public ActionResult Index() { AllRoles allRoles = new AllRoles(); allRoles.Roles = (List <Role>) this._unitOfWork.Roles.GetAll(); return(View(allRoles)); }
public static void Postfix(OutroRoutine __instance) { try { if (!IsLocalRolePlayer) { return; } var rolePlayer = AllRoles.Where(x => x.PlayerController.IsLocalPlayer).ToList()[0]; var roleOutro = rolePlayer.RoleOutro; roleOutro.ExecuteOutroMoveNext(rolePlayer); if (!roleOutro.UseRoleOutro) { return; } __instance.field_Public_ABNGEPFHMHP_0.WinText.Text = roleOutro.WinText; __instance.field_Public_ABNGEPFHMHP_0.WinText.Color = roleOutro.WinTextColor; __instance.field_Public_ABNGEPFHMHP_0.BackgroundBar.material.color = roleOutro.BackgroundColor; } catch { } }
/// <summary> 获取某一方全体武将 </summary> /// <param name="flag">要获取的方位 </param> /// <param name="sign">空缺位置是否为null</param> private List <Role> GetRoles(bool flag, bool sign) { var roles = new List <Role>(); var rs = flag ? FirstRoles : AfterRoles; if (!sign) { roles.AddRange(from item in rs.Values where AllRoles.ContainsKey(item) select AllRoles[item]); } else { for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { if (rs.ContainsKey(i)) { var roleid = rs[i]; if (AllRoles.ContainsKey(roleid)) { roles.Add(AllRoles[roleid]); } } else { roles.Add(null); } } } return(roles); }
public void Win() { if (AllRoles.Where(x => x.RoleType == RoleEnum.Jester).Any(x => ((Jester)x).VotedOut)) { return; } /*var lover1 = Player; * var lover2 = OtherLover.Player; * //System.Console.WriteLine("reached révoila"); * lover1.Data.IsImpostor = true; * lover1.Data.IsDead = false; * lover2.Data.IsImpostor = true; * lover2.Data.IsDead = false; * foreach (var player in PlayerControl.AllPlayerControls) * { * if (player.PlayerId == lover1.PlayerId) continue; * if (player.PlayerId == lover2.PlayerId) continue; * player.RemoveInfected(); * player.Die(0); * player.Data.IsDead = true; * player.Data.IsImpostor = false; * }*/ LoveCoupleWins = true; OtherLover.LoveCoupleWins = true; }
/// <summary> 攻击 </summary> /// <param name="roleid">攻击的武将Id</param> /// <param name="flag">是否全体攻击</param> /// <param name="sign">是否增加气力</param> private MovesVo Attack(Int64 roleid, bool flag, bool sign) { if (!AllRoles.ContainsKey(roleid)) { return(null); } var roles = new List <Role>(); var role = AllRoles[roleid]; if (sign) { role.angerCount += 1; } if (flag) { roles = GetRoles(!IsFirst, false); } else { var r = GetRole(); if (r == null) { return(null); } roles.Add(r); } Attack(role, roles, flag); var move = BuildMovesVo(, roles.Select(m => Convert.ToDouble(; RemoveRoleState(); return(move); }
public bool AddNewAccount(UplinkAccount acc) { var entity = _entityManager.GetEntity(acc.AccountHolder); if (entity.TryGetComponent(out MindComponent mindComponent)) { if (!mindComponent.HasMind) { return(false); } if (mindComponent.Mind !.AllRoles.Any(role => !role.Antagonist)) { return(false); } } if (_accounts.Contains(acc)) { return(false); } _accounts.Add(acc); return(true); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ListOfUsers(string roleId) { try { var role = await roleManager.FindByIdAsync(roleId); if (role == null) { ViewBag.Error = $"Role with id {roleId} is not found"; return(View("Error")); } var model = new AllRoles { RoleId = role.Id, RoleName = role.Name }; foreach (var user in userManager.Users.Where(x => x.Enable == true)) { if (await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, role.Name)) { model.FirstName.Add(user.FirstName + " " + user.FatherName + " " + user.LastName); } } return(View(model)); } catch (Exception) { ViewBag.Error = "Something wrong"; return(View("Error")); } }
private void EditConfirmResponseHandler(MsgBxResultMessage obj) { if (obj.Result == eMessageBoxResult.Yes) { //Edit Code SelectedRole.ParentRoleId = SelectedRole.ParentRole.Id; SelectedRole.ParentRole = null; string jsonObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SelectedRole); var httpContent = new StringContent(jsonObj, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = HttpManager.Instance.Post(httpContent, APIPaths.RoleUpdate); ActionResult <OrgRoleDTO> actionResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ActionResult <OrgRoleDTO> >(response); if (actionResult.ReturnCode == eReturnCode.Success) { ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Info, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleSuccess"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleEditSuccess"].ToString()); } else { ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleEditError"].ToString()); } FetchData(); SelectedRole = new OrgRoleDTO(); SelectedRole.ParentRole = AllRoles.Where(r => r.ParentRoleId == 0).FirstOrDefault().Clone() as OrgRoleDTO; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedRole"); } SelectedRole = new OrgRoleDTO(); SelectedRole.ParentRole = AllRoles.Where(r => r.ParentRoleId == 0).FirstOrDefault().Clone() as OrgRoleDTO; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedRole"); Messenger.Default.Unregister <MsgBxResultMessage>(this, DeleteConfirmResponseHandler); }
private void SaveCommandHandler() { AppLogger.Instance.LogBegin(this.GetType().Name, System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name); try { if (!_isEdit) { //Add Code SelectedRole.ParentRoleId = SelectedRole.ParentRole.Id; SelectedRole.ParentRole = null; string jsonObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SelectedRole); var httpContent = new StringContent(jsonObj, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = HttpManager.Instance.Post(httpContent, APIPaths.RoleCreate); ActionResult <OrgRoleDTO> actionResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ActionResult <OrgRoleDTO> >(response); if (actionResult.ReturnCode == eReturnCode.Success) { ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Info, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleSuccess"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleAddSuccess"].ToString()); } else { ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleAddError"].ToString()); } FetchData(); SelectedRole = new OrgRoleDTO(); SelectedRole.ParentRole = AllRoles.Where(r => r.ParentRoleId == 0).FirstOrDefault().Clone() as OrgRoleDTO; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedRole"); } else { if (SelectedRole.Id == SelectedRole.ParentRole.Id) { ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextParentRoleModifiedToSelf"].ToString()); return; } if (!ValidateRoleEdit(SelectedRole.ParentRole)) { ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextParentRoleModifiedToSelf"].ToString()); return; } Messenger.Default.Register <MsgBxResultMessage>(this, EditConfirmResponseHandler); ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Confirmation, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleConfirm"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleEditConfirm"].ToString()); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Instance.Log(eLogType.Error, ex.ToString()); } finally { AppLogger.Instance.LogEnd(this.GetType().Name, System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } }
public static void Postfix(EjectRoutine __instance) { try { var ejectedId = new PlayerData(__instance.field_Public_CNNGMDOPELD_0.LNMDIKCFBAK).PlayerController.PlayerId; var available = AllRoles.Where(x => x.PlayerController.PlayerId == ejectedId); if (available.Count() == 0) { return; } var rolePlayer = available.ToList()[0]; var roleEjected = rolePlayer.RoleEjected; roleEjected.ExecuteEjectMoveNext(rolePlayer); if (!roleEjected.UseRoleEjected) { return; } var field = __instance.field_Public_CNNGMDOPELD_0; field.EOFFAJKKDMI = roleEjected.EjectedText; } catch { } }
/// <summary> 组装出招Vo </summary> /// <param name="roleid"></param> /// <param name="hitids"></param> private MovesVo BuildMovesVo(Int64 roleid, List <double> hitids) { var move = new MovesVo { attackId = roleid, hitIds = hitids, rolesA = ConvertRoleFightVo(GetRoles(true, true)), rolesB = ConvertRoleFightVo(GetRoles(false, true)), times = Round }; if (!FirstRoles.Any()) { move.yinA = 0; } else { var dic = FirstRoles.First(); move.yinA = AllRoles.ContainsKey(dic.Value) ? YinCount[AllRoles[dic.Value].user_id] : 0; } if (!AfterRoles.Any()) { move.yinB = 0; } else { var dic = AfterRoles.First(); move.yinB = AllRoles.ContainsKey(dic.Value) ? YinCount[AllRoles[dic.Value].user_id] : 0; } return(move); }
private string RoleFormat(FrameworkUser_View entity, object val) { if (AllRoles == null) { return(""); } return(AllRoles.Where(x => entity.Roles.Contains(x.ID)).Select(x => x.RoleName).ToList().ToSpratedString()); }
public virtual string CheckAndSetRoles(string roles) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roles)) return string.Join(',', RoleNames.Unregistered, RoleNames.Registered); var rolesNames = roles.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList() .Where(x => AllRoles.ContainsKey(x)); return string.Join(',', rolesNames); }
public IEnumerable <SelectListItem> EditableSelectedRoles() { var list = AllRoles.ToList(); foreach (var item in AllRoles.Where(item => (VisibilityRoles ?? "").Contains(item.Text))) { item.Selected = true; } return(list); }
public RoleCached GetRole(string name) { lock (lockObject) if (_allRoles == null) { Initialize(); } return(AllRoles.TryGetValue(name, out var ret) ? ret : null); }
private void ClearFields(Pwds p) { NewUser.Username = string.Empty; NewUser.Email = string.Empty; NewUser.CanUserChangePassword = false; NewUser.Roles.Clear(); p.Pb1.Password = string.Empty; p.Pb2.Password = string.Empty; AllRolesFiltered.ReplaceWith(AllRoles.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()); }
private void PopulateUserSessionWithIsInRole(IRequest req, IPrincipal user, IAuthSession session) { foreach (var role in AllRoles.Safe()) { if (session.Roles.Contains(role)) { continue; } if (user.IsInRole(role)) { session.Roles.AddIfNotExists(role); } } }
private void DeleteConfirmResponseHandler(MsgBxResultMessage obj) { if (obj.Result == eMessageBoxResult.Yes) { string jsonObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SelectedRole); var httpContent = new StringContent(jsonObj, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = HttpManager.Instance.Post(httpContent, APIPaths.RoleDelete); ActionResult <string> actionResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ActionResult <string> >(response); switch (actionResult.ReturnCode) { case eReturnCode.Success: ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Info, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleSuccess"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleDelSuccess"].ToString()); break; case eReturnCode.Failure: ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleDelError"].ToString()); break; case eReturnCode.EmployeeExists: ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleDelErrorEmployeeExists"].ToString()); break; case eReturnCode.SubOrdinateExists: ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleDelErrorSubOrdinatesExists"].ToString()); break; } //else //{ // ShowMessageBox(eMessageBoxType.Error, Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTitleError"].ToString(), // Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtMsgTextRoleDelError"].ToString()); //} FetchData(); } SelectedRole = new OrgRoleDTO(); SelectedRole.ParentRole = AllRoles.Where(r => r.ParentRoleId == 0).FirstOrDefault().Clone() as OrgRoleDTO; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedRole"); Messenger.Default.Unregister <MsgBxResultMessage>(this, DeleteConfirmResponseHandler); }
public AddNewUserViewModel() : base() { StartCreateNewCommand = new RelayCommand(pswd => CreateNew((Pwds)pswd), x => IsCreationAllowed(x)); AddRoleCommand = new RelayCommand(role => AddRole(role as String), x => IsCreationAllowed(x)); RemoveRoleCommand = new RelayCommand(role => RemoveRole(role as String), x => IsCreationAllowed(x)); AddRolesCommand = new RelayCommand(role => AddRoles(role), x => IsCreationAllowed(x)); RemoveRolesCommand = new RelayCommand(role => RemoveRoles(role), x => IsCreationAllowed(x)); AddMultipleRolesCommand = new RelayCommand(group => AddMultipleRoles(group as string), x => IsCreationAllowed(x)); NewUser = new UserData() { Email = string.Empty }; AllRolesFiltered = new ObservableCollection <string>(AllRoles?.Select(x => x.Name)?.ToList()); NewUser.PropertyChanged += NewUser_PropertyChanged; }
public override void Validate() { base.Validate(); var dupRole = Roles.FirstOrDefault(i => AllRoles.Any(r => r != i && r.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(i.Name))); if (dupRole != null) { throw new DuplicatedException(dupRole.Name); } var dupGroup = Groups.FirstOrDefault(i => AllGroups.Any(r => r != i && r.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(i.Name))); if (dupRole != null) { throw new DuplicatedException(dupRole.Name); } }
//GET /api/auth/getallroles public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllRoles() { AllRoles roles = await _accountsService.GetAllRoles(); if (roles.IsNull) { return(new JsonResult(await Errors .GetGenericErrorResponse( new GetAllRolesResponse() { ListOfAllRoles = null, StatusCode = 400, Error = "Server was unable to get a list of roles", Description = "The server could not get the list of roles.", Code = "server_was_unable_to_a_get_list_of_roles" }))); } return(new JsonResult(Wrappyfier.WrapGetAllRolesResponse(roles._AllRoles))); }
public static void Postfix(IntroRoutine __instance) { try { if (!IsLocalRolePlayer) { return; } var rolePlayer = AllRoles.Where(x => x.PlayerController.IsLocalPlayer).ToList()[0]; var roleIntro = rolePlayer.RoleIntro; roleIntro.ExecuteIntroMoveNext(rolePlayer); if (!roleIntro.UseRoleIntro) { return; } var field = __instance.field_Public_PENEIDJGGAF_0; __instance.isImpostor = roleIntro.IsRoleImpostor; __instance.yourTeam = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.List <PlayerControlClass>(); foreach (var player in roleIntro.TeamPlayers) { __instance.yourTeam.Add(player.PlayerControl); } field.BackgroundBar.material.color = roleIntro.BackgroundColor; field.ImpostorText.Text = roleIntro.RoleDescription; field.ImpostorText.gameObject.SetActive(true); field.Title.Text = roleIntro.RoleName; field.Title.Color = roleIntro.RoleNameColor; } catch { } }
private void CancelCommandHandler() { AppLogger.Instance.LogBegin(this.GetType().Name, System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name); try { _isEdit = false; SelectedRole = new OrgRoleDTO(); SelectedRole.ParentRole = AllRoles.Where(r => r.ParentRoleId == 0).FirstOrDefault().Clone() as OrgRoleDTO; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedRole"); PageTitle = Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["txtAddRole"].ToString(); RaisePropertyChanged("PageTitle"); } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Instance.Log(eLogType.Error, ex.ToString()); } finally { AppLogger.Instance.LogEnd(this.GetType().Name, System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } }
public async Task <AllRoles> GetAllRoles() { AllRoles roles = null; roles = await TryCatch <ArgumentNullException, AllRoles>(async() => { AllRoles allRoles = new AllRoles() { _AllRoles = await Task.FromResult(_roleManager.Roles.Select(x => new GetAllRoles() { Id = x.Id, RoleName = x.Name }).ToList()) }; return(allRoles); }); return(roles ?? new AllRoles()); }
/// <summary> 获取总攻击力给全局AllRoles赋值 </summary> private double GetAattackAndGiveAllRoles(PlayMatrix model) { double attack = 0; var dic = new Dictionary <Int64, Role>(); if (model.r1 != null) { dic.Add(, model.r1); attack += model.r1.attack <= 0 ? 0 : model.r1.attack; } if (model.r2 != null) { dic.Add(, model.r2); attack += model.r2.attack <= 0 ? 0 : model.r2.attack; } if (model.r3 != null) { dic.Add(, model.r3); attack += model.r3.attack <= 0 ? 0 : model.r3.attack; } if (model.r4 != null) { dic.Add(, model.r4); attack += model.r4.attack <= 0 ? 0 : model.r4.attack; } if (model.r5 != null) { dic.Add(, model.r5); attack += model.r5.attack <= 0 ? 0 : model.r5.attack; } foreach (var item in dic) { AllRoles.Add(item.Key, item.Value); AllRolesHp.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } return(attack); }
public void LoadRoles(Guid?specificBusinessUnitId = null) { listView1.Items.Clear(); var rManager = new RoleManager(service); var rootBuId = rManager.GetRootBusinessUnitId(); AllRoles = rManager.GetRoles(); listView1.Items.AddRange(AllRoles .Where(role => role.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("parentrootroleid").Id == role.Id) .Select(role => new ListViewItem { Text = role.GetAttributeValue <string>("name"), SubItems = { role.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("businessunitid").Name, (rootBuId != role.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("businessunitid").Id).ToString() }, ImageIndex = 0, StateImageIndex = 0, Tag = role }).ToArray()); }
public override object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Authenticate request) { var user = authService.Request.GetUser(); var userName = user.GetUserName(); if (!LoginMatchesSession(session, userName)) { authService.RemoveSession(); session = authService.GetSession(); } if (IsAuthorized(user)) { session.IsAuthenticated = true; if (session.UserAuthName == null) { session.UserAuthName = userName; } var aspReq = (HttpRequestBase)authService.Request.OriginalRequest; var loginUser = aspReq.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"].ToNullIfEmpty(); var remoteUser = aspReq.ServerVariables["REMOTE_USER"].ToNullIfEmpty(); var identityName = aspReq.LogonUserIdentity != null ? aspReq.LogonUserIdentity.Name : null; session.DisplayName = loginUser ?? remoteUser ?? identityName; var tokens = new AuthTokens { Provider = Name, UserName = userName, DisplayName = session.DisplayName, Items = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "LOGON_USER", loginUser }, { "REMOTE_USER", remoteUser }, { "LogonUserIdentityName", identityName }, } }; session.ReferrerUrl = GetReferrerUrl(authService, session, request); var response = OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, new Dictionary <string, string>()); if (session.Roles == null) { session.Roles = new List <string>(); } foreach (var role in AllRoles.Safe()) { if (user.IsInRole(role)) { session.Roles.AddIfNotExists(role); } } SaveSession(authService, session, SessionExpiry); if (response != null) { return(response); } return(new AuthenticateResponse { UserName = userName, SessionId = session.Id, DisplayName = session.DisplayName, ReferrerUrl = request.Continue }); } throw HttpError.Unauthorized(ErrorMessages.WindowsAuthFailed); }
public UserRoles() { roles = AllRoles.Where(x => x.Id == RoleId); }
private void AddMultipleRoles(string v) => AllRoles.Where(role => role.DefaultGroup == v) .Select(role => role.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(role => AddRole(role));
public RoleCached GetRole(string name) { return AllRoles.TryGetValue(name, out var ret) ? ret : null; }