コード例 #1
        public static void SaveGraphData(String outputFolder, Graph graph, int numDimensions)
            // extract the interesting information
            GraphHelper gh = new GraphHelper(graph, numDimensions);

            // get the graph of the input data

            // get the graph nodes/vertices
            List <float[]> graphVertices = gh.GetNodePositions();
            // get the from to edges
            List <float[]> edges = gh.GetEdges(graphVertices);

            CSVIO.Save <float>(outputFolder + "/graph_nodes.csv", graphVertices);
            CSVIO.Save <float>(outputFolder + "/edge.csv", edges);

            // Get any separate objects

            // get the graph nodes that belong to a connected component.
            List <List <GraphNode> > connComps = gh.GetConnectedComponents();
            // get the mapping
            List <int[]> nodeClusterIndex = gh.GetNodeClusterIndex(connComps);

            // get the average position of the nodes in a connected component
            List <float[]> clusterCenters = gh.GetClusterCenters(connComps, nodeClusterIndex);

            CSVIO.Save <float>(outputFolder + "/cluster_centres.csv", clusterCenters);
            CSVIO.Save <int>(outputFolder + "/node_to_cluster_index.csv", nodeClusterIndex);
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 5)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: GNG.exe <datafilepath> <outputfolder> <numepochs> <maxnodes> <numthreads> <metric>");
                Console.WriteLine(@"e.g. GNG.exe c:\data\data.csv c:\data 10 5000 4 1");

            DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting: {0}", dtStart);

            String dataFilePath = args[0];
            String outputFolder = args[1];
            int    numEpochs    = Int32.Parse(args[2]);
            int    maxNodes     = Int32.Parse(args[3]);
            int    numThreads   = Int32.Parse(args[4]);

            // 1 is squared euclidean, 2 is cosine
            int metric = Int32.Parse(args[5]);

            // load the data text file
            List <float[]> samples = CSVIO.Load <float>(dataFilePath);

            int numDimensions = samples[0].Length;

            GNGRunner r = new GNGRunner(numDimensions, maxNodes, numThreads, metric);

            Console.WriteLine("Training: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            // build the graph
            Graph graph = r.Fit(samples, numEpochs);

            Console.WriteLine("Predicting: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            // identify the cluster each sample is nearest to.
            List <int[]> predictions = r.Predict(samples);

            Console.WriteLine("Saving: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            CSVIO.Save <int>(outputFolder + "/predictions.csv", predictions);

            // save the learnt graph
            SaveGraphData(outputFolder, graph, numDimensions);

            DateTime dtFinished = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Finished: {0} Duration: {1}", dtFinished, dtFinished - dtStart);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: rbliu/galaxymorphology
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String fitsPaths = args[0];

            String[] fitsFilePaths = fitsPaths.Split(',');
            for (int i = 0; i < fitsFilePaths.Length; i++)
                fitsFilePaths[i] = fitsFilePaths[i].Trim();

            String positionsFilePath = args[1];
            String outputFilePath    = args[2];
            double threshold         = double.Parse(args[3]);

            List <float[]> positions = CSVIO.Load <float>(positionsFilePath);

            List <int[]> mask = CreateMask(fitsFilePaths, positions, threshold);

            CSVIO.Save <int>(outputFilePath, mask);
コード例 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            String filePath       = args[0];
            String outputFilePath = args[1];
            int    k          = Int32.Parse(args[2]);
            int    distance   = Int32.Parse(args[3]);
            int    numThreads = Int32.Parse(args[4]);

            var samples = CSVIO.Load <float>(filePath);

            Similarity sim = new EuclideanDistance();

            if (distance == 2)
                sim = new PearsonSimilarity();
            if (distance == 3)
                sim = new CosineSimilarity();

            Console.WriteLine("Using distance measure: {0} on {1} samples of dimensionality: {2}",
                              sim, samples.Count, samples[0].Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Beginning Clustering: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            var     clusters = Cluster(samples, sim, numThreads);
            Cluster root     = clusters[0];

            Console.WriteLine("Finished Clustering: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            var classifications = Classify(samples, root, k);

            CSVIO.Save <int>(outputFilePath, classifications);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished: {0}", DateTime.Now);
コード例 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String dataFilePath    = args[0];
            String weightsFilePath = args[1];
            String outputFilePath  = args[2];
            int    metric          = Int32.Parse(args[3]);
            int    numThreads      = Int32.Parse(args[4]);

            Stopwatch w = new Stopwatch();


            List <double[]> samples = CSVIO.Load <double>(dataFilePath);
            List <double[]> weights = CSVIO.Load <double>(weightsFilePath);


            long loadingMS = w.ElapsedMilliseconds;



            DistanceFunctions distFunc = distFunc = new SquareEuclideanDistanceFunction();

            if (metric == 2)
                distFunc = new Cosine();
            if (metric == 3)
                distFunc = new Pearson();

            Console.WriteLine("Using distance function with brute force: {0} and numthreads: {1}", metric, numThreads);

            NNAlgorithm nnMethod = null;

            // if euclidean then can use fast kdtree
            if (metric == 1)
                nnMethod = new KDTreeNN(weights, distFunc);
                nnMethod = new BruteForceNN(weights, distFunc);

            List <int[]> nearestNeighbours = NearestNeighbour.GetNearestNeighbours(samples, nnMethod, numThreads);


            long vqMS = w.ElapsedMilliseconds;


            CSVIO.Save <int>(outputFilePath, nearestNeighbours);

            long savingMS = w.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Loading Time: {0} NN Time: {1} Saving Time: {2}", loadingMS, vqMS, savingMS);