BASELINE SCAN

            //// Create populating event which will set hidden field and radio button value if an image finding found
            //DxImageFindingEvent totalNewLesionsUpdate = new DxImageFindingEvent(delegate(int diagnosticId)
            //       {
            //           DataRow found = FindDxBoneRecord(diagnosticId);
            //           if (found != null)
            //           {
            //               DxTotalNumNewTumors.Value = found[ImageFinding.ImgFindNew].ToString();
            //               TotalNewLesionsId.Value = found[ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId].ToString();
            //           }
            //       });
            //this.PopulateDxImagingField += new DxImageFindingEvent(totalNewLesionsUpdate);

            //// Create an update event which is used for updating the total number of lesions
            //DxImageFindingEvent basicBareUpdate = new DxImageFindingEvent(delegate(int diagnosticId)
            //    ImageFinding biz = new ImageFinding();
            //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TotalNewLesionsId.Value))
            //    {
            //        biz.Get(int.Parse(TotalNewLesionsId.Value));
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        biz[ImageFinding.DiagnosticId] = diagnosticId;
            //    }
            //    //biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindNew] = DxTotalNumNewTumors.Value;
            //    biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindNotes] = "New total findings compared to BASELINE SCAN.";
            //    biz[ImageFinding.ImgFindSite] = ImageTypes[0];

            //    //            var q =
            //    //from c in checkBoxList
            //    //let v = c.Value
            //    //where c.Checked
            //    //select v;
            //    //string checkedValues = string.Join(",", checkBoxList.Where(c => c.Checked).Select(c => c.Value).ToArray());
            //    biz.Save();
            //// When chnaging total lesion, trigger dirty field
            //DxTotalNumNewTumors.ValueChanged += GetValueChangeEventHandler(DxTotalNumNewTumors, basicBareUpdate);
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts/Updates the Diagnostic record in the specific container, i.e., RepeaterItem, Control, etc...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldsContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="patientId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Diagnostic UpdateDiagnosticsByContainer(Control fieldsContainer, int patientId)
            Control petFields   = fieldsContainer.FindControl("PET_Fields");
            Control ctMRIFields = fieldsContainer.FindControl("CTMRI_Fields");
            Control shareFields = fieldsContainer.FindControl("SHARED_Fields");
            Control mainFields  = ImageType == "PET" ? petFields : ctMRIFields;

            CaisisHidden diagIdField  = fieldsContainer.FindControl("DiagnosticIdField") as CaisisHidden;
            Diagnostic   biz          = new Diagnostic();
            int?         diagnosticId = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagIdField.Value))
                diagnosticId = int.Parse(diagIdField.Value);
            // set main fields
            CICHelper.SetBOValues(shareFields.Controls, biz, patientId);
            CICHelper.SetBOValues(mainFields.Controls, biz, patientId);
            // update key
            diagnosticId      = (int)biz[Diagnostic.DiagnosticId];
            diagIdField.Value = diagnosticId.ToString();

            // special case: updated/insert PET image findings
            if (mainFields == petFields && diagnosticId.HasValue)
                // containers are named by index
                Control boneFields       = petFields.FindControl("PET_Fields_Finding0");
                Control softTissueFields = petFields.FindControl("PET_Fields_Finding1");
                Control lymphNodeFields  = petFields.FindControl("PET_Fields_Finding2");

                // generic insert/update logic
                foreach (Control petFindingContainer in new Control[] { boneFields, softTissueFields, lymphNodeFields })
                    ImageFinding        findingBiz      = new ImageFinding();
                    ICaisisInputControl findingKeyField = FindInputControl(petFindingContainer, ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId);
                    // only continue if fields have values
                    bool fieldsHaveData = (from input in CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(petFindingContainer)
                                           where input != findingKeyField && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Value)
                                           select input).Count() > 0;
                    // update
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(findingKeyField.Value))
                        int dxImageFindingId = int.Parse(findingKeyField.Value);
                    // insert
                    else if (fieldsHaveData)
                        // !important, mark special DxImageFinding status for later retrieval (bone/soft tissue)
                        if (petFindingContainer == boneFields)
                            findingBiz[ImageFinding.ImgFindStatus] = PET_SCAN_LOCATION_BONE;
                        else if (petFindingContainer == softTissueFields)
                            findingBiz[ImageFinding.ImgFindStatus] = PET_SCAN_LOCATION_SOFT_TISSUE;
                        else if (petFindingContainer == lymphNodeFields)
                            findingBiz[ImageFinding.ImgFindStatus] = PET_SCAN_LOCATION_NYMPH_NODE;
                    // if field have no data on new records, ignore, do not insert
                    // set fields and update
                    CICHelper.SetBOValues(petFindingContainer.Controls, findingBiz, diagnosticId.Value);
                    findingKeyField.Value = findingBiz[ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId].ToString();

                // udpate/insert special findings datagrids
                ExtendedGridView hottestGrid = petFields.FindControl("DxGrid1") as ExtendedGridView;
                ExtendedGridView newGrid     = petFields.FindControl("DxGrid2") as ExtendedGridView;
                if (hottestGrid != null && newGrid != null)
                    string type = Request.Form["NewLesionsGroup_Type"];
                    // update grids
                    foreach (ExtendedGridView grid in new ExtendedGridView[] { hottestGrid, newGrid })
                        // special fix, set ImgFindGroupNum
                        foreach (GridViewRow row in grid.Rows)
                            int groupNum          = row.RowIndex + 1;
                            var imgFindGroupField = FindInputControl(row, ImageFinding.ImgFindGroupNum);
                            imgFindGroupField.Value = groupNum.ToString();
                        if ((grid == hottestGrid && type == "Hottest") || (grid == newGrid && type == "New"))
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates each cell of the matrix with relevent DxImaging record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void PopulateImagingCell(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item)
                // get coordinates of data entry cell
                int colIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
                int rowIndex = (e.Item.NamingContainer.NamingContainer as RepeaterItem).ItemIndex;

                // determine which set of DxImageFinding fields to display
                Control petFields   = e.Item.FindControl("PET_Fields");
                Control ctMRIFields = e.Item.FindControl("CTMRI_Fields");
                Control dataEntryFields;
                if (ImageType == "PET")
                    dataEntryFields     = petFields;
                    petFields.Visible   = true;
                    ctMRIFields.Visible = false;
                    dataEntryFields     = ctMRIFields;
                    petFields.Visible   = false;
                    ctMRIFields.Visible = true;

                // determine if cell maps to existing record
                List <ICaisisInputControl> iCICList = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(dataEntryFields); //PageUtil.GetCaisisInputControlsInContainer(e.Item);
                string       diagnosticId           = DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, ImageFinding.DiagnosticId).ToString();
                string       imgFindGroupNum        = DataBinder.Eval((e.Item.NamingContainer.NamingContainer as RepeaterItem).DataItem, ImageFinding.ImgFindGroupNum).ToString();
                CaisisHidden imageFindingId         = e.Item.FindControl("ImageFindingId") as CaisisHidden;
                CaisisHidden diagnosticIdField      = DiagnosticsHeaderRptr.Items[colIndex].FindControl("DiagnosticIdField") as CaisisHidden;
                CaisisHidden imgFindGroupNumField   = e.Item.FindControl("ImgFindGroupNum") as CaisisHidden;
                imgFindGroupNumField.Value = imgFindGroupNum;

                PlaceHolder ctMRIHeader                  = e.Item.FindControl("CTMRI_TimelineHeader") as PlaceHolder;
                TextBox     mainDataEntryFieldLabel      = e.Item.FindControl("MainDataEntryFieldLabel") as TextBox;
                TextBox     secondaryDataEntryFieldLabel = e.Item.FindControl("SecondaryDataEntryFieldLabel") as TextBox;
                // set special header: sd/ld
                bool hasSpecialHeader = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecondaryDataEntryField);
                ctMRIHeader.Visible = hasSpecialHeader;
                secondaryDataEntryFieldLabel.Visible = hasSpecialHeader;

                string    searchForImage = Diagnostic.DiagnosticId + " = " + diagnosticId + " AND " + ImageFinding.ImgFindGroupNum + " = " + imgFindGroupNum;
                DataRow[] foundRecords   = DxImagingRows.Table.Select(searchForImage);
                // if a record is found, set imaging id for update
                if (foundRecords.Length > 0)
                    DataRow foundRecord = foundRecords[0];
                    // set pri key fields for tracking updates
                    imageFindingId.Value = foundRecord[ImageFinding.DxImageFindingId].ToString();
                    // set displayable field value
                    string mainDataEntryFieldValue = foundRecord[MainDataEntryField].ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainDataEntryFieldValue))
                        mainDataEntryFieldLabel.Text = mainDataEntryFieldValue;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecondaryDataEntryField) && secondaryDataEntryFieldLabel != null)
                        string secondaryDataEntryFieldValue = foundRecord[SecondaryDataEntryField].ToString();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(secondaryDataEntryFieldValue))
                            secondaryDataEntryFieldLabel.Text = secondaryDataEntryFieldValue;
                    // set data entry fields from db record
                    foreach (ICaisisInputControl iCIC in iCICList)
                        iCIC.Value = foundRecord[iCIC.Field].ToString();
                // if no record found for dximagefinding, new record, and default fields to groupnum defaults
                    DxImagingRows.RowFilter = ImageFinding.ImgFindGroupNum + " = " + imgFindGroupNum;
                    if (DxImagingRows.Count > 0)
                        List <string> defaultFields = new List <string>(new string[] { ImageFinding.ImgFindTarget, ImageFinding.ImgFindSite, ImageFinding.ImgFindSubsite });
                        foreach (ICaisisInputControl iCIC in iCICList)
                            // only default values for these fields
                            if (defaultFields.Contains(iCIC.Field))
                                iCIC.Value = DxImagingRows[0][iCIC.Field].ToString();
                foreach (ICaisisInputControl iCIC in iCICList)
                    if (iCIC.Field == MainDataEntryField)
                        iCIC.CssClass = "MainDataEntryField";
                    else if (iCIC.Field == SecondaryDataEntryField)
                        iCIC.CssClass = "SecondaryDataEntryField";
コード例 #19
ファイル: AdminReview.aspx.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void BindStudyItems(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs schemaItemArg)
            RepeaterItem schemaItemRow = schemaItemArg.Item;

            if (schemaItemRow.ItemType == ListItemType.Header || schemaItemRow.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || schemaItemRow.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                // Locate child PreStudy and OnStudy Repeaters
                Repeater     preStudyItems     = schemaItemRow.FindControl(PRE_STUDY_RPTR_ID) as Repeater;
                Repeater     onStudyItems      = schemaItemRow.FindControl(ON_STUDY_RPTR_ID) as Repeater;
                CaisisHidden schemaItemIdField = schemaItemRow.FindControl("SchemaItemIdField") as CaisisHidden;

                // Set Schema-Item Field
                if (schemaItemIdField != null)
                    schemaItemIdField.Value = DataBinder.Eval(schemaItemRow.DataItem, SchemaItem.SchemaItemId).ToString();

                // When SchemaItem is binding, bind child PreStudy and OnStudy Repeaters
                // These columns will be the assciation between a SchemaItem (row) and Timeline (col)
                schemaItemRow.DataBinding += new EventHandler(delegate(object schemaItemRptr, EventArgs schemaItemArgs)
                    preStudyItems.DataSource = PreStudyTimeline;

                    onStudyItems.DataSource = OnStudyTimeline;

                // CLOSURES

                // A method which returns and RepeaterItemEventHandler used for handling the creation
                // of each column/checkbox, containing logic for updating/populating the ItemTimeline table
                ProtocolRptrCreator GetCreator = new ProtocolRptrCreator(delegate(Repeater mirrorRptr)
                    // Create a new instance of the OnItemCreate Handler
                    RepeaterItemEventHandler creationHandler = new RepeaterItemEventHandler(delegate(object o, RepeaterItemEventArgs timelineItemEventArg)
                        if (timelineItemEventArg.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || timelineItemEventArg.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                            // Repeater item repsents a ItemTimline columns in current SchemaItem row
                            RepeaterItem itemTimelineCol = timelineItemEventArg.Item;
                            // This Timeline data entry layer will contain the foreign TimelineId record
                            // During inserts and update of ItemTime records, foreign key will come from this
                            RepeaterItem timelineDataEntryCol = mirrorRptr.Items[itemTimelineCol.ItemIndex];

                            // Current Timeline Index
                            int colIndex = timelineDataEntryCol.ItemIndex;
                            // Current SchemaItem
                            int rowIndex = schemaItemRow.ItemIndex;

                            bool isRowColumnDirty = false;

                            PlaceHolder colCheckBoxHolder = itemTimelineCol.FindControl("CheckBoxHolder") as PlaceHolder;

                            // Create anonmous EventHandler to determine checkbox state when binding to data
                            itemTimelineCol.DataBinding += new EventHandler(delegate(object oo, EventArgs ee)
                                string timelineId   = DataBinder.Eval(itemTimelineCol.DataItem, Timeline.TimelineId).ToString();
                                string schemaItemId = schemaItemIdField.Value;

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaItemId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(timelineId))
                                    // If ItemTimeline records are found based, check check-box
                                    DataRow[] foundRecords = FindItemTimelineRecords(schemaItemId, timelineId);
                                    if (foundRecords.Length > 0)
                                        // checkbox chcked
                                        Image img    = new Image();
                                        img.ID       = "ColCheckBox";
                                        img.ImageUrl = "Images/Review_Check.PNG";

                                        //colCheckBox.Checked = false;
                                    //colCheckBox.Checked = false;

                // During ItemCreation of TimelineItems
                if (schemaItemRow.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || schemaItemRow.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                    // Attach Handlers
                    preStudyItems.ItemCreated += GetCreator(PreStudyItemsLayerRptr);
                    onStudyItems.ItemCreated  += GetCreator(OnStudyItemsLayerRptr);