コード例 #1
ファイル: SIFTDetector.cs プロジェクト: genecyber/PredatorCV
 //descriptor parameters
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a SIFTDetector using the specific values
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nOctaves">The number of octaves. Use 4 for default</param>
 /// <param name="nOctaveLayers">The number of octaves layers. Use 3 for default</param>
 /// <param name="firstOctave">Use -1 for default</param>
 /// <param name="threshold">Detector parameter. Use 0.04 / nOctavesLayers / 2.0 as default</param>
 /// <param name="edgeThreshold">Detector parameter. Use 10.0 as default</param>
 /// <param name="angleMode">Angle mode</param>
 /// <param name="magnification">Descriptor parameter. Use 3.0 as default</param>
 /// <param name="isNormalize">Descriptor parameter. Use true as default</param>
 /// <param name="recalculateAngles">Descriptor parameter. Use true as default</param>
 public SIFTDetector(
  int nOctaves, int nOctaveLayers, int firstOctave, AngleMode angleMode,//common parameters
  double threshold, double edgeThreshold,  //detector parameters
  double magnification, bool isNormalize, bool recalculateAngles)
     _ptr = CvSIFTDetectorCreate(nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, firstOctave, angleMode, threshold, edgeThreshold, magnification, isNormalize, recalculateAngles);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: scnerd/DeFunc
 private static double GetMult(AngleMode From)
         From == AngleMode.deg ? Math.PI / 180d :
         From == AngleMode.rad ? 1 :
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine what the given string is and calculate if necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stringTerm"></param>
        /// <returns> Type of double? because if the term could not be a number </returns>
        private static double?ParseTerm(string stringTerm, AngleMode angleMode)
            Double tempNum = 0.0;

            if (Operators.Keys.Contains(stringTerm))
                // Not a value so not added to array but null space is
                // Null space is to maintain indexs between the two Lists (string, double)
            else if (Functions.Keys.Contains(stringTerm.Split('(')[0]))
                // Solve function and place in list
                return(SolveFunction(stringTerm, angleMode));
            else if (Constants.Keys.Contains(stringTerm))
                // Return Math value
            else if (Double.TryParse(stringTerm, out tempNum))
                // Place value in list
                throw new Exception($"Unknown term: '{stringTerm}'");
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a SIFTDetector using the specific values
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nOctaves">The number of octaves. Use 4 for default</param>
 /// <param name="nOctaveLayers">The number of octaves layers. Use 3 for default</param>
 /// <param name="firstOctave">Use -1 for default</param>
 /// <param name="threshold">Detector parameter. Use 0.04 / nOctavesLayers / 2.0 as default</param>
 /// <param name="edgeThreshold">Detector parameter. Use 10.0 as default</param>
 /// <param name="angleMode">Angle mode</param>
 /// <param name="magnification">Descriptor parameter. Use 3.0 as default</param>
 /// <param name="isNormalize">Descriptor parameter. Use true as default</param>
 /// <param name="recalculateAngles">Descriptor parameter. Use true as default</param>
 public SIFTDetector(
     int nOctaves, int nOctaveLayers, int firstOctave, AngleMode angleMode, //common parameters
     double threshold, double edgeThreshold,                                //detector parameters
     double magnification, bool isNormalize, bool recalculateAngles)        //descriptor parameters
     _ptr = CvSIFTDetectorCreate(nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, firstOctave, angleMode, threshold, edgeThreshold, magnification, isNormalize, recalculateAngles);
コード例 #5
        public static AngularUnit BuildFromRadianValue(double value, AngleMode mode, AngleRange range)
            switch (mode)
            case AngleMode.Degree:

                value = UnitConversion.RadianToDegree(value);


            case AngleMode.Grade:

                value = UnitConversion.RadianToGrade(value);


            case AngleMode.Radian:


                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return(Build(value, mode, range));
コード例 #6
 public void SetAngleMode(AngleMode mode)
コード例 #7
 public TweenData_Transform_EulerRotationFixed(Transform inTransform, Vector3 inTarget, Space inSpace, Axis inAxis, AngleMode inMode)
     m_Transform = inTransform;
     m_Target    = inTarget;
     m_Space     = inSpace;
     m_Axis      = inAxis;
     m_Mode      = inMode;
コード例 #8
 public ExpressionParser(string expression, AngleMode angleMode)
     AngleMode     = angleMode;
     Expression    = expression;
     InfixTokens   = Tokenize(expression);
     PostfixTokens = InfixToPostfix(InfixTokens);
     Result        = Calculate(PostfixTokens);
コード例 #9
 public static Vector3 ShortAngle(Vector3 angle, AngleMode mode)
     return(new Vector3(
                ShortAngle(angle.x, mode),
                ShortAngle(angle.y, mode),
                ShortAngle(angle.z, mode)
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// コンストラクタ
        /// </summary>
        public Calculator(AngleMode angleMode)
            var angleFuncTable =
                (angleMode == AngleMode.Radian ? RadianFuncTable
                : (angleMode == AngleMode.Degree ? DegreeFuncTable
                  : EmptyFuncTable));

            this.parser     = CreateParser(angleMode);
            this.constTable = DefaultConstTable;
            this.funcTable  = DefaultFuncTable.Concat(angleFuncTable).ToArray();
コード例 #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Convert to the short angle
    /// Taken from https://github.com/greensock/GreenSock-JS/blob/master/src/uncompressed/plugins/DirectionalRotationPlugin.js
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="angle"></param>
    /// <param name="mode">Degress or Radians</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static float ShortAngle(float angle, AngleMode mode)
        var limit = (mode == AngleMode.Radians) ? Mathf.PI * 2f : 360;
        var a     = angle % limit;

        if (a != a % (limit / 2f))
            a = (a <= 0) ? a + limit : a - limit;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates an object in the drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationAxis">Vector representing the custom axis around
        /// which the rotation will take place.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">States if the angle entered is in degrees or radians.</param>
        public static void Rotate(Entity entity, Point3d basePoint, double rotationAngle,
                                  Vector3d rotationAxis, AngleMode mode)
            if (mode == AngleMode.Degrees)
                rotationAngle = rotationAngle * Math.PI / 180;

            Matrix3d rotateMatrix = Matrix3d.Rotation(rotationAngle, rotationAxis, basePoint);

コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 新規にパーサーを作成します。
        /// </summary>
        private Grammar CreateParser(AngleMode angleMode)
            var sDelim = Scanners.IsWhitespaces().Many_();
            var OPs    = Terms.GetOperatorsInstance(
                "+", "-", "**", "*", "/", "%", "(", ")", ",", "#");

            var lToken = OPs.Lexer | Lexers.LexDecimal() | Lexers.LexWord();
            var lexeme = Lexers.Lexeme(sDelim, lToken).FollowedBy(Parsers.Eof());

            var pNumber = Terms.OnDecimal((from, len, s) => double.Parse(s));
            var pWord   = Terms.OnWord((from, len, s) => s);

            Terms.FromSimpleToken <string, string>((from, len, s) => s);

            var pPlus   = GetOperator(OPs, "+", new Binary((a, b) => (a + b)));
            var pMinus  = GetOperator(OPs, "-", new Binary((a, b) => (a - b)));
            var pMul    = GetOperator(OPs, "*", new Binary((a, b) => (a * b)));
            var pDiv    = GetOperator(OPs, "/", new Binary((a, b) => (a / b)));
            var pMod    = GetOperator(OPs, "%", new Binary((a, b) => (a % b)));
            var pPow    = GetOperator(OPs, "**", new Binary((a, b) => Math.Pow(a, b)));
            var pNone   = GetOperator(OPs, "+", new Unary(n => n));
            var pNeg    = GetOperator(OPs, "-", new Unary(n => - n));
            var opTable = new OperatorTable <double>()
                          .Infixl(pPlus, 10)
                          .Infixl(pMinus, 10)
                          .Infixl(pMul, 20)
                          .Infixl(pDiv, 20)
                          .Infixl(pMod, 20)
                          .Infixr(pPow, 30)
                          .Prefix(pNone, 40)
                          .Prefix(pNeg, 40);

            var pLParen = OPs.GetParser("(");
            var pRParen = OPs.GetParser(")");
            var pComma  = OPs.GetParser(new string[] { ",", "#" });

            var lazyExpr  = new Grammar[1];
            var pLazyExpr = Parsers.Lazy <double>(() => lazyExpr[0]);
            var pArg
                = pLazyExpr.SepEndBy(pComma).Between(pLParen, pRParen)
                  | pLParen.Seq(pRParen).Seq(Parsers.Return(new double[0]));
            var pTerm
                = pLazyExpr.Between(pLParen, pRParen)
                  | pWord.And(pArg.Optional(), new Map <string, double[], double>(CalcFunc))
                  | pNumber;

            var pExpr = Expressions.BuildExpressionParser(pTerm, opTable);

            lazyExpr[0] = pExpr;
            return(Parsers.ParseTokens(lexeme, pExpr.FollowedBy(Parsers.Eof()), "calculator"));
コード例 #14
        public void TestTrigonometricIntegrate(string expression, AngleMode mode, double from, double to, double expected)
            NumberMath.AngleMode = mode;

            ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser();
            IExpression      expr   = parser.Parse(expression, Mocks.CreateVariableMock());

            INumber f = (Number)from;
            INumber t = (Number)to;

            Number result = expr.Integrate("x", f, t) as Number;

            AreEqual(expected, result, 1E-2);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the function named before the "(" using the value/expression between the "(" and ")"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stringTerm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static double SolveFunction(string stringTerm, AngleMode angleMode)
            string[] parts    = stringTerm.Split(new char[] { '(' }, 2);
            string   funcName = parts[0];
            double   value    = Resolve(parts[1].Substring(0, parts[1].Length - 1));

            string[] trigFunctions = new string[] { "sin", "cos", "tan", "asin", "acos", "atan" };
            if (trigFunctions.Contains(funcName))
                value = ConvertToRad(value, angleMode);

コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point into parser. Default Angle mode to Rad.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressionStr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double Resolve(string expressionStr, AngleMode angleMode = AngleMode.Rad)
            if (!Validation.Brackets(expressionStr))
                throw new Exception("Invalid brackets");

            if (expressionStr.Length == 0)
                // There are no terms so default to 0

            string[] expressionAry = Clean(expressionStr);
            return(Calculate(expressionAry.ToList(), angleMode));
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user to input an angle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Message to display in the command line.</param>
        /// <returns>The angle input by the user.</returns>
        public static double GetAngle(string message, ref PromptStatus status, AngleMode mode)
            PromptAngleOptions options = new PromptAngleOptions(System.Environment.NewLine + message);
            Editor             command = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            PromptDoubleResult result = command.GetAngle(options);

            status = result.Status;

            double angle = result.Value;

            if (mode == AngleMode.Degrees)
                angle = angle * 180 / Math.PI;

コード例 #18
        private void InitFormat(IFrame frame)
            MultipleChoiceSetting formattingSystem = frame.GetSetting("Formatting.System") as MultipleChoiceSetting;

            if (formattingSystem != null && formattingSystem.CurrentSelection >= 0)
                displayCoordinateSystem = (DisplayCoordinateSystem)formattingSystem.CurrentSelection;
                displayCoordinateSystem = DisplayCoordinateSystem.local;
            MultipleChoiceSetting formattingZValue = frame.GetSetting("Formatting.Coordinate.ZValue") as MultipleChoiceSetting;

            if (formattingZValue != null && formattingZValue.CurrentSelection >= 0)
                displayZComponent = formattingZValue.CurrentSelection == 0;
                displayZComponent = true;
            alwaysAbsoluteCoordinateSystem = false;
            alwaysZComponent = false;
            displayMode      = (DisplayMode)frame.GetIntSetting("Formatting.Vector.Mode", 0);
            numberFormatInfo = (NumberFormatInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.Clone();
            int decsym = Settings.GlobalSettings.GetIntValue("Formatting.Decimal", 0); // Systemeinstellung | Punkt | Komma

            // wenn 0, dann unverändert
            if (decsym == 1)
                numberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            else if (decsym == 2)
                numberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator = ",";
            numberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalDigits = frame.GetIntSetting("Formatting.Coordinate.Digits", 3);
            componentsDigits = frame.GetIntSetting("Formatting.Coordinate.ComponentsDigits", 3);
            angleMode        = (AngleMode)frame.GetIntSetting("Formatting.Angle.Mode", 0);
            angleDigits      = frame.GetIntSetting("Formatting.Angle.Digits", 3);
            this.Frame       = frame;
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates an object in the drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationAngle">Angle in decimal degrees.</param>
        /// <param name="rotationAxis">X, Y, or Z axis around wich the rotation will take place.</param>
        /// <remarks>This method performs a 2D rotation around the specified axis.</remarks>
        public static void Rotate(Entity entity, Point3d basePoint, double rotationAngle,
                                  Axis rotationAxis, AngleMode mode)
            // Default case is rotation around de Z-axis.
            Vector3d rotateVector = new Vector3d(0, 0, 1);

            switch (rotationAxis)
            case Axis.X:
                rotateVector = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0);

            case Axis.Y:
                rotateVector = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);

            Rotate(entity, basePoint, rotationAngle, rotateVector, mode);
コード例 #20
        private void btnAngleMode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (angleMode)
            case AngleMode.Rad:
                angleMode = AngleMode.Deg;

            case AngleMode.Deg:
                angleMode = AngleMode.Grad;

            case AngleMode.Grad:
                angleMode = AngleMode.Rad;

            btnAngleMode.Text = angleMode.ToString().ToUpper();
コード例 #21
        internal static double ConvertToRad(double value, AngleMode angleMode)
            if (angleMode == AngleMode.Rad)

            if (angleMode == AngleMode.Deg)
                return(value * (Math.PI / 180));

            if (angleMode == AngleMode.Grad)
                return(value * (Math.PI / 200));

            throw new Exception("Unknown angle mode.");
コード例 #22
        public static AngularUnit Build(double value, AngleMode mode, AngleRange range)
            switch (mode)
            case AngleMode.Degree:

                return(new Degree(value, range));

            case AngleMode.Grade:

                return(new Grade(value, range));

            case AngleMode.Radian:

                return(new Radian(value, range));

                throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// The cleaned list of terms are now calculated following the BIDMAS order of precedence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressionList">A list of strings split into there individual operators, functions and operands </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static double Calculate(List <string> expressionList, AngleMode angleMode)
            if (expressionList.Count % 2 == 0)
                // Number of terms must be odd to be valid
                throw new Exception("Invalid expression");

            List <double?> values = new List <double?>();

            // Parse and populate values into list performing any functions (and brackets) along the way
            foreach (string stringTerm in expressionList)
                values.Add(ParseTerm(stringTerm, angleMode));

            // Perform operations in order of array (_IDM__) ignoring AS
            List <string> operatorsToCalculate = Operators.Keys.ToList().GetRange(0, Operators.Count - 2);

            foreach (string operation in operatorsToCalculate)
                while (expressionList.Contains(operation))
                    SolveOperation(operation, ref expressionList, ref values);

            // Perform +, - operations from left to right
            while (expressionList.Contains("+") || expressionList.Contains("-"))
                SolveOperation(expressionList[1], ref expressionList, ref values);

            if (values[0].Value.Equals(Double.NaN)) // || Double.IsInfinity(values[0].Value))
                throw new Exception("Invalid input");

コード例 #24
        public void SetAngleMode(AngleMode mode)
            var angleMode = "";

            switch (mode)
            case AngleMode.Degrees:
                angleMode = "degrees";

            case AngleMode.Radians:
                angleMode = "radians";

                throw new Exception("Invalid AngleMode");
コード例 #25
ファイル: Sphere.cs プロジェクト: microdee/md.stdl
        /// <summary>
        /// Distance between 2 points on the surface of a sphere.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="longlat1">First point in longitude / latitude</param>
        /// <param name="longlat2">Second point in longitude / latitude</param>
        /// <param name="R">Radius of the sphere (default is the radius of Earth in meters)</param>
        /// <param name="anglemode">Angle unit mode of the input</param>
        /// <returns>The distance value</returns>
        public static double DistanceOnSurface(Vector2 longlat1, Vector2 longlat2, double R = 6371e3, AngleMode anglemode = AngleMode.Degrees)
            var lon1 = longlat1.X;
            var lat1 = longlat1.Y;
            var lon2 = longlat2.X;
            var lat2 = longlat2.Y;

            var am = 1.0;

            switch (anglemode)
            case AngleMode.Degrees:
                am = VMath.DegToRad;

            case AngleMode.Cycles:
                am = VMath.CycToRad;

            var φ1 = lat1 * am;
            var φ2 = lat2 * am;
            var Δφ = (lat2 - lat1) * am;
            var Δλ = (lon2 - lon1) * am;

            var a = Math.Sin(Δφ / 2) * Math.Sin(Δφ / 2) +
                    Math.Cos(φ1) * Math.Cos(φ2) *
                    Math.Sin(Δλ / 2) * Math.Sin(Δλ / 2);
            var c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));

            return(R * c);
コード例 #26
 /// <summary>Converts a world position to an angle around the origin.</summary>
 /// <returns>Angle between the point and the grid's "right" axis.</returns>
 /// <param name="worldPoint">Point in world space.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method returns which angle around the grid a given point in world space has.
 public float World2Angle(Vector3 worldPoint, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     return(WorldToPolar(worldPoint)[idx[1]] * (mode == AngleMode.radians ? 1.0f : Mathf.Rad2Deg));
コード例 #27
 /// <summary>Converts an angle around the origin to a rotation.</summary>
 /// <returns>Rotation quaternion which rotates around the origin by <paramref name="angle"/>.</returns>
 /// <param name="angle">Angle in either radians or degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method returns a quaternion which represents a rotation within the
 /// grid. The result is a combination of the grid's own rotation and the
 /// rotation from the angle. Since we use an angle, this method is more
 /// suitable for polar coordinates than grid coordinates. See <see
 /// cref="Sector2Rotation"/> for a similar method that uses sectors.
 public Quaternion Angle2Rotation(float angle, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     return(Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle * (mode == AngleMode.radians ? Mathf.Rad2Deg : 1.0f), locUnits[idx[2]] * (gridPlane == GridPlane.XY ? 1.0f : -1.0f)) * _Transform.rotation);
コード例 #28
 /// <summary>Converts a sector to the corresponding angle coordinate (radians or degree).</summary>
 /// <returns>Angle value of the sector.</returns>
 /// <param name="sector">Sector number.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method takes in a sector coordinate and returns the corresponding
 /// angle around the origin. If the sector exceeds the amount of sectors of
 /// the grid it wraps around, negative sectors are automatically subtracted
 /// from the maximum.
 /// <example>Let's take a grid with six sectors for example, then one
 /// sector has an angle of 360° / 6 = 60°, so a 2.25 sector corresponds to
 /// an angle of 2.25 * 60° = 135°.</example>
 public float Sector2Angle(float sector, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     sector = Float2Sector(sector);
     return(sector * angle * (mode == AngleMode.degrees ? Mathf.Rad2Deg : 1.0f));
コード例 #29
 /// <summary>Converts an angle (radians or degree) to the corresponding sector coordinate.</summary>
 /// <returns>Sector value of the angle.</returns>
 /// <param name="angle">Angle in either radians or degress.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method takes in an angle and returns in which sector the angle
 /// lies. If the angle exceeds 2π or 360° it wraps around, nagetive angles
 /// are automatically subtracted from 2π or 360°.
 /// <example>Let's take a grid with six sectors for example, then one
 /// sector has an angle of 360° / 6 = 60°, so a 135° angle corresponds to a
 /// sector value of 130° / 60° = 2.25.</example>
 public float Angle2Sector(float angle, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     angle = Float2Rad(angle * (mode == AngleMode.degrees ? Mathf.Deg2Rad : 1.0f));
     return(angle / this.angle * (mode == AngleMode.degrees ? Mathf.Rad2Deg : 1.0f));
コード例 #30
 /// <summary>Converts an angle (radians or degree) to the corresponding sector coordinate.</summary>
 /// <returns>Sector value of the angle.</returns>
 /// <param name="angle">Angle in either radians or degress.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method takes in an angle and returns in which sector the angle
 /// lies. If the angle exceeds 2π or 360° it wraps around, nagetive angles
 /// are automatically subtracted from 2π or 360°.
 /// <example>Let's take a grid with six sectors for example, then one
 /// sector has an angle of 360° / 6 = 60°, so a 135° angle corresponds to a
 /// sector value of 130° / 60° = 2.25.</example>
 public float Angle2Sector(float angle, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     angle = Float2Rad(angle * (mode == AngleMode.degrees ? Mathf.Deg2Rad : 1.0f));
     return angle / this.angle * (mode == AngleMode.degrees ? Mathf.Rad2Deg : 1.0f);
コード例 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates an object in the drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationAxis">Vector representing the custom axis around 
        /// which the rotation will take place.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">States if the angle entered is in degrees or radians.</param>
        public static void Rotate(Entity entity, Point3d basePoint, double rotationAngle,
            Vector3d rotationAxis, AngleMode mode)
            if (mode == AngleMode.Degrees)
                rotationAngle = rotationAngle * Math.PI / 180;

            Matrix3d rotateMatrix = Matrix3d.Rotation(rotationAngle, rotationAxis, basePoint);

コード例 #32
 /// <summary>Converts a sector to the corresponding angle coordinate (radians or degree).</summary>
 /// <returns>Angle value of the sector.</returns>
 /// <param name="sector">Sector number.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method takes in a sector coordinate and returns the corresponding
 /// angle around the origin. If the sector exceeds the amount of sectors of
 /// the grid it wraps around, negative sectors are automatically subtracted
 /// from the maximum.
 /// <example>Let's take a grid with six sectors for example, then one
 /// sector has an angle of 360° / 6 = 60°, so a 2.25 sector corresponds to
 /// an angle of 2.25 * 60° = 135°.</example>
 public float Sector2Angle(float sector, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     sector = Float2Sector(sector);
     return sector * angle * (mode == AngleMode.degrees ? Mathf.Rad2Deg : 1.0f);
コード例 #33
        private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Text              = "Calculator";
            lblMain           = CreateLabel("0", ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, mainLabelFont);
            lblMemory         = CreateLabel("M", ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, mainLabelFont);
            lblTemp           = CreateLabel("", ContentAlignment.BottomRight, tempLabelFont);
            lblMemory.Visible = false;

            MyPanel            mainPanel     = new MyPanel(DockStyle.Fill, new Padding(4), Color.Transparent);
            MyTableLayoutPanel mainContainer = new MyTableLayoutPanel(7, 10, DockStyle.Fill, Color.White);

            mainContainer.SetRowDimension(SizeType.Percent, 20, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13);
            mainContainer.SetColumnDimension(SizeType.Percent, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
            mainContainer.SetGradientBackground(calcColor2, calcColor1, 90f);
            MyTableLayoutPanel displayPanel = new MyTableLayoutPanel(2, 2, DockStyle.Fill, new Padding(10), Color.Transparent);

            displayPanel.SetBorderAndGradientBackground(new Pen(calcBorderColor, 2), calcColor1, calcColor2, 90f);
            displayPanel.SetRowDimension(SizeType.Percent, 30, 70);
            displayPanel.SetColumnDimension(SizeType.Percent, 10, 90);

            displayPanel.Controls.Add(lblTemp, 1, 0);
            displayPanel.Controls.Add(lblMain, 1, 1);
            displayPanel.Controls.Add(lblMemory, 0, 0);
            displayPanel.SetRowSpan(lblMemory, 2);

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(displayPanel, 0, 0);
            mainContainer.SetColumnSpan(displayPanel, 10);

            MyTableLayoutPanel degRadGradPanel = new MyTableLayoutPanel(1, 3, DockStyle.Fill, new Padding(3));

            degRadGradPanel.SetColumnDimension(SizeType.Percent, 36, 36, 27);
            degRadGradPanel.SetBorder(new Pen(calcBorderColor, 2));

            RadioButton degButton  = CreateRadioButton("Degrees");
            RadioButton radButton  = CreateRadioButton("Radians", true);
            RadioButton gradButton = CreateRadioButton("Gradians");

            degButton.Click  += (s, args) => angleMode = AngleMode.Degree;
            radButton.Click  += (s, args) => angleMode = AngleMode.Radian;
            gradButton.Click += (s, args) => angleMode = AngleMode.Gradient;

            degRadGradPanel.Controls.Add(degButton, 0, 0);
            degRadGradPanel.Controls.Add(radButton, 1, 0);
            degRadGradPanel.Controls.Add(gradButton, 2, 0);

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(degRadGradPanel, 0, 1);
            mainContainer.SetColumnSpan(degRadGradPanel, 5);

            Button btnMc = CreateButton("MC");
            Button btnMr = CreateButton("MR");
            Button btnMs = CreateButton("MS");
            Button btnMp = CreateButton("M+");
            Button btnMm = CreateButton("M-");

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMc, 5, 1);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMr, 6, 1);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMs, 7, 1);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMp, 8, 1);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMm, 9, 1);

            MyPanel emptyPanel = new MyPanel(DockStyle.Fill, Padding.Empty, Color.Transparent);

            emptyPanel.SetBorder(new Pen(calcBorderColor, 1));

            Button btnE         = CreateButton("e");
            Button btnLn        = CreateButton("ln");
            Button btnRnd       = CreateButton("Rnd");
            Button btnEToX      = CreateButton("eⁿ");
            Button btnBksp      = CreateButton("←");
            Button btnCE        = CreateButton("CE");
            Button btnC         = CreateButton("C");
            Button btnPlusMinus = CreateButton("±");
            Button btnSqrt      = CreateButton("√");

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(emptyPanel, 0, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnE, 1, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnLn, 2, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnRnd, 3, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnEToX, 4, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnBksp, 5, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnCE, 6, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnC, 7, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnPlusMinus, 8, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnSqrt, 9, 2);

            Button btnInt     = CreateButton("Int");
            Button btnSinh    = CreateButton("sinh");
            Button btnSin     = CreateButton("sin");
            Button btnXsquare = CreateButton("x²");
            Button btnFact    = CreateButton("n!");
            Button btn7       = CreateButton("7");
            Button btn8       = CreateButton("8");
            Button btn9       = CreateButton("9");
            Button btnDiv     = CreateButton("/");
            Button btnPercent = CreateButton("%");

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnInt, 0, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnSinh, 1, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnSin, 2, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnXsquare, 3, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnFact, 4, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn7, 5, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn8, 6, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn9, 7, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnDiv, 8, 3);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnPercent, 9, 3);

            Button btnDms     = CreateButton("dms");
            Button btnCosh    = CreateButton("cosh");
            Button btnCos     = CreateButton("cos");
            Button btnXPowerN = CreateButton("xⁿ");
            Button btnYRootX  = CreateButton("ⁿ√x");
            Button btn4       = CreateButton("4");
            Button btn5       = CreateButton("5");
            Button btn6       = CreateButton("6");
            Button btnMult    = CreateButton("*");
            Button btn1ByX    = CreateButton("1/x");

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnDms, 0, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnCosh, 1, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnCos, 2, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnXPowerN, 3, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnYRootX, 4, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn4, 5, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn5, 6, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn6, 7, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMult, 8, 4);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn1ByX, 9, 4);

            Button btnPi         = CreateButton("Pi");
            Button btnTanh       = CreateButton("tanh");
            Button btnTan        = CreateButton("tan");
            Button btnXCube      = CreateButton("x³");
            Button btnThirdRootX = CreateButton("³√x");
            Button btn1          = CreateButton("1");
            Button btn2          = CreateButton("2");
            Button btn3          = CreateButton("3");
            Button btnMinus      = CreateButton("-");
            Button btnEquals     = CreateButton("=");

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnPi, 0, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnTanh, 1, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnTan, 2, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnXCube, 3, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnThirdRootX, 4, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn1, 5, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn2, 6, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn3, 7, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMinus, 8, 5);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnEquals, 9, 5);
            mainContainer.SetRowSpan(btnEquals, 2);

            CheckBox btnFE    = CreateCheckBox("F-E");
            Button   btnExp   = CreateButton("Exp");
            Button   btnMod   = CreateButton("Mod");
            Button   btnLog   = CreateButton("log");
            Button   btn10ToX = CreateButton("10ⁿ");
            Button   btn0     = CreateButton("0");
            Button   btnDot   = CreateButton(".");
            Button   btnPlus  = CreateButton("+");

            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnFE, 0, 6);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnExp, 1, 6);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnMod, 2, 6);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnLog, 3, 6);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn10ToX, 4, 6);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btn0, 5, 6);
            mainContainer.SetColumnSpan(btn0, 2);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnDot, 7, 6);
            mainContainer.Controls.Add(btnPlus, 8, 6);


            btnBksp.Click += (s, args) => {
                if (lblMain.Text.Length == 1)
                    lblMain.Text = "0";
                    lblMain.Text = lblMain.Text.Substring(0, lblMain.Text.Length - 1);
            btnCE.Click += (s, args) => {
                lblMain.Text = "0";
                if (isLastUnary)
                    lblTemp.Text = unaryTemp;
                unaryTemp = "";
                unaryExp  = "";

            btnC.Click += (s, args) => {
                currentFunction = Function.None;
                lblMain.Text    = "0";
                lblTemp.Text    = "";
                unaryExp        = "";
                unaryTemp       = "";
            btnEquals.Click += (s, args) => {
                current = Convert.ToDouble(lblMain.Text);
                lblTemp.Text    = "";
                currentFunction = Function.None;
                isOverwrite     = true;
            btnDot.Click += (s, args) => { if (!isDecimal)
                                           isDecimal = true; };

            btnPlusMinus.Click += (s, args) => {
                if (lblMain.Text[0] == '-')
                    lblMain.Text = lblMain.Text.Substring(1);
                    lblMain.Text = '-' + lblMain.Text;
            btnMs.Click += (s, args) => {
                userMemory        = Convert.ToDouble(lblMain.Text);
                lblMemory.Visible = true;
                isOverwrite       = true;
                isMemorySet       = true;
            btnMc.Click += (s, args) => {
                userMemory        = 0;
                lblMemory.Visible = false;
                isMemorySet       = false;
            btnMr.Click += (s, args) => {
                lblMain.Text = userMemory.ToString();
                isOverwrite  = true;
            btnMp.Click += (s, args) => {
                if (isMemorySet)
                    userMemory  += Convert.ToDouble(lblMain.Text);
                    lblMain.Text = userMemory.ToString();
                    isOverwrite  = true;
            btnMm.Click += (s, args) => {
                if (isMemorySet)
                    userMemory  -= Convert.ToDouble(lblMain.Text);
                    lblMain.Text = userMemory.ToString();
                    isOverwrite  = true;

            btnFE.Click += (s, args) => {
                isScientific = btnFE.Checked;
                isOverwrite = true;

            btn1.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("1");
            btn2.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("2");
            btn3.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("3");
            btn4.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("4");
            btn5.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("5");
            btn6.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("6");
            btn7.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("7");
            btn8.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("8");
            btn9.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("9");
            btn0.Click += (s, args) => MainInput("0");

            btnPlus.Click    += (s, args) => FunctionInput(Function.Addition);
            btnMinus.Click   += (s, args) => FunctionInput(Function.Subtraction);
            btnMult.Click    += (s, args) => FunctionInput(Function.Multiplication);
            btnDiv.Click     += (s, args) => FunctionInput(Function.Division);
            btnMod.Click     += (s, args) => FunctionInput(Function.Mod);
            btnXPowerN.Click += (s, args) => FunctionInput(Function.XToY);
            btnYRootX.Click  += (s, args) => FunctionInput(Function.YRootX);

            btn10ToX.Click      += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Power10);
            btnLog.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Log10);
            btnExp.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Exponential);
            btnThirdRootX.Click += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.ThirdRootX);
            btnXCube.Click      += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.XCube);
            btnTanh.Click       += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.TanH);
            btnTan.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Tan);
            btnPi.Click         += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Pi);
            btnCosh.Click       += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.CosH);
            btnCos.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Cos);
            btnSinh.Click       += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.SinH);
            btnSin.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Sin);
            btnDms.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Dms);
            btnFact.Click       += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Factorial);
            btnXsquare.Click    += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.XSquare);
            btnInt.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Int);
            btnLn.Click         += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.LogE);
            btnRnd.Click        += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Random);
            btnEToX.Click       += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.EToX);
            btnE.Click          += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.E);
            btn1ByX.Click       += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.OneByX);
            btnSqrt.Click       += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.SquareRoot);
            btnPercent.Click    += (s, args) => FunctionInputUnary(Function.Percent);
コード例 #34
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: scnerd/DeFunc
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * CALCULATOR CODE

            double ANGLE_MULT = GetMult(Mode);

            Stopwatch parse = new Stopwatch(), solve = new Stopwatch();
            Func<object[], int, int, Vector> Str2V = (o, l, r) =>
                new DenseVector(o.Where((x, i) => l <= i && i <= r).Select(d => D(d)).ToArray());
            Func<object[], int, Vector> Str2D = (o, i) => Str2V(o, i, i);
            //Func<object[], Vector> Str2A = (o) => Str2V(o, 0, o.Length - 1);
            Func<double, Vector> DefineConstant = (d) => new DenseVector(new double[]{d});
            Function[] Funcs = new Function[] {
            new Function(d => Str2V(d,0,1),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(Str2D(d,0)[0] * Math.Cos(Str2D(d,1)[0]), Str2D(d,0)[0] * Math.Sin(Str2D(d,1)[0])),
            ,new Function(d => Str2D(d,0).Add(Str2D(d,1)),
            ,new Function(d => Str2D(d,0).Subtract(Str2D(d,1)),
            ,new Function(d => Str2D(d,0).PointwiseMultiply(Str2D(d,1)),
            ,new Function(d => Str2D(d,0).PointwiseDivide(Str2D(d,1)),
            ,new Function(d => Str2D(d,0),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(d.Select(i => Math.Sin(D(i) * ANGLE_MULT)).ToArray()),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(d.Select(i => Math.Cos(D(i) * ANGLE_MULT)).ToArray()),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(d.Select(i => Math.Tan(D(i) * ANGLE_MULT)).ToArray()),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(d.Select(i => Math.Asin(D(i) * ANGLE_MULT)).ToArray()),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(d.Select(i => Math.Acos(D(i) * ANGLE_MULT)).ToArray()),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(d.Select(i => Math.Atan(D(i) * ANGLE_MULT)).ToArray()),
            ,new Function(d => Vec(d.Select(i => Math.Sqrt(D(i) * ANGLE_MULT)).ToArray()),
            ,new Function(d => { Variable.SetVariable(d[0].ToString(), d[1]); return null;},
                2, 4, "{{{0}}} set to {1}", @"set\((\w+)=(.+)\)")
            ,new Function(d => {Variable.ClearVariables(); return null;},
                0, 4, "Variables Cleared", "clear")
            ,new Function(d => DefineConstant(Math.PI),0,5,"PI","pi")
            ,new Function(d =>
                    Mode = (AngleMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(AngleMode), d[0].ToString(), true);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    return d[0].ToString() + " is an invalid mode. Use one of the following: " + string.Join(",", Enum.GetNames(typeof(AngleMode)));
                ANGLE_MULT = GetMult(Mode);
                return "Mode Set";

            //char[] Alphabet = Enumerable.Range(97, 26).Select<int,char>(i => (char)i).ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("Currently supported functions:");
            foreach (Function f in Funcs)
                Console.WriteLine(f.GetPrintFormat, 'a','b','c');
            Console.WriteLine("Please input a math function of some sort");

            Function.FLAGAssumeStrayString = true;
            Function.RegConstant = new Function(v => double.Parse(v[0].ToString()), 0, int.MaxValue, "{0}", @"((?:\d+\.?\d*?)|(?:\d*\.?\d+))");
            double junkDoub;
            Constant.sIsActuallyConstant = (s) => double.TryParse(s, out junkDoub) ? null : s;

                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                FuncInst Result = Function.Parse(input, Funcs);
                Console.WriteLine("Here's what I think you were saying:");
                Console.WriteLine(Result == null ? "NULL" : Result.ToString());
                if (Result != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Which equals:");
                    var ans = Result.Solve();
                    Console.WriteLine((ans ?? "No response").ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Parse time: {0} ({1} ms)\t\t\tSolve time: {2} ({3} ms)",
                        parse.ElapsedTicks, parse.ElapsedMilliseconds, solve.ElapsedTicks, solve.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Console.WriteLine("Try another one");
            } while (true);

            //Function[] Funcs = new Function[]{
            //    new Function(o => null, 1, 2, "{0};", "(.+);"),
            //    new Function(o => {Console.WriteLine(o[0].ToString());return null;}, 1, 1, "write({0})", @"write\((.+)\)"),
            //    new Function(o => (string)o[0] + (string)o[1], 2, 1, "cat({0},{1})", @"cat\((.+),(.+)\)")
            //FuncInst Result = Function.Parse(Console.ReadLine(), Funcs);
コード例 #35
 /// <summary>Converts an angle around the origin to a rotation.</summary>
 /// <returns>Rotation quaternion which rotates around the origin by <paramref name="angle"/>.</returns>
 /// <param name="angle">Angle in either radians or degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method returns a quaternion which represents a rotation within the
 /// grid. The result is a combination of the grid's own rotation and the
 /// rotation from the angle. Since we use an angle, this method is more
 /// suitable for polar coordinates than grid coordinates. See <see
 /// cref="Sector2Rotation"/> for a similar method that uses sectors.
 public Quaternion Angle2Rotation(float angle, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     return Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle * (mode == AngleMode.radians ? Mathf.Rad2Deg : 1.0f), locUnits[idx[2]] * (gridPlane == GridPlane.XY ? 1.0f : -1.0f)) * _Transform.rotation;
コード例 #36
ファイル: SIFTDetector.cs プロジェクト: genecyber/PredatorCV
 private static extern IntPtr CvSIFTDetectorCreate(
  int nOctaves, int nOctaveLayers, int firstOctave, AngleMode angleMode, //common parameters
  double threshold, double edgeThreshold, //detector parameters
  double magnification, [MarshalAs(CvInvoke.BoolMarshalType)] bool isNormalize, [MarshalAs(CvInvoke.BoolMarshalType)] bool recalculateAngles);
コード例 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Rotates the Transform to another euler orientation over time.
 /// </summary>
 static public Tween RotateTo(this Transform inTransform, Vector3 inTarget, float inTime, Axis inAxis = Axis.XYZ, Space inSpace = Space.World, AngleMode inMode = AngleMode.Shortest)
     return(Tween.Create(new TweenData_Transform_EulerRotationFixed(inTransform, inTarget, inSpace, inAxis, inMode), inTime));
コード例 #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Rotates the Transform to another euler orientation over time.
 /// </summary>
 static public Tween RotateTo(this Transform inTransform, float inTarget, TweenSettings inSettings, Axis inAxis, Space inSpace = Space.World, AngleMode inMode = AngleMode.Shortest)
     return(Tween.Create(new TweenData_Transform_EulerRotationFixed(inTransform, new Vector3(inTarget, inTarget, inTarget), inSpace, inAxis, inMode), inSettings));
コード例 #39
 /// <summary>Converts a world position to an angle around the origin.</summary>
 /// <returns>Angle between the point and the grid's "right" axis.</returns>
 /// <param name="worldPoint">Point in world space.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of the angle, defaults to radians.</param>
 /// This method returns which angle around the grid a given point in world space has.
 public float World2Angle(Vector3 worldPoint, AngleMode mode = AngleMode.radians)
     return WorldToPolar(worldPoint)[idx[1]] * (mode == AngleMode.radians ? 1.0f : Mathf.Rad2Deg);
コード例 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates an object in the drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationAngle">Angle in decimal degrees.</param>
        /// <param name="rotationAxis">X, Y, or Z axis around wich the rotation will take place.</param>
        /// <remarks>This method performs a 2D rotation around the specified axis.</remarks>
        public static void Rotate(Entity entity, Point3d basePoint, double rotationAngle,
            Axis rotationAxis, AngleMode mode)
            // Default case is rotation around de Z-axis.
            Vector3d rotateVector = new Vector3d(0, 0, 1);

            switch (rotationAxis)
                case Axis.X:
                    rotateVector = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0);
                case Axis.Y:
                    rotateVector = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);

            Rotate(entity, basePoint, rotationAngle, rotateVector, mode);