public static string Looks(this List <Anal> anals, bool withFluid = false) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < anals.Count; i++) { Anal anal = anals[i]; if (i == 0) { sb.Append(withFluid ? anal.Look() : anal.LookWithFluid()); } else { sb.Append(withFluid ? anal.Look(false) : anal.LookWithFluid(false)); } if (i == anals.Count - 2) { sb.Append(" and "); } else if (i == anals.Count - 1) { sb.Append("."); } else { sb.Append(", "); } } return($""); }
static Anal count(int at, int from, List <List <int> > graph) { var anal = new Anal(); List <int> to = graph[at].Where(a => a != from).ToList(); if (to.Count == 0) { anal.IsBinary = true; anal.Total = 1; anal.ToFix = 0; } else if (to.Count == 1) { var temp = count(to[0], at, graph); anal.IsBinary = false; anal.ToFix = temp.Total; anal.Total = 1 + temp.Total; } else if (to.Count == 2) { var temp1 = count(to[0], at, graph); var temp2 = count(to[1], at, graph); anal.IsBinary = temp1.IsBinary && temp2.IsBinary; anal.Total = 1 + temp1.Total + temp2.Total; anal.ToFix = temp1.ToFix + temp2.ToFix; } else { var temps = to.Select(t => count(t, at, graph)).ToList(); temps.Sort((t1, t2) => { var d1 = t1.Total - t1.ToFix; var d2 = t2.Total - t2.ToFix; if (d1 < d2) { return(1); } if (d1 == d2) { return(0); } else { return(-1); } }); anal.IsBinary = false; anal.Total = 1 + temps.Aggregate(0, (acum, t) => acum + t.Total); anal.ToFix = temps[0].ToFix + temps[1].ToFix + temps.Skip(2).Aggregate(0, (acum, t) => acum + t.Total); } return(anal); }
private void Analyze() { Dictionary<string, string> xProps = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"Status zgłoszenia", vm._thisProcess.Status }, {"Status obsługi", vm._this.Status } }; if (vm.IsMesRelated) { xProps.Add("MES ID", vm.MesString.MesId); } Anal nAnal = new Anal("Wyświetlenie ProcessPage", xProps); }
public void Digest() { Balls.Digest(p => BallsDigested(p)); Boobs.Digest(p => BoobsDigested(p)); Stomach.Digest(p => StomachDigested(p)); Anal.Digest(p => AnalDigested(p)); if (V****a.ChildTf) { v****a.TransformToChild(p => TfToChild(p)); } else { V****a.Digest(p => VaginaDigested(p)); } void TfToChild(ThePrey thePrey) { PlayerPredEventLog($"{FullName(thePrey)} has shrunk"); pred.VoreChar.V****a.PreyIsRebithed(thePrey); } void VaginaDigested(ThePrey thePrey) { PlayerPredEventLog($"{FullName(thePrey)}"); pred.VoreChar.V****a.PreyIsdigested(thePrey); } void BallsDigested(ThePrey thePrey) { PlayerPredEventLog($"{FullName(thePrey)} has been fully transfomed into cum."); pred.VoreChar.Balls.PreyIsdigested(thePrey); } void BoobsDigested(ThePrey thePrey) { PlayerPredEventLog($"{FullName(thePrey)} is now nothing but milk."); pred.VoreChar.Boobs.PreyIsdigested(thePrey); } void StomachDigested(ThePrey thePrey) { PlayerPredEventLog($"{FullName(thePrey)} has been digested."); pred.VoreChar.Stomach.PreyIsdigested(thePrey); } void AnalDigested(ThePrey thePrey) { PlayerPredEventLog($"{FullName(thePrey)} has been reduced to nothing in your bowels."); pred.VoreChar.Anal.PreyIsdigested(thePrey); } }
public static string LookWithFluid(this Anal anal, bool capital = true) => $"";
public static string Look(this Anal anal, bool capaital = true) => $"";
public static string Defecate(this Anal anal) { float sum = anal.Fluid.DisCharge(); return($"{sum}"); }
public static float GrowCost(this Anal anals) => Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Min(2000, 30 * Mathf.Pow(1.05f, anals.BaseSize)));
private async void btnScanQr_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnScanQr.IsEnabled = false; Anal nAnal = new Anal("Próba logowania QR"); scanPage = new ZXingScannerPage(); scanPage.OnScanResult += (result) => { scanPage.IsScanning = false; Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { Navigation.PopAsync(); PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new LoadingScreen(), true); try { string res = result.Text; if (res.Substring(0, 1) == "[" && res.Substring(res.Length - 1, 1) == "]") { //it's within [] if (res.Substring(1, 3) == "UID") { //it's certainly user's qr code int uid; string pass = ""; try { res = res.Substring(1, res.Length - 2); //trim the brackets var reses = Regex.Split(res, ";"); var uids = Regex.Split(reses[0], "UID="); var passes = Regex.Split(reses[1], "PASS="******"Zalogowano kodem QR"); } else { await DisplayAlert("Błędne dane", "Błędny użytkownik lub hasło!", "OK"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Static.Functions.CreateError(ex, "User QR code could not be parsed", nameof(this.btnScanQr_Clicked), this.GetType().Name); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { await DisplayAlert("Nieokreślony problem", ex.Message, "OK"); Static.Functions.CreateError(ex, "Problem with scanning page", nameof(this.btnScanQr_Clicked), this.GetType().Name); } }); }; await Navigation.PushAsync(scanPage); btnScanQr.IsEnabled = true; }