public BusinessReviewCommentDTO(BusinessReviewComment businessReviewComment) { Id = businessReviewComment.Id; Comment = businessReviewComment.Comment; CreatedTime = businessReviewComment.CreatedTime; CreatedBy = new SimpleUserDTO(businessReviewComment.CreatedBy); }
protected override void Seed(MyHobby.Models.MyHobbyContext context) { // This method will be called after migrating to the latest version. // You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method // to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g. // // context.People.AddOrUpdate( // p => p.FullName, // new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" }, // new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" }, // new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" } // ); // DataImporter importer = new DataImporter(); importer.ImportSuburbs(context); Suburb mk = context.Suburbs.SingleOrDefault(s => s.EnglishName == "Mong Kok"); Suburb cwb = context.Suburbs.SingleOrDefault(s => s.EnglishName == "Causeway Bay"); Suburb tst = context.Suburbs.SingleOrDefault(s => s.EnglishName == "Tsim Sha Tsui"); context.HobbyCategories.AddOrUpdate( c => c.Id, new HobbyCategory { Id = 100, Name = "Arts & Craft" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 200, Name = "Career & Business" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 300, Name = "Dance" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 400, Name = "Fashion & Beauty" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 500, Name = "Food & Drink" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 600, Name = "Music" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 700, Name = "Photography" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 800, Name = "Sports" }, new HobbyCategory { Id = 900, Name = "Technology" } ); HobbyCategory sports = context.HobbyCategories.Find(800); HobbyCategory food = context.HobbyCategories.Find(500); Business tennisAcademy = new Business { Name = "HK Tennis Academy", Description = "all about tennis", Suburb = mk, Address = "723 Evergreen Terrace", HobbyCategories = new List <HobbyCategory> { sports } }; Business cakeFactory = new Business { Name = "Cake Factory", Description = "chocolate banana cake", Suburb = cwb, Address = "723 Evergreen Terrace", HobbyCategories = new List <HobbyCategory> { food } }; context.Businesses.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Name, tennisAcademy, cakeFactory ); User anthony = new User { Name = "Anthony", Username = "******", Password = "******", CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; context.Users.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Username, anthony, new User { Name = "mario", Username = "******", Password = "******", CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow } ); BusinessUser staff1 = new BusinessUser { Business = tennisAcademy, User = anthony, Role = UserRole.Admin, Title = "專業教練" }; context.BusinessUsers.AddOrUpdate( bu => new { bu.BusinessId, bu.UserId }, staff1 ); BusinessReview goodCakeReview = new BusinessReview { Title = "老師很用心", Comment = "非常推介,會再來", Rating = 5, CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Business = cakeFactory, CreatedBy = anthony }; BusinessReview badCakeReview = new BusinessReview { Title = "老師無料到", Comment = "不會再來", Rating = 1, CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Business = cakeFactory, CreatedBy = anthony }; context.BusinessReviews.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Title, goodCakeReview, badCakeReview ); BusinessReviewComment cakeReviewComment = new BusinessReviewComment { Comment = "thank you for your feedback", CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow, BusinessReview = badCakeReview, CreatedBy = anthony }; context.BusinessReviewComments.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Id, cakeReviewComment ); Course tennisDummy = new Course { Name = "Tennis for Dummies", Description = "Teach you everything to prepare yourself for wimbledon" }; if (context.Courses.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == tennisDummy.Name) == null) { tennisDummy.Business = tennisAcademy; } context.Courses.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Name, tennisDummy ); LessonTag tennisTag = new LessonTag() { Id = 1, Tag = "Tennis" }; LessonTag cupcakeTag = new LessonTag() { Id = 2, Tag = "cupcake" }; LessonTag cakeTag = new LessonTag() { Id = 3, Tag = "cake" }; context.LessonTags.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Tag, tennisTag, cupcakeTag, cakeTag ); context.Lessons.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Name, new Lesson { Id = 1, Business = tennisAcademy, Suburb = mk, Name = "Cupcakes", Description = "first class in the series", CostNotes = "4 classes, 1hr/class", Instructors = new List <User> { anthony }, Course = tennisDummy, Tags = new List <LessonTag> { cakeTag, cupcakeTag } }, new Lesson { Id = 2, Business = tennisAcademy, Suburb = cwb, Name = "Baking 101", Description = "first class in the series", CostNotes = "4 classes, 1hr/class", Instructors = new List <User> { anthony }, Course = tennisDummy, Tags = new List <LessonTag> { cakeTag } } ); int ii = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Lesson lesson1 = new Lesson { Business = tennisAcademy, Suburb = tst, Name = "Tennis " + ii, Address = "Victoria park, Causewaybay", Description = "first class in the series", Instructors = new List <User> { anthony }, Course = null, Tags = new List <LessonTag> { tennisTag } }; context.Lessons.Add(lesson1); Session s1 = new Session { Lesson = lesson1, Cost = 200, CostNotes = "4 classes, 1hr/class", MaxStudents = 15, StartDate = DateTime.Today, EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddHours(2), Deadline = DateTime.Today }; context.Sessions.Add(s1); Session s2 = new Session { Lesson = lesson1, Cost = 200, CostNotes = "4 classes, 1hr/class", MaxStudents = 15, StartDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1), EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1).AddHours(2), Deadline = DateTime.Today, Registrations = new List <Registration> { new Registration() { Student = anthony, RegistrationDate = DateTime.UtcNow } } }; context.Sessions.Add(s2); ii++; } }