コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// executes an addon with the name or guid provided, in the context specified.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="addonNameOrGuid"></param>
 /// <param name="addonContext"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string executeAddon(string addonNameOrGuid, CPUtilsBaseClass.addonContext addonContext = CPUtilsBaseClass.addonContext.ContextSimple)
     try {
         if (GenericController.isGuid(addonNameOrGuid))
             // -- call by guid
             AddonModel addon = DbBaseModel.create <AddonModel>(core.cpParent, addonNameOrGuid);
             if (addon == null)
                 throw new GenericException("Addon [" + addonNameOrGuid + "] could not be found.");
                 return(core.addon.execute(addon, new CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext {
                     addonType = addonContext,
                     errorContextMessage = "external call to execute addon [" + addonNameOrGuid + "]"
             AddonModel addon = AddonModel.createByUniqueName(core.cpParent, addonNameOrGuid);
             if (addon != null)
                 // -- call by name
                 return(core.addon.execute(addon, new CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext {
                     addonType = addonContext,
                     errorContextMessage = "external call to execute addon [" + addonNameOrGuid + "]"
             else if (addonNameOrGuid.isNumeric())
                 // -- compatibility - call by id
                 return(executeAddon(GenericController.encodeInteger(addonNameOrGuid), addonContext));
                 throw new GenericException("Addon [" + addonNameOrGuid + "] could not be found.");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// convert a single command in the command formats to call the execute
        /// </summary>
        private static string executeSingleCommand(CoreController core, string cmdSrc, CPUtilsBaseClass.addonContext Context)
            try {
                // accumulator gets the result of each cmd, then is passed to the next command to filter
                List <object> cmdCollection           = null;
                Dictionary <string, object> cmdDef    = null;
                Dictionary <string, object> cmdArgDef = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                var json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
                cmdSrc = cmdSrc.Trim(' ');
                string whiteChrs = Environment.NewLine + "\t ";
                bool   trimming;
                    trimming = false;
                    int trimLen = cmdSrc.Length;
                    if (trimLen > 0)
                        string leftChr  = cmdSrc.left(1);
                        string rightChr = cmdSrc.Substring(cmdSrc.Length - 1);
                        if (GenericController.strInstr(1, whiteChrs, leftChr) != 0)
                            cmdSrc   = cmdSrc.Substring(1);
                            trimming = true;
                        if (GenericController.strInstr(1, whiteChrs, rightChr) != 0)
                            cmdSrc   = cmdSrc.left(cmdSrc.Length - 1);
                            trimming = true;
                } while (trimming);
                string CmdAccumulator = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdSrc))
                    Dictionary <string, object> .KeyCollection dictionaryKeys = null;
                    object itemObject  = null;
                    object itemVariant = null;
                    Dictionary <string, object> cmdObject = null;
                    cmdCollection = new List <object>();
                    if ((cmdSrc.left(1) == "{") && (cmdSrc.Substring(cmdSrc.Length - 1) == "}"))
                        // JSON is a single command in the form of an object, like: ( "import" : "test.html" )
                        Dictionary <string, object> cmdDictionary;
                        try {
                            cmdDictionary = json.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(cmdSrc);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            LogController.logError(core, ex);
                        dictionaryKeys = cmdDictionary.Keys;
                        foreach (string KeyWithinLoop in dictionaryKeys)
                            if (cmdDictionary[KeyWithinLoop] != null)
                                cmdObject  = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                itemObject = cmdDictionary[KeyWithinLoop];
                                cmdObject.Add(KeyWithinLoop, itemObject);
                                cmdObject   = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                itemVariant = cmdDictionary[KeyWithinLoop];
                                cmdObject.Add(KeyWithinLoop, itemVariant);
                    else if ((cmdSrc.left(1) == "[") && (cmdSrc.Substring(cmdSrc.Length - 1) == "]"))
                        // JSON is a command list in the form of an array, like: [ "clear" , { "import": "test.html" },{ "open" : "myfile.txt" }]
                        cmdCollection = json.Deserialize <List <object> >(cmdSrc);
                        // a single text command without JSON wrapper, like
                        //   open myfile.html
                        //   open "myfile.html"
                        //   "open" "myfile.html"
                        //   "content box"
                        //   all other posibilities are syntax errors
                        string cmdText = cmdSrc.Trim(' ');
                        string cmdArg  = "";
                        if (cmdText.left(1) == "\"")
                            // cmd is quoted
                            //   "open"
                            //   "Open" file
                            //   "Open" "file"
                            int Pos = GenericController.strInstr(2, cmdText, "\"");
                            if (Pos <= 1)
                                throw new GenericException("Error parsing content command [" + cmdSrc + "], expected a close quote around position " + Pos);
                                if (Pos == cmdText.Length)
                                    // cmd like "open"
                                    cmdArg  = "";
                                    cmdText = cmdText.Substring(1, Pos - 2);
                                else if (cmdText.Substring(Pos, 1) != " ")
                                    // syntax error, must be a space between cmd and argument
                                    throw new GenericException("Error parsing content command [" + cmdSrc + "], expected a space between command and argument around position " + Pos);
                                    cmdArg  = (cmdText.Substring(Pos)).Trim(' ');
                                    cmdText = cmdText.Substring(1, Pos - 2);
                            // no quotes, can be
                            //   open
                            //   open file
                            int Pos = GenericController.strInstr(1, cmdText, " ");
                            if (Pos > 0)
                                cmdArg  = cmdSrc.Substring(Pos);
                                cmdText = (cmdSrc.left(Pos - 1)).Trim(' ');
                        if (cmdArg.left(1) == "\"")
                            // cmdarg is quoted
                            int Pos = GenericController.strInstr(2, cmdArg, "\"");
                            if (Pos <= 1)
                                throw new GenericException("Error parsing JSON command list, expected a quoted command argument, command list [" + cmdSrc + "]");
                                cmdArg = cmdArg.Substring(1, Pos - 2);
                        if ((cmdArg.left(1) == "{") && (cmdArg.Substring(cmdArg.Length - 1) == "}"))
                            // argument is in the form of an object, like: ( "text name": "my text" )
                            object cmdDictionaryOrCollection         = json.Deserialize <object>(cmdArg);
                            string cmdDictionaryOrCollectionTypeName = cmdDictionaryOrCollection.GetType().FullName.ToLowerInvariant();
                            if (cmdDictionaryOrCollectionTypeName.left(37) != "system.collections.generic.dictionary")
                                throw new GenericException("Error parsing JSON command argument list, expected a single command, command list [" + cmdSrc + "]");
                                // create command array of one command
                            cmdDef = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                { cmdText, cmdDictionaryOrCollection }
                            cmdCollection = new List <object> {
                            // command and arguments are strings
                            cmdDef = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                { cmdText, cmdArg }
                            cmdCollection = new List <object> {
                    // execute the commands in the JSON cmdCollection
                    foreach (object cmd in cmdCollection)
                        // repeat for all commands in the collection:
                        // convert each command in the command array to a cmd string, and a cmdArgDef dictionary
                        // each cmdStringOrDictionary is a command. It may be:
                        //   A - "command"
                        //   B - { "command" }
                        //   C - { "command" : "single-default-argument" }
                        //   D - { "command" : { "name" : "The Name"} }
                        //   E - { "command" : { "name" : "The Name" , "secondArgument" : "secondValue" } }
                        string cmdTypeName = cmd.GetType().FullName.ToLowerInvariant();
                        string cmdText     = "";
                        if (cmdTypeName == "system.string")
                            // case A & B, the cmdDef is a string
                            cmdText   = (string)cmd;
                            cmdArgDef = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        else if (cmdTypeName.left(37) == "system.collections.generic.dictionary")
                            // cases C-E, (0).key=cmd, (0).value = argument (might be string or object)
                            cmdDef = (Dictionary <string, object>)cmd;
                            if (cmdDef.Count != 1)
                                // syntax error
                                string cmdDefKey           = cmdDef.Keys.First();
                                string cmdDefValueTypeName = cmdDef[cmdDefKey].GetType().FullName.ToLowerInvariant();
                                // command is the key for these cases
                                cmdText = cmdDefKey;
                                if (cmdDefValueTypeName == "system.string")
                                    // command definition with default argument
                                    cmdArgDef = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                        { "default", cmdDef[cmdDefKey] }
                                else if ((cmdDefValueTypeName == "dictionary") || (cmdDefValueTypeName == "dictionary(of string,object)") || (cmdTypeName.left(37) == "system.collections.generic.dictionary"))
                                    cmdArgDef = (Dictionary <string, object>)cmdDef[cmdDefKey];
                                    // syntax error, bad command
                                    throw new GenericException("Error parsing JSON command list, , command list [" + cmdSrc + "]");
                            // syntax error
                            throw new GenericException("Error parsing JSON command list, , command list [" + cmdSrc + "]");
                        // execute the cmd with cmdArgDef dictionary
                        switch (GenericController.toLCase(cmdText))
                        case "textbox": {
                            // Opens a textbox addon (patch for text box name being "text name" so it requies json)copy content record
                            // arguments
                            //   name: copy content record
                            // default
                            //   name
                            CmdAccumulator = "";
                            string ArgName = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                switch (kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case "name":
                                case "default":
                                    ArgName = (string)kvp.Value;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgName))
                                CmdAccumulator = core.html.getContentCopy(ArgName, "copy content", core.session.user.id, true, core.session.isAuthenticated);

                        case "opencopy": {
                            // Opens a copy content record
                            // arguments
                            //   name: layout record name
                            // default
                            //   name
                            CmdAccumulator = "";
                            string ArgName = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                switch (kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case "name":
                                case "default":
                                    ArgName = (string)kvp.Value;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgName))
                                CmdAccumulator = core.html.getContentCopy(ArgName, "copy content", core.session.user.id, true, core.session.isAuthenticated);

                        case "openlayout": {
                            // Opens a layout record
                            // arguments
                            //   name: layout record name
                            // default
                            //   name
                            CmdAccumulator = "";
                            string ArgName = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                switch (kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case "name":
                                case "default":
                                    ArgName = (string)kvp.Value;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgName))
                                DataTable dt = core.db.executeQuery("select layout from ccLayouts where name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(ArgName));
                                if (dt != null)
                                    CmdAccumulator = GenericController.encodeText(dt.Rows[0]["layout"]);

                        case "open": {
                            // Opens a file in the wwwPath
                            // arguments
                            //   name: filename
                            // default
                            //   name
                            CmdAccumulator = "";
                            string ArgName = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                switch (kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case "name":
                                case "default":
                                    ArgName = (string)kvp.Value;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgName))
                                CmdAccumulator = core.wwwFiles.readFileText(ArgName);

                        case "userproperty":
                        case "user": {
                            CmdAccumulator = "";
                            string ArgName = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                switch (kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case "name":
                                case "default":
                                    ArgName = (string)kvp.Value;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgName))
                                CmdAccumulator = core.userProperty.getText(ArgName, "");

                        case "siteproperty":
                        case "site": {
                            // returns a site property
                            // arguments
                            //   name: the site property name
                            // default argument
                            //   name
                            CmdAccumulator = "";
                            string ArgName = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                switch (kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case "name":
                                case "default": {
                                    ArgName = (string)kvp.Value;

                                default: {
                                    // do nothing
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgName))
                                CmdAccumulator = core.siteProperties.getText(ArgName, "");

                        case "runaddon":
                        case "executeaddon":
                        case "addon": {
                            // execute an add-on
                            string addonName = "";
                            Dictionary <string, string> addonArgDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                if (kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("addon"))
                                    addonName = kvp.Value.ToString();
                                    addonArgDict.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.ToString());
                            addonArgDict.Add("cmdAccumulator", CmdAccumulator);
                            AddonModel addon          = AddonModel.createByUniqueName(core.cpParent, addonName);
                            var        executeContext = new Contensive.BaseClasses.CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext {
                                addonType         = Context,
                                cssContainerClass = "",
                                cssContainerId    = "",
                                hostRecord        = new Contensive.BaseClasses.CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteHostRecordContext {
                                    contentName = "",
                                    fieldName   = "",
                                    recordId    = 0
                                argumentKeyValuePairs = addonArgDict,
                                errorContextMessage   = "calling Addon [" + addonName + "] during content cmd execution"
                            if (addon == null)
                                LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("Add-on [" + addonName + "] could not be found executing command in content [" + cmdSrc + "]"));
                                CmdAccumulator = core.addon.execute(addon, executeContext);


                        default: {
                            // execute an add-on
                            string addonName = cmdText;
                            Dictionary <string, string> addonArgDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cmdArgDef)
                                addonArgDict.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.ToString());
                            addonArgDict.Add("cmdAccumulator", CmdAccumulator);
                            var executeContext = new CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext {
                                addonType         = Context,
                                cssContainerClass = "",
                                cssContainerId    = "",
                                hostRecord        = new CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteHostRecordContext {
                                    contentName = "",
                                    fieldName   = "",
                                    recordId    = 0
                                argumentKeyValuePairs = addonArgDict,
                                errorContextMessage   = "calling Addon [" + addonName + "] during content cmd execution"
                            AddonModel addon = AddonModel.createByUniqueName(core.cpParent, addonName);
                            CmdAccumulator = core.addon.execute(addon, executeContext);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute context commands in the source text
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="core"></param>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 /// <param name="Context"></param>
 /// <param name="deprecated_personalizationPeopleId"></param>
 /// <param name="deprecated_personalizationIsAuthenticated"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string executeContentCommands(CoreController core, string src, CPUtilsBaseClass.addonContext Context)
     try {
         // -- fast exit for content w/o cmds
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src))
         if (src.IndexOf(contentReplaceEscapeStart).Equals(-1))
         if (src.IndexOf(contentReplaceEscapeEnd).Equals(-1))
         int Ptr     = 0;
         var result  = new StringBuilder();
         int ptrLast = 1;
             string Cmd     = "";
             int    posOpen = GenericController.strInstr(ptrLast, src, contentReplaceEscapeStart);
             Ptr = posOpen;
             int posClose = 0;
             if (Ptr == 0)
                 // not found, copy the rest of src to dst
                 //bool badCmd = false;
                 // scan until we have passed all double and single quotes that are before the next
                 bool notFound = true;
                     posClose = GenericController.strInstr(Ptr, src, contentReplaceEscapeEnd);
                     if (posClose == 0)
                         // brace opened but no close, forget the open and exit
                         posOpen  = 0;
                         notFound = false;
                         int    posDq  = Ptr;
                         string escape = null;
                             posDq  = GenericController.strInstr(posDq + 1, src, "\"");
                             escape = "";
                             if (posDq > 0)
                                 escape = src.Substring(posDq - 2, 1);
                         } while (escape == "\\");
                         int posSq = Ptr;
                             posSq  = GenericController.strInstr(posSq + 1, src, "'");
                             escape = "";
                             if (posSq > 0)
                                 escape = src.Substring(posSq - 2, 1);
                         } while (escape == "\\");
                         int posNextQuote = getFirstNonZeroInteger(posSq, posDq);
                         if (posNextQuote == 0)
                             notFound = false;
                             // posSq is before posDq
                             string nextQuoteChr = (posNextQuote == posSq) ? "'" : "\"";
                             if (posNextQuote > posClose)
                                 notFound = false;
                                 // skip forward to the next non-escaped sq
                                     posNextQuote = GenericController.strInstr(posNextQuote + 1, src, nextQuoteChr);
                                     escape       = "";
                                     if (posNextQuote > 0)
                                         escape = src.Substring(posNextQuote - 2, 1);
                                 } while (escape == "\\");
                                 Ptr = posNextQuote + 1;
                 } while (notFound);
             if (posOpen <= 0)
                 // no cmd found, add from the last ptr to the end
                 result.Append(src.Substring(ptrLast - 1));
                 Ptr = -1;
                 // cmd found, process it and add the results to the dst
                 Cmd = src.Substring(posOpen + 1, (posClose - posOpen - 2));
                 // -- when cmd entered through wysiwyg, it is html encoded
                 Cmd = HtmlController.decodeHtml(Cmd);
                 string cmdResult = executeSingleCommand(core, Cmd, Context);
                 result.Append(src.Substring(ptrLast - 1, posOpen - ptrLast) + cmdResult);
                 Ptr = posClose + 2;
             ptrLast = Ptr;
         } while (Ptr > 1);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);