コード例 #1
        // 廣告成效頁
        public ActionResult Index(AdsStatisticsSearchModel search, long?siteId, int?index)
            DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime firstDayOfCurrentMonth = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month, 1);
            DateTime endDayOfCurrentMonth   = firstDayOfCurrentMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

            if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                if (index == null)
                    search.StartDate        = search.StartDate != DateTime.MinValue ? search.StartDate : firstDayOfCurrentMonth;
                    search.EndDate          = search.EndDate != DateTime.MinValue ? search.EndDate : endDayOfCurrentMonth;
                    Session["ExportSearch"] = search;
                    AdsStatisticsSearchModel prevSearch = Utility.GetSearchValue <AdsStatisticsSearchModel>();
                    if (prevSearch != null)
                        search = prevSearch;
            else if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                Session["ExportSearch"] = search;

            search.SiteId = search.SiteId ?? siteId;

            if (index == null)
                index = 1;

            int pageSize    = 20;
            int recordCount = 0;
            List <AdsStatisticsViewModel> statisticsData = AdvertisementStatisticsDAO.GetAdsStatisticsData(search, pageSize, (int)index, out recordCount);

            ViewBag.Pagination = new Pagination {
                PageSize = pageSize, PageIndex = (int)index, TotalRecord = recordCount
            ViewBag.AdsPositionMapping = AdvertisementStatisticsDAO.AdsPosition;
            ViewBag.UploadUrl          = WorkV3.Golbal.UpdFileInfo.GetVPathBySiteID((long)search.SiteId, "Advertisement");
            ViewBag.Search             = search;
            ViewBag.StartDate          = firstDayOfCurrentMonth;
            ViewBag.EndDate            = endDayOfCurrentMonth;
            ViewBag.SiteId             = search.SiteId;

コード例 #2
        public FileResult Export(bool?privacy)
            AdsStatisticsSearchModel search = Session["ExportSearch"] as AdsStatisticsSearchModel;

            if (search == null)
                search = new AdsStatisticsSearchModel();

            ViewData["Info"]               = AdvertisementStatisticsDAO.GetAll(search);
            ViewData["Privacy"]            = privacy ?? false;
            ViewData["AdsPositionMapping"] = AdvertisementStatisticsDAO.AdsPosition;

            string html = Utility.GetViewHtml(this, "Export", null);

            string title = $"廣告分析報表-{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmsss")}.xls";

            return(File(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html), "application/vnd.ms-excel", title));
コード例 #3
        public static List <AdsStatisticsViewModel> GetAll(AdsStatisticsSearchModel search)
            int recordCount = 0;

            return(GetAdsStatisticsData(search, int.MaxValue, 1, out recordCount));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得廣告成效資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="search"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="recordCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <AdsStatisticsViewModel> GetAdsStatisticsData(AdsStatisticsSearchModel search, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int recordCount)
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(WebInfo.Conn))
                search.Advertisers = search.Advertisers ?? new List <long>();
                string whereClause    = search.Advertisers.Count > 0? $" WHERE Advertisers_ID IN ({string.Join(", ", search.Advertisers)}) ": "";
                string dateConstraint = "";

                if (search.StartDate != DateTime.MinValue && search.EndDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                    dateConstraint = $" AND (RecordDay BETWEEN '{search.StartDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")}' AND '{search.EndDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")}') AND a.AdsCustomizeID = b.AdsCustomize_ID ";

                string orderDirection = search.IsAsc? " ASC ": " DESC ";
                string order          = "";
                switch (search.OrderType)
                case 1:
                    order = $" ORDER BY ClickCount {orderDirection}, BrowseCount {orderDirection} ";

                case 2:
                    order = $" ORDER BY BrowseCount {orderDirection}, ClickCount {orderDirection} ";

                case 3:
                    order = $" ORDER BY FullPrice {orderDirection}, ClickCount {orderDirection}, BrowseCount {orderDirection} ";

                case 4:
                    order = $" ORDER BY CP {orderDirection}, ClickCount {orderDirection}, BrowseCount {orderDirection} ";

                string filterAdvertiser = search.Advertisers.Count > 0 ? $" AND Advertisers_ID IN ({string.Join(", ", search.Advertisers)}) " : "";
                string sql = $@"select z.MenuID, z.BrowseCount, z.ClickCount, a.ID AdsCustomizeID, c.Title MenuTitle, 
	                                    (case when d.BillingByClick is null then 0 else d.BillingByClick end * z.ClickCount + case when d.BillingByBrowse is null then 0 else d.BillingByBrowse end * z.BrowseCount) FullPrice,
	                                    case when 
			                                 case when d.BillingByClick is null then 0 else d.BillingByClick end + case when d.BillingByBrowse is null 
	                                    then 0 
	                                    else d.BillingByBrowse end > 0 then ROUND(CAST(z.ClickCount AS DECIMAL(20,2)) / CAST((case when d.BillingByClick is null then 0 else d.BillingByClick end + case when d.BillingByBrowse is null then 0 else d.BillingByBrowse end) AS DECIMAL(20,2)), 3) else 0 end CP,
	                                    f.CompanyName, f.ContactPerson, f.ContactPhone, a.*
                                 from (
	                                 select  AdsCustomizeID, MenuID, sum(case when [Event] = 'Browsing' then [Count] else 0 end) BrowseCount, sum(case when [Event] = 'Click' then [Count] else 0 end) ClickCount
		                                 select a.AdsCustomizeID, c.MenuID, a.[Event], count(*) 'Count'
		                                 from AdsStatistics a
		                                 join AdsCustomize b on (a.AdsCustomizeID = b.ID)
		                                 join Pages c on (a.PageID = c.No)
		                                 join (
				                                 select Advertisement_ID, MenuID
				                                 from AdsDisplayAreaSet
				                                 group by Advertisement_ID, MenuID
			                                 ) d on (b.Advertisement_ID = d.Advertisement_ID and c.MenuID = d.MenuID)
		                                 where AdsCustomizeID in (
			                                 select distinct a.AdsCustomizeID 
			                                 from AdsStatistics a
			                                 join AdsCustomize b on (a.AdsCustomizeID = b.ID {filterAdvertiser})
			                                 where RecordDay BETWEEN '{search.StartDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")}' AND '{search.EndDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")}'
		                                 group by a.AdsCustomizeID, c.MenuID, a.[Event]
	                                 ) a
                                 group by AdsCustomizeID, MenuID
                                 ) z
                                 join AdsCustomize a on(z.AdsCustomizeID = a.ID)
                                 JOIN (SELECT Advertisement_ID, MenuID FROM AdsDisplayAreaSet group by Advertisement_ID, MenuID) b ON (a.Advertisement_ID = b.Advertisement_ID and z.MenuID = b.MenuID)
                                 JOIN Menus c on (b.MenuID = c.ID)
                                 join AdsCustomizeAccountSet d on (d.AdsCustomize_ID = a.ID)
                                 LEFT JOIN Advertisers f ON (a.Advertisers_ID = f.ID)
                                 {whereClause} ";

                return(CommonDA.GetPageData <AdsStatisticsViewModel>(sql, pageSize, pageIndex, out recordCount, null, order).ToList());